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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFAISpawnManager_Versus
// The KFAISpawnManager for Versus Survival mode
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2016 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Matt "Squirrlz" Farber
class KFAISpawnManager_Versus extends KFAISpawnManager
within KFGameInfo_VersusSurvival;
/** Player zed spawn groups for this wave */
var protected array<KFAISpawnSquad> PlayerZedSquads;
/** Player zed wave archetypes */
var const array<KFAIWaveInfo> PlayerZedWaves;
/** Time between player zed group spawns, set per-wave */
var array<float> PlayerZedSpawnInterval;
/** How long to wait at the start of a wave before spawning player zeds */
var float FirstWaveStartSpawnWaitTime;
var float LaterWaveStartSpawnWaitTime;
/** When TRUE, special squad for this wave has been spawned */
var bool bSpawnedSpecialSquad;
/** How much of a chance the spawner has of choosing the special squad this spawn cycle */
var float SpecialSquadRandomChance;
/** MAXIMUM number times the special squad can be spawned per wave */
var array<int> MaxPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns;
/** How many times the special squad has been spawned this wave */
var int NumPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns;
/** How much to add to the random chance of spawning the special squad each spawn cycle */
var float AdditionalSpecialSquadChancePerSpawn;
/** Array of zeds reserved for players to spawn as */
var protected array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > ReservedPlayerZeds;
/** The reserved zed queue limit */
var const int ReservedZedQueueLimit;
/** Maximum number of player-controlled Scrakes allowed at once */
var const int MaxActivePlayerScrakes;
/** Maximum number of player-controlled Fleshpounds allowed at once */
var const int MaxActivePlayerFleshpounds;
/** Number of player Scrakes that have been queued up to spawn this cycle */
var protected int NumScrakesThisSpawnCycle;
/** Number of player Fleshpounds that have been queued up to spawn this cycle */
var protected int NumFleshpoundsThisSpawnCycle;
/** TRUE when boss has been spawned in Versus */
var protected bool bBossSpawned;
/** How long to wait between spawn cycles during the boss round */
var protected float BossSpawnPlayerInterval;
/** The interval between spawn attempts when we're down to only one survivor */
var protected float FinalSurvivorBossSpawnPlayerInterval;
/** The largest squad size in this wave */
var protected int LargestSquadSize;
/** TRUE if we are using simulated players */
var bool bUsingAISimulatedPlayers;
/** Number of players we're simulating */
var int AISimulatedPlayerNum;
/** We need to add our reserved zeds to the alive count */
function int GetAIAliveCount()
return super.GetAIAliveCount() + ReservedPlayerZeds.Length;
/** Next wave's basic setup */
function SetupNextWave(byte NextWaveIndex, int TimeToNextWaveBuffer = 0)
local int i, j, SquadZedCount;
local array<KFAISpawnSquad> SquadList;
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
local float SpawnWaitTime;
super.SetupNextWave( NextWaveIndex, TimeToNextWaveBuffer );
// Get the maximum squad size count
LargestSquadSize = 0;
WaveSettings.Waves[NextWaveIndex].GetNewSquadList( SquadList );
for( i = 0; i < AvailableSquads.Length; ++i )
SquadZedCount = 0;
for( j = 0; j < AvailableSquads[i].MonsterList.Length; j++ )
SquadZedCount += AvailableSquads[i].MonsterList[j].Num;
if( SquadZedCount > LargestSquadSize )
LargestSquadSize = SquadZedCount;
// Set up player zed squad list
if( NextWaveIndex < PlayerZedWaves.Length )
PlayerZedWaves[NextWaveIndex].GetNewSquadList( PlayerZedSquads );
// Set initial spawn timer
SpawnWaitTime = NextWaveIndex == 0 ? FirstWaveStartSpawnWaitTime : LaterWaveStartSpawnWaitTime;
SetTimer( SpawnWaitTime, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnPlayerZeds), self );
MyKFGRIV.SetPlayerZedSpawnTime( SpawnWaitTime, false );
// Set our boss pawn spawn timer
SetTimer( 5.f, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnPlayerZeds), self );
// Disable the spawn timer on clients
MyKFGRIV.SetPlayerZedSpawnTime( 255, false );
// Clear out any pending zed spawn info
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation = vect(0,0,0);
// Reset special squad spawn properties
bSpawnedSpecialSquad = false;
SpecialSquadRandomChance = 0.1f;
NumPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns = 0;
/** Find best spawn location and spawn a squad there */
function int SpawnSquad( out array< class<KFPawn_Monster> > AIToSpawn, optional bool bSkipHumanZedSpawning=false )
local int NumSpawned;
NumSpawned = super.SpawnSquad( AIToSpawn, bSkipHumanZedSpawning );
// If an AI boss spawned, we shouldn't allow a player boss to
if( NumSpawned > 0 && DesiredSquadType == EST_Boss )
bBossSpawned = true;
return NumSpawned;
/** Spawns the next squad of players, if possible */
function Timer_SpawnPlayerZeds()
local array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > AISquad;
local KFSpawnVolume KFSV;
local KFAIController KFAIC;
local int ReservedIndex, OtherRandNum, i, j;
local bool bRemoveFromSquad;
local int RandNum;
local array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > NewSquad;
local float SpawnTimer;
// Early out if takeover timer is active or spawning isn't allowed
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self) || !IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed() || CheckForTakeoverTimer() )
// Spawn our boss pawn
if( MyKFGRI.WaveNum == MyKFGRI.WaveMax )
RespawnZedHumanPlayers( none );
MyKFGRIV.SetPlayerZedSpawnTime( 255, true );
// If we have no zed players, spawn in the remaining reserved zeds
if( !HaveZedPlayers() )
// Reset our big zed counts
NumScrakesThisSpawnCycle = 0;
NumFleshpoundsThisSpawnCycle = 0;
// Only do spawning if the wave isn't paused
if( WorldInfo.Game.IsInState('PlayingWave') )
// Repopulate squad list if we don't have any squads available to spawn (or need to spawn our special squad)
// Generate list of classes to spawn and remove squad from possible squad list
RandNum = Rand( PlayerZedSquads.Length );
GetSpawnListFromSquad( RandNum, PlayerZedSquads, NewSquad );
PlayerZedSquads.Remove( RandNum, 1 );
// Fake players using AI
if( bUsingAISimulatedPlayers )
i = AISimulatedPlayerNum;
// Subtract the number of alive simulated AI from the number we want to spawn
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFAIController', KFAIC )
if( KFAIC.bIsSimulatedPlayerController && KFAIC.Pawn != none && KFAIC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Add our reserved zeds first
for( j = 0; j < ReservedPlayerZeds.Length && i > 0; ++j )
AISquad.AddItem( ReservedPlayerZeds[j] );
ReservedPlayerZeds.Remove( j, 1 );
// Build our simulated squad
while( i > 0 && NewSquad.Length > 0 )
OtherRandNum = Rand( NewSquad.Length );
AISquad.AddItem( NewSquad[OtherRandNum] );
NewSquad.Remove( OtherRandNum, 1 );
// If we have simulated players to spawn, do it immediately
if( AISquad.Length > 0 )
// Change squad classes to player zed versions
for( i = 0; i < AISquad.Length; ++i )
// Make sure we're not going over our active Scrake/FP limit
bRemoveFromSquad = false;
if( AISquad[i] == AIClassList[AT_Scrake] )
if( NumScrakesThisSpawnCycle >= MaxActivePlayerScrakes || GetNumActiveZedsOfClass(class'KFPawn_ZedScrake') >= MaxActivePlayerScrakes )
bRemoveFromSquad = true;
else if( AISquad[i] == AIClassList[AT_Fleshpound] )
if( NumFleshpoundsThisSpawnCycle >= MaxActivePlayerFleshpounds || GetNumActiveZedsOfClass(class'KFPawn_ZedFleshpound') >= MaxActivePlayerFleshpounds )
bRemoveFromSquad = true;
if( bRemoveFromSquad )
NewSquad.AddItem( AISquad[i] );
AISquad.Remove( i, 1 );
for( j = 0; j < PlayerZedClasses.Length; ++j )
if( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[j], AISquad[i]) )
// Make sure we're clearing our reserved array
ReservedIndex = ReservedPlayerZeds.Find( AISquad[i] );
if( ReservedIndex != INDEX_NONE )
ReservedPlayerZeds.Remove( ReservedIndex, 1 );
// Assign our player zed class to the AI squad
AISquad[i] = PlayerZedClasses[j];
// Spawn our simulated AI squad
KFSV = GetBestSpawnVolume( AISquad );
KFSV.SpawnWave( AISquad, true, true );
// Add our new simulated AI players to the spawned AI count
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFAIController', KFAIC )
if( KFAIC.bIsSimulatedPlayerController && KFAIC.CreationTime == WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
// Assign zed classes to players
AssignZedsToPlayers( NewSquad );
// Respawn all pending zed players
RespawnZedHumanPlayers( LastAISpawnVolume );
// Set timer for next spawn
SpawnTimer = PlayerZedSpawnInterval[MyKFGRI.WaveNum-1];
SetTimer( SpawnTimer, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnPlayerZeds), self );
MyKFGRIV.SetPlayerZedSpawnTime( SpawnTimer, false );
/** See if we can spawn the special squad yet */
function CheckForSpecialSquadSpawn()
local int WaveArrayNum;
local bool bRequireEndWaveSpecialSquadSpawn;
WaveArrayNum = MyKFGRI.WaveNum-1;
// If we can't spawn any special squads, early out
if( MaxPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns[WaveArrayNum] == 0 || NumPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns >= MaxPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns[WaveArrayNum] )
if( PlayerZedSquads.Length == 0 )
PlayerZedWaves[WaveArrayNum].GetNewSquadList( PlayerZedSquads );
// First, make sure that we've spawned in our special squad if we've reached the middle/end of the wave
bRequireEndWaveSpecialSquadSpawn = (WaveTotalAI - NumAISpawnsQueued <= LargestSquadSize*3);
if( bRequireEndWaveSpecialSquadSpawn || (NumPlayerSpecialSquadSpawns == 0 && NumAISpawnsQueued >= WaveTotalAI * 0.5f) )
GetSpecialSquad( WaveArrayNum );
// Next, deal with the squad array being empty
if( PlayerZedSquads.Length == 0 )
// If we've already spawned our special squad, reset for next cycle but don't add to squads array
if( bSpawnedSpecialSquad )
bSpawnedSpecialSquad = false;
SpecialSquadRandomChance = 0.f;
// We haven't spawned our special squad yet, so do it now
GetSpecialSquad( WaveArrayNum );
// Check against our random number to see if we can spawn a special squad
if( !bSpawnedSpecialSquad )
SpecialSquadRandomChance += AdditionalSpecialSquadChancePerSpawn;
if( fRand() < SpecialSquadRandomChance )
GetSpecialSquad( WaveArrayNum );
// Make sure we still fill the squad array in case there was no special squad
if( PlayerZedSquads.Length == 0 )
PlayerZedWaves[WaveArrayNum].GetNewSquadList( PlayerZedSquads );
/** Clears the squad array and assigns the special squad */
function GetSpecialSquad( int WaveArrayNum )
PlayerZedSquads.Length = 0;
PlayerZedWaves[WaveArrayNum].GetSpecialSquad( PlayerZedSquads );
bSpawnedSpecialSquad = true;
SpecialSquadRandomChance = 0.f;
/** Assign and reserve zed squad members for human players if this is a versus game */
function AssignZedsToPlayers( out array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > NewZeds )
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
// Always refresh the alive count when handing out zed classes
// First, give players that are waiting an immediate spawn
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( KFPCV.GetTeamNum() == 255
&& (KFPCV.Pawn == none || !KFPCV.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell())
&& KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer()
&& KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass == none )
if( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > 0 )
GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPCV, ReservedPlayerZeds,, true );
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass != none )
if( NewZeds.Length == 0 )
GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPCV, NewZeds );
// Now reserve any remaining strong zeds for players
ReserveStrongZedsForPlayers( NewZeds );
/** Gives a dead player a zed class to spawn with */
function GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV, out array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > AvailableZeds, optional bool bSecondPass, optional bool bReservedCheck )
local int i, j;
local int ZedIndex;
local array<int> PassedOnZeds;
local array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > PossibleZeds;
// Clear our spawned zeds array if we've spawned as most of the zed types already
if( KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds.Length >= PlayerZedClasses.Length - 3 )
KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds.Length = 0;
// Iterate through all available zeds and populate array with classes we haven't spawned as yet
for( i = 0; i < AvailableZeds.Length; ++i )
// Make sure we're not spawning more than are allowed to be active
if( AvailableZeds[i] == AIClassList[AT_Scrake] )
if( NumScrakesThisSpawnCycle >= MaxActivePlayerScrakes || GetNumActiveZedsOfClass(class'KFPawn_ZedScrake') >= MaxActivePlayerScrakes )
else if( AvailableZeds[i] == AIClassList[AT_Fleshpound] )
if( NumFleshpoundsThisSpawnCycle >= MaxActivePlayerFleshpounds || GetNumActiveZedsOfClass(class'KFPawn_ZedFleshpound') >= MaxActivePlayerFleshpounds )
for( j = 0; j < PlayerZedClasses.Length; ++j )
// Check our spawnzed zeds array to see if we've spawned as this class yet
if( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[j], AvailableZeds[i]) )
if( j < KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds.Length && KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds[j] )
PassedOnZeds.AddItem( j );
PossibleZeds.AddItem( AvailableZeds[i] );
// Determine if we should check the list again or take over a zed instead
if( PossibleZeds.Length == 0 )
// If this isn't a reserved zed check, either process second pass or find a takeover zed
if( !bReservedCheck )
// See if we need to trim our spawned types array and start fresh
if( !bSecondPass && PassedOnZeds.Length > 1 )
// Remove one of the zed types we passed on
KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds.Remove( PassedOnZeds[Rand(PassedOnZeds.Length)], 1 );
// Do our second pass, with trimming
GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPCV, AvailableZeds, true );
// Try to take over an existing zed if we have no available squad slots
FindTakeoverZed( KFPCV );
// Pick a zed at random
ZedIndex = Rand( PossibleZeds.Length );
for( i = 0; i < PlayerZedClasses.Length; ++i )
if( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[i], PossibleZeds[ZedIndex]) )
if( PossibleZeds[ZedIndex] == AIClassList[AT_Scrake] )
else if( PossibleZeds[ZedIndex] == AIClassList[AT_Fleshpound] )
KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[i];
AvailableZeds.Remove( AvailableZeds.Find(PossibleZeds[ZedIndex]), 1 );
KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds[i] = true;
// Only increment this if we are not taking a reserved zed
// NOTE: The queue counter is already incremented when a reserved zed is taken out of the squad
if( !bReservedCheck )
/** Reserves strong zeds for players */
function ReserveStrongZedsForPlayers( out array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > LeftoverZeds )
local int i;
local class<KFPawn_Monster> LeftoverZedClass;
for( i = 0; i < LeftoverZeds.Length; ++i )
LeftoverZedClass = LeftoverZeds[i];
// Always reserve Scrake or Fleshpound, and always at the front of the queue
if( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[AT_Fleshpound], LeftoverZedClass)
|| ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[AT_Scrake], LeftoverZedClass) )
LeftoverZeds.Remove( i, 1 );
ReservedPlayerZeds.Insert( 0, 1 );
ReservedPlayerZeds[0] = LeftoverZedClass;
/** Pings the spawn volume to get the best location to spawn a player zed */
function vector GetSpawnLocation( class<KFPawn_Monster> MonsterPawnClass, KFSpawnVolume SpawnVolume )
SpawnVolume.SetLastSpawnTime( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds );
return SpawnVolume.FindSpawnLocation( MonsterPawnClass );
/** Attempt to respawn all player zeds */
protected function RespawnZedHumanPlayers( KFSpawnVolume SpawnVolume, optional bool bIsTakeOverSpawn )
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local vector SpawnLocation;
local ESquadType SquadType;
local array<KFPlayerController> CrawlerPlayers, MediumPlayers, LargePlayers, BossPlayers;
local int NumSpawned, NumSquadMembers;
local array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > TempPawnClasses, CrawlerPawnClasses, MediumPawnClasses, LargePawnClasses, BossPawnClasses;
local int i;
local bool bStopSpawning;
// If match is over or trader is open, do nothing
if( !IsWaveActive() )
// Spawn a boss pawn
if( MyKFGRI.WaveNum == MyKFGRI.WaveMax && !bBossSpawned )
// Make sure the zed takeover timer isn't running
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self) )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self );
// Clear reserved list
ReservedPlayerZeds.Length = 0;
// Count how many player zeds we have
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerController', KFPC )
// Clear out any pending zed spawn info
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation = vect(0,0,0);
if( KFPC.CanRestartPlayer() && KFPC.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
BossPlayers.AddItem( KFPC );
KFPC = BossPlayers[Rand(BossPlayers.Length)];
if( KFPC != none )
// Set our boss pawn class
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerBossClassList[Rand(PlayerBossClassList.Length)];
BossPawnClasses[0] = KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass;
// Make sure we get a valid spawn volume to start
if( SpawnVolume == none || SpawnVolume.bNoPlayers )
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( BossPawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( BossPawnClasses,, KFPC );
// Make sure we kill the previous pawn
if( KFPC.Pawn != none )
RestartPlayer( KFPC );
if( KFPC.Pawn != none )
bBossSpawned = true;
SpawnLocation = GetSpawnLocation( class<KFPawn_Monster>(KFPC.Pawn.Class), SpawnVolume );
KFPC.SetLocation( SpawnLocation );
KFPC.Pawn.SetLocation( SpawnLocation );
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation = vect(0,0,0);
// Try to find a different player
RespawnZedHumanPlayers( none );
// Set the player zed spawn timer
SetTimer( BossSpawnPlayerInterval, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnBossPlayerZeds), self );
// Collect squads
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerController', KFPC )
if( KFPC.Pawn != none && KFPC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Separate pending zed players out into squads
if( KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass != none && KFPC.CanRestartPlayer() && KFPC.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
TempPawnClasses[0] = KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass;
SquadType = GetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( TempPawnClasses );
if( SquadType == EST_Crawler )
CrawlerPlayers.AddItem( KFPC );
CrawlerPawnClasses.AddItem( KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass );
else if( SquadType == EST_Small || SquadType == EST_Medium )
MediumPlayers.AddItem( KFPC );
MediumPawnClasses.AddItem( KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass );
LargePlayers.AddItem( KFPC );
LargePawnClasses.AddItem( KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass );
// Early out if we have no players to spawn
if( CrawlerPlayers.Length == 0 && MediumPlayers.Length == 0 && LargePlayers.Length == 0 )
// Refresh our alive count
// Crawlers
if( CrawlerPlayers.Length > 0 )
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( CrawlerPawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( CrawlerPawnClasses,, CrawlerPlayers[0] );
for( i = 0; i < CrawlerPlayers.Length; ++i )
if( !IsWaveActive() )
// Make sure we have enough slots
if( MyKFGRI.WaveNum < MyKFGRI.WaveMax && AIAliveCount + NumSpawned + 1 > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
bStopSpawning = true;
// Only allow 3 spawns per volume
if( NumSquadMembers % 3 == 0 )
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( CrawlerPawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( CrawlerPawnClasses,, CrawlerPlayers[i] );
// Spawn player
if( RestartPlayerZed(CrawlerPlayers[i], SpawnVolume) )
// Count the number of spawns, if we have more than 2 then choose a new spawn volume
// Clear these zeds out of the array in case we need to get another spawn volume
CrawlerPlayers.Remove( i, 1 );
CrawlerPawnClasses.Remove( i, 1 );
// Small-medium zeds
if( !bStopSpawning && MediumPlayers.Length > 0 )
NumSquadMembers = 0;
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( MediumPawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( MediumPawnClasses,, MediumPlayers[0] );
for( i = 0; i < MediumPlayers.Length; ++i )
if( !IsWaveActive() )
// Make sure we have enough slots
if( MyKFGRI.WaveNum < MyKFGRI.WaveMax && AIAliveCount + NumSpawned + 1 > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
bStopSpawning = true;
// Only allow 3 spawns per volume
if( NumSquadMembers % 3 == 0 )
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( MediumPawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( MediumPawnClasses,, MediumPlayers[i] );
// Spawn player
if( RestartPlayerZed(MediumPlayers[i], SpawnVolume) )
// Count the number of spawns, if we have more than 2 then choose a new spawn volume
// Clear these zeds out of the array in case we need to get another spawn volume
MediumPlayers.Remove( i, 1 );
MediumPawnClasses.Remove( i, 1 );
// Large zeds
if( !bStopSpawning && LargePlayers.Length > 0 )
NumSquadMembers = 0;
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( LargePawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( LargePawnClasses,, LargePlayers[0] );
for( i = 0; i < LargePlayers.Length; ++i )
if( !IsWaveActive() )
// Make sure we have enough slots
if( MyKFGRI.WaveNum < MyKFGRI.WaveMax && AIAliveCount + NumSpawned + 1 > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
bStopSpawning = true;
// Only allow 3 spawns per volume
if( NumSquadMembers % 3 == 0 )
SetDesiredSquadTypeForZedList( LargePawnClasses );
SpawnVolume = GetBestSpawnVolume( LargePawnClasses,, LargePlayers[i] );
// Spawn player
if( RestartPlayerZed(LargePlayers[i], SpawnVolume) )
// Count the number of spawns, if we have more than 2 then choose a new spawn volume
// Clear these zeds out of the array in case we need to get another spawn volume
LargePlayers.Remove( i, 1 );
LargePawnClasses.Remove( i, 1 );
// Add spawned to monster alive count
AIAliveCount += NumSpawned;
NumAIFinishedSpawning += NumSpawned;
// If we need to stop spawning, clear all pending zed spawns
if( bStopSpawning )
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerController', KFPC )
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
// Check if our takeover timer should be started
/** Checks the wave status to see if we can start our zed takeover timer */
function bool CheckForTakeoverTimer()
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
local int ZedPlayers;
// Don't allow if this is not a normal wave
if( !IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed() )
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self) )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self );
return false;
// Count up number of active zed players
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( !KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer() )
if( KFPCV.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
// Set a timer to take over zeds right before the last squad
if( WaveTotalAI - NumAISpawnsQueued <= LargestSquadSize+ZedPlayers )
if( !IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self) )
MyKFGRIV.SetPlayerZedSpawnTime( 255, true );
SetTimer( 1.f, true, nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self );
return true;
return false;
/** Searches for AI zeds to take over */
function Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers()
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
local bool bNeedRespawn;
local array<KFPlayerControllerVersus> ZedPlayers;
local int i, LivingPlayerCount, DesiredTakeovers;
// Always refresh the alive count when this timer is active
// Don't allow if this is not a normal wave
if( !IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed() )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self );
// Make sure we're putting in our remaining reserved zeds
// Set to zero
DesiredTakeovers = 0;
bNeedRespawn = false;
// If the survivors are down to 1 person, don't allow more than 3 player zeds at once
LivingPlayerCount = GetLivingPlayerCount();
if( LivingPlayerCount < 3 )
DesiredTakeovers = LivingPlayerCount == 2 ? 4 : 3;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( KFPCV.GetTeamNum() == 255 )
if( KFPCV.Pawn != none && KFPCV.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Early out if we have no available spawns left
if( DesiredTakeovers == 0 )
else if( KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer() )
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass != none )
// We had a pending zed class already, so we'll need at least one respawn
bNeedRespawn = true;
// Make sure we clear out our reserved zeds first
if( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > 0 )
GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPCV, ReservedPlayerZeds,, true );
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass == none )
ZedPlayers.AddItem( KFPCV );
// We had a pending zed class already, so we'll need at least one respawn
bNeedRespawn = true;
// Collect our pending zed players
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( KFPCV.GetTeamNum() != 255 || !KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer() )
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass != none )
// We had a pending zed class already, so we'll need at least one respawn
bNeedRespawn = true;
if( KFPCV.Pawn == none || !KFPCV.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Make sure we clear out our reserved zeds first
if( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > 0 )
GiveAvailableZedClass( KFPCV, ReservedPlayerZeds,, true );
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass == none )
ZedPlayers.AddItem( KFPCV );
// We had a pending zed class already, so we'll need at least one respawn
bNeedRespawn = true;
// Early out if we have no players waiting for spawn
if( ZedPlayers.Length == 0 && !bNeedRespawn )
// Only attempt takeovers if we have players waiting for a spawn
if( ZedPlayers.Length > 0 )
// Remove enough pending zed players to fit within our available spawn slots
if( DesiredTakeovers > 0 )
while( ZedPlayers.Length > DesiredTakeovers )
ZedPlayers.Remove( Rand(ZedPlayers.Length), 1 );
// Attempt to find zeds for takeover
for( i = 0; i < ZedPlayers.Length; ++i )
KFPCV = ZedPlayers[i];
FindTakeoverZed( KFPCV );
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass != none )
bNeedRespawn = true;
// Respawn all pending controllers
if( bNeedRespawn )
RespawnZedHumanPlayers( none );
function bool NeedPlayerSpawnVolume()
return IsTimerActive( nameOf(Timer_CheckForZedTakeovers), self );
/** Spawns in our remaining reserved zeds */
function SpawnRemainingReservedZeds( optional bool bSpawnAllReservedZeds )
local int NumWaitingZedPlayers;
local array<class<KFPawn_Monster> > TempSquad;
// Early out if this is not a normal wave or there are no reserved zeds remaining
if( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length == 0 || !IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed() )
// Make sure this stays clear
ReservedPlayerZeds.Length = 0;
// Refresh our alive count
// Don't spawn in any of our leftover reserved zeds if it would exceed the zed counter
if( AIAliveCount + 1 > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
ReservedPlayerZeds.Length = 0;
// Prune to spawn limits
while( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > 0 && AIAliveCount + ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
ReservedPlayerZeds.Remove( 0, 1 );
// No reserved zeds left!
if( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length == 0 )
// See how many are still waiting to spawn. If we don't have any, spawn them in as AI
NumWaitingZedPlayers = GetNumWaitingZedPlayers();
if( NumWaitingZedPlayers == 0 )
TempSquad = ReservedPlayerZeds;
ReservedPlayerZeds.Length = 0;
while( ReservedPlayerZeds.Length > NumWaitingZedPlayers )
TempSquad.AddItem( ReservedPlayerZeds[0] );
ReservedPlayerZeds.Remove( 0, 1 );
// No need to modify NumAISpawnsQueued as these zeds were already queued
if( TempSquad.Length > 0 )
// Make sure squad doesn't exceed remaining AI
while( TempSquad.Length > 0 && AIAliveCount + ReservedPlayerZeds.Length + TempSquad.Length > MyKFGRI.AIRemaining )
TempSquad.Remove( 0, 1 );
if( TempSquad.Length > 0 )
SpawnSquad( TempSquad, true );
/** Finds an AI zed to take over */
function FindTakeoverZed( KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV )
local KFPawn_Monster KFPM;
local Controller C;
local bool bNextZed;
local class<KFPawn_Monster> AliveClass;
local int i;
// Don't allow if this is not a normal wave
if( !IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed() )
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn_Monster', KFPM )
// Only try to take over zeds that are still valid for play
if( !KFPM.CanTakeOver() )
// Only choose zeds that are not relatively close to players
bNextZed = false;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'Controller', C )
if( !C.bIsPlayer || C.GetTeamNum() == 255 || C.Pawn == none || !C.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Dist >= 8 meters
if( VSizeSQ(C.Pawn.Location - KFPM.Location) < 640000.f )
bNextZed = true;
// Skip if this zed was too close to a player
if( bNextZed )
// Cache off class
AliveClass = KFPM.class;
for( i = 0; i < PlayerZedClasses.Length; ++i )
if( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerZedClasses[i], AliveClass) )
// Deal explosive damage, make them burst apart
KFPM.TakeRadiusDamage( none, 100000, 1000, class'KFDT_Explosive_PlayerZedTakeover', 1, KFPM.Location, true, none );
// Make sure this AI died
if( KFPM == none || KFPM.Health <= 0 || KFPM.bPlayedDeath || KFPM.bPendingDelete || KFPM.bDeleteMe )
KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[i];
KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation = KFPM.Location;
KFPCV.HasSpawnedZeds[i] = true;
// Need to increment AI remaining, because killing the AI subtracted a zed
MyKFGRI.AIRemaining += 1;
NumAIFinishedSpawning -= 1;
/** Spawn players into low-level zeds every set number of seconds */
function Timer_SpawnBossPlayerZeds()
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
local KFPlayerController BestPlayer, SecondBestPlayer;
local int LivingPlayerCount;
local float LongestSpawnTime, TimeSinceSpawn;
local float RandomFloat;
local bool bNeedRespawn;
if( MyKFGRI.bMatchIsOver )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_SpawnBossPlayerZeds), self );
LivingPlayerCount = GetLivingPlayerCount();
// If there is already at least one player zed minion with 1 survivor left, early out
if( LivingPlayerCount == 1 && GetMonsterAliveCount() > 1 )
// Respawn the dead player zeds
BestPlayer = none;
bNeedRespawn = false;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerController', KFPC )
if( KFPC.GetTeamNum() != 255 || !KFPC.CanRestartPlayer() )
// Clear any pending zed class here
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
if( KFPC.Pawn == none || !KFPC.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
// If we're down to just one survivor, only spawn in two player zeds each boss spawn interval
if( LivingPlayerCount == 1 )
// Pick the players that haven't spawned in the longest time
TimeSinceSpawn = `TimeSince(KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.LastSpawnedTime);
if( LongestSpawnTime == 0 || TimeSinceSpawn > LongestSpawnTime )
LongestSpawnTime = TimeSinceSpawn;
// Keep the two players with the longest wait time since last spawn
SecondBestPlayer = BestPlayer;
BestPlayer = KFPC;
bNeedRespawn = true;
RandomFloat = fRand();
if( RandomFloat < 0.33f )
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_Crawler];
else if( RandomFloat < 0.66f )
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_SlasherClot];
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_GoreFast];
bNeedRespawn = true;
// Give our chosen player (if any) a zed class
if( BestPlayer != none )
if( fRand() < 0.5f )
BestPlayer.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_SlasherClot];
BestPlayer.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_GoreFast];
if( SecondBestPlayer != none )
if( fRand() < 0.5f )
SecondBestPlayer.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_SlasherClot];
SecondBestPlayer.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = PlayerZedClasses[AT_GoreFast];
// Respawn all of our player zeds
if( bNeedRespawn )
RespawnZedHumanPlayers( none );
// Use our adjusted spawn time when only one survivor remains
if( LivingPlayerCount == 1 )
SetTimer( FinalSurvivorBossSpawnPlayerInterval, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnBossPlayerZeds), self );
SetTimer( BossSpawnPlayerInterval, false, nameOf(Timer_SpawnBossPlayerZeds), self );
/** Recycles a player's pending zed pawn class back into the spawn rotation */
function RecyclePendingZedPawnClass( KFPlayerController KFPC )
local int i;
// Early out if there is no pending zed pawn class
if( KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass == none )
// Find matching AI zed pawn class
for( i = 0; i < AIClassList.Length; ++i )
if( ClassIsChildOf(KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass, AIClassList[i]) )
ReservedPlayerZeds.AddItem( AIClassList[i] );
/** Spawns a player zed */
function bool RestartPlayerZed( KFPlayerController KFPC, KFSpawnVolume SpawnVolume )
local vector SpawnLocation;
local rotator SpawnRotation;
// No spawning if the trader is open or the match is over
if( !IsWaveActive() )
return false;
RestartPlayer( KFPC );
if( KFPC.Pawn != none )
// Set spawn location
SpawnLocation = ( !IsZero(KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation) )
? KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation
: GetSpawnLocation( class<KFPawn_Monster>(KFPC.Pawn.Class), SpawnVolume );
KFPC.SetLocation( SpawnLocation );
KFPC.Pawn.SetLocation( SpawnLocation );
// Set spawn rotation
SpawnRotation = RotRand( false );
SpawnRotation.Roll = 0;
KFPC.SetRotation( SpawnRotation );
SpawnRotation.Pitch = 0;
KFPC.Pawn.SetRotation( SpawnRotation );
// Init
KFPC.ServerCamera( 'ThirdPerson' );
// Start fading in the camera
KFPC.ClientSetCameraFade( true, MakeColor(255,255,255,255), vect2d(1.f, 0.f), 0.6f, true );
// Clear pending spawn values
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass = none;
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedSpawnLocation = vect(0,0,0);
// Set our last spawned time
KFPC.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.LastSpawnedTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
return true;
return false;
/** General function to indicate whether normal wave player zed spawning is allowed */
protected function bool IsPlayerZedSpawnAllowed()
return !MyKFGRIV.bTraderIsOpen && !MyKFGRIV.bMatchIsOver && !MyKFGRIV.bRoundIsOver && MyKFGRIV.WaveNum < MyKFGRIV.WaveMax;
/** Returns true if there is at least one zed player */
protected function bool HaveZedPlayers()
local int i;
// Iterating through PRIArray should be faster than AllControllers() since it doesn't need to go in and out of native,
// and the PRI list is shorter by default due to AI not being included.
for( i = 0; i < MyKFGRI.PRIArray.Length; ++i )
if( !MyKFGRI.PRIArray[i].bOnlySpectator && MyKFGRI.PRIArray[i].GetTeamNum() == 255 )
return true;
// If we have simulated zed players, allow spawning to continue
return AISimulatedPlayerNum > 0;
return false;
/** Retrieves the number of zed players */
protected function int GetNumWaitingZedPlayers()
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
local int NumWaiting;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( KFPCV.PlayerZedSpawnInfo.PendingZedPawnClass == none
&& KFPCV.GetTeamNum() == 255 && KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer()
&& (KFPCV.Pawn == none || !KFPCV.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell()) )
return NumWaiting;
/** Retrieves the number of active (alive and well) zeds of class ZedClass */
protected function int GetNumActiveZedsOfClass( class<KFPawn_Monster> ZedClass )
local KFPawn_Monster MonsterPawn;
local int NumZeds;
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn_Monster', MonsterPawn )
if( !MonsterPawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
if( ClassIsChildOf(MonsterPawn.class, ZedClass) )
return NumZeds;
/** Determines whether we have any zed players that can play as the boss */
protected function bool CanSpawnPlayerBoss()
local KFPlayerControllerVersus KFPCV;
// If we've already spawned in the boss, we already know that a boss player can spawn
if( bBossSpawned )
return true;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers( class'KFPlayerControllerVersus', KFPCV )
if( KFPCV.GetTeamNum() == 255 && KFPCV.CanRestartPlayer()
&& (KFPCV.Pawn == none || !KFPCV.Pawn.IsAliveAndWell()) )
return true;
return false;
function ResetSpawnManager()
bBossSpawned = false;
ReservedPlayerZeds.Length = 0;
// Slow down the early wave spawning in versus
EarlyWaveSpawnRateModifier(0)=2.10 // 1.65 -> 2.10
// Added to slow stuff down for the late waves in VS kb
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(0)=1.8 // 1 player 1.2 //1.2
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(1)=1.7 // 2 players 1.2 //1.2
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(2)=1.6 // 3 players 1.2 //1.2
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(3)=1.5 // 4 players //1.09 //1.2
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(4)=1.17 // 5 players //0.82 //0.94
LateWavesSpawnTimeModByPlayers(5)=1 // 6 players //0.65 //0.8
// ---------------------------------------------
// Wave settings
// This is the maximum number of times special squads can be spawned in each wave
// This is the fixed amount of time between player zed spawns
PlayerZedSpawnInterval(0)=20.f //40 //25
PlayerZedSpawnInterval(1)=27.f //40 //30
PlayerZedSpawnInterval(2)=30.f //40 //35
PlayerZedSpawnInterval(3)=35.f //40 //40
FirstWaveStartSpawnWaitTime=15.f // 20
LaterWaveStartSpawnWaitTime=10.f //5
// Normal
SoloWaveSpawnRateModifier(0)={(RateModifier[0]=1.5, // Wave 1
RateModifier[1]=1.5, // Wave 2
RateModifier[2]=1.5, // Wave 3
RateModifier[3]=1.5)} // Wave 4
// Hard
SoloWaveSpawnRateModifier(1)={(RateModifier[0]=1.5, // Wave 1
RateModifier[1]=1.5, // Wave 2
RateModifier[2]=1.5, // Wave 3
RateModifier[3]=1.5)} // Wave 4
// Suicidal
SoloWaveSpawnRateModifier(2)={(RateModifier[0]=1.5, // Wave 1
RateModifier[1]=1.5, // Wave 2
RateModifier[2]=1.5, // Wave 3
RateModifier[3]=1.5)} // Wave 4
// Hell On Earth
SoloWaveSpawnRateModifier(3)={(RateModifier[0]=1.0, // Wave 1
RateModifier[1]=1.0, // Wave 2
RateModifier[2]=1.0, // Wave 3
RateModifier[3]=1.0)} // Wave 4
// Reserved queue