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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class DecalComponent extends PrimitiveComponent
/** Decal material. */
var(Decal) private{private} const MaterialInterface DecalMaterial;
/** Decal world space width. */
var(Decal) float Width;
/** Decal world space height. */
var(Decal) float Height;
/** Decal tiling along the tangent. */
var(Decal) float TileX;
/** Decal tiling along the binormal. */
var(Decal) float TileY;
/** Decal offset along the tangent. */
var(Decal) float OffsetX;
/** Decal offset along the binormal. */
var(Decal) float OffsetY;
/** Decal in-plane rotation, in degrees. */
var(Decal) float DecalRotation;
/** Horizontal field of view. */
var float FieldOfView;
/** Near plane clip distance. */
var(Decal) float NearPlane;
/** Far plane clip distance. */
var(Decal) float FarPlane;
/** Decal's frustum location, set in code or copied from DecalActor in UnrealEd. */
var transient vector Location;
/** Decal's frustum orientation, set in code or copied from DecalActor in UnrealEd. */
var transient rotator Orientation;
/** Decal's impact location, as computed by eg weapon trace. */
var vector HitLocation;
/** Decal's impact normal, as computed by eg weapon trace.*/
var vector HitNormal;
/** Decal's impact tangent, as computed by eg weapon trace.*/
var vector HitTangent;
/** Decal's impact binormal, as computed by eg weapon trace.*/
var vector HitBinormal;
* If FALSE (the default), use precise clipping to compute the decal geometry.
* If TRUE, decal geometry generation is faster, but the decal material will have
* to use clamped texture coordinates.
var(Decal) bool bNoClip;
* TRUE for decals created in the editor, FALSE for decals created at runtime.
var const bool bStaticDecal;
* If non-NULL, consider HitComponent only when computing receivers.
var transient PrimitiveComponent HitComponent;
* The name of hit bone.
var transient name HitBone;
/** If not -1, specifies the index of the BSP node that was hit. */
var transient int HitNodeIndex;
/** If not -1, specifies the level into the world's level array of the BSP node that was hit. */
var transient int HitLevelIndex;
/** If not -1, specifies the index of the FracturedStaticMeshComponent we hit */
var transient int FracturedStaticMeshComponentIndex;
/** Used to pass information of which BSP nodes where hit */
var private const transient array<int> HitNodeIndices;
* A decal receiver and its associated render data.
struct native DecalReceiver
var const PrimitiveComponent Component;
var native const pointer RenderData{class FDecalRenderData};
/** List of receivers to which this decal is attached. */
var private noimport duplicatetransient const array<DecalReceiver> DecalReceivers;
/** List of receivers for static decals. Empty if the decal has bStaticDecal=FALSE.*/
var native private noimport transient duplicatetransient const array<pointer> StaticReceivers{class FStaticReceiverData};
/** Command fence used to shut down properly. */
var native const transient duplicatetransient pointer ReleaseResourcesFence{FRenderCommandFence};
/** Ortho planes. */
var private transient array<Plane> Planes;
var(DecalRender) float DepthBias;
var(DecalRender) float SlopeScaleDepthBias;
//@zombie_ps4_begin - TODO - Orbis has a different depth bias. We need a cleaner solution for this.
var(DecalRender) float OrbisDepthBias;
var(DecalRender) float OrbisSlopeScaleDepthBias;
/** Controls the order in which decal elements are rendered. Higher values draw later (on top). */
var(DecalRender) int SortOrder;
/** Dot product of the minimum angle that surfaces can make with the decal normal to be considered backfacing. */
var(DecalRender) float BackfaceAngle;
/** Start/End blend range specified as an angle in degrees. Controls where to start blending out the decal on a surface */
var(DecalRender) Vector2D BlendRange;
* Allows artists to adjust the distance where textures using UV 0 are streamed in/out.
* 1.0 is the default, whereas a higher value increases the streamed-in resolution.
var(DecalRender) const float StreamingDistanceMultiplier;
enum EDecalTransform
/** Location/Orientation are obtained from the owning actor's absolute world coordinates */
/** Location/Orientation are transformed relative to the owning actor's coordinates */
/** Location/Orientation are relative to the original spawn point in world coordinates */
/** Determines how the Location/Orientation of the decal are used */
var const EDecalTransform DecalTransform;
* Specifies how the decal application filter should be interpreted.
enum EFilterMode
/** Filter is ignored. */
/** Filter specifies list of components to ignore. */
/** Filter specifies list of components to affect.*/
/** Current filter application mode. */
var(DecalFilter) EFilterMode FilterMode;
/** Component filter. */
var(DecalFilter) array<Actor> Filter;
/** @hack: Gears hack to avoid an octree look-up for level-placed decals. To be replaced with receiver serialization after ship.*/
var(DecalFilter) array<PrimitiveComponent> ReceiverImages;
/** If FALSE (the default), don't project decal onto back-facing polygons. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnBackfaces;
/** If FALSE (the default), don't project decal onto hidden receivers. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnHidden;
/** If FALSE, don't project decal onto BSP. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnBSP;
/** If FALSE, don't project decal onto static meshes. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnStaticMeshes;
/** If FALSE, don't project decal onto skeletal meshes. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnSkeletalMeshes;
/** If FALSE, don't project decal onto terrain. */
var(DecalFilter) bool bProjectOnTerrain;
/** If TRUE, invert the direction considered to be backfacing receiver triangles. Set e.g. when decal actors are mirrored. */
var bool bFlipBackfaceDirection;
/** If TRUE, then the decal will recompute its receivers whenever its transform is updated. Allowing for dynamic movable decals */
var bool bMovableDecal;
/** If TRUE, it will recalculate the parent relative transform every tick.
var bool bTickParentRelativeTransform;
/** TRUE if the decal has already been attached once. Allows for static decals to be reattached */
var private transient bool bHasBeenAttached;
/** Decal location relative to parent transform used with DecalTransform_OwnerRelative mode */
var(DecalRender) vector ParentRelativeLocation;
/** Decal orientation vector relative to parent transform used with DecalTransform_OwnerRelative mode */
var(DecalRender) rotator ParentRelativeOrientation;
/** Decal location/orientation relative to parent transform when first attached */
var const private transient matrix ParentRelLocRotMatrix;
* So for some DecalComponents (usually residing in GamePlay objects) we set the DecalMaterial from an Archetype or some other default property.
* For those decals we do not want to MapCheckForErrors on them.
var() bool bDecalMaterialSetAtRunTime;
/** detaches the component and resets the component's properties to the values of its template */
native final function ResetToDefaults();
/** setting decal material on decal component. This will force the decal to reattach */
native final function SetDecalMaterial(MaterialInterface NewDecalMaterial);
/** Accessor for decal material */
native final function MaterialInterface GetDecalMaterial() const;
/** Needed for proper synchronization of pooled decals */
native final function bool IsWaitingForResetToDefaultsToComplete();
* Builds orthogonal planes from HitLocation, HitNormal, Width, Height and Depth.
void UpdateOrthoPlanes();
* @return TRUE if the decal is enabled as specified in GEngine, FALSE otherwise.
UBOOL IsEnabled() const;
* If the decal is non-static, allocates a sort key and, if the decal is lit, a random
* depth bias to the decal.
void AllocateSortKey();
* Fills in the specified vertex list with the local-space decal frustum vertices.
void GenerateDecalFrustumVerts(FVector Verts[8]) const;
* Fills in the specified decal state object with this decal's state.
void CaptureDecalState(class FDecalState* DecalState) const;
void AttachReceiver(UPrimitiveComponent* Receiver);
* Updates ortho planes, computes the receiver set, and connects to a decal manager.
void ComputeReceivers();
* Attaches the decal to static receivers, according to the data stored in StaticReceivers.
void AttachToStaticReceivers();
* Disconnects the decal from its manager and detaches receivers.
void DetachFromReceivers();
* Disconnects the decal from its manager and detaches receivers matching the given primitive component.
* This will also release the resources associated with the receiver component.
* @param Receiver The receiving primitive to detach decal render data for
void DetachFromReceiver(UPrimitiveComponent* Receiver);
* @return TRUE if the application filter passes the specified component, FALSE otherwise.
UBOOL FilterComponent(UPrimitiveComponent* Component) const;
* Frees any StaticReceivers data.
void FreeStaticReceivers();
// PrimitiveComponent interface.
* Sets the component's bounds based on the vertices of the decal frustum.
virtual void UpdateBounds();
* Enumerates the streaming textures used by the primitive.
* @param OutStreamingTextures - Upon return, contains a list of the streaming textures used by the primitive.
virtual void GetStreamingTextureInfo(TArray<FStreamingTexturePrimitiveInfo>& OutStreamingTextures) const;
* Retrieves the materials used in this component
* @param OutMaterials The list of used materials.
virtual void GetUsedMaterials( TArray<UMaterialInterface*>& OutMaterials ) const;
* Creates a FPrimitiveSceneProxy proxy to implement debug rendering of the decal in the rendering thread.
* @return A heap-allocated proxy rendering object corresponding to this decal component.
virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy();
* @return TRUE if both IsEnabled() and Super::IsValidComponent() return TRUE.
virtual UBOOL IsValidComponent() const;
* Determines whether the proxy for this primitive type needs to be recreated whenever the primitive moves.
* @return TRUE to recreate the proxy when UpdateTransform is called.
virtual UBOOL ShouldRecreateProxyOnUpdateTransform() const;
* convert interval specified in degrees to clamped dot product range
* @return min,max range of blending decal
virtual FVector2D CalcDecalDotProductBlendRange() const;
virtual INT GetNumElements() const
return 1; // DecalMaterial
virtual UMaterialInterface* GetElementMaterial(INT ElementIndex) const
return (ElementIndex == 0) ? DecalMaterial : NULL;
virtual void SetElementMaterial(INT ElementIndex, UMaterialInterface* InMaterial)
if (ElementIndex == 0)
/** EditorLinkSelectionInterface */
virtual UBOOL LinkSelection(USelection* SelectedActors);
virtual UBOOL UnLinkSelection(USelection* SelectedActors);
// ActorComponent interface.
virtual void CheckForErrors();
// UObject interface;
virtual void BeginPlay();
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
virtual void FinishDestroy();
virtual void PreSave();
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual INT GetResourceSize(void);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void AddReferencedObjects(TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray);
void ReleaseResources(UBOOL bBlockOnRelease, UPrimitiveComponent* Receiver=NULL);
// ActorComponent interface.
virtual void Attach();
virtual void SetParentToWorld(const FMatrix& ParentToWorld);
virtual void UpdateTransform();
virtual void Detach( UBOOL bWillReattach = FALSE );
//@zombie_ps4_begin - TODO - Orbis has a different depth bias. We need a cleaner solution for this.
BackfaceAngle=0.001 // Corresponds to an angle of 89.94 degrees