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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// KFDebugCameraController
// Controller used when using the ToggleDebugCamera console command
// Killing Floor 2
// Copyright (C) 2015 Tripwire Interactive LLC
class KFDebugCameraController extends DebugCameraController
/** Debug scene related properties */
var bool bDebugSceneEnabled;
var KFSceneCaptureDebugCam DebugSceneCamera;
var bool bViewFromFocus;
var KFPawn_Monster SelectedKFPawn;
var bool bForceSprinting;
var float SelectedNPCMoveOffset;
var bool bMoveToActorOnly;
var AIDebugGoal DebugGoal;
var KFPawn_Monster DebugTarget;
native function PrimarySelect( vector HitLoc, vector HitNormal, TraceHitInfo HitInfo );
* Called when an actor has been selected with the secondary key (e.g. right mouse button).
* @param HitLoc World-space position of the selection point.
* @param HitNormal World-space normal of the selection point.
* @param HitInfo Info struct for the selection point.
native function SecondarySelect( vector HitLoc, vector HitNormal, TraceHitInfo HitInfo );
* Called when the user pressed the unselect key, just before the selected actor is cleared.
native function Unselect();
simulated event PostBeginPlay()
local HUD NewHUD;
NewHUD = Spawn( HUDClass, self);
if( OriginalControllerRef != none && OriginalControllerRef.myHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length > 0 )
NewHUD.PostRenderedActors = OriginalControllerRef.myHUD.PostRenderedActors;
NewHUD.bShowOverlays = true;
if( myHUD != none && myHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length > 0 )
NewHUD.PostRenderedActors = myHUD.PostRenderedActors;
NewHUD.bShowOverlays = true;
// if hud is existing, delete it and create new hud for debug camera
if ( NewHUD != None )
if( myHUD != none )
myHUD = NewHuD;
* Function called on deactivation debug camera controller
function OnDeactivate( PlayerController PC )
if( DrawFrustum != none )
DrawFrustum.SetHidden( true );
PC.PlayerCamera.DetachComponent( DrawFrustum );
PC.SetHidden( true );
PC.PlayerCamera.SetHidden( true );
function DisableDebugCamera()
if( OriginalControllerRef != none )
if( myHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length > 0 )
OriginalControllerRef.myHUD.PostRenderedActors = myHUD.PostRenderedActors;
* Function called on activation debug camera controller
function OnActivate( PlayerController PC )
//super.OnActivate( PC ); //?
bCollideWorld = false;
if ( KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD) != None )
KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).bDrawDebugText = bDrawDebugText;
if( OriginalControllerRef.myHUD.PostRenderedActors.Length > 0 )
KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).PostRenderedactors = OriginalControllerRef.myHUD.PostRenderedActors;
KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).bShowOverlays = true;
function AddCheats(optional bool bForce)
// Assuming that this never gets called for NM_Client without bForce=true
if ( (CheatManager == None) && (WorldInfo.Game != None) && WorldInfo.Game.AllowCheats(self) || bForce)
CheatManager = new(Self) CheatClass;
KFCheatManager(CheatManager).bDebugSceneEnabled = bDebugSceneEnabled;
KFCheatManager(CheatManager).DebugSceneCamera = DebugSceneCamera;
KFCheatManager(CheatManager).DebugTarget = DebugTarget;
function AICommand_Debug GetDebugCommand( KFPawn DebugPawn )
local AICommand_Debug DebugCommand;
local KFAIController KFAIC;
if( DebugPawn == none || DebugPawn.Controller == none|| DebugPawn.IsAliveAndWell() )
return none;
KFAIC = KFAIController( DebugPawn.Controller );
if( KFAIC != none && KFAIC.bHasDebugCommand )
DebugCommand = KFAIC.FindCommandOfClass( class'AICommand_Debug' );
if( DebugCommand != none )
return DebugCommand;
return none;
* Attempts to match the name passed in to a SeqEvent_Console
* object and then activate it.
* Overridden to pass in the PlayerController's disembodied pawn while in debug mode
* since the DebugCameraController has no pawn to send to CheckActivate().
* @param eventName - name of the event to cause
unreliable server function ServerCauseEvent(Name EventName)
local array<SequenceObject> AllConsoleEvents;
local SeqEvent_Console ConsoleEvt;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local int Idx;
local bool bFoundEvt;
local PlayerController PC;
local DebugCameraController DCC;
// Get the gameplay sequence.
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if ( (GameSeq != None) && (EventName != '') )
// Find all SeqEvent_Console objects anywhere.
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(class'SeqEvent_Console', TRUE, AllConsoleEvents);
// Iterate over them, seeing if the name is the one we typed in.
for( Idx=0; Idx < AllConsoleEvents.Length; Idx++ )
ConsoleEvt = SeqEvent_Console(AllConsoleEvents[Idx]);
if (ConsoleEvt != None &&
EventName == ConsoleEvt.ConsoleEventName)
bFoundEvt = TRUE;
foreach WorldInfo.AllControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
if ( PC.bIsPlayer && PC.IsLocalPlayerController() )
DCC = DebugCameraController(PC);
if( DCC != none && DCC.OriginalControllerRef != none )
// activate the event
ConsoleEvt.CheckActivate( self, DCC.OriginalControllerRef.Pawn );
if (!bFoundEvt)
exec function AIMoveForward()
local AICommand_Debug DebugCommand;
if( SelectedKFPawn != none )
DebugCommand = GetDebugCommand( SelectedKFPawn );
if( DebugCommand != none )
KFCheatManager( CheatManager ).AIMoveForward();
exec function AIShowSelectedInfo()
bShowSelectedInfo = !bShowSelectedInfo;
exec function ToggleDebugViewFocus()
KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).bFocusOnSelectedActor = !KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).bFocusOnSelectedActor;
KFDebugCameraHUD(myHUD).PlayerCamera = PlayerCamera;
exec function SetMoveOffset( optional float NewOffset=64.f )
ClientMessage( "MoveOffset of "$NewOffset$" units will be used for selected NPC" );
SelectedNPCMoveOffset = NewOffset;
exec function ToggleSelectedActorView()
bViewFromFocus = !bViewFromFocus;
* public function GetDebugSceneViewPoint()
* Used to get the orbit locations for the debug scene camera
* @param out_Location Location of current orbiting view point
* @param out_Rotation Rotation of current orbiting view point
function GetDebugSceneViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation )
if( SelectedKFPawn != none )
out_Rotation = SelectedKFPawn.Rotation;
out_Rotation.Pitch -= 3000;
out_Rotation.Yaw = ( WorldInfo.TimeSeconds * 65536 ) / 10;
out_Location = ( SelectedKFPawn.Location + vect(0,0,72) ) - 220 * vector( out_Rotation );
/** If PlayerCamera.bUseClientSideCameraUpdates is set, client will replicate camera positions to the server. */
// @TODO - combine pitch/yaw into one int, maybe also send location compressed
unreliable server function ServerUpdateCamera(vector CamLoc, int CamPitchAndYaw)
local TPOV NewPOV;
if( bViewFromFocus && SelectedActor != none )
GetDebugSceneViewPoint( NewPOV.Location, NewPOV.Rotation );
super.ServerUpdateCamera( CamLoc, CamPitchAndYaw );
// NewPOV.Location = CamLoc;
// NewPOV.Rotation.Yaw = (CamPitchAndYaw >> 16) & 65535;
// NewPOV.Rotation.Pitch = CamPitchAndYaw & 65535;
simulated event GetPlayerViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation )
local Actor TheViewTarget;
// sometimes the PlayerCamera can be none and we probably do not want this
// so we will check to see if we have a CameraClass. Having a CameraClass is
// saying: we want a camera so make certain one exists by spawning one
if( PlayerCamera == None )
if( CameraClass != None )
// Associate Camera with PlayerController
PlayerCamera = Spawn(CameraClass, Self);
if( PlayerCamera != None )
PlayerCamera.InitializeFor( Self );
`log("Couldn't Spawn Camera Actor for Player!!");
if( bViewFromFocus && SelectedActor != none )
GetDebugSceneViewPoint( out_Location, out_Rotation );
// PlayerCamera.FillCameraCache(NewPOV);
if( PlayerCamera != None )
PlayerCamera.GetCameraViewPoint(out_Location, out_Rotation);
TheViewTarget = GetViewTarget();
if( TheViewTarget != None )
out_Location = TheViewTarget.Location;
out_Rotation = TheViewTarget.Rotation;
super.GetPlayerViewPoint(out_Location, out_Rotation);
function bool NativeInputKey( int ControllerId, name Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed = 1.f, bool bGamepad = FALSE )
local vector CamLoc, ZeroVec;
local rotator CamRot;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local Actor HitActor;
local vector HitLoc, HitNormal;
local bool bIsSprinting;
CamLoc = PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Location;
CamRot = PlayerCamera.CameraCache.POV.Rotation;
if ( Key == PrimaryKey )
HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, vector(camRot) * 5000 * 20 + CamLoc, CamLoc, true, ZeroVec, HitInfo);
if( HitActor != None && KFPawn_Monster(HitActor) != none )
// if( SelectedKFPawn != none )
// {
// myHuD.PostRenderedActors.RemoveItem(SelectedKFPawn.MyKFAIC);
// }
SelectedActor = HitActor;
SelectedKFPawn = KFPawn_Monster(HitActor);
PrimarySelect( HitLoc, HitNormal, HitInfo );
return true;
else if( Key == 'P' && Event == IE_Pressed && SelectedActor != none )
SelectedKFPawn.bIsSprinting = !SelectedKFPawn.bIsSprinting;
bIsSprinting = SelectedKFPawn.bIsSprinting;
if( bIsSprinting )
ClientMessage( SelectedKFPawn$": Sprinting turned on" );
ClientMessage( SelectedKFPawn$" : Sprinting turned off" );
return true;
if( Key == 'L' && Event == IE_Pressed && SelectedActor != none )
return true;
if( Key == 'T' && Event == IE_Pressed && SelectedActor != none )
return true;
if( Key == 'Z' && Event == IE_Pressed )
return true;
if( Key == 'H' && Event == IE_Pressed )
KFDebugCameraHUD( myHUD ).ToggleHelpDisplay();
return true;
if( Key == 'R' && Event == IE_Pressed && SelectedActor != none )
HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, vector(camRot) * 5000 * 20 + CamLoc, CamLoc, true, ZeroVec, HitInfo);
SelectedKFPawn.MyKFAIC.Focus = none;
SelectedKFPawn.MyKFAIC.SetFocalPoint( HitLoc + HitNormal * 4.f );
return true;
if ( Key == SecondaryKey && Event == IE_Pressed && SelectedActor != none )
HitActor = Trace(HitLoc, HitNormal, vector(camRot) * 5000 * 20 + CamLoc, CamLoc, false, ZeroVec, HitInfo);
if( HitActor == none || HitActor.bWorldGeometry )
HitLoc += HitNormal * 4.0;
if( bMoveToActorOnly )
ClientMessage( "Attempting move to goal "$DebugGoal$". You can set bMoveToActorOnly to use move to location method instead." );
if( DebugGoal == none )
DebugGoal = Spawn(class'AIDebugGoal', self,, HitLoc );
DebugGoal.SetLocation( HitLoc );
// SelectedKFPawn.MyKFAIC.SetMoveGoal( DebugGoal,, false, SelectedNPCMoveOffset, false, true, true );
ClientMessage( "Attempting move to location "$HitLoc$". You can set bMoveToActorOnly to true to use move to goal actor method instead." );
//SelectedKFPawn.MyKFAIC.SetMovePoint( HitLoc,, false, SelectedNPCMoveOffset, false, false, true );
return true;
return false;