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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
// AICommand_SpecialMove
// Base AICommand for KFSpecialMove state-related AI handling (based on GOW2-3)
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class AICommand_SpecialMove extends AICommand
within KFAIController
/** Special move this command is monitoring */
var ESpecialMove SpecialMove;
/** Starting state override - default is 'Command_SpecialMove' */
var name DefaultStartState;
/** Time after special move is complete that command should terminate */
var float TerminationTime;
/** Whether we should check if the special move is valid (CanDoSpecialMove()) */
var bool bShouldCheckSpecialMove;
/** Should update Pawn's anchor when starting a special move */
var bool bUpdateStartAnchor;
/** Should update Pawn's anchor when popping after a successful special move */
var bool bUpdateAnchorOnSuccess;
/** Time in seconds we should wait before considering this special move as timed out **/
var float TimeOutDelaySeconds;
/** Time we should sleep if the special move fails */
var float FailureSleepTimeSeconds;
/** Destination special move should end at */
var vector EndDest;
/** Command will forcibly attempt to begin SpecialMove even if it's not considered to be ready
after this duration */
var float FailSafeReadyTime;
/** If true, command will attempt to begin the special move even if it's not considered to be ready */
var bool bForceReady;
var int MaxExecuteSMAttemptsBeforeAbort;
var int ExecuteSMCount;
var bool bWaitForLanding;
var object Observer;
* Push/Pause/Pop
********************************************************************************************* */
function Pushed()
`AILog( self$" Pushed", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
if( DefaultStartState != '' )
GotoState( DefaultStartState );
function Resumed( Name OldCommandName )
`AILog( self$" Resumed, previous command: "$OldCommandName, 'Command_SpecialMove' );
ExecuteSMCount = 0;
Super.Resumed( OldCommandName );
function Paused( GameAICommand NewCommand )
`AILog( self$" Paused by command "$NewCommand, 'Command_SpecialMove' );
Super.Paused( NewCommand );
function Popped()
local int Idx;
local NavigationPoint NewAnchor;
`AILog( "Popped()", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
if( bUpdateAnchorOnSuccess )
// If successful
if( Status == 'Success' )
NewAnchor = GetUpdatedAnchor();
if( NewAnchor != None )
// Update pawn's anchor
Pawn.SetAnchor( NewAnchor );
// Remove anything in the route cache up to our new movetarget
Idx = RouteCache.Find( NewAnchor );
if( Idx != INDEX_NONE )
RouteCache_RemoveIndex( 0, Idx + 1 );
function ClearTimeout()
ClearTimer( nameof(self.SpecialMoveTimeout), self );
* Pathfinding & Movement
********************************************************************************************* */
function NavigationPoint GetStartAnchor()
return None;
function NavigationPoint GetUpdatedAnchor()
return None;
function LockdownAI()
`AILog( GetFuncName(), 'Command_SpecialMove' );
bPreparingMove = true; // Don't move until move done
function UnlockAI()
`AILog( GetFuncName(), 'Command_SpecialMove' );
// Turn off flags
bPreparingMove = false;
bPreciseDestination = false;
if (Pawn!=none)
* SpecialMove events
********************************************************************************************* */
/** The SpecialMove has timed out - handle specifics in child classes */
function SpecialMoveTimeout();
/** Return the number of seconds to wait before forcibly attempting to start the special move */
function float GetFailSafeReadyTime()
return FailSafeReadyTime;
/** If the SpecialMove hasn't been started after FailSafeReadyTime seconds, this timer forces the command
to attempt to do the SpecialMove. */
function Timer_FailSafeReadyTriggered()
`AILog( self$" Failsafe triggered for special move action", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
bForceReady = true;
* Special Move & State
********************************************************************************************* */
state Command_SpecialMove `DEBUGSTATE
/** Overridden in child states */
function bool SetupSpecialMove() { return true; }
function FinishedSpecialMove();
function ESpecialMove GetSpecialMove();
function float GetPostSpecialMoveSleepTime();
function float GetPreSpecialMoveSleepTime();
function bool IsReady() { return true; }
function bool SetupMoveToEndDest();
function bool ShouldFinishRotation();
function bool ShouldFinishPostRotation();
function KFPawn GetInteractionPawn();
/** Optionally replace the Pawn's anchor navigation point */
event BeginState( Name PreviousStateName )
if( bUpdateStartAnchor )
Pawn.SetAnchor( GetStartAnchor() );
function byte GetSpecialMoveFlags( ESpecialMove InSpecialMove )
if( MyKFPawn != none && MyKFPawn.CanDoSpecialMove(InSpecialMove) )
return MyKFPawn.SpecialMoves[InSpecialMove].PackFlagsBase(MyKFPawn);
return 255;
/** Can this command be pushed by special moves? */
function bool AllowPushOfDefaultCommandForSpecialMove( ESpecialMove SM )
// if we're handling this special move, then NO!
return ( SM != GetSpecialMove() );
/** Begin executing the special move */
function bool ExecuteSpecialMove()
SpecialMove = GetSpecialMove();
`AILog( GetFuncName()$"()"@SpecialMove, 'Command_SpecialMove' );
/** Warning! if bShouldCheckSpecialMove is false and InternalCanDoSpecialMove returns false, the special move will begin!
This is old code, so I'm not changing it for the moment. @TODO: FIX! */
if( SpecialMove != SM_None && (!bShouldCheckSpecialMove || MyKFPawn.CanDoSpecialMove( SpecialMove )) )
MyKFPawn.DoSpecialMove(SpecialMove, true, GetInteractionPawn(), GetSpecialMoveFlags(SpecialMove));
AIActionStatus = "SpecialMove: "$MyKFPawn.SpecialMoves[SpecialMove];
return true;
return false;
/** Checks circumstances in which to consider special move completed */
function bool IsSpecialMoveComplete()
if( !bPreparingMove || MyKFPawn == None || MyKFPawn.SpecialMove == SM_None )
return true;
return false;
/** Special move has timed out, fail the command and end it */
function SpecialMoveTimeout()
`AILog( GetFuncName()$" Special move timed out - failing and aborting", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
if( MyKFPawn.SpecialMove == SpecialMove )
UpdateHistoryString( "[F] SM TimedOut" );
Status = 'Failure';
AbortCommand( self );
/** Notification that special move execution failed */
function OnFailedToDoSpecialMove()
`AILog( self$" Failed to do special move", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
UpdateHistoryString( "[F] SM Aborted" );
`AILog( self$" --"@GetStateName()$":"$class@"-- BEGIN LABEL", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
if( bWaitForLanding && MyKFPawn.Physics == PHYS_Falling )
/** Don't execute any more state code until I've landed */
if( !SetupSpecialMove() )
`AILog( self$" Setup Special Move failed", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
Goto( 'Abort' );
if( ShouldFinishRotation() && !Pawn.ReachedDesiredRotation() )
/** Rotate to desired rotation (optional) and don't execute more state code until finished */
/** Handle optional delay prior to starting special move and don't execute more state code until the delay is over */
if( GetPreSpecialMoveSleepTime() > 0 )
Sleep( GetPreSpecialMoveSleepTime() );
/** Optionally wait until IsReady() returns true (it does by default) */
bForceReady = false;
SetTimer( GetFailSafeReadyTime(), false, nameof(Timer_FailSafeReadyTriggered), self );
while( !IsReady() && !bForceReady )
`AILog( self$" Waiting for ready", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
ClearTimer( nameof(Timer_FailSafeReadyTriggered), self );
/** Try to start the special move */
if( ExecuteSpecialMove() )
/** Handle optional timeout in case the special move takes too long, gets stuck, etc. */
SetTimer( TimeOutDelaySeconds, false, nameof(self.SpecialMoveTimeOut), self );
/** Check to see if special move is finished every 0.1 seconds */
`AILog( self$" Waiting for SM to end TimeOutDelaySeconds: "$TimeoutDelaySeconds, 'Command_SpecialMove' );
Sleep( 0.1f );
} until( IsSpecialMoveComplete() );
/** Optionally wait until finished rotating after special move is done */
if( ShouldFinishPostRotation() )
/** Haven't used this, but not ruling it out - optional move after special move is done */
if( SetupMoveToEndDest() )
/** Latent move to EndDest, won't execute more state code until move is complete/interrupted/fails */
MoveTo( EndDest );
UpdateHistoryString( "SM Ended at "$WorldInfo.TimeSeconds );
/** Handle optional delay after special move is completed */
TerminationTime = WorldInfo.TimeSeconds + GetPostSpecialMoveSleepTime();
while( TerminationTime > WorldInfo.TimeSeconds )
Sleep( 0.1f );
/** Done! */
Status = 'Success';
/** Handle optional retries after a failure */
else if( MaxExecuteSMAttemptsBeforeAbort > 0 && MaxExecuteSMAttemptsBeforeAbort >= ExecuteSMCount )
Sleep( 0.1f );
Goto( 'Begin' );
`AILog( "Abort label", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
Status = 'Failure';
/** Handle optional delay after failure, won't execute more state code until delay is finished */
Sleep( FailureSleepTimeSeconds );
/** Exit the command */
`AILog( "Calling PopCommand() at bottom of state code", 'Command_SpecialMove' );
PopCommand( self );