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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFSpecialMoveHandler
// Manages starting and stopping special moves for pawns
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// - Andrew "Strago" Ladenberger
class KFSpecialMove extends GameSpecialMove
/** Owner of this special move */
var KFPawn KFPOwner;
var KFPlayerController PCOwner;
var KFAIController AIOwner;
var transient Object AISpecialOwner;
var transient ESpecialMove SMIndex;
* Animation
/** Cached reference to the current AnimNodeSlot used for cleanup */
var AnimNodeSlot ActiveSlotNode;
/** If set, this special move will override the value for Pawn::MaxSpeedModifier() */
var bool bOverridePawnSpeedModifier;
/** If set, hit reactions will still play while special move is active */
var bool bAllowHitReactions;
/** If set, HandleMomentum is skipped when taking damage */
var bool bAllowMomentumPush;
/** If set, never interrupt this move for a wander. Instead try to wander at the end of the move
* NOTE: this variable could potentially be replaced with bDisableMovement. This is not currently
* done in case it breaks other special moves */
var bool bCanOnlyWanderAtEnd;
/** If set, allow weapon anims to be played for third-person pawns (weapon attachment) */
var bool bAllowThirdPersonWeaponAnims;
/** If set, sets Pawn.RotationRate to CustomRotationRate for the duration of the move */
var bool bUseCustomRotationRate;
var rotator CustomRotationRate;
/** Used when deferring special move animations till post sync due to physics calls. */
var name DeferredSeqName;
/** Default root motion mode to be used for this move */
var ERootMotionMode SMRootMotionMode;
/** When TRUE, tells our physics smoothing code to use a higher threshold when in root motion. */
var bool bUseHigherMeshSmoothingThreshold;
* Weapon firing
/** Weapon firing should cease/be disabled while this special move is being performed */
var bool bDisablesWeaponFiring;
* For SpecialMove interactions. Only InteractionPawn allowed to damage me.
* Note: this is reset to FALSE in SpecialMoveStarted.
var bool bOnlyInteractionPawnCanDamageMe;
/** Can change InteractionPawn before execution (InternalCanDoSpecialMove) */
var bool bCanModifyInteractionPawn;
/** Can be used by input functions */
var bool bPendingStopFire;
/** Flags used by button-activated special moves */
const FLAG_SpecialMoveButtonPressed = 253;
const FLAG_SpecialMoveButtonReleased = 254;
/** Sets a custom interpolated 3rd person view offset if we've got a third person camera */
var bool bUseCustomThirdPersonViewOffset;
var ViewOffsetData CustomThirdPersonViewOffset;
var float ViewOffsetInterpTime;
var bool bRestoredCameraDefaults;
/** Custom interpolated camera FOV */
var float CustomCameraFOV;
var float CameraFOVTransitionTime;
* GearSpecialMove
/** Flag to allow/disallow headtracking while in this special move. */
var const bool bDisableHeadTracking;
/** AI should ignore notifications */
var const bool bDisableAI;
/** Disable movement (but doesn't necessarily stop physics, just blocks inputs). */
var bool bDisableMovement;
var bool bMovementDisabled;
/** Lock Pawn Rotation, prevent it from being affects by Controller.Rotation */
var const bool bLockPawnRotation;
var bool bPawnRotationLocked;
var bool bDisableLook;
/** Weapon goes down and can't shoot, be switched, can't quick heal, etc */
var bool bDisableWeaponInteraction;
/** if > 0.0 after this many seconds the AI's command is popped and the special move is aborted */
var float AITimeout;
var bool bDisableAIAttackRangeChecks;
var bool bDisableSteering;
/** If TRUE, disables turning in place animations & code. Pawn will always face his rotation. */
var const bool bDisableTurnInPlace;
/** If set to anything above 0, scales the turn in place anim rate by its value */
var const float CustomTurnInPlaceAnimRate;
var const bool bDisablePhysics;
/** If TRUE, disables physics adjustments on the clients. Where drastic velocity changes are needed, this can help with rubberbanding */
var const bool bServerOnlyPhysics;
var bool bAllowFireAnims;
var bool bShouldDeferToPostTick;
var AICommand_PushedBySM AICommand;
/** Default AICommand to push on AI when SpecialMove starts */
var class<AICommand_PushedBySM> DefaultAICommandClass;
/** Affect pawn owner movement speed */
virtual FLOAT GetMovementSpeedModifier() {return 1.f;}
/** Using cpptext since GameSpecialMove's version is a final function. */
virtual void ForcePawnRotation( APawn* P, FRotator NewRotation,UBOOL bIgnoreHumanController=FALSE );
* Functions
/** Uses traceflags identical to pawn moves, checks to see if the path is clear for pawns to move through */
native static function bool IsPawnPathClear( Actor TraceInstigator, Pawn TraceToPawn, vector TraceEnd, vector TraceStart, optional vector TraceExtent, optional bool bIgnorePawns, optional bool bTraceComplex );
/** Generic PackFlags to be implemented by subclasses. (see also PackSMFlags for advanced moves) */
static function byte PackFlagsBase(KFPawn P);
/** Overridden to lock desired rotation (see GOW3) */
//native function ForcePawnRotation(Pawn P, Rotator NewRotation);
function bool NotifyBump(Actor Other, vector HitNormal);
/** Called when the interaction pawn is updated after the special move has started */
function InteractionPawnUpdated();
/** Called on some player-controlled moves when a firemode input has been pressed */
function SpecialMoveButtonRetriggered();
/** Called on some player-controlled moves when a firemode input has been released */
function SpecialMoveButtonReleased();
* Checks to see if this Special Move can be done.
protected function bool InternalCanDoSpecialMove()
return (PawnOwner.Physics != PHYS_RigidBody);
function InitSpecialMove( Pawn InPawn, Name InHandle )
PawnOwner = InPawn;
KFPOwner = KFPawn(InPawn);
if ( PawnOwner.Controller != none )
PCOwner = KFPlayerController(PawnOwner.Controller);
if( PCOwner == none )
AIOwner = KFAIController(PawnOwner.Controller);
bPendingStopFire = false;
function SpecialMoveStarted( bool bForced, Name PrevMove )
local AICommand AIOwnerActiveCommand;
local KFWeapon KFW;
// Make sure we're taken out of ironsights
if( PCOwner != none && KFPOwner.Weapon != none )
KFW = KFWeapon( KFPOwner.Weapon );
if( KFW != none )
KFW.SetIronSights( false );
SMIndex = KFPOwner.SpecialMove;
// Push AICommand if it is defined.
if( AIOwner != None )
if( DefaultAICommandClass != None && AIOwner.MyKFPawn != None )
AIOwnerActiveCommand == AICommand(AIOwner.GetActiveCommand());
if(( AIOwnerActiveCommand == none || AIOwnerActiveCommand.AllowPushOfDefaultCommandForSpecialMove(KFPOwner.SpecialMove)))
AICommand = DefaultAICommandClass.static.PushSpecialMoveCommand(AIOwner);
AIOwner.NotifySpecialMoveStarted( self );
if( PCOwner != None )
if( bDisableLook )
// Set camera offset
if( bUseCustomThirdPersonViewOffset && PCOwner.PlayerCamera != none && PCOwner.PlayerCamera.CameraStyle == 'ThirdPerson' )
KFThirdPersonCamera(KFPlayerCamera(PCOwner.PlayerCamera).ThirdPersonCam).SetViewOffset( CustomThirdPersonViewOffset, true, ViewOffsetInterpTime );
// Set camera FOV
if( CustomCameraFOV > 0.f )
PCOwner.HandleTransitionFOV( CustomCameraFOV, CameraFOVTransitionTime );
bRestoredCameraDefaults = false;
if( bDisableWeaponInteraction && KFPOwner.Weapon != none && KFWeapon(KFPOwner.Weapon) != none )
if( bDisableTurnInPlace )
KFPOwner.bDisableTurnInPlace = TRUE;
if( bDisableMovement )
// If Pawn rotation should be locked, make sure it is.
if( bLockPawnRotation )
if( bDisablePhysics )
if (PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority || PawnOwner.IsLocallyControlled())
if( bUseCustomRotationRate )
PawnOwner.RotationRate = CustomRotationRate;
if( CustomTurnInPlaceAnimRate > 0.f )
KFPOwner.TurnInPlaceAnimRate = CustomTurnInPlaceAnimRate;
function SpecialMoveEnded(Name PrevMove, Name NextMove)
// Clear pending stop fire flag
bPendingStopFire = false;
// Clear timers.
PawnOwner.ClearTimer(nameof(AbortSpecialMove), Self);
// AI set special move command.
if( AIOwner != None && DefaultAICommandClass != None && AICommand != None )
if( AIOwner.GetActiveCommand() == AICommand )
AICommand.Status = 'Success';
// Clear reference.
AICommand = None;
if( PCOwner != None )
if( bDisableLook )
if( KFPOwner != none )
KFPOwner.NotifySpecialMoveEnded( self, SMIndex );
if( bUseCustomRotationRate )
KFPOwner.RotationRate = KFPOwner.default.RotationRate;
if( KFPOwner.TurnInPlaceAnimRate != KFPOwner.default.TurnInPlaceAnimRate )
KFPOwner.TurnInPlaceAnimRate = KFPOwner.default.TurnInPlaceAnimRate;
if( bDisableTurnInPlace )
KFPOwner.bDisableTurnInPlace = KFPOwner.default.bDisableTurnInPlace;
if( bDisableWeaponInteraction && KFPOwner.Weapon != none && KFWeapon(KFPOwner.Weapon) != none )
// If we are in a state that should have left us wandering, begin wandering at the end of this move
if( bCanOnlyWanderAtEnd && KFPOwner != none )
if( AIOwner != none && KFPOwner.IsHeadless() )
else if(KFPOwner.ShouldBeWandering())
if ( bDisablePhysics && (PawnOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority || PawnOwner.IsLocallyControlled()) )
// If movement was disabled, toggle it back on
if( bMovementDisabled )
if (AIOwner != none)
AISpecialOwner = none;
// If Pawn rotation was locked in default properties, unlock it.
// Otherwise we're in manual mode, so let the special subclass handle everything.
if( bPawnRotationLocked )
// Disable end of animation notification, so it doesn't interfere with future special moves
// using that same animation channel.
if ( ActiveSlotNode != None )
ActiveSlotNode.SetActorAnimEndNotification( FALSE );
ActiveSlotNode = None;
/** Restores camera to its previous values */
function RestoreCameraDefaults()
if( bRestoredCameraDefaults || PCOwner == none )
if( bUseCustomThirdPersonViewOffset && PCOwner.PlayerCamera != none && PCOwner.PlayerCamera.CameraStyle == 'ThirdPerson' )
if( KFPawn_Monster(KFPOwner) != none )
KFThirdPersonCamera(KFPlayerCamera(PCOwner.PlayerCamera).ThirdPersonCam).SetViewOffset( KFPawn_Monster(KFPOwner).ThirdPersonViewOffset, true, ViewOffsetInterpTime );
// Return camera fov to default
if( CustomCameraFOV > 0.f )
PCOwner.HandleTransitionFOV( PCOwner.DefaultFOV, CameraFOVTransitionTime );
bRestoredCameraDefaults = true;
/** Locks or Unlocks Pawn movement */
final function SetMovementLock(bool bEnable)
if( bMovementDisabled != bEnable )
bMovementDisabled = bEnable;
if (PCOwner != None)
// we might be in between the input reading and PlayerMove(), so we need to zero the inputs
// to make sure a stray tick of motion doesn't get in
if (PCOwner.PlayerInput != None)
PCOwner.PlayerInput.aForward = 0.f;
PCOwner.PlayerInput.aStrafe = 0.f;
PCOwner.PlayerInput.aUp = 0.f;
else if( AIOwner != none )
AIOwner.bPreparingMove = bEnable;
// Set acceleration to zero
if( bEnable )
PawnOwner.Acceleration = Vect(0,0,0);
* Can be overridden to modify sprint speed when the move is running. Must be implemented in subclasses (see KFSM_Block)!
* Network: SERVER
function float GetSprintSpeedModifier()
return 1.0f;
function EnableRootMotion()
// Turn on root motion on animation node
KFPOwner.BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody].SetRootBoneAxisOption( RBA_Translate, RBA_Translate, RBA_Translate );
// Turn on Root motion on mesh.
KFPOwner.Mesh.RootMotionMode = SMRootMotionMode;
function DisableRootMotion()
// Restore default root motion mode
KFPOwner.Mesh.RootMotionMode = PawnOwner.Mesh.default.RootMotionMode;
// Turn off Root motion on animation node
KFPOwner.BodyStanceNodes[EAS_FullBody].SetRootBoneAxisOption(RBA_Discard, RBA_Discard, RBA_Discard);
/** Overridden to restrict movement when on the ground */
function Tick( float DeltaTime )
super.Tick( DeltaTime );
if( bMovementDisabled && KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.Role == ROLE_Authority && KFPOwner.Physics == PHYS_Walking )
KFPOwner.Velocity.X = 0.f;
KFPOwner.Velocity.Y = 0.f;
KFPOwner.Acceleration = vect(0,0,0);
* Locks or UnLocks Pawn rotation.
* When Pawn rotation is locked, Pawn will stop rotating to match the controller's Yaw.
final function SetLockPawnRotation(bool bLock)
if( bPawnRotationLocked != bLock )
bPawnRotationLocked = bLock;
// If we were locked, then interpolate back to new (unlocked) rotation
if( !bLock )
/** Allows special moves to alter view rotation */
function ProcessViewRotation( float DeltaTime, out rotator out_ViewRotation, out Rotator out_DeltaRot );
/** Play a CameraAnim */
function CameraAnimInst PlayCameraAnim
Pawn PawnToPlay,
CameraAnim InCameraAnim,
optional float Rate=1.f,
optional float Scale=1.f,
optional float BlendInTime,
optional float BlendOutTime,
optional bool bLoop,
optional bool bRandomStartTime,
optional float Duration,
optional bool bSingleInstance,
optional bool bSkipSpaceCheck
local KFPlayerController KFPC;
KFPC = KFPlayerController(PawnToPlay.Controller);
// Only play camera animations on local human players
if (KFPC == None || !PawnToPlay.IsLocallyControlled() || KFPC.PlayerCamera == None || InCameraAnim == None)
return None;
if (!bSkipSpaceCheck && !KFPC.CameraAnimHasEnoughSpace(InCameraAnim, Scale))
`log("PlayCameraAnim failed CameraAnimHasEnoughSpace:" @ KFPC.CameraAnimHasEnoughSpace(InCameraAnim, Scale));
return None;
if (PawnOwner != None && PawnOwner.WorldInfo.GRI.bMatchIsOver)
return None;
// Play camera animation
return KFPC.PlayerCamera.PlayCameraAnim(InCameraAnim, Rate, Scale, BlendInTime, BlendOutTime, bLoop, bRandomStartTime, Duration, bSingleInstance);
/* Play a custom animation by name */
simulated function float PlaySpecialMoveAnim( name AnimName,
EAnimSlotStance AnimStance,
optional float BlendInTime=0.2f,
optional float BlendOutTime=0.2f,
optional float Rate=1.f,
optional bool bLooping )
local float Duration;
`log("PlaySpecialMoveAnim '"$AnimName$"' on"@KFPOwner@" SM="$self, KFPOwner.bLogCustomAnim);
Duration = KFPOwner.PlayBodyAnim(AnimName, AnimStance, Rate, BlendInTime, BlendOutTime, bLooping);
// Make sure animation is valid (otherwise this move could break)
if ( Duration <= 0 && KFPOwner.IsDoingSpecialMove() )
// Failed to play animation, fall back to just setting a timer to exit the special move.
`warn("Failed to play" @ AnimName @ "on special move" @ Self @ "on Pawn" @ PawnOwner);
PawnOwner.SetTimer(0.25f, FALSE, nameof(AbortSpecialMove), Self);
return 0;
// Enable OnAnimEnd notification (auto-reset by the slot node)
if ( !bLooping )
ActiveSlotNode = KFPOwner.BodyStanceNodes[AnimStance];
ActiveSlotNode.SetActorAnimEndNotification( TRUE );
return Duration;
/** Timer used to exist gracefully if something has gone wrong */
function AbortSpecialMove()
* Notification called when body stance animation finished playing.
* @param SeqNode - Node that finished playing. You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode->SkelComponent
* @param PlayedTime - Time played on this animation. (play rate independant).
* @param ExcessTime - how much time overlapped beyond end of animation. (play rate independant).
function AnimEndNotify(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime)
// By default end this special move.
* This is a callback function that will be kicked off from KFPawn.uc OnAnimEnd. Some animations cause
* physics to happen when they end so we defer certain end animations till post tick.
function DeferOnAnimEnd()
if( KFPOwner.SpecialMoves[KFPOwner.SpecialMove] == self)
AnimEndNotify(None, 0, 0);
/** Called from KFPawn::OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned() */
function OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned( const AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData, ParticleSystemComponent PSC );
* Gameplay notications/hooks
/** Called by owning AI Command when AI behavior decides to stop this attack */
function AbortedByAICommand();
/** Notification from the pawn that damage was taken during move */
function NotifyOwnerTakeHit(class<KFDamageType> DamageType, vector HitLoc, vector HitDir, Controller InstigatedBy);
/** Notification from the pawn that a medium (aka gun) or heavy (aka melee) affliction has been activated */
function NotifyHitReactionInterrupt();
/** Called when owning pawn has damage parried during this move */
function bool CanInterruptWithParry();
/** Called when owner swaps to gore mesh during this move */
function OnGoreMeshSwap();
/** Server notification that the pawn has been EMP disrupted */
function OnEMPDisrupted()
if( KFPOwner != none && KFPOwner.IsHumanControlled() )
/** Used for changing attack target (non claimable, switch to other enemy) */
event ModifyInteractionPawn(out KFPawn OtherPawn);
/** Allows special moves to control the crosshair */
function bool CanDrawCrosshair() { return true; }
/** Allows special move to alter aim rotation */
function bool GetSMAimRotation( out rotator AimRot );
// Camera view offset/FOV