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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ApexAsset.uc: Wrapper for an NxApexAsset, an APEX base class. Apex Asset
Copyright 2008-2009 NVIDIA corporation.
* This is the base class for ApexAssets
class ApexAsset extends Object
var const editinline string OriginalApexName;
var native transient const array<ApexComponentBase> ApexComponents;
var() const editinlineuse editoronly array<ApexAsset> NamedReferences;
var() const editconst editoronly string SourceFilePath;
var() const editconst editoronly string SourceFileTimestamp;
/** Display strings for the generic browser */
virtual TArray<FString> GetGenericBrowserInfo();
/** virtual method to return the number of materials used by this asset */
virtual UINT GetNumMaterials(void) const { return 0; }
/** virtual method to return a particular material by index */
virtual UMaterialInterface *GetMaterial(UINT Index) const { return 0; }
/** Returns the default ::NxParameterized::Interface describing the Actor Desc for this asset. */
virtual void * GetNxParameterized(void) { return 0; };
/** Returns a *copy* of the :NxParameterized::Interface for this asset. Caller must manually 'destroy' it.*/
virtual void * GetAssetNxParameterized(void) { return 0; };
/*** Export asset to a file, in xml/bin format.
** @param Name: The name of file name for exported asset
** @param isKeepUE3Coords: Export type, in original coords (true) or keep UE3 coords (false)
virtual UBOOL Export(const FName& Name, UBOOL isKeepUE3Coords){ return true; };
/** Re-assigns the APEX material resources by name with the current array of UE3 materials */
virtual void UpdateMaterials(void) { };
virtual void ResetNamedReferences(void);
virtual void AddNamedReference(class UApexAsset *obj);
virtual void RemoveNamedReference(class UApexAsset *obj);
virtual void NotifyApexEditMode(class ApexEditInterface *iface) { };
/** Whether the APEX asset's materials can be overridden in the actor's ApexComponent */
virtual UBOOL SupportsMaterialOverride() const { return FALSE; }
// Called when the Asset gets rebuilt (in editor only).
void OnApexAssetLost(void);
void OnApexAssetReset(void);