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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFAIController_ZedPatriarch
// The Patriarch's AIController
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFAIController_ZedPatriarch extends KFAIController_ZedBoss;
/** Cached reference to patriarch pawn */
var KFPawn_ZedPatriarch MyPatPawn;
* Enemy Handling
/** Whether attack evaluation is enabled or not */
var bool bCanEvaluateAttacks;
/** How long the Patriarch should wait to start sprinting after losing sight of his enemy */
var float LostSightSprintDelay;
/** How long to wait before ticking off aggro damage */
var float AggroFalloffWaitTime;
/** How much damage to tick off of accumulated aggro, per second */
var float AggroFalloffPerSecond;
/** The threshold at which aggro from a visible player becomes critical */
var float VisibleAggroDmgThreshold;
/** The threshold at which aggro from a hidden player becomes critical */
var float HiddenAggroDmgThreshold;
* Struct to track AI knowledge of visible enemies
struct Patriarch_TrackedEnemyInfo
/** Enemy we're tracking */
var KFPawn TrackedEnemy;
/** Last time enemy was visible */
var float LastTimeVisible;
/** Last location enemy was visible */
var vector LastVisibleLocation;
/** The last time we took damage from this enemy */
var float LastTakeDamageTime;
/** Accumulated damage towards this enemy's aggro rating */
var int AggroDamage;
/** List of tracked enemies that have recently been seen */
var array<Patriarch_TrackedEnemyInfo> RecentlySeenEnemyList;
/** List of tracked enemies that are hidden */
var array<Patriarch_TrackedEnemyInfo> HiddenEnemies;
/** List of enemies that have been minigun attacked */
var array<KFPawn> LastMinigunEnemies;
/** Minimum distance for a minigun attack */
var float MinMinigunRangeSQ;
/** Maximum distance for a minigun attack */
var float MaxMinigunRangeSQ;
/** Maximum distance enemies are allowed to be for a fan fire attack */
var float MaxFanFireRangeSQ;
/** List of enemies that have been charge attacked */
var array<KFPawn> LastChargedPlayers;
/** Min distance an enemy can be for a charge */
var float MinChargeRangeSQ;
/** Are we doing a charge attack? */
var bool bDoingChargeAttack;
/** Last time we executed a charge attack */
var float LastChargeAttackTime;
/** If we were charging a player, but were interrupted by an obstruction */
var bool bWantsToCharge;
/** Cached charge target */
var Pawn CachedChargeTarget;
/** List of enemies that have been tentacle grabbed */
var array<KFPawn> LastGrabbedPlayers;
/** Last time we executed a tentacle grab */
var float LastGrabAttackTime;
/** Minimum distance to be able to use a tentacle attack */
var float MinTentacleRangeSQ;
/** List of enemies that have been missile attacked */
var array<KFPawn> LastMissileEnemies;
/** Last time we executed a missile attack */
var float LastMissileAttackTime;
/** Min distance an enemy can be for a missile attack */
var float MinMissileRangeSQ;
/** Max distance an enemy can be for a missile attack */
var float MaxMissileRangeSQ;
/** Last time we executed a mortar attack */
var float LastMortarAttackTime;
/** Last time we successfully hit an enemy with a melee attack */
var float LastSuccessfulAttackTime;
/** Variable used for determining if the Patriarch should pick a minigun or missile attack */
var bool bHadMinigunAttack;
/* How often to update RecentlySeenEnemyList */
var() float RecentSeenEnemyListUpdateInterval;
/* Last time we updated the RecentlySeenEnemyList*/
var float LastRecentSeenEnemyListUpdateTime;
/** Last time we finished a melee attack */
var float LastAttackMoveFinishTime;
/** How long to wait before evaluating special attacks */
var float NextAttackCheckTime;
/** Last time we activated a battle phase sprint */
var float LastSprintTime;
/** Whether we should sprint until we complete a melee attack */
var bool bSprintUntilAttack;
/** The last time we changed to a new target */
var float LastRetargetTime;
/** How long to wait before attempting to find a new target */
var float RetargetWaitTime;
* Paternal Instinct
/** True if we've entered into rage mode */
var bool bRaging;
/** Whether we've raged this phase or not */
var bool bRagedThisPhase;
/** Maximum number of attacks to do before ending rage mode */
var int MaxRageAttacks;
/** Current tally of rage attacks done */
var int RageAttackCount;
/** Maximum distance an enemy can be to be considered for a rage attack */
var float MaxRageRangeSQ;
/** Time before forcing rage mode to end */
var float RageTimeOut;
/** Players that have already been attacked in this rage state */
var array<KFPawn> RageAttackedTargets;
* Flee And Heal
/** The amount of damage to do to bumped humans when fleeing */
var int HumanBumpDamage;
/** How much momentum to apply to humans when bumping them */
var int HumanBumpMomentum;
/** Do we have a pending flee? */
var bool bWantsToFlee;
/** Whether we are currently fleeing or not */
var bool bFleeing;
/** The health threshold at which a flee and heal should be triggered */
var float FleeHealthThreshold;
/** The maximum amount of time that can be spent in the flee state */
var float MaxFleeDuration;
/** The maximum distance allowed to flee before command pops */
var float MaxFleeDistance;
/** The start time of the last flee */
var float FleeStartTime;
/** The total cumulative time spent fleeing */
var float TotalFleeTime;
/** Whether the flee was interrupted by the targeting loop */
var bool bFleeInterrupted;
* Initialization, Pawn Possession, and Destruction
********************************************************************************************* */
/** Set MyPatPawn to avoid casting */
event Possess( Pawn inPawn, bool bVehicleTransition )
if( KFPawn_ZedPatriarch(inPawn) != none )
MyPatPawn = KFPawn_ZedPatriarch( inPawn );
`warn( GetFuncName()$"() attempting to possess "$inPawn$", but it's not a KFPawn_ZedPatriarchBase class! MyPatPawn variable will not be valid." );
// Initialize retarget time
LastRetargetTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// Initialize sprint time
LastSprintTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastSuccessfulAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastGrabAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastMissileAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastMortarAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// Wait a bit before evaluating special attacks
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.5f + fRand();
// Start evaluating on next tick
bCanEvaluateAttacks = true;
super.Possess( inPawn, bVehicleTransition );
function PawnDied( Pawn InPawn )
if( MyPatPawn != none )
//`DialogManager.PlayBossDeathDialog( MyHansPawn );
MyPatPawn = None;
Super.PawnDied( InPawn );
/** Clean up all internal objects and references when the AI is destroyed
TBD: Look into using Unpossessed() to do this! */
simulated event Destroyed()
if( MyPatPawn != none )
MyPatPawn = None;
* Enemy and Attack Handling
********************************************************************************************* */
/** We can't allow aggro enemy switches during certain special moves */
function bool IsAggroEnemySwitchAllowed()
return super.IsAggroEnemySwitchAllowed()
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_StandAndShootAttack)
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_HoseWeaponAttack)
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_GrappleAttack);
/** Whether enemy switch commands can be run */
function bool CanSwitchEnemies()
return !bWantsToFlee
&& !bFleeing
&& MyPatPawn != none
&& !MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Heal)
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_StandAndShootAttack)
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_SonicAttack)
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_GrappleAttack);
/** Returns an aggro rating on a scale of 0.0f to 1.0f */
function float GetAggroRating( KFPawn KFP )
local int EnemyIndex;
local float AggroDmg;
EnemyIndex = RecentlySeenEnemyList.Find( 'TrackedEnemy', KFP );
if( EnemyIndex != INDEX_NONE )
AggroDmg = RecentlySeenEnemyList[EnemyIndex].AggroDamage;
if( AggroDmg > 0.f )
return fMin( AggroDmg/VisibleAggroDmgThreshold, 1.f );
return 0.f;
EnemyIndex = HiddenEnemies.Find( 'TrackedEnemy', KFP );
if( EnemyIndex != INDEX_NONE )
AggroDmg = HiddenEnemies[EnemyIndex].AggroDamage;
if( AggroDmg > 0.f )
return fMin( AggroDmg/HiddenAggroDmgThreshold, 1.f );
return 0.f;
return 0.5f;
return 1.f;
/** Overridden to stop retargeting enemies when fleeing or cloaked */
event bool FindNewEnemy()
if( !CanSwitchEnemies() )
return false;
return super.FindNewEnemy();
/** Overridden to stop retargeting enemies when fleeing or cloaked */
event bool SetEnemy( Pawn NewEnemy )
if( !CanSwitchEnemies() )
return false;
return super.SetEnemy( NewEnemy );
/** Forces the enemy to the new pawn, bypassing CanSwitchEnemies() */
function ForceSetEnemy( Pawn NewEnemy )
super.SetEnemy( NewEnemy );
/** Overridden to stop retargeting enemies when fleeing or cloaked */
event ChangeEnemy( Pawn NewEnemy, optional bool bCanTaunt = true )
local Pawn OldEnemy;
if( !CanSwitchEnemies() )
OldEnemy = Enemy;
super.ChangeEnemy( NewEnemy, !MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking && bCanTaunt );
if( OldEnemy != Enemy )
LastRetargetTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** Sets the enemy to the best target, based on several factors */
function bool SetBestTarget( out array<KFPawn> RecentTargets,
optional float MinDistSQ=-1.f,
optional float MaxDistSQ=-1.f,
optional float ClampFOV=-1.f,
optional bool bPreferFurtherTargets,
optional bool bIsWeaponAttack )
local KFPawn_Human KFPH;
local KFPawn KFP, BestTarget;
local int i, FoundIndex, BestIndex;
local float TempRating, BestRating;
local vector TempDist;
// Filter out dead/absent players
for( i = 0; i < RecentTargets.Length; ++i )
if( RecentTargets[i] == none || !RecentTargets[i].IsAliveAndWell() )
RecentTargets.Remove( i, 1 );
// If we've had no previously charged players or in solo play, charge enemy
if( RecentTargets.Length == 0 || WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_StandAlone )
// Fallback
if( Enemy == none )
//if( !bPreferFurtherTargets )
ChangeEnemy( GetClosestEnemy(), false );
// Can't get an enemy for whatever reason
if( Enemy == none )
return false;
// Initial rating value is based on distance
TempRating = VSizeSQ( MyPatPawn.Location - Enemy.Location );
// Early out if we're outside distance limits
if( (MinDistSQ >= 0.f && TempRating < MinDistSQ) || (MaxDistSQ > 0.f && TempRating > MaxDistSQ) )
return false;
// Even if we can see our targets, make sure that our gun has clearance
if( bIsWeaponAttack && !IsWeaponArmClear(Enemy.Location) )
return false;
KFP = KFPawn( Enemy );
FoundIndex = RecentTargets.Find( KFP );
if( FoundIndex == INDEX_NONE )
RecentTargets[RecentTargets.Length] = KFP;
return true;
// Try to find a better target
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn_Human', KFPH )
if( KFPH != none && KFPH.IsAliveAndWell() )
// Initial rating value is based on distance
TempDist = KFPH.Location - MyPatPawn.Location;
TempRating = VSizeSQ( TempDist );
// Filter based on distance limits, if we have any
if( (MinDistSQ >= 0.f && TempRating < MinDistSQ) || (MaxDistSQ > 0.f && TempRating > MaxDistSQ) )
// Filter out pawns not in the clamp FOV, if we have one
if( vector(Pawn.Rotation) dot Normal(TempDist) < ClampFOV )
// Even if we can see our targets, make sure that our gun has clearance
if( bIsWeaponAttack && !IsWeaponArmClear(KFPH.Location) )
return false;
// Recently attacked players get lowest priority
FoundIndex = RecentTargets.Find( KFPH );
if( FoundIndex != INDEX_NONE )
// Scale priority based on position in list -- the higher the more recent
TempRating *= bPreferFurtherTargets ?
( 2.5f + 2.5f*(FMax(float(FoundIndex),1.f)/RecentTargets.Length) ) :
( 1.f - 0.5f*(FMax(float(FoundIndex),1.f)/RecentTargets.Length) );
// Lower priority for players that haven't been seen recently
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList.Find('TrackedEnemy', KFPH) == INDEX_NONE )
TempRating *= bPreferFurtherTargets ? 0.5f : 2.0f;
// Apply aggro rating
TempRating *= bPreferFurtherTargets ? 0.5f + 0.5f*GetAggroRating(KFPH) : 1.0f - 0.5f*GetAggroRating(KFPH);
if( BestRating == 0.f || ((bPreferFurtherTargets && TempRating > BestRating)
|| (!bPreferFurtherTargets && TempRating < BestRating)) )
BestTarget = KFPH;
BestRating = TempRating;
BestIndex = FoundIndex;
if( BestTarget != none )
// Set our enemy
ChangeEnemy( BestTarget, false );
// Shuffle target out of current spot if chosen from array
if( BestIndex != INDEX_NONE )
RecentTargets.Remove( BestIndex, 1 );
// Place target at end of array
RecentTargets[RecentTargets.Length] = BestTarget;
return true;
return false;
/** Override to tick the ranged combat system */
simulated function Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime )
EvaluateAttacks( DeltaTime );
/** NPC has seen a player - use SeeMonster for similar notifications about seeing any pawns (currently not in use) */
event SeePlayer( Pawn Seen )
local int EnemyListIndex, HiddenEnemyIndex;
local Patriarch_TrackedEnemyInfo NewTrackedEnemy;
local KFPawn KFP;
// Evaluate sprinting when visibility changes
// Reject potential enemy if it's invalid or not on our team, or if it's already my current enemy, or if my pawn is dead or invalid
if( Seen == none || !Seen.IsAliveAndWell() || Pawn.IsSameTeam( Seen ) ||
Pawn == none || !Pawn.IsAliveAndWell() || !Seen.CanAITargetThisPawn(self) )
KFP = KFPawn(Seen);
// Add or update recently seen enemy in the list for tracking ranged enemies
if( KFP != none )
EnemyListIndex = RecentlySeenEnemyList.Find('TrackedEnemy', KFP);
if( EnemyListIndex == INDEX_NONE )
HiddenEnemyIndex = HiddenEnemies.Find('TrackedEnemy', KFP);
if( HiddenEnemyIndex != INDEX_NONE )
HiddenEnemies.Remove(HiddenEnemyIndex, 1);
NewTrackedEnemy.TrackedEnemy = KFP;
NewTrackedEnemy.LastTimeVisible = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NewTrackedEnemy.LastVisibleLocation = Seen.Location;
// Delay attacks a bit if we are just acquiring an enemy after having not seen anyone
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length == 0 )
NextAttackCheckTime = 1.5f + fRand();
RecentlySeenEnemyList[RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length] = NewTrackedEnemy;
RecentlySeenEnemyList[EnemyListIndex].LastTimeVisible = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
RecentlySeenEnemyList[EnemyListIndex].LastVisibleLocation = Seen.Location;
LastEnemySightedTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** Update the ranged enemy visibility tracking */
function UpdateRecentlySeenEnemyList()
local int i;
local bool bWantsNewEnemy;
if( LastRecentSeenEnemyListUpdateTime == 0 || `TimeSince(LastRecentSeenEnemyListUpdateTime) > RecentSeenEnemyListUpdateInterval )
LastRecentSeenEnemyListUpdateTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
for( i = RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length-1; i >= 0; i-- )
bWantsNewEnemy = false;
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy == none
|| !RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy.IsAliveAndWell()
|| !RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy.CanAITargetThisPawn(self)
|| `TimeSince(RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].LastTimeVisible) > 0.5f )
// If enemy is still valid but out of view, add it to hidden enemies
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy != none && RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy.IsAliveAndWell() )
HiddenEnemies[HiddenEnemies.Length] = RecentlySeenEnemyList[i];
// Try to get a new enemy
if( Enemy == RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy )
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length > 1 )
bWantsNewEnemy = true;
RecentlySeenEnemyList.Remove(i, 1);
if( bWantsNewEnemy )
ChangeEnemy( RecentlySeenEnemyList[Rand(RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length)].TrackedEnemy );
else if( CanSee(RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy) )
if( `TimeSince(RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].LastTakeDamageTime) > AggroFalloffWaitTime )
RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].AggroDamage -= fMax( AggroFalloffPerSecond * (RecentSeenEnemyListUpdateInterval/1.f), 0.f );
RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].LastVisibleLocation = RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].TrackedEnemy.Location;
RecentlySeenEnemyList[i].LastTimeVisible = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
for( i = HiddenEnemies.Length-1; i >= 0; i-- )
if( `TimeSince(HiddenEnemies[i].LastTakeDamageTime) > AggroFalloffWaitTime )
HiddenEnemies[i].AggroDamage -= fMax( AggroFalloffPerSecond * (RecentSeenEnemyListUpdateInterval/1.f), 0.f );
if( HiddenEnemies[i].TrackedEnemy == none
|| !HiddenEnemies[i].TrackedEnemy.IsAliveAndWell()
|| !HiddenEnemies[i].TrackedEnemy.CanAITargetThisPawn(self) )
HiddenEnemies.Remove(i, 1);
/** Evaluates whether or not the Patriarch can do a special attack */
function EvaluateAttacks( float DeltaTime )
local bool bCanFireMinigun, bCanFireMissile, bCanFireMortar, bShouldFireMortar, bShouldFireMissile, bMortarBarrage;
if( !bCanEvaluateAttacks )
//Don't attack while we're in theatrics
if (CommandList != none && CommandList.class == class'AICommand_BossTheatrics')
NextAttackCheckTime -= DeltaTime;
if( bWantsToCharge || bWantsToFlee || bFleeing || MyPatPawn == none || MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() || NextAttackCheckTime > 0.f )
// Evaluate grab attack
if ( MyPatPawn.CanTentacleGrab()
&& RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length > 0
&& `TimeSince(LastGrabAttackTime) > MyPatPawn.TentacleGrabCooldownTime
&& (!MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking || fRand() < 0.25f) )
if( SetBestTarget(LastGrabbedPlayers, MinTentacleRangeSQ, Square(class'KFSM_Patriarch_Grapple'.default.MaxRange*0.8f*MyPatPawn.GetAttackRangeScale()), 0.4f, true, true) )
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
class'AICommand_Patriarch_Grab'.static.TentacleGrab( self );
// Evaluate charge attack
if( !MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking
&& MyPatPawn.CanChargeAttack()
&& (bHadMinigunAttack || fRand() < 0.75f)
&& `TimeSince(LastChargeAttackTime) > MyPatPawn.ChargeAttackCooldownTime )
// Make sure we have a target
if( SetBestTarget(LastChargedPlayers, MinChargeRangeSQ) )
// Cache our charge target
CachedChargeTarget = Enemy;
bDoingChargeAttack = true;
bSprintUntilAttack = true;
MyPatPawn.SetSprinting( true );
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( true );
// Delay ranged attack checking a bit
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.5f + fRand();
SetTimer( 2.f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
// Evaluate weapon attack
bCanFireMinigun = (!MyPatPawn.CanChargeAttack() || fRand() < 0.5f)
&& (!MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking || fRand() < 0.75f)
&& RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length > 0
&& `TimeSince(LastSuccessfulAttackTime) > MyPatPawn.MinigunAttackCooldownTime;
bCanFireMissile = (!MyPatPawn.CanChargeAttack() || fRand() < 0.5f)
&& (!MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking || fRand() < 0.75f)
&& MyPatPawn.CanMissileAttack() && RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length > 0
&& `TimeSince(LastMissileAttackTime) > MyPatPawn.MissileAttackCooldownTime;
bCanFireMortar = !MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking
&& MyPatPawn.CanMortarAttack()
&& `TimeSince(LastMortarAttackTime) > MyPatPawn.MortarAttackCooldownTime;
if( bCanFireMissile || bCanFireMinigun || bCanFireMortar )
// Decide if we can fire our mortar attack
bShouldFireMortar = bCanFireMortar
&& (!bCanFireMissile || fRand() < 0.5f)
&& (!bCanFireMinigun || fRand() < 0.75f)
&& IsCeilingClear();
if( bShouldFireMortar )
// Random chance to do an area denial
if( MyPatPawn.CanDoMortarBarrage() && fRand() < 0.2f )
bMortarBarrage = true;
bShouldFireMortar = MyPatPawn.CollectMortarTargets( true, true );
else if( HiddenEnemies.Length > 0 )
bMortarBarrage = false;
bShouldFireMortar = SomeEnemiesAreHidden() && MyPatPawn.CollectMortarTargets( true );
bShouldFireMortar = false;
// Decide whether we should fire a missile or the minigun
bShouldFireMissile = !bShouldFireMortar && bCanFireMissile
&& (((bCanFireMinigun || !bHadMinigunAttack) && fRand() < 0.2f) || fRand() < 0.6f)
&& SetBestTarget( LastMissileEnemies, MinMissileRangeSQ, MaxMissileRangeSQ*MyPatPawn.GetAttackRangeScale(), 0.5f, true, true );
// No other attacks, find a minigun target!
if( bCanFireMinigun && !bShouldFireMissile && !bShouldFireMortar )
bCanFireMinigun = SetBestTarget( LastMinigunEnemies, MinMinigunRangeSQ, MaxMinigunRangeSQ*MyPatPawn.GetAttackRangeScale(), 0.25f, false, true );
if( bShouldFireMortar )
class'AICommand_Patriarch_MortarAttack'.static.FireMortar( self, bMortarBarrage );
else if( bShouldFireMissile )
bHadMinigunAttack = false;
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
class'AICommand_Patriarch_MissileAttack'.static.FireMissiles( self );
else if( bCanFireMinigun )
bHadMinigunAttack = true;
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
class'AICommand_Patriarch_MinigunBarrage'.static.MinigunBarrage( self );
// Evaluate attacks every half second
NextAttackCheckTime = 0.5f;
/** Returns true if the path from the weapon arm to the target location is clear */
function bool IsWeaponArmClear( vector EndTrace )
local vector StartTrace;
MyPatPawn.Mesh.GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation( 'MissileCenter', StartTrace );
return MyPatPawn.FastTrace( EndTrace, StartTrace,, true );
* Adjusts aim to always point at the enemy we're targeting
* @param W, weapon about to fire
* @param StartFireLoc, world location of weapon fire start trace, or projectile spawn loc.
function Rotator GetAdjustedAimFor( Weapon W, vector StartFireLoc )
if( Enemy != none )
return rotator(Enemy.Location - StartFireLoc);
return super.GetAdjustedAimFor( W, StartFireLoc );
function DoStrike()
local name AttackName;
if( MyPatPawn != none && MyPatPawn.PawnAnimInfo != none )
AttackName = MyPatPawn.PawnAnimInfo.Attacks[PendingAnimStrikeIndex].Tag;
// @todo: figure out a way to make this less hard-coded? (see also KFDialogManager::PlayHansKilledDialog)
if( AttackName == 'Radial' )
`DialogManager.PlayPattyWhirlwindDialog( MyPatPawn );
* Sprinting
/** Evaluate if we should start/stop sprinting, and then set the sprinting flag */
function EvaluateSprinting()
if( MyKFPawn != none && MyKFPawn.IsAliveAndWell() && Enemy != none )
if( ShouldSprint() )
MyKFPawn.SetSprinting( true );
MyKFPawn.SetSprinting( false );
/** Timer function called during latent moves that determines whether NPC should sprint or stop sprinting */
function bool ShouldSprint()
if( Enemy != none && MyPatPawn != none && !MyPatPawn.bIsHeadless )
// Don't allow sprinting in minigun attack
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_HoseWeaponAttack) )
return false;
// Always sprint if fleeing
if( bFleeing )
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" bInFleeAndHealMode should sprint!");
return true;
// Always sprint if cloaked
if( MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking )
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" bIsCloaking should sprint!");
return true;
// Always sprint if raging
if( bRaging )
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" In Paternal Instinct mode, should sprint!");
return true;
// EMP check always comes after any forced sprint state
if( MyPatPawn.bEmpPanicked )
return false;
// Sprint until we attack
if( bSprintUntilAttack )
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" sprint until attack, should sprint!");
return true;
// Sprint if we can't see our enemy
if( LastEnemySightedTime == 0 || `TimeSince(LastEnemySightedTime) > LostSightSprintDelay )
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" don't see any enemy should sprint = true! LastEnemySightedTime: "$LastEnemySightedTime$" TimeSince(LastEnemySightedTime): "$`TimeSince(LastEnemySightedTime));
return true;
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" Generic should sprint depending on phase: "$MyPatPawn.DesireSprintingInThisPhase());
if( MyPatPawn.DesireSprintingInThisPhase() && `TimeSince(LastSprintTime) > MyPatPawn.SprintCooldownTime )
bSprintUntilAttack = true;
return true;
//`log(self@GetFuncName()$" Generic should sprint = false!");
return false;
/** Disallow sprinting if we're in a minigun */
function bool CanSetSprinting( bool bNewSprintStatus )
return super.CanSetSprinting( bNewSprintStatus ) && ( !bNewSprintStatus || !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_HoseWeaponAttack) );
* Mortar
/** Returns true if the ceiling is clear for a mortar attack */
function bool IsCeilingClear()
local vector TraceStart, TraceEnd, Extent;
TraceStart = MyPatPawn.Location + vect(0,0,1)*MyPatPawn.GetCollisionHeight();
TraceEnd = TraceStart + vect(0,0,1)*500.f;
Extent.X = MyPatPawn.GetCollisionRadius() * 2.f;
Extent.Y = Extent.X;
Extent.Z = 1.f;
return MyPatPawn.FastTrace( TraceEnd, TraceStart, Extent, true );
/** Returns true if a certain percentage of enemies are hidden */
function bool SomeEnemiesAreHidden()
local KFPawn KFP;
local float TargetDist;
local int i, NumValidHiddenEnemies;
for( i = 0; i < HiddenEnemies.Length; ++i )
KFP = HiddenEnemies[i].TrackedEnemy;
if( !KFP.IsAliveAndWell() || MyPatPawn.IsSameTeam(KFP) )
// Too close or too far
TargetDist = VSizeSQ(KFP.Location - MyPatPawn.Location);
if( TargetDist < MyPatPawn.MinMortarRangeSQ || TargetDist > MyPatPawn.MaxMortarRangeSQ )
if( NumValidHiddenEnemies >= 2
|| NumValidHiddenEnemies >= (Max(HiddenEnemies.Length + RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length, 1)/2) )
return true;
return false;
* Notifications
/** Overloaded to handle door usage in cloaked state */
function NotifyAttackDoor( KFDoorActor Door )
// We need to count up the total flee time so infinite fleeing isn't possible
if( bFleeing || bWantsToFlee )
if( bFleeing )
bFleeInterrupted = true;
bFleeing = false;
TotalFleeTime = TotalFleeTime + (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - FleeStartTime);
bWantsToFlee = true;
// Kill our flee and move commands
AbortCommand( CommandList );
// Allow melee again
// Restart default command
BeginCombatCommand( GetDefaultCommand(), "Restarting default command" );
else if( MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking )
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
bWantsToCharge = true;
super.NotifyAttackDoor( Door );
/** Overloaded to handle door usage in cloaked state */
function bool DoorFinished()
local bool bSuperFinished;
bSuperFinished = super.DoorFinished();
if( bWantsToFlee && !bFleeing )
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
else if( bWantsToCharge )
ChangeEnemy( CachedChargeTarget, false );
bDoingChargeAttack = true;
bSprintUntilAttack = true;
bWantsToCharge = false;
MyPatPawn.SetSprinting( true );
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( true );
SetTimer( 2.f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
// Delay ranged attack checking a bit
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.5f + fRand();
return bSuperFinished;
/** Overloaded to decloak patty and set pending flee */
function NotifyAttackActor( Actor A )
// do nothing for now, causes issues
// We need to count up the total flee time so infinite fleeing isn't possible
if( bFleeing )
TotalFleeTime = TotalFleeTime + (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - FleeStartTime);
bWantsToFlee = true;
bFleeInterrupted = true;
bFleeing = false;
// Kill our flee command
AbortCommand( FindCommandOfClass(class'AICommand_Flee') );
// Allow melee again
else if( MyPatPawn.bIsCloaking )
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
bWantsToCharge = true;
super.NotifyAttackActor( A );**/
/** Command finished. Used to catch instances where the flee command is interrupted by another command */
function NotifyCommandFinished( AICommand FinishedCommand )
if( !bWantsToFlee && bFleeing && PendingDoor == none && (ActorEnemy == none || ActorEnemy.bPendingDelete) && AICommand_Flee(FinishedCommand) != none )
// Add to our total flee time
TotalFleeTime = TotalFleeTime + (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - FleeStartTime);
// Abort the flee command
AbortCommand( FinishedCommand );
// Cancel any special moves
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
// Delay flee by a tiny bit to allow command to finish up
SetTimer( 0.06f, false, nameOf(Flee) );
function NotifySpecialMoveEnded( KFSpecialMove SM )
bFleeInterrupted = false;
if( !bWantsToFlee )
if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_DoorMeleeAttack'
|| SM.Handle == 'KFSM_MeleeAttack'
|| SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_Grapple'
|| SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_MinigunBarrage' )
if( PendingDoor == none && bWantsToCharge && CachedChargeTarget != none && CachedChargeTarget.IsAliveAndWell() )
ChangeEnemy( CachedChargeTarget, false );
bDoingChargeAttack = true;
bSprintUntilAttack = true;
bWantsToCharge = false;
MyPatPawn.SetSprinting( true );
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( true );
SetTimer( 2.f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
// Delay ranged attack checking a bit
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.5f + fRand();
else if( bRaging )
else if( bSprintUntilAttack )
if( bDoingChargeAttack )
LastChargeAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastSprintTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
bSprintUntilAttack = false;
bWantsToCharge = false;
CachedChargeTarget = none;
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
// Retarget if it's been enough time since we changed targets
if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_MeleeAttack' && `TimeSince(LastRetargetTime) > RetargetWaitTime )
CheckForEnemiesInFOV( 3000.f, -1.f, 1.f, true );
else if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_Heal' )
// Get a new enemy
ChangeEnemy( GetClosestEnemy(), true );
// Start moving to enemy
SetEnemyMoveGoal( self, true );
// Enable attacks again
NextAttackCheckTime = fRand();
// Use special move handlers, AI commands have a slight delay before popping
if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_MinigunBarrage' )
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.25f+fRand();
CheckForEnemiesInFOV( 2000.f, -1.f, 1.f );
else if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_MissileAttack' )
LastMissileAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.25f+fRand();
CheckForEnemiesInFOV( 2000.f, -1.f, 1.f );
else if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_MortarAttack' )
LastMortarAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.25f+fRand();
CheckForEnemiesInFOV( 2000.f, -1.f, 1.f );
else if( SM.Handle == 'KFSM_Patriarch_Grapple' )
// We don't want the grab to retarget so we can kick our enemy in the face
LastSuccessfulAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
LastGrabAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
NextAttackCheckTime = 2.25f+fRand();
// Turn ranged attack eval back on
bCanEvaluateAttacks = true;
// Turn melee attack probing back on
else if( PendingDoor == none && !bFleeing )
bSprintUntilAttack = false;
// Evaluate sprinting whenever we finish a special move so sprinting will be snappy!
// Reset charge attack state
bDoingChargeAttack = false;
/** Reset minigun timer if we've landed a successful melee attack */
function NotifyMeleeDamageDealt()
LastSuccessfulAttackTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
/** If a monster other than the Patriarch is killed, and the Patriarch sees it, rage out */
function NotifyKilled( Controller Killer, Controller Killed, pawn KilledPawn, class<DamageType> damageType )
if( GetIsInZedVictoryState() )
if( self == Killer && Killed.GetTeamNum() != GetTeamNum() )
`DialogManager.PlayPattyKilledDialog( MyPatPawn, damageType );
else if( !bWantsToFlee && !bFleeing && !bRagedThisPhase && MyPatPawn.MaxRageAttacks > 0
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Heal) && Killed != self && Killed.GetTeamNum() == GetTeamNum() )
if( CanSee(KilledPawn) )
if( Killer.Pawn != none )
ChangeEnemy( Killer.Pawn, false );
else if( Killed.Pawn == Enemy && MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_HoseWeaponAttack) )
// Allow minigun kills to either force a target switch or end the move
KFSM_Patriarch_MinigunBarrage( MyPatPawn.SpecialMoves[SM_HoseWeaponAttack] ).Timer_SearchForMinigunTargets();
super.NotifyKilled( Killer, Killed, KilledPawn, damageType );
/** Notification from the pawn that it has taken damage */
function NotifyTakeHit( Controller InstigatedBy, vector HitLocation, int Damage, class<DamageType> damageType, vector Momentum )
local KFPawn EnemyPawn;
local int EnemyIndex;
local int pawnDmg;
local vector pawnRotToVec;
// Aggro system
if( InstigatedBy.Pawn != none )
EnemyPawn = KFPawn(InstigatedBy.Pawn);
if( EnemyPawn != none )
EnemyIndex = RecentlySeenEnemyList.Find( 'TrackedEnemy', EnemyPawn );
if( EnemyIndex != INDEX_NONE )
pawnDmg = Damage;
pawnRotToVec = vector(MyPatPawn.Rotation);
pawnRotToVec.Z = 0.f;
if( pawnRotToVec dot Normal2D(EnemyPawn.Location - MyPatPawn.Location) < -0.25f )
// Aggro damage scales by 2 if it came from behind
pawnDmg *= 2;
RecentlySeenEnemyList[EnemyIndex].AggroDamage += pawnDmg;
RecentlySeenEnemyList[EnemyIndex].LastTakeDamageTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
EnemyIndex = HiddenEnemies.Find( 'TrackedEnemy', EnemyPawn );
if( EnemyIndex != INDEX_NONE )
pawnDmg = Damage;
pawnRotToVec = vector(MyPatPawn.Rotation);
pawnRotToVec.Z = 0.f;
if( pawnRotToVec dot Normal2D(EnemyPawn.Location - MyPatPawn.Location) < -0.25f )
// Aggro damage scales by 2 if it came from behind
pawnDmg *= 2;
HiddenEnemies[EnemyIndex].AggroDamage += pawnDmg;
HiddenEnemies[EnemyIndex].LastTakeDamageTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
// When our health gets low, summon zeds and escape from the battle to heal
if( !bWantsToFlee && !bFleeing && MyPatPawn != None && !MyPatPawn.bHealedThisPhase && MyPatPawn.CanSummonChildren()
&& !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Heal) )
if( !bSummonedThisPhase && GetHealthPercentage() < FleeHealthThreshold+0.075f )
bSummonedThisPhase = true;
MyAIDirector.bForceFrustration = true;
// Fallback so zeds can't spawn forever
SetTimer( 30.f, false, nameOf(Timer_StopSummoningZeds) );
if( !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_Taunt) && GetHealthPercentage() < FleeHealthThreshold )
// Force any special move to end
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
// Prevent timeout from interrupting flee
if( GetActiveCommand().IsA('AICommand_SpecialMove') )
TotalFleeTime = 0.f;
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
bWantsToFlee = true;
class'AICommand_TauntEnemy'.static.Taunt( self, Enemy, TAUNT_Enraged, class'KFSM_Patriarch_Taunt' );
MyPatPawn.SetFleeAndHealMode( true );
Super.NotifyTakeHit(InstigatedBy, HitLocation, Damage, DamageType, Momentum);
* Paternal Instinct
/** Enter Paternal Instinct mode. Rage out! */
function StartPaternalInstinct()
//local KFPawn MissileEnemy;
// Play a dialog event
`DialogManager.PlayPattyChildKilledDialog( MyPatPawn );
// Let the rest of code know we're raging
bRaging = true;
bRagedThisPhase = true;
// Zero our attack count
RageAttackCount = 0;
// Set the maximum number of attacks via phase and difficulty
MaxRageAttacks = MyPatPawn.MaxRageAttacks + Max(0, MyKFGameInfo.GetModifiedGameDifficulty() - 1);
// Always sprint when raging
MyPatPawn.SetSprinting( true );
// Set our timeout timer
SetTimer( RageTimeOut, false, nameOf(Timer_RageTimeOut) );
/*// Do our mortar rage if the ceiling is clear
if( !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_StandAndShootAttack) && !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove(SM_SonicAttack) )
if( IsCeilingClear() && CollectMortarTargets(true, true) )
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
class'AICommand_Patriarch_MortarAttack'.static.FireMortar( self, true );
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
else if( RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length > 0 )
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
// See if our enemy was visible recently, if not then choose a random visible one
MissileEnemy = KFPawn(Enemy);
if( RecentlySeenEnemyList.Find('TrackedEnemy', MissileEnemy) == INDEX_NONE )
MissileEnemy = RecentlySeenEnemyList[Rand(RecentlySeenEnemyList.Length)].TrackedEnemy;
ChangeEnemy( MissileEnemy, false );
class'AICommand_Patriarch_MissileAttack'.static.FireMissiles( self );
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
/** Determine if rage state should continue, if so try to get a new enemy */
function UpdateRageState()
local float DistSQ, BestDistSQ;
local KFPawn KFP, BestTarget;
local int i;
// Stop raging if we've cleared the attack threshold
if( RageAttackCount >= MaxRageAttacks )
bRaging = false;
bCanEvaluateAttacks = true;
RageAttackCount = 0;
RageAttackedTargets.Length = 0;
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_RageTimeOut) );
// See if we can still sprint or not
// Find a (hopefully new) enemy to rage out on
foreach WorldInfo.AllPawns( class'KFPawn', KFP )
if( !KFP.IsAliveAndWell() || MyPatPawn.IsSameTeam(KFP) )
// Prefer players that haven't been attacked yet
if( RageAttackedTargets.Find(KFP) != INDEX_NONE )
// Filter out players that are too far
DistSQ = VSizeSQ( KFP.Location - MyPatPawn.Location );
if( DistSQ > MaxRageRangeSQ )
// Favor closer targets
if( BestDistSQ == 0.f || DistSQ < BestDistSQ )
BestDistSQ = DistSQ;
BestTarget = KFP;
if( BestTarget == none )
// Most recent targets are at the end of the array, start at the top
for( i = 0; i < RageAttackedTargets.Length; ++i )
KFP = RageAttackedTargets[i];
// Remove any enemies that are no longer valid
if( KFP == none || !KFP.IsAliveAndWell() )
RageAttackedTargets.Remove( i, 1 );
// Get the first target that's within range
DistSQ = VSizeSQ( KFP.Location - MyPatPawn.Location );
if( DistSQ > MaxRageRangeSQ )
BestTarget = KFP;
RageAttackedTargets.Remove(i, 1);
if( BestTarget != none )
RageAttackedTargets[RageAttackedTargets.Length] = BestTarget;
ChangeEnemy( BestTarget );
// End rage state if we couldn't get a valid target
RageAttackCount = MaxRageAttacks;
/** If we've raged for too long, end Paternal Instinct */
function Timer_RageTimeOut()
// End rage state if it's been too long
RageAttackCount = MaxRageAttacks;
* Pathfinding
function bool AmIAllowedToSuicideWhenStuck()
return false;
* Zed Summoning
/** Stop summoning children */
function Timer_StopSummoningZeds()
// Allow summoning of children for this phase
bSummonedThisPhase = false;
* Flee And Heal
/** Initiate the Patriarch's next battle phase */
function NextBattlePhase()
bRagedThisPhase = false;
// Play a dialog event
`DialogManager.PlayPattyBattlePhaseDialog( MyPatPawn, MyPatPawn.CurrentBattlePhase );
if( MyPatPawn != None )
/** Custom target searching when fleeing -- we only want to attack targets that are blocking our flee path */
function Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions()
local KFPawn ObstructingEnemy;
if( !bFleeing || bWantsToFlee || MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
SetTimer( 0.25f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
// See if there's someone blocking us
ObstructingEnemy = CheckForEnemiesInFOV( AttackRange * 1.1f, 0.4f, 1.f, false, false );
if( ObstructingEnemy != none )
// We need to count up the total flee time so infinite fleeing isn't possible
TotalFleeTime = TotalFleeTime + (WorldInfo.TimeSeconds - FleeStartTime);
bFleeInterrupted = true;
bFleeing = false;
// Temporarily end flee state
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
// Kill our flee and move commands
AbortCommand( CommandList );
// Set our new enemy
ChangeEnemy( ObstructingEnemy, false );
// Set our pending flee
bWantsToFlee = true;
// Sprint to new enemy
bSprintUntilAttack = true;
SetEnemyMoveGoal( self, true );
// Restart default command
BeginCombatCommand( GetDefaultCommand(), "Restarting default command" );
// Give the patty a little bit of time to flee after this attack
SetTimer( 3.0f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
SetTimer( 0.25f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
/** Searches for enemies that are blocking the path to my charge target */
function Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions()
local KFPawn ObstructingEnemy;
if( bWantsToCharge || MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
SetTimer( 0.25f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
// See if there's someone blocking us
ObstructingEnemy = CheckForEnemiesInFOV( AttackRange * 1.1f, 0.4f, 1.f, false, false );
if( ObstructingEnemy != none )
// Set our new enemy
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
ChangeEnemy( ObstructingEnemy, false );
// Set pending charge
bWantsToCharge = true;
SetTimer( 0.25f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
/** Bump damage for human players */
function DoHeavyBump( Actor Other, vector HitNormal )
local KFPawn_Human KFPH;
// Only bump human pawns when we're not in the middle of an attack
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions)) )
KFPH = KFPawn_Human( Other );
if( KFPH != none )
KFPH.TakeDamage( HumanBumpDamage, self, KFPH.Location, HitNormal*HumanBumpMomentum, MyPatPawn.GetBumpAttackDamageType() );
DoHeavyZedBump( Other, HitNormal );
/** Effects and damage from a zed sprinting and bumping other monsters */
function bool DoHeavyZedBump( Actor Other, vector HitNormal )
local int BumpEffectDamage;
local KFPawn_Monster BumpedMonster;
/** If we bumped into a glass window, break it */
if( Other.bCanBeDamaged && KFFracturedMeshGlass(Other) != none )
return true;
/*if( Other.IsA('KFDestructibleActor') && !GetActiveCommand().IsA('AICommand_Melee') && Other.bCollideActors && !MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
NotifyAttackActor( Other );
return true;
BumpedMonster = KFPawn_Monster(Other);
if( BumpedMonster == none || !BumpedMonster.IsAliveAndWell() || BumpedMonster.ZedBumpDamageScale <= 0 )
return false;
if( MyPatPawn == none || !MyPatPawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
return false;
// Patriarch knocks guys out of the way always if he is in hunt and heal
if( MyPatPawn.bIsSprinting && !MyKFPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
BumpEffectDamage = ZedBumpEffectThreshold * BumpedMonster.ZedBumpDamageScale;
// If the Bumped Zed is near death, play either a knockdown or an immediate obliteration
if( BumpedMonster.Health - BumpEffectDamage <= 0 )
// Chance to obliterate if at low health
if( FRand() < ZedBumpObliterationEffectChance )
BumpedMonster.TakeDamage(BumpEffectDamage, self, BumpedMonster.Location, vect(0,0,0), MyKFPawn.GetBumpAttackDamageType());
BumpedMonster.Knockdown( , vect(1,1,1), Pawn.Location, 1000, 100 );
return true;
// otherwise deal damage and stumble the zed
BumpedMonster.TakeDamage(BumpEffectDamage, self, BumpedMonster.Location, vect(0,0,0), MyKFPawn.GetBumpAttackDamageType());
BumpedMonster.DoSpecialMove(SM_Stumble,,, class'KFSM_Stumble'.static.PackBodyHitSMFlags(BumpedMonster, HitNormal));
return true;
return false;
/* Starts Flee AICommand, with optional duration and distance */
function DoFleeFrom( actor FleeFrom,
optional float FleeDuration,
optional float FleeDistance,
optional bool bShouldStopAtGoal=false,
2023-09-21 22:31:11 +03:00
optional bool bFromFear=false,
optional bool bUseRandomDirection=false )
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
if( !bFromFear || !MyPatPawn.bInFleeAndHealMode )
2023-09-21 22:31:11 +03:00
super.DoFleeFrom( FleeFrom, FleeDuration, FleeDistance, bShouldStopAtGoal, bFromFear, bUseRandomDirection );
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
/** Sets flee target if there is no enemy, starts flee command */
function Flee()
local Actor FleeFromTarget;
local float FleeDuration;
local AICommand_SpecialMove AICSM;
// Reset flee state
bFleeing = false;
bWantsToFlee = false;
bFleeInterrupted = false;
// We need a target to flee from
if( Enemy == None )
SetEnemy( GetClosestEnemy() );
// Try to get an enemy, if not just choose a nearby navigation point (always flee!)
if( Enemy != None )
FleeFromTarget = Enemy;
FleeFromTarget = class'NavigationPoint'.static.GetNearestNavToActor( MyPatPawn );
// If we somehow ended up taking a ton of damage in rage state, turn it off
if( bRaging )
RageAttackCount = MaxRageAttacks;
// Prevent timeout from interrupting flee
AICSM = FindCommandOfClass(class'AICommand_SpecialMove');
if( AICSM != none )
// Abort all commands
AbortCommand( CommandList );
// Perform flee
bFleeing = true;
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( true );
SetSprintingDisabled( false );
MyPatPawn.SetSprinting( true );
FleeDuration = fMax( MaxFleeDuration - TotalFleeTime, 6.f );
//`log("[FLEE] FleeDuration:"@FleeDuration);
//`log("[FLEE] FleeStartTime:"@WorldInfo.TimeSeconds);
FleeStartTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds;
DoFleeFrom( FleeFromTarget, FleeDuration, MaxFleeDistance + Rand(MaxFleeDistance * 0.25f), true );
// Constantly make sure we don't have a player trying to block us
if( !IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions)) )
SetTimer( 2.f, false, nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
/** We have finished fleeing for one reason or another, notify pawn to heal */
function NotifyFleeFinished( optional bool bAcquireNewEnemy=true )
// If this was not a flee for healing, don't do additional cleanup
if( !MyPatPawn.bInFleeAndHealMode )
if( MyPatPawn != None )
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
// Delay stop summoning, to give paternal instinct a chance to trigger
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_StopSummoningZeds)) )
SetTimer( 4.f, false, nameOf(Timer_StopSummoningZeds) );
// Stop searching for targets
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
// Flee debug
//`log("[HEAL] FleeDuration:"@fMax(MaxFleeDuration - TotalFleeTime, 6.f));
//`log("[HEAL] FleeEndTime:"@WorldInfo.TimeSeconds);
// End flee state
bWantsToFlee = false;
bFleeing = false;
// Heal
MyPatPawn.DoSpecialMove( SM_Heal,,, class'KFSM_Patriarch_Heal'.static.PackSMFlags(MyPatPawn.CurrentBattlePhase-1) );
// Allow melee again
// Restart default command
BeginCombatCommand( GetDefaultCommand(), "Restarting default command" );
/** Forces a heal regardless of what state we're in */
function ForceHeal()
if( bFleeing )
bFleeing = false;
bWantsToFlee = false;
// Kill our flee command
AbortCommand( FindCommandOfClass(class'AICommand_Flee') );
// Make sure hans doesn't try to flee again
bWantsToFlee = false;
// End flee as normal
NotifyFleeFinished( false );
/** Victory */
function EnterZedVictoryState()
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
bRaging = false;
MyPatPawn.SetCloaked( false );
bWantsToFlee = false;
bFleeing = false;
bFleeInterrupted = false;
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions)) )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions) );
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions)) )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_SearchForChargeObstructions) );
if( IsTimerActive(nameOf(Timer_RageTimeOut)) )
ClearTimer( nameOf(Timer_RageTimeOut) );
KFWeapon(MyPatPawn.Weapon).GotoState( 'Inactive' );
state ZedVictory
ignores NotifyTakeHit, NotifyKilled, NotifySpecialMoveEnded, NotifyFleeFinished, SeePlayer, UpdateRageState, CheckForEnemiesInFOV,
EvaluateSprinting, ChangeEnemy, SetEnemy, FindNewEnemy, EvaluateAttacks, UpdateRecentlySeenEnemyList, Timer_SearchForFleeObstructions,
class'AICommand_BossTheatrics'.static.DoTheatrics( self, THEATRIC_Victory, -1 );
* Dialog
********************************************************************************************* */
function PlayDamagePlayerDialog( class<DamageType> DmgType )
//`DialogManager.PlayHansDamagePlayerDialog( MyHansPawn, DmgType );
* Debug
********************************************************************************************* */
simulated function DrawDebug( KFHUDBase HUD, name Category )
local Canvas C;
super.DrawDebug( HUD, Category );
if( MyPatPawn == None || Category != 'All' )
C = HUD.Canvas;
// Patriarch info
C.SetDrawColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
DrawDebugText( HUD, "************************************************************" );
C.SetDrawColor( 0, 0, 255, 255 );
C.SetDrawColor( 0, 255, 0, 255);
DrawDebugText( HUD, "BattlePhase:"@MyPatPawn.CurrentBattlePhase );
/** Debug command to advance battle phase */
function DebugNextPhase()
// Force any special move to end
if( MyPatPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
bCanEvaluateAttacks = false;
bWantsToFlee = true;
//MyPatPawn.DoSpecialMove( SM_Heal,,, class'KFSM_Patriarch_Heal'.static.PackSMFlags(MyPatPawn.CurrentBattlePhase-1) );
class'AICommand_TauntEnemy'.static.Taunt( self, Enemy, TAUNT_Enraged, class'KFSM_Patriarch_Taunt' );
MyPatPawn.SetFleeAndHealMode( true );
// Run over warning
// Special attacks
// Flee
// Rage
// ---------------------------------------------
// Danger Evasion Settings
//Aim Blocks
Cooldowns=(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2), // Normal, Hard, Suicidal, HoE
BlockChances=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))}
Cooldowns=(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2), // Normal, Hard, Suicidal, HoE
BlockChances=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))}
Cooldowns=(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2), // Normal, Hard, Suicidal, HoE
BlockChances=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))}
Cooldowns=(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2), // Normal, Hard, Suicidal, HoE
BlockChances=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))}
Cooldowns=(0.0, 0.0, 0.3, 0.2), // Normal, Hard, Suicidal, HoE
BlockChances=(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))}