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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class MaterialInstance extends MaterialInterface
/** Physical material to use for this graphics material. Used for sounds, effects etc.*/
var() PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial;
var() const MaterialInterface Parent;
/** A 1 bit monochrome texture that represents a mask for what physical material should be used if the collided texel is black or white. */
var(PhysicalMaterialMask) Texture2D PhysMaterialMask;
/** The UV channel to use for the PhysMaterialMask. */
var(PhysicalMaterialMask) INT PhysMaterialMaskUVChannel;
/** The physical material to use when a black pixel in the PhysMaterialMask texture is hit. */
var(PhysicalMaterialMask) PhysicalMaterial BlackPhysicalMaterial;
/** The physical material to use when a white pixel in the PhysMaterialMask texture is hit. */
var(PhysicalMaterialMask) PhysicalMaterial WhitePhysicalMaterial;
/** indicates whether the instance has static permutation resources (which are required when static parameters are present) */
var bool bHasStaticPermutationResource;
/** indicates whether the static permutation resource needs to be updated on PostEditChange() */
var native transient bool bStaticPermutationDirty;
* The set of static parameters that this instance will be compiled with.
* This is indexed by EMaterialShaderPlatform.
* Only the first entry is ever used now that SM2 is no longer supported,
* But the member is kept as an array to make adding future material platforms easier.
* The second entry is to work around the script compile error from having an array with one element.
var const native duplicatetransient pointer StaticParameters[2]{FStaticParameterSet};
* The material resources for this instance.
* This is indexed by EMaterialShaderPlatform.
* Only the first entry is ever used now that SM2 is no longer supported,
* But the member is kept as an array to make adding future material platforms easier.
* The second entry is to work around the script compile error from having an array with one element.
var const native duplicatetransient pointer StaticPermutationResources[2]{FMaterialResource};
/** Second resource is used when selected. */
var const native duplicatetransient pointer Resources[3]{class FMaterialInstanceResource};
var private const native bool ReentrantFlag;
/** Legacy texture references, now handled by FMaterial. */
var deprecated private const array<texture> ReferencedTextures;
var private const editoronly array<guid> ReferencedTextureGuids;
/** Unique ID for this material, used for caching during distributed lighting */
var private const Guid ParentLightingGuid;
/** This instance is dirty and needs to be flattened upon save or some other good time (like closing the MIC editor) */
var private const transient bool bNeedsMaterialFlattening;
// Constructor.
* Passes the allocation request up the MIC chain
* @return The allocated resource
FMaterialResource* AllocateResource();
/** Initializes the material instance's resources. */
virtual void InitResources();
* Gets the static permutation resource if the instance has one
* @return - the appropriate FMaterialResource if one exists, otherwise NULL
virtual FMaterialResource* GetMaterialResource(EMaterialShaderQuality OverrideQuality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED);
* @return the flattened texture for the material instance, or the parent's if we don't have one
virtual UTexture* GetMobileTexture(const INT MobileTextureUnit);
// UMaterialInterface interface.
* NOTE: This is NOT SAFE to use on the rendering thread!
* @return the quality level this material should render with
virtual EMaterialShaderQuality GetQualityLevel() const;
* Get the material which this is an instance of.
virtual UMaterial* GetMaterial();
/** Returns the textures used to render this material for the given quality */
virtual void GetUsedTextures(TArray<UTexture*> &OutTextures, const EMaterialShaderQuality Quality=MSQ_UNSPECIFIED, const UBOOL bAllQualities = FALSE, UBOOL bAllowOverride=TRUE);
* Checks whether the specified texture is needed to render the material instance.
* @param Texture The texture to check.
* @param bAllowOverride Whether you want to be given the original textures or allow override textures instead of the originals.
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material uses the specified texture.
virtual UBOOL UsesTexture(const UTexture* Texture, const UBOOL bAllowOverride=TRUE);
* Overrides a specific texture (transient)
* @param InTextureToOverride The texture to override
* @param OverrideTexture The new texture to use
virtual void OverrideTexture( const UTexture* InTextureToOverride, UTexture* OverrideTexture );
* Checks if the material can be used with the given usage flag.
* If the flag isn't set in the editor, it will be set and the material will be recompiled with it.
* @param Usage - The usage flag to check
* @param bSkipPrim - Bypass the primitive type checks
* @return UBOOL - TRUE if the material can be used for rendering with the given type.
virtual UBOOL CheckMaterialUsage(const EMaterialUsage Usage, const UBOOL bSkipPrim = FALSE);
* Gets the value of the given static switch parameter. If it is not found in this instance then
* the request is forwarded up the MIC chain.
* @param ParameterName The name of the static switch parameter
* @param OutValue Will contain the value of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticSwitchParameterValue(FName ParameterName,UBOOL &OutValue,FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the value of the given static component mask parameter. If it is not found in this instance then
* the request is forwarded up the MIC chain.
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param R, G, B, A Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetStaticComponentMaskParameterValue(FName ParameterName, UBOOL &R, UBOOL &G, UBOOL &B, UBOOL &A,FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the compression format of the given normal parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param CompressionSettings Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetNormalParameterValue(FName ParameterName, BYTE& OutCompressionSettings, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
* Gets the weightmap index of the given terrain layer weight parameter
* @param ParameterName The name of the parameter
* @param OutWeightmapIndex Will contain the values of the parameter if successful
* @return True if successful
virtual UBOOL GetTerrainLayerWeightParameterValue(FName ParameterName, INT& OutWeightmapIndex, FGuid &OutExpressionGuid);
virtual UBOOL IsDependent(UMaterialInterface* TestDependency);
virtual FMaterialRenderProxy* GetRenderProxy(UBOOL Selected, UBOOL bHovered=FALSE) const;
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetPhysicalMaterial() const;
* Makes a copy of all the instance's inherited and overridden static parameters
* @param StaticParameters - The set of static parameters to fill, must be empty
void GetStaticParameterValues(FStaticParameterSet* StaticParameters);
* Sets the instance's static parameters and marks it dirty if appropriate.
* @param EditorParameters The new static parameters. If the set does not contain any static parameters,
* the static permutation resource will be released.
* @return TRUE if the static permutation resource has been marked dirty
UBOOL SetStaticParameterValues(const FStaticParameterSet* EditorParameters);
* Checks if any of the static parameter values are outdated based on what they reference (eg a normalmap has changed format)
* @param EditorParameters The new static parameters.
virtual void CheckStaticParameterValues(FStaticParameterSet* EditorParameters);
* Compiles the static permutation resource if the base material has changed and updates dirty states
void UpdateStaticPermutation();
* Updates static parameters and recompiles the static permutation resource if necessary
void InitStaticPermutation();
* Compiles material resources for the given platform if the shader map for that resource didn't already exist.
* @param ShaderPlatform - the platform to compile for.
* @param bFlushExistingShaderMaps - forces a compile, removes existing shader maps from shader cache.
void CacheResourceShaders(EShaderPlatform ShaderPlatform, UBOOL bFlushExistingShaderMaps=FALSE, UBOOL bDebugDump=FALSE);
* Passes the compile request up the MIC chain
* @param StaticParameters - The set of static parameters to compile for
* @param StaticPermutation - The resource to compile
* @param Platform - The platform to compile for
* @param Quality - The material quality to compile for
* @param bFlushExistingShaderMaps - Indicates that existing shader maps should be discarded
* @return TRUE if compilation was successful or not necessary
UBOOL CompileStaticPermutation(
FStaticParameterSet* Permutation,
FMaterialResource* StaticPermutation,
EShaderPlatform Platform,
EMaterialShaderQuality Quality,
UBOOL bFlushExistingShaderMaps,
UBOOL bDebugDump);
* Allocates the static permutation resources for all platforms if they haven't been already.
* Also updates the material resource's Material member as it may have changed.
void AllocateStaticPermutations();
* Releases the static permutation resource if it exists, in a thread safe way
void ReleaseStaticPermutations();
/** === USurface interface === */
* Method for retrieving the width of this surface.
* This implementation returns the maximum width of all textures applied to this material - not exactly accurate, but best approximation.
* @return the width of this surface, in pixels.
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceWidth() const;
* Method for retrieving the height of this surface.
* This implementation returns the maximum height of all textures applied to this material - not exactly accurate, but best approximation.
* @return the height of this surface, in pixels.
virtual FLOAT GetSurfaceHeight() const;
// UObject interface.
virtual void AddReferencedObjects(TArray<UObject*>& ObjectArray);
void PreSave();
virtual void Serialize(FArchive& Ar);
virtual void PostLoad();
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
virtual void FinishDestroy();
* Refreshes parameter names using the stored reference to the expression object for the parameter.
virtual void UpdateParameterNames();
/** Displays warning if this material instance is not safe to modify in the game (is in content package) */
void CheckSafeToModifyInGame(const TCHAR* FuncName, const TCHAR* ParamName) const;
* Check if the textures have changed since the last time the material was
* serialized for Lightmass... Update the lists while in here.
* NOTE: This will mark the package dirty if they have changed.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if the textures have changed.
* FALSE if they have not.
virtual UBOOL UpdateLightmassTextureTracking();
/** @return The bCastShadowAsMasked value for this material. */
virtual UBOOL GetCastShadowAsMasked() const;
/** @return The Emissive boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetEmissiveBoost() const;
/** @return The Diffuse boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetDiffuseBoost() const;
/** @return The Specular boost value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetSpecularBoost() const;
/** @return The ExportResolutionScale value for this material. */
virtual FLOAT GetExportResolutionScale() const;
virtual FLOAT GetDistanceFieldPenumbraScale() const;
* Get all of the textures in the expression chain for the given property (ie fill in the given array with all textures in the chain).
* @param InProperty The material property chain to inspect, such as MP_DiffuseColor.
* @param OutTextures The array to fill in all of the textures.
* @param InStaticParameterSet Optional static parameter set - if supplied only walk the StaticSwitch branches according to it.
* @param OutTextureParamNames Optional array to fill in with texture parameter names.
* @return UBOOL TRUE if successful, FALSE if not.
virtual UBOOL GetTexturesInPropertyChain(EMaterialProperty InProperty, TArray<UTexture*>& OutTextures,
TArray<FName>* OutTextureParamNames, class FStaticParameterSet* InStaticParameterSet);
* Returns the lookup texture to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents lookup texture if not overridden here.
virtual UTexture2D* GetPhysicalMaterialMaskTexture() const;
* Returns the black physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents black phys mat if not overridden here.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetBlackPhysicalMaterial() const;
* Returns the white physical material to be used in the physical material mask. Tries to get the parents white phys mat if not overridden here.
virtual UPhysicalMaterial* GetWhitePhysicalMaterial() const;
* Returns the UV channel that should be used to look up physical material mask information. Tries to get the parents UV channel if not present here.
virtual INT GetPhysMaterialMaskUVChannel() const;
* Setup the mobile properties for this instance
virtual void SetupMobileProperties();
// SetParent - Updates the parent.
native function SetParent(MaterialInterface NewParent);
// Set*ParameterValue - Updates the entry in ParameterValues for the named parameter, or adds a new entry.
native function SetVectorParameterValue(name ParameterName, const out LinearColor Value);
native function SetScalarParameterValue(name ParameterName, float Value);
native function SetScalarCurveParameterValue(name ParameterName, const out InterpCurveFloat Value);
native function SetTextureParameterValue(name ParameterName, Texture Value);
native function bool GetTextureParameterValue(name ParameterName, out Texture Value);
* Sets the value of the given font parameter.
* @param ParameterName The name of the font parameter
* @param OutFontValue New font value to set for this MIC
* @param OutFontPage New font page value to set for this MIC
native function SetFontParameterValue(name ParameterName, Font FontValue, int FontPage);
/** Removes all parameter values */
native function ClearParameterValues();
* Returns if this MI is either in a map package or the transient package
* During gameplay, Set..Parameter should only be called on MIs where this is TRUE -
* otherwise you are modifying an MI within a content package, that will persist across level reload etc.
native function bool IsInMapOrTransientPackage() const;