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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
// AICommand_SM_Attack
// Base AICommand for NPC attack commands linked to special moves
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class AICommand_SM_Attack extends AICommand_SpecialMove
within KFAIController
/** Special move type to use for this attack */
var ESpecialMove AttackSpecialMove;
/** If none, NPC's enemy will be used. Allows using temporary non-pawn targets, such as doors */
var actor AttackTarget;
/** Pop this command when attack is finished - don't repeat the attack from within this command. */
var bool bSingleAttack;
/** Extra latent time slept through when special move has completed */
var float PostSpecialMoveSleepTime;
/** Extra latent time slept through when special move has been aborted (in case extra time is needed for blending)
* PostSpecialMoveSleepTime will be used if this value is 0 */
var float PostSpecialMoveAbortedSleepTime;
/** Can this attack be aborted? */
var bool bCanBeAborted;
/** Set to true if attack aborted, since command does not end immediately when interrupted */
var bool bAttackAborted;
/** Time that has passed since command started, used to determine if enough time has passed
* to allow the attack to be interrupted */
var protected float TimePlayed;
/** Prevent NPC movement during this attack? */
var bool bLockDownAI;
/** Zero pawn's acceleration when this command is popped */
var bool bZeroPawnAccelWhenPopped;
/** Set when getting a valid attack anim from animgroup, and passed on to associated special move */
var byte SMFlags;
var bool bFinishRotationBeforeAttack;
* Initialization/Resume/Pause
function Pushed()
if( bLockDownAI )
// Prevent latent AI movement (bPreparing move is set to true, etc.)
// Disable incoming "in attack range" events
// Do attack immediately
GotoState( DefaultStartState );
/** Attack paused - currently, this should not happen! */
function Paused( GameAICommand NewCommand )
//`warn( "Warning! Paused() for "$self$" - paused by "$NewCommand );
Super( AICommand ).Paused( NewCommand );
function Popped()
// Turn off "in range" notifications for new attacks
if( !Outer.bHasDebugCommand )
if( bLockDownAI )
if( bZeroPawnAccelWhenPopped && MyKFPawn != none )
MyKFPawn.Acceleration = vect(0,0,0);
* Action Transitions
function bool AllowTransitionTo( class<GameAICommand> AttemptCommand )
`AILog( self$" AllowTransitionTo: "$AttemptCommand$" called", 'Command_Attack' );
// Let the child command, if any, make the decision
if( ChildCommand != none )
return ChildCommand.AllowTransitionTo( AttemptCommand );
return IsSpecialMoveComplete();
* Timers
function bool ShouldSelectTarget()
`AILog( self$" "$GetFuncName()$"() returning false", 'Command_Attack' );
return false;
function bool ShouldIgnoreTimeTransitions()
`AILog( GetFuncName()$" returning TRUE - ignoring time transitions", 'Command_Attack' );
return true;
* Default state related code
function ESpecialMove GetSpecialMove()
return AttackSpecialMove;
/** Return true if it's outside the Command_SpecialMove state */
function bool IsSpecialMoveComplete()
return true;
state Command_SpecialMove
function BeginState( Name PreviousStateName )
Super.BeginState( PreviousStateName );
if( !bHasDebugCommand )
// Rotate to AttackTarget
if( AttackTarget != None && AttackTarget != Pawn )
Focus = AttackTarget;
SetDesiredRotation( Rotator(AttackTarget.Location - Pawn.Location) );
else if( Enemy != none )
Focus = Enemy;
// Reset time played in case this isn't a single attack
TimePlayed = 0.f;
function bool ShouldFinishRotation()
return bFinishRotationBeforeAttack;
function ESpecialMove GetSpecialMove()
return AttackSpecialMove;
/** Delay between time special move finishes and AICommand is popped */
function float GetPostSpecialMoveSleepTime()
// In case extra blend out time is needed if attack special move was aborted
if( bAttackAborted )
return PostSpecialMoveAbortedSleepTime;
return PostSpecialMoveSleepTime;
function bool IsSpecialMoveComplete()
if( MyKFPawn == none || !MyKFPawn.IsAliveAndWell() || !MyKFPawn.IsDoingSpecialMove( GetSpecialMove() ) )
return true;
return Super.IsSpecialMoveComplete();
function FinishedSpecialMove()
Status = 'Success';