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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
// KFDebugLines
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
// Not optimal, but very useful debug line/sphere/text drawing for some
// situations. Allows each debug line/shape to have an owner who can handle
// turning them on/off without affecting other debug lines/shapes (unlike
// flushpersistentdebuglines).
// Allows lines to be rendered from/to specific owner/locations and handles
// updating those locations if they change. For example, in a pawn's controller
// class:
// KFDebugLines.AddDebugLineFromOwner(name,MoveTarget.Location,255,255,255,true);
// Durations can be set for each shape/line.
// This will indefinitely update and render a line from the controller's pawn
// to the current move goal. It's up to the controller to turn it off.
class KFDebugLines extends Actor
struct native DebugDrawInfo
var byte R;
var byte G;
var byte B;
var bool bPersistent;
var int PersistentFrameCounter;
var float Duration;
var name OwnerName;
var int DDID;
var bool bHidden;
struct native DebugLine extends DebugDrawInfo
var vector Start;
var vector End;
var bool bDrawFromOwner;
var bool bDrawToOwner;
struct native PawnDebugLine extends DebugLine
var bool bDrawViewRotation;
var bool bDrawDesiredRotation;
struct native DebugSphere extends DebugDrawInfo
var vector Center;
var float Radius;
var int Segments;
struct native DebugText3D extends DebugDrawInfo
var vector WorldPos;
var Vector ScreenPos;
var string Text;
var bool bUseDropShadow;
var float WorldTime;
var float ZVelocity;
var float ZOffset;
var Actor Base;
var array<DebugLine> ActiveLines;
var int MaxLines;
var array<DebugSphere> ActiveSpheres;
var int MaxSpheres;
var array<DebugText3D> ActiveText3D;
var int MaxText3D;
virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
FVector GetOwnerLocationForLineIndex( INT LineIdx );
FVector GetOwnerLocationForName( FName InName );
FVector GetOwnerDesiredRotationForLineIndex( INT LineIdx );
void CleanUpDebugLines();
/** Hook to allow actors to render HUD overlays for themselves. Handles rendering KFDebugLines, Spheres & Text */
simulated native function NativePostRenderFor( PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir );
/** Work in progress */
simulated native function AddPawnDebugLine( bool bDrawViewRotation, bool bDrawDesiredRotation, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Add a debug line from start to end, with an optional lifespan, ID and actor Owner */
simulated native function AddDebugLine( vector Start, vector End, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional name InOwnerName, optional int DDID, optional bool bDrawFromOwner=false, optional bool bDrawToOwner=false, optional bool bDrawDesiredRotation );
/** Add a debug line from the specified actor Owner's location to the End location, with optional duration */
simulated native function AddDebugLineFromOwner( name InOwner, vector End, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional int DDID );
/** Add a debug line from the Start location to the specified actor Owner's location, with optional duration */
simulated native function AddDebugLineToOwner( vector Start, name InOwner, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional int DDID );
/** Add a debug sphere with optional duration and owner name */
simulated native function AddDebugSphere( vector Center, float Radius, int Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Add debug text, rendered at WorldPos, with optional owner and duration */
simulated native function AddDebugText3D( vector WorldPos, string Text, bool bUseDropShadow, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional Actor InBase, optional float InZVelocity = 0.0f, optional name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Remove all debug lines that are owned by InOwnerName (specify an ID to only remove a subset of the owner's lines) */
simulated native function RemoveOwnedDebugLines( name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Remove all debug spheres that are owned by InOwnerName (specify an ID to only remove a subset of the owner's debug spheres) */
simulated native function RemoveOwnedDebugSpheres( name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Remove all debug text that is owned by InOwnerName (specify an ID to only remove a subset of the owner's debug text) */
simulated native function RemoveOwnedDebugText3D( name InOwnerName, optional int DDID );
/** Clears all existing debug lines, spheres, and text */
simulated native function ClearAll();
* Initialization/Destruction
********************************************************************************************* */
event PostBeginPlay()
function AddToPostRenderList()
local PlayerController PC;
local HUD iHUD;
// Add to the HUD's PostRendered List
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers( class'PlayerController', PC )
iHUD = ( PC.myHUD );
if( iHUD != None )
iHUD.AddPostRenderedActor( self );
iHUD.bShowOverlays = true;
function RemoveFromPostRenderList()
local PlayerController PC;
local HUD iHUD;
// Remove from the HUD's PostRendered List
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers( class'PlayerController', PC )
iHUD = PC.myHUD;
if( iHUD != None )
iHUD.RemovePostRenderedActor( self );
// Assuming there are unrelated postrendered actors remaining, then bShowOverlays shouldn't change
if( iHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length == 0 )
iHUD.bShowOverlays = iHUD.Default.bShowOverlays;
/** Remove from the HUD's PostRenderList when not in use */
event Destroyed()
* Static functions
********************************************************************************************* */
* NewDebugLineFromOwner
* Draws a debug line from the actor Owner's location, to the specified end location.
* @param name InOwner Name of the actor who owns this debug line (line will be drawn from this actor)
* @param vector End End of the line location
* @param optional color inColor Line color
* @param optional bool bPersistent Whether or not the line should automatically go away after a duration
* @param optional float InDuration Duration (lifespan) of the debug line
* @param optional int DDID Optional ID int which can be used by owner to adjust or remove this debug line
static function NewDebugLineFromOwner( name InOwner, vector End, optional color inColor, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional int DDID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.AddDebugLineFromOwner( InOwner, End, inColor.R, inColor.G, inColor.B, bPersistent, InDuration, DDID );
* NewDebugLineToOwner
* Draws a debug line from the specified Start location to the line's owner location.
* @param vector Start Start of the line location
* @param name InOwner Name of the actor who owns this debug line (line will be drawn to this actor)
* @param optional color inColor Line color
* @param optional bool bPersistent Whether or not the line should automatically go away after a duration
* @param optional float InDuration Duration (lifespan) of the debug line
* @param optional int DDID Optional ID int which can be used by owner to adjust or remove this debug line
static function NewDebugLineToOwner( vector Start, name InOwner, optional color inColor, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional int DDID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.AddDebugLineToOwner( Start, InOwner, inColor.R, inColor.G, inColor.B, bPersistent, InDuration, DDID );
* NewDebugSphere
* Creates a debug sphere with optional actor owner and optional time duration (lifespan)
* @param vector Center Sphere center location
* @param float Radius Sphere radius
* @param int Segments Number of segments that compose the sphere
* @param optional color inColor Sphere color
* @param optional bool bPersistent Whether or not the sphere should automatically go away after a duration
* @param optional float InDuration Duration (lifespan) of the debug sphere
* @param optional name InOwnerName Optional actor name for the owner of this sphere
* @param optional int DDID Optional ID int which can be used by owner to adjust or remove this debug line
static function NewDebugSphere( vector Center, float Radius, int Segments, optional color inColor, optional bool bPersistent, optional float InDuration, optional name InOwnerName, optional int DDID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.AddDebugSphere( Center, Radius, Segments, inColor.R, inColor.G, inColor.B, bPersistent, InDuration, InOwnerName, DDID );
/** Gets the active KFDebugLines, if enabled */
static function KFDebugLines GetDebugLines()
local KFGameEngine KFGEngine;
KFGEngine = KFGameEngine(Class'KFGameEngine'.static.GetEngine());
if( KFGEngine != none )
return KFGEngine.GetDebugLines();
return None;
/** Clear all debug lines owned by actor with InName. Specify an ID to selectively clear out specific owned lines */
static function KFDebug_ClearLines( name InName, optional int ID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.RemoveOwnedDebugLines( InName, ID );
/** Clear all debug spheres owned by actor with InName. Specify an ID to selectively clear out specific owned spheres */
static function KFDebug_ClearSpheres( name InName, optional int ID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.RemoveOwnedDebugSpheres( InName, ID );
/** Clear all debug text owned by actor with InName. Specify an ID to selectively clear out specific owned text */
static function KFDebug_ClearText( name InName, optional int ID )
local KFDebugLines KFDL;
KFDL = GetDebugLines();
if( KFDL != none )
KFDL.RemoveOwnedDebugText3D( InName, ID );