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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Object: The base class all objects.
// This is a built-in Unreal class and it shouldn't be modified by mod authors
class Object
// Unreal base structures.
// Temporary UnrealScript->C++ mirrors.
struct pointer
var native const int Dummy;
struct hatpointer
var native const int Dummy;
struct {QWORD} qword
var() native int A, B;
struct {DWORD} dword
var() native int A;
// UObject variables.
// Internal variables.
var native private const editconst noexport pointer VfTableObject;
var native private const editconst pointer HashNext;
var native private const editconst qword ObjectFlags; // This needs to be 8-byte aligned in 32-bit!
var native private const editconst pointer HashOuterNext;
var native private const editconst pointer StateFrame;
var native private const editconst noexport Object Linker;
var native private const editconst noexport pointer LinkerIndex;
var native private const editconst noexport int ObjectInternalInteger;
var native private const editconst noexport int NetIndex;
var native const editconst Object Outer;
var() native const editconst name Name;
var native const editconst class Class;
var() native const editconst Object ObjectArchetype;
// IMPORTANT: DO NOT ADD _ANY_ MEMBERS AFTER ObjectArchetype! Add ALL members before it, as the
// C++ code expects it to be the final member of UObject! (see UObject::InitProperties)
// Unreal base structures continued.
// An IP address.
// @igs(jtl) IPv6 compatible version of FIpAddr. If native uses IPv6, AddrA-D are the IN6_ADDR struct.
// Otherwise, the IPv4 address is in AddrD.
struct {FIpAddr} IpAddr
var int AddrA;
var int AddrB;
var int AddrC;
var int AddrD;
var int Port;
struct {DOUBLE} double
var native const int A;
var native const int B;
struct ThreadSafeCounter
var native const int Value;
struct BitArray_Mirror
var native const pointer IndirectData;
var native const int InlineData[4];
var native const int NumBits;
var native const int MaxBits;
struct SparseArray_Mirror
var native const array<int> Elements;
var native const BitArray_Mirror AllocationFlags;
var native const int FirstFreeIndex;
var native const int NumFreeIndices;
struct Set_Mirror
var native const SparseArray_Mirror Elements;
var native const int InlineHash;
var native const pointer Hash;
var native const int HashSize;
struct Map_Mirror
var native const Set_Mirror Pairs;
struct MultiMap_Mirror
var native const Set_Mirror Pairs;
struct UntypedBulkData_Mirror
var native const pointer VfTable;
var native const int BulkDataFlags;
var native const int ElementCount;
var native const int BulkDataOffsetInFile;
var native const int BulkDataSizeOnDisk;
var native const int SavedBulkDataFlags;
var native const int SavedElementCount;
var native const int SavedBulkDataOffsetInFile;
var native const int SavedBulkDataSizeOnDisk;
var native const pointer BulkData;
var native const int LockStatus;
var native const pointer AttachedAr;
var native const int bShouldFreeOnEmpty;
struct RenderCommandFence_Mirror
var native const transient int NumPendingFences;
// needs to match FColorVertexBuffer in C++
struct FColorVertexBuffer_Mirror
var native const pointer VfTable;
var native const pointer VertexData;
var private const int Data;
var private const int Stride;
var private const int NumVertices;
struct IndirectArray_Mirror
// FScriptArray
var native const pointer Data;
var native const int ArrayNum;
var native const int ArrayMax;
struct Array_Mirror
// FScriptArray
var native const pointer Data;
var native const int ArrayNum;
var native const int ArrayMax;
* Structure mirroring an array of pointers using an inline allocator.
struct InlinePointerArray_Mirror
var private const pointer InlineData;
var private const Array_Mirror SecondaryData;
// A globally unique identifier.
struct immutable Guid
var int A, B, C, D;
// A point or direction vector in 3d space.
struct immutable Vector
var() float X, Y, Z;
struct immutable Vector4
var() float X, Y, Z, W;
struct immutable Vector2D
var() float X, Y;
struct immutable TwoVectors
var() Vector v1, v2;
// A plane definition in 3d space.
struct immutable Plane extends Vector
var() float W;
// An orthogonal rotation in 3d space.
struct immutable Rotator
var() int Pitch, Yaw, Roll;
// Quaternion
struct immutable Quat
var() float X, Y, Z, W;
// A packed normal.
struct immutable PackedNormal
var() byte X, Y, Z, W;
* Screen coordinates
struct immutable IntPoint
var() int X, Y;
* A vector of spherical harmonic coefficients.
struct SHVector
// Note: The number of SH coefficients must match NUM_SH_BASIS in SHMath.h!
// The struct must also be padded to be 16-byte aligned.
var() float V[9];
var float Padding[3];
* A vector of spherical harmonic coefficients for each color component.
struct SHVectorRGB
var() SHVector R;
var() SHVector G;
var() SHVector B;
* Point Of View type.
struct TPOV
/** Location */
var() Vector Location;
/** Rotation */
var() Rotator Rotation;
/** FOV angle */
var() float FOV;
/** Various ways to interpolate TAlphaBlend. */
enum AlphaBlendType
/** Structure to encompass Alpha Interpolation. */
struct TAlphaBlend
/** Internal Lerped value for Alpha */
var const FLOAT AlphaIn;
/** Resulting Alpha value, between 0.f and 1.f */
var const FLOAT AlphaOut;
/** Target to reach */
var() FLOAT AlphaTarget;
/** Default blend time */
var() FLOAT BlendTime;
/** Time left to reach target */
var const FLOAT BlendTimeToGo;
/** Type of blending used (Linear, Cubic, etc.) */
var() AlphaBlendType BlendType;
// Generic axis enum.
enum EAxis
AXIS_NONE, // = 0
AXIS_X, // = 1
AXIS_Y, // = 2
AXIS_BLANK, // = 3. Need this because AXIS enum is used as bitfield in C++...
AXIS_Z // 4
enum EInputEvent
enum EAspectRatioAxisConstraint
// A color.
struct immutable Color
var() byte B, G, R, A;
// A linear color.
struct immutable LinearColor
var() float R, G, B, A;
// A bounding box.
struct immutable Box
var() vector Min, Max;
var byte IsValid;
// A bounding box and bounding sphere with the same origin.
struct BoxSphereBounds
var() vector Origin;
var() vector BoxExtent;
var() float SphereRadius;
// a 4x4 matrix
struct immutable Matrix
var() Plane XPlane;
var() Plane YPlane;
var() Plane ZPlane;
var() Plane WPlane;
struct Cylinder
var float Radius, Height;
// Interpolation data types.
enum EInterpCurveMode
// Interpolation data types.
enum EInterpMethodType
struct InterpCurvePointFloat
var() float InVal;
var() float OutVal;
var() float ArriveTangent;
var() float LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveFloat
var() array<InterpCurvePointFloat> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
struct InterpCurvePointVector2D
var() float InVal;
var() vector2d OutVal;
var() vector2d ArriveTangent;
var() vector2d LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveVector2D
var() array<InterpCurvePointVector2D> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
struct InterpCurvePointVector
var() float InVal;
var() vector OutVal;
var() vector ArriveTangent;
var() vector LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveVector
var() array<InterpCurvePointVector> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
struct InterpCurvePointTwoVectors
var() float InVal;
var() twovectors OutVal;
var() twovectors ArriveTangent;
var() twovectors LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveTwoVectors
var() array<InterpCurvePointTwoVectors> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
struct InterpCurvePointQuat
var() float InVal;
var() quat OutVal;
var() quat ArriveTangent;
var() quat LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveQuat
var() array<InterpCurvePointQuat> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
struct InterpCurvePointLinearColor
var() float InVal;
var() linearcolor OutVal;
var() linearcolor ArriveTangent;
var() linearcolor LeaveTangent;
var() EInterpCurveMode InterpMode;
struct InterpCurveLinearColor
var() array<InterpCurvePointLinearColor> Points;
var EInterpMethodType InterpMethod;
// Base class for raw (baked out) Distribution type
struct RawDistribution
var byte Type;
var byte Op;
var byte LookupTableNumElements;
var byte LookupTableChunkSize;
var array<float> LookupTable;
var float LookupTableTimeScale;
var float LookupTableStartTime;
/** A fence used to track rendering thread command execution. */
struct RenderCommandFence
var private native const int NumPendingFences;
/** Mirror for FElementId used in generic Octree */
struct OctreeElementId
var private native const pointer Node;
var private native const int ElementIndex;
/** Bone Atom definition */
struct BoneAtom
var quat Rotation;
var vector Translation;
var float Scale;
// Constants.
const MaxInt = 0x7fffffff;
const Pi = 3.1415926535897932;
const RadToDeg = 57.295779513082321600; // 180 / Pi
const DegToRad = 0.017453292519943296; // Pi / 180
const UnrRotToRad = 0.00009587379924285; // Pi / 32768
const RadToUnrRot = 10430.3783504704527; // 32768 / Pi
const DegToUnrRot = 182.0444;
const UnrRotToDeg = 0.00549316540360483;
const INDEX_NONE = -1;
// Aspect ratio constants
const AspectRatio4x3 = 1.33333;
const AspectRatio5x4 = 1.25;
const AspectRatio16x9 = 1.77778;
const InvAspectRatio4x3 = 0.75;
const InvAspectRatio5x4 = 0.8;
const InvAspectRatio16x9 = 0.56249;
// Logging Severity Levels.
* Determines which ticking group an Actor/Component belongs to
enum ETickingGroup
* Any item that needs to be updated before asynchronous work is done
* Any item that can be run in parallel of our async work
* Any item that needs the async work to be done before being updated
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN: JCAO - Add second scene for clothing
* Any item that needs being updated after physcis scene was done and before the cloth work started
// NVCHANGE_END: JCAO - Add second scene for clothing
* Any item that needs the update work to be done before being ticked
/** Special effects that need to be updated last */
* These are the types of PerfMem RunResults you the system understands and can achieve. They are stored in the table as we
* will get "valid" numbers but we ran OOM. We want to list the numbers in the OOM case because there is probably something that
* jumped up to cause the OOM (e.g. vertex lighting).
enum EAutomatedRunResult
* Different modes for the DebugBreak() method.
enum EDebugBreakType
/** not yet implemented */
/** not yet implemented */
// Basic native operators and functions.
// Bool operators.
native(129) static final preoperator bool ! ( bool A );
native(242) static final operator(24) bool == ( bool A, bool B );
native(243) static final operator(26) bool != ( bool A, bool B );
native(130) static final operator(30) bool && ( bool A, skip bool B );
native(131) static final operator(30) bool ^^ ( bool A, bool B );
native(132) static final operator(32) bool || ( bool A, skip bool B );
// Byte operators.
native(133) static final operator(34) byte *= ( out byte A, byte B );
native(198) static final operator(34) byte *= ( out byte A, float B );
native(134) static final operator(34) byte /= ( out byte A, byte B );
native(135) static final operator(34) byte += ( out byte A, byte B );
native(136) static final operator(34) byte -= ( out byte A, byte B );
native(137) static final preoperator byte ++ ( out byte A );
native(138) static final preoperator byte -- ( out byte A );
native(139) static final postoperator byte ++ ( out byte A );
native(140) static final postoperator byte -- ( out byte A );
// Integer operators.
native(141) static final preoperator int ~ ( int A );
native(143) static final preoperator int - ( int A );
native(144) static final operator(16) int * ( int A, int B );
native(145) static final operator(16) int / ( int A, int B );
native(253) static final operator(18) int % ( int A, int B );
native(146) static final operator(20) int + ( int A, int B );
native(147) static final operator(20) int - ( int A, int B );
native(148) static final operator(22) int << ( int A, int B );
native(149) static final operator(22) int >> ( int A, int B );
native(196) static final operator(22) int >>>( int A, int B );
native(150) static final operator(24) bool < ( int A, int B );
native(151) static final operator(24) bool > ( int A, int B );
native(152) static final operator(24) bool <= ( int A, int B );
native(153) static final operator(24) bool >= ( int A, int B );
native(154) static final operator(24) bool == ( int A, int B );
native(155) static final operator(26) bool != ( int A, int B );
native(156) static final operator(28) int & ( int A, int B );
native(157) static final operator(28) int ^ ( int A, int B );
native(158) static final operator(28) int | ( int A, int B );
native(159) static final operator(34) int *= ( out int A, float B );
native(160) static final operator(34) int /= ( out int A, float B );
native(161) static final operator(34) int += ( out int A, int B );
native(162) static final operator(34) int -= ( out int A, int B );
native(163) static final preoperator int ++ ( out int A );
native(164) static final preoperator int -- ( out int A );
native(165) static final postoperator int ++ ( out int A );
native(166) static final postoperator int -- ( out int A );
// Integer functions.
/** Rand will give you a value between 0 and Max -1 **/
native(167) static final Function int Rand ( int Max );
native(249) static final function int Min ( int A, int B );
native(250) static final function int Max ( int A, int B );
native(251) static final function int Clamp ( int V, int A, int B );
native static final function string ToHex ( int A );
// Float operators.
native(169) static final preoperator float - ( float A );
native(170) static final operator(12) float ** ( float Base, float Exp );
native(171) static final operator(16) float * ( float A, float B );
native(172) static final operator(16) float / ( float A, float B );
native(173) static final operator(18) float % ( float A, float B );
native(174) static final operator(20) float + ( float A, float B );
native(175) static final operator(20) float - ( float A, float B );
native(176) static final operator(24) bool < ( float A, float B );
native(177) static final operator(24) bool > ( float A, float B );
native(178) static final operator(24) bool <= ( float A, float B );
native(179) static final operator(24) bool >= ( float A, float B );
native(180) static final operator(24) bool == ( float A, float B );
native(210) static final operator(24) bool ~= ( float A, float B );
native(181) static final operator(26) bool != ( float A, float B );
native(182) static final operator(34) float *= ( out float A, float B );
native(183) static final operator(34) float /= ( out float A, float B );
native(184) static final operator(34) float += ( out float A, float B );
native(185) static final operator(34) float -= ( out float A, float B );
// Float functions.
native(186) static final function float Abs ( float A );
native(187) static final function float Sin ( float A );
native static final function float Asin ( float A );
native(188) static final function float Cos ( float A );
native static final function float Acos ( float A );
native(189) static final function float Tan ( float A );
native(190) static final function float Atan ( float A );
native static final function float Atan2 ( float A, float B );
native(191) static final function float Exp ( float A );
native(192) static final function float Loge ( float A );
native(193) static final function float Sqrt ( float A );
native(194) static final function float Square( float A );
native(195) static final function float FRand ();
native(244) static final function float FMin ( float A, float B );
native(245) static final function float FMax ( float A, float B );
native(246) static final function float FClamp( float V, float A, float B );
native(247) static final function float Lerp ( float A, float B, float Alpha );
native(199) static final function int Round ( float A );
native static final function int FFloor ( float A );
native static final function int FCeil(float A);
* Cubic Spline interpolation.
* @param P end points
* @param T tangent directions at end points
* @param Alpha distance along spline
* @return evaluated value.
native static final function float FCubicInterp(float P0, float T0, float P1, float T1, float A);
* Interpolates with ease-in (smoothly approaches B).
* @param A Value to interpolate from.
* @param B Value to interpolate to.
* @param Alpha Interpolant.
* @param Exp Exponent. Higher values result in more rapid deceleration.
* @return Interpolated value.
static final function float FInterpEaseIn(float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
return Lerp(A, B, Alpha**Exp);
* Interpolates with ease-out (smoothly departs A).
* @param A Value to interpolate from.
* @param B Value to interpolate to.
* @param Alpha Interpolant.
* @param Exp Exponent. Higher values result in more rapid acceleration.
* @return Interpolated value.
static final function float FInterpEaseOut(float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp)
return Lerp(A, B, Alpha**(1/Exp));
* Interpolates with both ease-in and ease-out (smoothly departs A, smoothly approaches B).
* @param A Value to interpolate from.
* @param B Value to interpolate to.
* @param Alpha Interpolant.
* @param Exp Exponent. Higher values result in more rapid acceleration adn deceleration.
* @return Interpolated value.
native static final function float FInterpEaseInOut(float A, float B, float Alpha, float Exp);
/** Return a random number within the given range. */
static final simulated function float RandRange( float InMin, float InMax )
return InMin + (InMax - InMin) * FRand();
* Returns the relative percentage position Value is in the range [Min,Max].
* Examples:
* - GetRangeValueByPct( 2, 4, 2 ) == 0
* - GetRangeValueByPct( 2, 4, 4 ) == 1
* - GetRangeValueByPct( 2, 4, 3 ) == 0.5
* @param Min Min limit
* @param Max Max limit
* @param Value Value between Range.
* @return relative percentage position Value is in the range [Min,Max].
static final simulated function float FPctByRange( float Value, float InMin, float InMax )
return (Value - InMin) / (InMax - InMin);
* Tries to reach Target based on distance from Current position,
* giving a nice smooth feeling when tracking a position.
* (Doesn't work well when target teleports)
* @param Current Actual position
* @param Target Target position
* @param DeltaTime time since last tick
* @param InterpSpeed Interpolation speed
* @return new interpolated position
native static final function float FInterpTo( float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed );
/** Same as above, but using a constant step */
native static final function float FInterpConstantTo( float Current, float Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed );
// Vector operators.
native(211) static final preoperator vector - ( vector A );
native(212) static final operator(16) vector * ( vector A, float B );
native(213) static final operator(16) vector * ( float A, vector B );
native(296) static final operator(16) vector * ( vector A, vector B );
native(214) static final operator(16) vector / ( vector A, float B );
native(215) static final operator(20) vector + ( vector A, vector B );
native(216) static final operator(20) vector - ( vector A, vector B );
native(275) static final operator(22) vector << ( vector A, rotator B );
native(276) static final operator(22) vector >> ( vector A, rotator B );
native(217) static final operator(24) bool == ( vector A, vector B );
native(218) static final operator(26) bool != ( vector A, vector B );
native(219) static final operator(16) float Dot ( vector A, vector B );
native(220) static final operator(16) vector Cross ( vector A, vector B );
native(221) static final operator(34) vector *= ( out vector A, float B );
native(297) static final operator(34) vector *= ( out vector A, vector B );
native(222) static final operator(34) vector /= ( out vector A, float B );
native(223) static final operator(34) vector += ( out vector A, vector B );
native(224) static final operator(34) vector -= ( out vector A, vector B );
// Vector functions.
native(225) static final function float VSize ( vector A );
native static final function float VSize2D ( vector A );
native(228) static final function float VSizeSq ( vector A );
native static final function float VSizeSq2D ( vector A );
native(226) static final function vector Normal ( vector A );
native(227) static final function vector Normal2D(vector A);
native static final function vector VLerp ( vector A, vector B, float Alpha );
native(252) static final function vector VRand ( );
native static final function vector VRandCone ( vector Dir, float ConeHalfAngleRadians );
native static final function vector VRandCone2 ( vector Dir, float HorizontalConeHalfAngleRadians, float VerticalConeHalfAngleRadians );
native(300) static final function vector MirrorVectorByNormal( vector InVect, vector InNormal );
native(1500) static final function Vector ProjectOnTo( Vector x, Vector y );
native(1501) static final function bool IsZero( Vector A );
* Tries to reach Target based on distance from Current position,
* giving a nice smooth feeling when tracking a location.
* (Doesn't work well when target teleports)
* @param Current Actual location
* @param Target Target location
* @param DeltaTime time since last tick
* @param InterpSpeed Interpolation speed
* @return new interpolated position
native static final function vector VInterpTo( vector Current, vector Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed );
/** Clamps a vector to not be longer than MaxLength. */
native static final function vector ClampLength( vector V, float MaxLength );
/** Returns dot product of two vectors while ignoring the Z component. */
native static final function float NoZDot( vector A, vector B );
simulated final function bool InCylinder( Vector Origin, Rotator Dir, float Width, Vector A, optional bool bIgnoreZ )
local Vector B;
local Vector VDir;
if( bIgnoreZ )
Origin.Z = 0;
Dir.Pitch = 0;
A.Z = 0;
VDir = Vector(Dir);
B = (((A - Origin) DOT VDir) * VDir) + Origin;
if( VSizeSq(B-A) <= Width * Width )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Rotator operators and functions.
native(142) static final operator(24) bool == ( rotator A, rotator B );
native(203) static final operator(26) bool != ( rotator A, rotator B );
native(287) static final operator(16) rotator * ( rotator A, float B );
native(288) static final operator(16) rotator * ( float A, rotator B );
native(289) static final operator(16) rotator / ( rotator A, float B );
native(290) static final operator(34) rotator *= ( out rotator A, float B );
native(291) static final operator(34) rotator /= ( out rotator A, float B );
native(316) static final operator(20) rotator + ( rotator A, rotator B );
native(317) static final operator(20) rotator - ( rotator A, rotator B );
native(318) static final operator(34) rotator += ( out rotator A, rotator B );
native(319) static final operator(34) rotator -= ( out rotator A, rotator B );
native static final operator(24) bool ClockwiseFrom( int A, int B );
native(229) static final function GetAxes( rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z );
native(230) static final function GetUnAxes( rotator A, out vector X, out vector Y, out vector Z );
native static final function vector GetRotatorAxis( rotator A, int Axis );
native(320) static final function Rotator RotRand( optional bool bRoll );
native static final function Rotator OrthoRotation( vector X, vector Y, vector Z );
native static final function Rotator Normalize( rotator Rot );
native static final function Rotator RLerp( Rotator A, Rotator B, float Alpha, optional bool bShortestPath );
/** Given rotation R in the space defined by RBasis, return R in "world" space */
native static final function Rotator RTransform(rotator R, rotator RBasis);
* Tries to reach Target based on distance from Current position,
* giving a nice smooth feeling when tracking a position.
* (Doesn't work well when target teleports)
* @param Current Actual position
* @param Target Target position
* @param DeltaTime time since last tick
* @param InterpSpeed Interpolation speed, if !bConstantInterpSpeed will perform a continuous lerp, otherwise will interp at constant speed
* @return new interpolated position
native static final function Rotator RInterpTo( rotator Current, rotator Target, float DeltaTime, float InterpSpeed, optional bool bConstantInterpSpeed );
* Returns a Rotator axis within the [-32768,+32767] range in float
* @param RotAxis, axis of the rotator
* @return Normalized axis value, within the [-32768,+32767] range.
native static final function int NormalizeRotAxis(int Angle);
/** Gives the rotation difference between two Rotators, taking the shortest route between them (in degrees). */
native static final function float RDiff( Rotator A, Rotator B );
* returns Rotator Size (vector definition applied to rotators)
* @param Rotator R
* @returns mathematical vector length: Sqrt(Pitch^2 + Yaw^2 + Roll^2)
native static final function float RSize(rotator R);
* Clamp a rotation Axis.
* The ViewAxis rotation component must be normalized (within the [-32768,+32767] range).
* This function will set out_DeltaViewAxis to the delta needed to bring ViewAxis within the [MinLimit,MaxLimit] range.
* @param ViewAxis Rotation Axis to clamp
* @input out_DeltaViewAxis Delta Rotation Axis to be added to ViewAxis rotation (from ProcessViewRotation).
* Set to be the Delta to bring ViewAxis within the [MinLimit,MaxLimit] range.
* @param MaxLimit Maximum for Clamp. ViewAxis will not exceed this.
* @param MinLimit Minimum for Clamp. ViewAxis will not go below this.
static final simulated function ClampRotAxis
int ViewAxis,
out int out_DeltaViewAxis,
int MaxLimit,
int MinLimit
local int DesiredViewAxis;
ViewAxis = NormalizeRotAxis( ViewAxis );
DesiredViewAxis = ViewAxis + out_DeltaViewAxis;
if( DesiredViewAxis > MaxLimit )
DesiredViewAxis = MaxLimit;
if( DesiredViewAxis < MinLimit )
DesiredViewAxis = MinLimit;
out_DeltaViewAxis = DesiredViewAxis - ViewAxis;
* Clamp Rotator Axis.
* @param Current Input axis angle.
* @param Center Center of allowed angle.
* @param MaxDelta Maximum delta allowed.
* @return axis angle clamped between [Center-MaxDelta, Center+MaxDelta]
static final simulated function int ClampRotAxisFromBase(int Current, int Center, int MaxDelta)
local int DeltaFromCenter;
DeltaFromCenter = NormalizeRotAxis(Current - Center);
if( DeltaFromCenter > MaxDelta )
Current = Center + MaxDelta;
else if( DeltaFromCenter < -MaxDelta )
Current = Center - MaxDelta;
return Current;
* Clamp Rotator Axis.
* @param Current Input axis angle.
* @param Min Min allowed angle.
* @param Max Max allowed angle.
* @return axis angle clamped between [Min, Max]
static final simulated function int ClampRotAxisFromRange(int Current, int Min, int Max)
local int Delta, Center;
Delta = NormalizeRotAxis(Max - Min) / 2;
Center = NormalizeRotAxis(Max + Min) / 2;
return ClampRotAxisFromBase(Current, Center, Delta);
* Smooth clamp a rotator axis.
* This is mainly used to bring smoothly a rotator component within a certain range [MinLimit,MaxLimit].
* For example to limit smoothly the player's ViewRotation Pitch or Yaw component.
* @param fDeltaTime Elapsed time since this function was last called, for interpolation.
* @param ViewAxis Rotator's Axis' current angle.
* @input out_DeltaViewAxis Delta Value of Axis to be added to ViewAxis (through PlayerController::ProcessViewRotation().
* This value gets modified.
* @param MaxLimit Up angle limit.
* @param MinLimit Negative angle limit (value must be negative)
* @param InterpolationSpeed Interpolation Speed to bring ViewAxis within the [MinLimit,MaxLimit] range.
static final simulated function bool SClampRotAxis
float DeltaTime,
int ViewAxis,
out int out_DeltaViewAxis,
int MaxLimit,
int MinLimit,
float InterpolationSpeed
local bool bClamped;
// make sure rotation components are normalized
out_DeltaViewAxis = NormalizeRotAxis( out_DeltaViewAxis );
ViewAxis = NormalizeRotAxis( ViewAxis );
// forbid player from going beyond limits through fDeltaViewAxis
if( ViewAxis <= MaxLimit && (ViewAxis + out_DeltaViewAxis) >= MaxLimit )
out_DeltaViewAxis = MaxLimit - ViewAxis;
bClamped = TRUE;
else if( ViewAxis > MaxLimit )
// if players goes counter interpolation, ignore input
if( out_DeltaViewAxis > 0 )
out_DeltaViewAxis = 0.f;
// if above limit, interpolate back to within limits
if( (ViewAxis + out_DeltaViewAxis) > MaxLimit )
out_DeltaViewAxis = FInterpTo(ViewAxis, MaxLimit, DeltaTime, InterpolationSpeed ) - ViewAxis - 1;
// forbid player from going beyond limits through fDeltaViewAxis
else if( ViewAxis >= MinLimit && (ViewAxis + out_DeltaViewAxis) <= MinLimit )
out_DeltaViewAxis = MinLimit - ViewAxis;
bClamped = TRUE;
else if( ViewAxis < MinLimit )
// if players goes counter interpolation, ignore input
if( out_DeltaViewAxis < 0 )
out_DeltaViewAxis = 0.f;
// if above limit, interpolate back to within limits
if( (ViewAxis + out_DeltaViewAxis) < MinLimit )
out_DeltaViewAxis += FInterpTo(ViewAxis, MinLimit, DeltaTime, InterpolationSpeed ) - ViewAxis + 1;
return bClamped;
/** Create a Rotation from independant Pitch, Yaw, Roll */
static final function Rotator MakeRotator(int Pitch, int Yaw, int Roll)
local rotator R;
R.Pitch = Pitch;
R.Yaw = Yaw;
R.Roll = Roll;
return R;
// String operators.
native(112) static final operator(40) string $ ( coerce string A, coerce string B );
native(168) static final operator(40) string @ ( coerce string A, coerce string B );
native(115) static final operator(24) bool < ( string A, string B );
native(116) static final operator(24) bool > ( string A, string B );
native(120) static final operator(24) bool <= ( string A, string B );
native(121) static final operator(24) bool >= ( string A, string B );
native(122) static final operator(24) bool == ( string A, string B );
native(123) static final operator(26) bool != ( string A, string B );
native(124) static final operator(24) bool ~= ( string A, string B );
native(322) static final operator(44) string $= ( out string A, coerce string B );
native(323) static final operator(44) string @= ( out string A, coerce string B );
native(324) static final operator(45) string -= ( out string A, coerce string B );
// String functions.
native(125) static final function int Len ( coerce string S );
native(126) static final function int InStr ( coerce string S, coerce string t, optional bool bSearchFromRight, optional bool bIgnoreCase, optional int StartPos );
native(127) static final function string Mid ( coerce string S, int i, optional int j );
native(128) static final function string Left ( coerce string S, int i );
native(234) static final function string Right ( coerce string S, int i );
native(235) static final function string Caps ( coerce string S );
native(238) static final function string Locs ( coerce string S);
native(236) static final function string Chr ( int i );
native(237) static final function int Asc ( string S );
native(201) static final function string Repl ( coerce string Src, coerce string Match, coerce string With, optional bool bCaseSensitive );
* Splits Text on the first Occurrence of Split and returns the remaining
* part of Text.
static final function string Split(coerce string Text, coerce string SplitStr, optional bool bOmitSplitStr)
local int pos;
pos = InStr(Text,SplitStr);
if (pos != -1)
if (bOmitSplitStr)
return Mid(Text,pos+Len(SplitStr));
return Mid(Text,pos);
return Text;
/** Get right most number from an actor name (ie Text == "CoverLink_45" returns "45") */
static final function string GetRightMost( coerce string Text )
local int Idx;
Idx = InStr(Text,"_");
while (Idx != -1)
Text = Mid(Text,Idx+1,Len(Text));
Idx = InStr(Text,"_");
return Text;
* Create a single string from an array of strings, using the delimiter specified, optionally ignoring blank members
* @param StringArray the array of strings to join into the single string
* @param out_Result [out] will contain a single string containing all elements of the array, separated by the delimiter specified
* @param Delim the delimiter to insert where array elements are concatenated
* @param bIgnoreBlanks TRUE to skip elements which contain emtpy strings
static final function JoinArray(array<string> StringArray, out string out_Result, optional string delim = ",", optional bool bIgnoreBlanks = true)
local int i;
out_Result = "";
for (i = 0; i < StringArray.Length; i++)
if ( (StringArray[i] != "") || (!bIgnoreBlanks) )
if (out_Result != "" || (!bIgnoreBlanks && i > 0) )
out_Result $= delim;
out_Result $= StringArray[i];
* Breaks up a delimited string into elements of a string array.
* @param BaseString - The string to break up
* @param Pieces - The array to fill with the string pieces
* @param Delim - The string to delimit on
* @param bCullEmpty - If true, empty strings are not added to the array
native static final function ParseStringIntoArray(string BaseString, out array<string> Pieces, string Delim, bool bCullEmpty);
* Wrapper for splitting a string into an array of strings using a single expression.
static final function array<string> SplitString( string Source, optional string Delimiter=",", optional bool bCullEmpty )
local array<string> Result;
ParseStringIntoArray(Source, Result, Delimiter, bCullEmpty);
return Result;
* Returns the full path name of the specified object (including package and groups), ie CheckObject::GetPathName().
native static final function string PathName(Object CheckObject);
// Object operators and functions.
native(114) static final operator(24) bool == ( Object A, Object B );
native(119) static final operator(26) bool != ( Object A, Object B );
native static final operator(24) bool == ( Interface A, Interface B );
native static final operator(26) bool != ( Interface A, Interface B );
* Determine if a class is a child of another class.
* @return TRUE if TestClass == ParentClass, or if TestClass is a child of ParentClass; FALSE otherwise, or if either
* the value for either parameter is 'None'.
native(258) static final function bool ClassIsChildOf( class TestClass, class ParentClass );
native(197) final function bool IsA( name ClassName );
// Name operators.
native(254) static final operator(24) bool == ( name A, name B );
native(255) static final operator(26) bool != ( name A, name B );
// Matrix operators and functions
native static final operator(34) matrix * (Matrix A, Matrix B);
native static final function vector TransformVector(Matrix TM, vector A);
native static final function vector InverseTransformVector(Matrix TM, vector A);
native static final function vector TransformNormal(Matrix TM, vector A);
native static final function vector InverseTransformNormal(Matrix TM, vector A);
native static final function matrix MakeRotationTranslationMatrix(vector Translation, Rotator Rotation);
native static final function matrix MakeRotationMatrix(Rotator Rotation);
native static final function rotator MatrixGetRotator(Matrix TM);
native static final function vector MatrixGetOrigin(Matrix TM);
native static final function vector MatrixGetAxis(Matrix TM, EAxis Axis);
// Quaternion functions
native static final function Quat QuatProduct( Quat A, Quat B );
native static final function float QuatDot( Quat A, Quat B );
native static final function Quat QuatInvert( Quat A );
native static final function vector QuatRotateVector( Quat A, vector B );
native static final function Quat QuatFindBetween( Vector A, Vector B );
native static final function Quat QuatFromAxisAndAngle( Vector Axis, Float Angle );
native static final function Quat QuatFromRotator( rotator A );
native static final function rotator QuatToRotator( Quat A );
native static final function Quat QuatSlerp( Quat A, Quat B, float Alpha, optional bool bShortestPath );
native(270) static final operator(16) Quat + (Quat A, Quat B);
native(271) static final operator(16) Quat - (Quat A, Quat B);
// Vector2D functions
native static final operator(16) vector2d + (vector2d A, vector2d B);
native static final operator(16) vector2d - (vector2d A, vector2d B);
native static final operator(16) vector2d * (vector2d A, float B);
native static final operator(16) vector2d / (vector2d A, float B );
native static final operator(34) vector2d *= (out vector2d A, float B);
native static final operator(34) vector2d /= (out vector2d A, float B);
native static final operator(34) vector2d += (out vector2d A, vector2d B);
native static final operator(34) vector2d -= (out vector2d A, vector2d B);
* Returns the value in the Range, relative to Pct.
* Examples:
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, 0.f ) == Range.X
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, 1.f ) == Range.Y
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, 0.5 ) == (Range.X+Range.Y)/2
* @param Range Range of values. [Range.X,Range.Y]
* @param Pct Relative position in range in percentage. [0,1]
* @return the value in the Range, relative to Pct.
static final simulated function float GetRangeValueByPct( Vector2D Range, float Pct )
return ( Range.X + (Range.Y-Range.X) * Pct );
* Returns the relative percentage position Value is in the Range.
* Examples:
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, Range.X ) == 0
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, Range.Y ) == 1
* - GetRangeValueByPct( Range, (Range.X+Range.Y)/2 ) == 0.5
* @param Range Range of values. [Range.X,Range.Y]
* @param Value Value between Range.
* @return relative percentage position Value is in the Range.
static final simulated function float GetRangePctByValue( Vector2D Range, float Value )
return (Range.Y == Range.X) ? Range.X : (Value - Range.X) / (Range.Y - Range.X);
* Useful for mapping a value in one value range to a different value range. Output is clamped to the OutputRange.
* e.g. given that velocities [50..100] correspond to a sound volume of [0.2..1.4], find the
* volume for a velocity of 77.
static final simulated native function float GetMappedRangeValue(vector2d InputRange, vector2d OutputRange, float Value);
/** Construct a vector2d variable */
static final function vector2d vect2d( float InX, float InY )
local vector2d NewVect2d;
NewVect2d.X = InX;
NewVect2d.Y = InY;
return NewVect2d;
/** Evaluate a float curve for an input of InVal */
native static final function float EvalInterpCurveFloat(const out InterpCurveFloat FloatCurve, float InVal);
/** Evaluate a vector curve for an input of InVal */
native static final function vector EvalInterpCurveVector(const out InterpCurveVector VectorCurve, float InVal);
/** Evaluate a vector2D curve for an input of InVal */
native static final function vector2D EvalInterpCurveVector2D(const out InterpCurveVector2D Vector2DCurve, float InVal);
// Color functions
static final operator(20) color - (color A, color B)
A.R -= B.R;
A.G -= B.G;
A.B -= B.B;
return A;
static final operator(16) color * (float A, color B)
B.R *= A;
B.G *= A;
B.B *= A;
return B;
static final operator(16) color * (color A, float B)
A.R *= B;
A.G *= B;
A.B *= B;
return A;
static final operator(20) color + (color A, color B)
A.R += B.R;
A.G += B.G;
A.B += B.B;
return A;
/** Create a Color from independant RGBA components */
static final function Color MakeColor(byte R, byte G, byte B, optional byte A)
local Color C;
C.R = R;
C.G = G;
C.B = B;
C.A = A;
return C;
/** Util to interpolate between two colors */
static final function Color LerpColor(Color A, Color B, float Alpha)
local vector FloatA, FloatB, FloatResult;
local float AlphaA, AlphaB, FloatResultAlpha;
local color Result;
FloatA.X = A.R;
FloatA.Y = A.G;
FloatA.Z = A.B;
AlphaA = A.A;
FloatB.X = B.R;
FloatB.Y = B.G;
FloatB.Z = B.B;
AlphaB = B.A;
FloatResult = FloatA + ((FloatB - FloatA) * FClamp(Alpha, 0.0, 1.0));
FloatResultAlpha = AlphaA + ((AlphaB - AlphaA) * FClamp(Alpha, 0.0, 1.0));
Result.R = FloatResult.X;
Result.G = FloatResult.Y;
Result.B = FloatResult.Z;
Result.A = FloatResultAlpha;
return Result;
// Linear Color Functions
/** Create a LinearColor from independant RGBA components. */
static final function LinearColor MakeLinearColor( float R, float G, float B, float A )
local LinearColor LC;
LC.R = R;
LC.G = G;
LC.B = B;
LC.A = A;
return LC;
/** converts a color to a LinearColor
* @param OldColor the color to convert
* @return the matching LinearColor
static final function LinearColor ColorToLinearColor(color OldColor)
return MakeLinearColor(float(OldColor.R) / 255.0, float(OldColor.G) / 255.0, float(OldColor.B) / 255.0, float(OldColor.A) / 255.0);
/** multiply the RGB components of a LinearColor by a float */
static final operator(16) LinearColor * (LinearColor LC, float Mult)
LC.R *= Mult;
LC.G *= Mult;
LC.B *= Mult;
return LC;
/** subtract the RGB components of B from the RGB components of A */
static final operator(20) LinearColor - (LinearColor A, LinearColor B)
A.R -= B.R;
A.G -= B.G;
A.B -= B.B;
return A;
// General functions.
// this define allows us to detect code that is directly calling functions that should only be called through a macro, such as
// LogInternal & WarnInternal
`define prevent_direct_calls
`define prevent_direct_calls private
`define prevent_direct_calls
// Logging.
* Writes a message to the log. This function should never be called directly - use the `log macro instead, which has the following signature:
* log( coerce string Msg, optional bool bCondition=true, optional name LogTag='ScriptLog' );
* @param Msg the string to print to the log
* @param bCondition if specified, the message is only printed to the log if this condition is satisfied.
* @param LogTag if specified, the message will be prepended with this tag in the log file
native(231) final static `{prevent_direct_calls} function LogInternal( coerce string S, optional name Tag );
* Same as calling LogInternal(SomeMsg, 'Warning'); This function should never be called directly - use the `warn macro instead, which has the following signature:
* warn( coerce string Msg, optional bool bCondition=true );
native(232) final static `{prevent_direct_calls} function WarnInternal( coerce string S );
native static function string Localize( string SectionName, string KeyName, string PackageName );
/** given a path to a localized key of the form "Package.Section.Name",
* return the appropriate value from the localization file for the current language
static final function string ParseLocalizedPropertyPath(string PathName)
local array<string> Pieces;
ParseStringIntoArray(PathName, Pieces, ".", false);
if (Pieces.length >= 3)
return Localize(Pieces[1], Pieces[2], Pieces[0]);
return "";
* Dumps the current script function stack to the log file, useful
* for debugging.
native static final function ScriptTrace();
* Gets the current script function stack back so you can log it to a specific log location (e.g. AILog).
native static final function String GetScriptTrace();
* Script-induced breakpoint. Useful for examining state with the debugger at a particular point in script.
* @param UserFlags user-defined flags to be used for e.g. indentifying different calls to DebugBreak in the same session
* @param DebuggerType C++ debugger, UScript debugger, or both
native static final function DebugBreak( optional int UserFlags, optional EDebugBreakType DebuggerType=DEBUGGER_NativeOnly );
* Returns the current calling function's name, useful for
* debugging.
native static final function Name GetFuncName();
* Enables/disables script function call trace logging.
native static final function SetUTracing( bool bShouldUTrace );
* Returns whether script function call trace logging is currently enabled.
native static final function bool IsUTracing();
// Goto state and label.
* Transitions to the desired state and label if specified,
* generating the EndState event in the current state if applicable
* and BeginState in the new state, unless transitioning to the same
* state.
* @param NewState - new state to transition to
* @param Label - optional Label to jump to
* @param bForceEvents - optionally force EndState/BeginState to be
* called even if transitioning to the same state.
* @param bKeepStack - prevents state stack from being cleared
native(113) final function GotoState( optional name NewState, optional name Label, optional bool bForceEvents, optional bool bKeepStack );
* Checks the current state and determines whether or not this object
* is actively in the specified state. Note: This does work with
* inherited states.
* @param TestState - state to check for
* @param bTestStateStack - check the state stack? (does *NOT* work with inherited states in the stack)
* @return True if currently in TestState
native(281) final function bool IsInState( name TestState, optional bool bTestStateStack );
* Returns true if TestState derives from TestParentState.
native final function bool IsChildState(Name TestState, Name TestParentState);
* Returns the current state name, useful for determining current
* state similar to IsInState. Note: This *doesn't* work with
* inherited states, in that it will only compare at the lowest
* state level.
* @return Name of the current state
native(284) final function name GetStateName();
* Pushes the new state onto the state stack, setting it as the
* current state until a matching PopState() is called. Note that
* multiple states may be pushed on top of each other.
* You may not push the same state multiple times.
* This will call PushedState when entering the state that was just
* pushed on the state stack. It will not call BeginState.
* @see event PushedState
* @see event ContinuedState
* @param NewState - name of the state to push on the stack
* @param NewLabel - optional name of the state label to jump to
native final function PushState(Name NewState, optional Name NewLabel);
* Pops the current pushed state, returning execution to the previous
* state at the same code point. Note: PopState() will have no effect
* if no state has been pushed onto the stack.
* This will call PoppedState when entering the state that was just
* pushed on the state stack. It will not call EndState.
* @see event PoppedState
* @see event PausedState
* @param bPopAll - optionally pop all states on the stack to the
* originally executing one
native final function PopState(optional bool bPopAll);
* Logs the current state stack for debugging purposes.
native final function DumpStateStack();
// State notification events
* Called immediately when entering a state, while within the
* GotoState() call that caused the state change (before any
* state code is executed).
event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName);
* Called immediately before going out of the current state, while
* within the GotoState() call that caused the state change, and
* before BeginState() is called within the new state.
event EndState(Name NextStateName);
* Called immediately in the new state that was pushed onto the
* state stack, before any state code is executed.
event PushedState();
* Called immediately in the current state that is being popped off
* of the state stack, before the new state is activated.
event PoppedState();
* Called on the state that is being paused because of a PushState().
event PausedState();
* Called on the state that is no longer paused because of a PopState().
event ContinuedState();
// Probe messages.
native(117) final function Enable( name ProbeFunc );
native(118) final function Disable( name ProbeFunc );
// Object handling.
native static final function name GetEnum( object E, coerce int i );
native static final function object DynamicLoadObject( string ObjectName, class ObjectClass, optional bool MayFail );
native static final function object FindObject( string ObjectName, class ObjectClass );
// Configuration.
native(536) final function SaveConfig();
native static final function StaticSaveConfig();
* Import property values from JSON formatted string
* @param PropertyName name of the property owned by this object
* @param JSON string that contains JSON format property values
native static final function ImportJSON(string PropertyName, const out string JSON);
* Saves the current value for all configurable properties in this object to the .ini file. The values for any global config
* properties will be propagated to all child classes.
* @param bRefreshInstances if TRUE, all instances of this class will re-load the values for their configurable properties
* @param PropertyName if specified, only this property's value will be saved.
native(536) final function SaveConfig( optional bool bRefreshInstances, optional string PropertyName );
* Saves the default values for all configurable properties in this object's class to the .ini file. The values for any global config
* properties will be propagated to all child classes.
* @param bRefreshInstances if TRUE, all instances of this class will re-load the values for their configurable properties
* @param PropertyName if specified, only this property's value will be saved.
native static final function StaticSaveConfig( optional bool bRefreshInstances, optional string PropertyName );
* Resets the values for configurable properties in this object's class back to the values in the corresponding Default*.ini file.
* @param bRefreshInstances if TRUE, all instances of this class will re-load the values for their configurable properties
* @param PropertyName if specified, only this property's value will be reset.
native static final function ResetConfig( optional bool bRefreshInstances, optional string PropertyName );
* Removes the values for all configurable properties in this object's class from the .ini file.
* @param PropertyName if specified, only this property's value will be removed.
native(537) final function ClearConfig( optional string PropertyName );
* Removes the values for all configurable properties in this object's class from the .ini file.
* @param PropertyName if specified, only this property's value will be removed.
native static final function StaticClearConfig( optional string PropertyName );
* Retrieve the names of sections which contain data for the specified PerObjectConfig class.
* @param SearchClass the PerObjectConfig class to retrieve sections for.
* @param out_SectionNames will receive the list of section names that correspond to PerObjectConfig sections of the specified class
* @param ObjectOuter the Outer to use for determining which file to look in. Specify the same object that is used when creating the PerObjectConfig
* objects that sections are being retrieved for. (PerObjectConfig data is generally stored in a file named after the Outer used when
* creating those objects, unless the PerObjectConfig class specifies a config file in its class declaration);
* specify None to use the transient package as the Outer.
* @param MaxResults the maximum number of section names to retrieve
* @return TRUE if the file specified was found and it contained at least 1 section for the specified class
native static final function bool GetPerObjectConfigSections( class SearchClass, out array<string> out_SectionNames, optional Object ObjectOuter, optional int MaxResults=1024 );
// Maths
* Calculates the distance of a given Point in world space to a given line,
* defined by the vector couple (Origin, Direction).
* @param Point point to check distance to Axis
* @param Line unit vector indicating the direction to check against
* @param Origin point of reference used to calculate distance
* @param OutClosestPoint optional point that represents the closest point projected onto Axis
* @return distance of Point from line defined by (Origin, Direction)
native final function float PointDistToLine(vector Point, vector Line, vector Origin, optional out vector OutClosestPoint);
* Returns closest distance from a point to a segment.
* @param Point point to check distance for
* @param StartPoint StartPoint of segment
* @param EndPoint EndPoint of segment
* @param OutClosestPoint Closest point on segment.
* @return closest distance from Point to segment defined by (StartPoint, EndPoint).
native final function float PointDistToSegment(Vector Point, Vector StartPoint, Vector EndPoint, optional out Vector OutClosestPoint);
* Calculates the distance of a given point to the given plane. (defined by a combination of vector and rotator)
* Rotator.AxisX = U, Rotator.AxisY = Normal, Rotator.AxisZ = V
* @param Point Point to check distance to Orientation
* @param Orientation Rotator indicating the direction to check against
* @param Origin Point of reference used to calculate distance
* @param out_ClosestPoint Optional point that represents the closest point projected onto Plane defined by the couple (Origin, Orientation)
* @return distance of Point to plane
simulated final function float PointDistToPlane( Vector Point, Rotator Orientation, Vector Origin, optional out vector out_ClosestPoint )
local vector AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ, PointNoZ, OriginNoZ;
local float fPointZ, fProjDistToAxis;
// Get orientation axis'
GetAxes(Orientation, AxisX, AxisY, AxisZ);
// Remove Z component of Point Location
fPointZ = Point dot AxisZ;
PointNoZ = Point - fPointZ * AxisZ;
// Remove Z component of Origin
OriginNoZ = Origin - (Origin dot AxisZ) * AxisZ;
// Projected distance of Point onto AxisX.
fProjDistToAxis = (PointNoZ - OriginNoZ) Dot AxisX;
out_ClosestPoint = OriginNoZ + fProjDistToAxis * AxisX + fPointZ * AxisZ;
// return distance to closest point
return VSize(out_ClosestPoint-Point);
* Calculates a point's projection onto a plane
* @param Point point to project onto the plane
* @param A point on plane
* @param B point on plane
* @param C point on plane
* @return projection of point onto the plane defined by ABC
native static final function Vector PointProjectToPlane(Vector Point, Vector A, Vector B, Vector C);
* Calculates the dotted distance of vector 'Direction' to coordinate system O(AxisX,AxisY,AxisZ).
* Orientation: (consider 'O' the first person view of the player, and 'Direction' a vector pointing to an enemy)
* - positive azimuth means enemy is on the right of crosshair. (negative means left).
* - positive elevation means enemy is on top of crosshair, negative means below.
* @Note: 'Azimuth' (.X) sign is changed to represent left/right and not front/behind. front/behind is the funtion's return value.
* @param OutDotDist .X = 'Direction' dot AxisX relative to plane (AxisX,AxisZ). (== Cos(Azimuth))
* .Y = 'Direction' dot AxisX relative to plane (AxisX,AxisY). (== Sin(Elevation))
* @param Direction direction of target.
* @param AxisX X component of reference system.
* @param AxisY Y component of reference system.
* @param AxisZ Z component of reference system.
* @return true if 'Direction' is facing AxisX (Direction dot AxisX >= 0.f)
native static final function bool GetDotDistance
out Vector2D OutDotDist,
Vector Direction,
Vector AxisX,
Vector AxisY,
Vector AxisZ
* Calculates the angular distance of vector 'Direction' to coordinate system O(AxisX,AxisY,AxisZ).
* Orientation: (consider 'O' the first person view of the player, and 'Direction' a vector pointing to an enemy)
* - positive azimuth means enemy is on the right of crosshair. (negative means left).
* - positive elevation means enemy is on top of crosshair, negative means below.
* @param out_AngularDist .X = Azimuth angle (in radians) of 'Direction' vector compared to plane (AxisX,AxisZ).
* .Y = Elevation angle (in radians) of 'Direction' vector compared to plane (AxisX,AxisY).
* @param Direction Direction of target.
* @param AxisX X component of reference system.
* @param AxisY Y component of reference system.
* @param AxisZ Z component of reference system.
* @output true if 'Direction' is facing AxisX (Direction dot AxisX >= 0.f)
native static final function bool GetAngularDistance
out Vector2D OutAngularDist,
Vector Direction,
Vector AxisX,
Vector AxisY,
Vector AxisZ
* Converts Dot distance to angular distance.
* @see GetAngularDistance() and GetDotDistance().
* @param OutAngDist Angular distance in radians.
* @param DotDist Dot distance.
native static final function GetAngularFromDotDist( out Vector2D OutAngDist, Vector2D DotDist );
/* transforms angular distance in radians to degrees */
static final simulated function GetAngularDegreesFromRadians( out Vector2D OutFOV )
OutFOV.X = OutFOV.X*RadToDeg;
OutFOV.Y = OutFOV.Y*RadToDeg;
* Returns world space angle (in radians) of given vector
* @param Dir Vector to be converted into heading angle
static final simulated function float GetHeadingAngle( Vector Dir )
local float Angle;
Angle = Acos( FClamp( Dir.X, -1.f, 1.f ) );
if( Dir.Y < 0.f )
Angle *= -1.f;
return Angle;
* Gets the difference in world space angles in [-PI,PI] range
* @param A1 First angle
* @param A2 Second angle
static final simulated function float FindDeltaAngle( float A1, float A2 )
local float Delta;
// Find the difference
Delta = A2 - A1;
// If change is larger than PI
if( Delta > PI )
// Flip to negative equivalent
Delta = Delta - (PI * 2.f);
else if( delta < -PI )
// Otherwise, if change is smaller than -PI
// Flip to positive equivalent
Delta = Delta + (PI * 2.f);
// Return delta in [-PI,PI] range
return Delta;
static final simulated function float UnwindHeading( float a )
while( a > PI )
a -= (PI * 2.0f);
while( a < -PI )
a += (PI * 2.0f);
return a;
* Converts a float value to a 0-255 byte, assuming a range of
* 0.f to 1.f.
* @param inputFloat - float to convert
* @param bSigned - optional, assume a range of -1.f to 1.f
* @return byte value 0-255
simulated final function byte FloatToByte(float inputFloat, optional bool bSigned)
if (bSigned)
// handle a 0.02f threshold so we can guarantee valid 0/255 values
if (inputFloat > 0.98f)
return 255;
else if (inputFloat < -0.98f)
return 0;
return byte((inputFloat+1.f)*128.f);
if (inputFloat > 0.9961f)
return 255;
else if (inputFloat < 0.004f)
return 0;
return byte(inputFloat*255.f);
* Converts a 0-255 byte to a float value, to a range of 0.f
* to 1.f.
* @param inputByte - byte to convert
* @param bSigned - optional, spit out -1.f to 1.f instead
* @return newly converted value
simulated final function float ByteToFloat(byte inputByte, optional bool bSigned)
if( bSigned )
return ((float(inputByte)/128.f)-1.f);
return (float(inputByte)/255.f);
* Returns whether the object is pending kill and about to have references to it NULLed by
* the garbage collector.
* @return TRUE if object is pending kill, FALSE otherwise
native final function bool IsPendingKill();
/** @return the name of the package this object resides in */
final function name GetPackageName()
local Object O;
O = self;
while (O.Outer != None)
O = O.Outer;
return O.Name;
* Script hook to FRotationMatrix::TransformFVector().
native final function vector TransformVectorByRotation(rotator SourceRotation, vector SourceVector, optional bool bInverse);
* Returns a string containing a system timestamp
native final function string TimeStamp();
* Return the system time components.
native final function GetSystemTime( out int Year, out int Month, out int DayOfWeek, out int Day, out int Hour, out int Min, out int Sec, out int MSec );
/** @return the current engine version number for this build */
native final function int GetEngineVersion();
/** @return the changelist number that was used when generating this build */
native final function int GetBuildChangelistNumber();
final function int GetRandomOptionSumFrequency( const out array<float> FreqList )
local float FreqSum, RandVal;
local int Idx;
for( Idx = 0; Idx < FreqList.Length; Idx++ )
FreqSum += FreqList[Idx];
RandVal = FRand() * FreqSum;
FreqSum = 0;
for( Idx = 0; Idx < FreqList.Length; Idx++ )
FreqSum += FreqList[Idx];
if( RandVal < FreqSum )
return Idx;
return -1;
/** @return the three character language identifier currently in use */
native static final function string GetLanguage();
* Invalidate the specified Guid (sets all values to zero)
* @param InGuid Guid to invalidate
native static final function InvalidateGuid( out Guid InGuid );
* Determine if the specified Guid is valid or not
* @param InGuid Guid to check the validity of
* @return True if the specified Guid is valid, false if it is not
native static final function bool IsGuidValid( const out Guid InGuid );
/** Create a new Guid */
native static final function Guid CreateGuid();
* Construct a Guid from the specified string, if possible
* @param InGuidString String to construct the Guid from (should be in a format matching the output of GetStringFromGuid)
* @return A Guid constructed from the specified string, if possible; Otherwise, an invalid Guid (all zeroes)
native static final function Guid GetGuidFromString( const out string InGuidString );
* Get the string representation of the specified Guid
* @param InGuid Guid to get the string representation of
* @return The string representation of the specified Guid
native static final function string GetStringFromGuid( const out guid InGuid );
native static final function int ProfNodeStart(string TimerName);
native static final function ProfNodeStop(optional int AssumedTimerIndex = -1);
native static final function ProfNodeSetTimeThresholdSeconds(float Threshold);
native static final function ProfNodeSetDepthThreshold(int Depth);
native static final function ProfNodeEvent(string EventName);