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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Engine: The base class of the global application object classes.
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Engine extends Subsystem
// Fonts.
var private Font TinyFont;
var globalconfig string TinyFontName;
var private Font SmallFont;
var globalconfig string SmallFontName;
var private Font MediumFont;
var globalconfig string MediumFontName;
var private Font LargeFont;
var globalconfig string LargeFontName;
var private Font SubtitleFont;
var globalconfig string SubtitleFontName;
/** Any additional fonts that script may use without hard-referencing the font. */
var private array<Font> AdditionalFonts;
var globalconfig array<string> AdditionalFontNames;
/** The class to use for the game console. */
var class<Console> ConsoleClass;
var globalconfig string ConsoleClassName;
/** The class to use for the game viewport client. */
var class<GameViewportClient> GameViewportClientClass;
var globalconfig string GameViewportClientClassName;
/** The class to use for managing the global data stores */
var class<DataStoreClient> DataStoreClientClass;
var globalconfig string DataStoreClientClassName;
/** The class to use for local players. */
var class<LocalPlayer> LocalPlayerClass;
var config string LocalPlayerClassName;
/** The material used when no material is explicitly applied. */
var Material DefaultMaterial;
var globalconfig string DefaultMaterialName;
/** The decal material used for fallback case of decals */
var Material DefaultDecalMaterial;
var globalconfig string DefaultDecalMaterialName;
/** A global default texture. */
var Texture DefaultTexture;
var globalconfig string DefaultTextureName;
/** The material used to render wireframe meshes. */
var Material WireframeMaterial;
var globalconfig string WireframeMaterialName;
/** A textured material with an instance parameter for the texture. */
var Material EmissiveTexturedMaterial;
var globalconfig string EmissiveTexturedMaterialName;
/** A translucent material used to render things in geometry mode. */
var Material GeomMaterial;
var globalconfig string GeomMaterialName;
/** The default fog volume material */
var Material DefaultFogVolumeMaterial;
var globalconfig string DefaultFogVolumeMaterialName;
/** Material used for drawing a tick mark. */
var Material TickMaterial;
var globalconfig string TickMaterialName;
/** Material used for drawing a cross mark. */
var Material CrossMaterial;
var globalconfig string CrossMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing level membership in lit viewport modes. */
var Material LevelColorationLitMaterial;
var globalconfig string LevelColorationLitMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing level membership in unlit viewport modes. */
var Material LevelColorationUnlitMaterial;
var globalconfig string LevelColorationUnlitMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing lighting only w/ lightmap texel density. */
var Material LightingTexelDensityMaterial;
var globalconfig string LightingTexelDensityName;
/** Material used for visualizing level membership in lit viewport modes. Uses shading to show axis directions. */
var Material ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterial;
var globalconfig string ShadedLevelColorationLitMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing level membership in unlit viewport modes. Uses shading to show axis directions. */
var Material ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterial;
var globalconfig string ShadedLevelColorationUnlitMaterialName;
/** Material used to indicate that the associated BSP surface should be removed. */
var Material RemoveSurfaceMaterial;
var globalconfig string RemoveSurfaceMaterialName;
/** Material that renders vertex colour as emissive. */
var Material VertexColorMaterial;
var globalconfig string VertexColorMaterialName;
/** Material for visualizing vertex colors on meshes in the scene (color only, no alpha) */
var Material VertexColorViewModeMaterial_ColorOnly;
var globalconfig string VertexColorViewModeMaterialName_ColorOnly;
/** Material for visualizing vertex colors on meshes in the scene (alpha channel as color) */
var Material VertexColorViewModeMaterial_AlphaAsColor;
var globalconfig string VertexColorViewModeMaterialName_AlphaAsColor;
/** Material for visualizing vertex colors on meshes in the scene (red only) */
var Material VertexColorViewModeMaterial_RedOnly;
var globalconfig string VertexColorViewModeMaterialName_RedOnly;
/** Material for visualizing vertex colors on meshes in the scene (green only) */
var Material VertexColorViewModeMaterial_GreenOnly;
var globalconfig string VertexColorViewModeMaterialName_GreenOnly;
/** Material for visualizing vertex colors on meshes in the scene (blue only) */
var Material VertexColorViewModeMaterial_BlueOnly;
var globalconfig string VertexColorViewModeMaterialName_BlueOnly;
/** Material used to render game stat heatmaps. */
var Material HeatmapMaterial;
var globalconfig string HeatmapMaterialName;
/** Material used to render bone weights on skel meshes */
var Material BoneWeightMaterial;
var globalconfig string BoneWeightMaterialName;
/** Material used to render tangents on skel meshes */
var Material TangentColorMaterial;
var globalconfig string TangentColorMaterialName;
/** The mobile emulation material for Additive. */
var Material MobileEmulationMasterMaterial;
var globalconfig string MobileEmulationMasterMaterialName;
/** Material used to render the low detail version of procedural buildings */
var Material ProcBuildingSimpleMaterial;
var globalconfig string ProcBuildingSimpleMaterialName;
/** Mesh used when we need a quad */
var StaticMesh BuildingQuadStaticMesh;
var globalconfig string BuildingQuadStaticMeshName;
/** Roughly how many texels per world unit when generating a building LOD color texture */
var globalconfig float ProcBuildingLODColorTexelsPerWorldUnit;
/** Roughly how many texels per world unit when generating a building LOD lighting texture */
var globalconfig float ProcBuildingLODLightingTexelsPerWorldUnit;
/** Maximum size of a building LOD color texture */
var globalconfig int MaxProcBuildingLODColorTextureSize;
/** Maximum size of a building LOD lighting texture */
var globalconfig int MaxProcBuildingLODLightingTextureSize;
/** Whether to crop building LOD textures to rectangular textures to reduce wasted memory */
var globalconfig bool UseProcBuildingLODTextureCropping;
/** Whether to force use of power-of-two LOD textures (uses more memory, but may have better performance) */
var globalconfig bool ForcePowerOfTwoProcBuildingLODTextures;
/** True if we should combine light/shadow maps together if they're very similar to one another */
var globalconfig bool bCombineSimilarMappings;
/** Maximum root mean square deviation of the image difference allowed for mappings to be combined. Requires bCombineSimilarLightAndShadowMappings to be enabled. */
var globalconfig float MaxRMSDForCombiningMappings;
/** Size of the texture generated by ImageReflectionSceneCapture actors. */
var globalconfig int ImageReflectionTextureSize;
var globalconfig LinearColor LightingOnlyBrightness;
/** The colors used to render light complexity. */
var globalconfig array<color> LightComplexityColors;
/** The colors used to render shader complexity. */
var globalconfig array<LinearColor> ShaderComplexityColors;
* Complexity limits for the various complexity viewmode combinations.
* These limits are used to map instruction counts to ShaderComplexityColors.
var globalconfig float MaxPixelShaderAdditiveComplexityCount;
/** Range for the texture density viewmode. */
var globalconfig float MinTextureDensity;
var globalconfig float IdealTextureDensity;
var globalconfig float MaxTextureDensity;
/** Range for the lightmap density viewmode. */
/** Minimum lightmap density value for coloring. */
var globalconfig float MinLightMapDensity;
/** Ideal lightmap density value for coloring. */
var globalconfig float IdealLightMapDensity;
/** Maximum lightmap density value for coloring. */
var globalconfig float MaxLightMapDensity;
/** If TRUE, then render grayscale density. */
var globalconfig bool bRenderLightMapDensityGrayscale;
/** The scale factor when rendering grayscale density. */
var globalconfig float RenderLightMapDensityGrayscaleScale;
/** The scale factor when rendering color density. */
var globalconfig float RenderLightMapDensityColorScale;
/** The color to render vertex mapped objects in for LightMap Density view mode. */
var globalconfig linearcolor LightMapDensityVertexMappedColor;
/** The color to render selected objects in for LightMap Density view mode. */
var globalconfig linearcolor LightMapDensitySelectedColor;
struct native StatColorMapEntry
var globalconfig float In;
var globalconfig color Out;
struct native StatColorMapping
var globalconfig string StatName;
var globalconfig array<StatColorMapEntry> ColorMap;
var globalconfig bool DisableBlend;
var globalconfig array<StatColorMapping> StatColorMappings;
/** A material used to render the sides of the builder brush/volumes/etc. */
var Material EditorBrushMaterial;
var globalconfig string EditorBrushMaterialName;
/** PhysicalMaterial to use if none is defined for a particular object. */
var PhysicalMaterial DefaultPhysMaterial;
var globalconfig string DefaultPhysMaterialName;
/** PhysicalMaterial used for landscape and terrain holes */
var PhysicalMaterial LandscapeHolePhysMaterial;
var globalconfig string LandscapeHolePhysMaterialName;
/** Optional damage mapping for Apex destructbile actors */
var ApexDestructibleDamageParameters ApexDamageParams;
var globalconfig string ApexDamageParamsName;
/** The material used when terrain compilation is too complex. */
var Material TerrainErrorMaterial;
var globalconfig string TerrainErrorMaterialName;
var globalconfig int TerrainMaterialMaxTextureCount;
/** This is the number of frames that are used between terrain tessellation re-calculations */
var globalconfig int TerrainTessellationCheckCount;
* The radius from the view origin that terrain tessellation checks should be performed.
* If 0.0, every component will be checked for tessellation changes each frame.
var globalconfig float TerrainTessellationCheckDistance;
* Bool switch for SetRequestScreenshot function
var bool bScreenshotRequested;
/** OnlineSubsystem class to use for netplay */
var class<OnlineSubsystem> OnlineSubsystemClass;
var globalconfig string DefaultOnlineSubsystemName;
/** Default engine post process chain used for the game and main editor view if none is specified in the WorldInfo */
var private{private} PostProcessChain DefaultPostProcess;
var private{private} config string DefaultPostProcessName;
/** post process chain used for skeletal mesh thumbnails */
var PostProcessChain ThumbnailSkeletalMeshPostProcess;
var config string ThumbnailSkeletalMeshPostProcessName;
/** post process chain used for particle system thumbnails */
var PostProcessChain ThumbnailParticleSystemPostProcess;
var config string ThumbnailParticleSystemPostProcessName;
/** post process chain used for material thumbnails */
var PostProcessChain ThumbnailMaterialPostProcess;
var config string ThumbnailMaterialPostProcessName;
/** post process chain used for rendering the UI */
var PostProcessChain DefaultUIScenePostProcess;
var config string DefaultUIScenePostProcessName;
/** Material used for drawing meshes when their collision is missing. */
var Material DefaultUICaretMaterial;
var globalconfig string DefaultUICaretMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing the reflection scene captures on a surface */
var Material SceneCaptureReflectActorMaterial;
var globalconfig string SceneCaptureReflectActorMaterialName;
/** Material used for visualizing the cube map scene captures on a mesh */
var Material SceneCaptureCubeActorMaterial;
var globalconfig string SceneCaptureCubeActorMaterialName;
/** Texture used to get random opacity values per-pixel for screen-door fading */
var Texture2D ScreenDoorNoiseTexture;
var globalconfig string ScreenDoorNoiseTextureName;
/** Texture used to get random image grain values for post processing */
var Texture2D ImageGrainNoiseTexture;
var globalconfig string ImageGrainNoiseTextureName;
/** Texture used to get random angles per-pixel by the Branching PCF implementation */
var Texture2D RandomAngleTexture;
var globalconfig string RandomAngleTextureName;
/** Texture used to get random normals per-pixel */
var Texture2D RandomNormalTexture;
var globalconfig string RandomNormalTextureName;
/** Texture used to get random rotation per-pixel */
var Texture2D RandomMirrorDiscTexture;
var globalconfig string RandomMirrorDiscTextureName;
/** Texture used as a placeholder for terrain weight-maps to give the material the correct texture format. */
var Texture WeightMapPlaceholderTexture;
var globalconfig string WeightMapPlaceholderTextureName;
/** Texture used to display LightMapDensity */
var Texture2D LightMapDensityTexture;
var globalconfig string LightMapDensityTextureName;
/** Texture used to display LightMapDensity */
var Texture2D LightMapDensityNormal;
var globalconfig string LightMapDensityNormalName;
/** Texture used to display SplatterMapDensity */
var Texture2D SplatterMapDensityTexture;
var globalconfig string SplatterMapDensityTextureName;
* Texture used by the persistent blood splatter system
* R Channel = Tiling Mask
* G Channel = Reflection (Faked Cubemap)
var Texture2D PersistentBloodMasterTexture;
var globalconfig string PersistentBloodMasterTextureName;
var Texture2D DitherTexture;
var globalconfig string DitherTextureName;
/** White noise sound */
var SoundNodeWave DefaultSound;
var globalconfig string DefaultSoundName;
/** Time in seconds (game time) we should wait between purging object references to objects that are pending kill */
var(Settings) config float TimeBetweenPurgingPendingKillObjects;
// Variables.
/** Abstract interface to platform-specific subsystems */
var const client Client;
/** Viewports for all players in all game instances (all PIE windows, for example) */
var init array<LocalPlayer> GamePlayers;
/** the viewport representing the current game instance */
var const GameViewportClient GameViewport;
/** Array of deferred command strings/ execs that get executed at the end of the frame */
var init array<string> DeferredCommands;
var int TickCycles, GameCycles, ClientCycles;
var transient bool bUseSound;
/** Whether to allow background level streaming. */
var(Settings) config bool bUseBackgroundLevelStreaming;
/** Flag for completely disabling subtitles for localized sounds. */
var(Settings) config bool bSubtitlesEnabled;
/** Flag for forcibly disabling subtitles even if you try to turn them back on they will be off */
var(Settings) config bool bSubtitlesForcedOff;
/** Whether to enable framerate smoothing. */
var config bool bSmoothFrameRate;
/** Maximum framerate to smooth. Code will try to not go over via waiting. */
var config float MaxSmoothedFrameRate;
/** Minimum framerate smoothing will kick in. */
var config float MinSmoothedFrameRate;
* Whether we should check for more than N pawns spawning in a single frame.
* Basically, spawning pawns and all of their attachments can be slow. And on consoles it
* can be really slow. If this bool is true we will display a
var config bool bCheckForMultiplePawnsSpawnedInAFrame;
/** If bCheckForMultiplePawnsSpawnedInAFrame==TRUE, then we will check to see that no more than this number of pawns are spawned in a frame. **/
var config int NumPawnsAllowedToBeSpawnedInAFrame;
* Whether or not the simple lightmaps should be generated during lighting rebuilds.
var globalconfig bool bShouldGenerateSimpleLightmaps;
* Flag for forcing terrain to be 'static' (MinTessellationLevel = MaxTesselationLevel)
* Game time only...
var(Settings) config bool bForceStaticTerrain;
/** Entry point for RemoteControl, the in-game UI for the exec system. */
var native pointer RemoteControlExec{class FRemoteControlExec};
/** Pointer to a support class to handle mobile material emulation (created on demand) */
var native pointer MobileMaterialEmulator{class FMobileMaterialEmulator};
// Color preferences.
var(Colors) color
/** Fudge factor for tweaking the distance based miplevel determination */
var(Settings) float StreamingDistanceFactor;
/** Class name of the scout to use for path building */
var const config string ScoutClassName;
* A transition type.
enum ETransitionType
/** The current transition type. */
var ETransitionType TransitionType;
/** The current transition description text. */
var string TransitionDescription;
/** The gametype for the destination map */
var string TransitionGameType;
/** Level of detail range control for meshes */
var config float MeshLODRange;
/** Force to CPU skinning only for skeletal mesh rendering */
var config bool bForceCPUSkinning;
/** Whether to use post processing effects or not */
var config bool bUsePostProcessEffects;
/** whether to send Kismet warning messages to the screen (via PlayerController::ClientMessage()) */
var config bool bOnScreenKismetWarnings;
/** whether kismet logging is enabled. */
var config bool bEnableKismetLogging;
/** whether mature language is allowed **/
var config bool bAllowMatureLanguage;
/** camera rotation (deg) beyond which occlusion queries are ignored from previous frame (because they are likely not valid) */
var config float CameraRotationThreshold;
/** camera movement beyond which occlusion queries are ignored from previous frame (because they are likely not valid) */
var config float CameraTranslationThreshold;
/** The amount of time a primitive is considered to be probably visible after it was last actually visible. */
var config float PrimitiveProbablyVisibleTime;
/** The amount of time a light is considered to be probably visible after it was last actually visible. */
var config float LightProbablyVisibleTime;
/** The percent of previously unoccluded primitives which are requeried every frame. */
var config float PercentUnoccludedRequeries;
/** Max screen pixel fraction where retesting when unoccluded is worth the GPU time. */
var config float MaxOcclusionPixelsFraction;
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
/** Level of PhysX content. 0 means no hardware acceleration. */
var globalconfig int PhysXLevel;
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
/** Do not use Ageia PhysX hardware */
var globalconfig bool bDisablePhysXHardwareSupport;
/** Whether to pause the game if focus is lost. */
var config bool bPauseOnLossOfFocus;
/** The most vertices a fluid surface can have. The number of verts is clamped to avoid running out of memory and exposing driver bugs. */
var config int MaxFluidNumVerts;
* Time limit (in milliseconds) for a fluid simulation update, to avoid spiraling into a bad
* feedback-loop with slower and slower framerate. This value is doubled in debug builds.
var config float FluidSimulationTimeLimit;
* The maximum allowed size to a ParticleEmitterInstance::Resize call.
* If larger, the function will return without resizing.
var config int MaxParticleResize;
* If the resize request is larger than this, spew out a warning to the log
var config int MaxParticleResizeWarn;
* If TRUE, then perform particle size checks in non FINAL_RELEASE builds.
var globalconfig bool bCheckParticleRenderSize;
/** The maximum amount of memory any single emitter is allowed to take for its vertices */
var config int MaxParticleVertexMemory;
var transient int MaxParticleSpriteCount;
var transient int MaxParticleSubUVCount;
/** The number of times to attempt the Begin*UP call before assuming the GPU is hosed */
var config int BeginUPTryCount;
/** Info about one note dropped in the map during PIE. */
struct native DropNoteInfo
/** Location to create Note actor in edited level. */
var vector Location;
/** Rotation to create Note actor in edited level. */
var rotator Rotation;
/** Text to assign to Note actor in edited level. */
var string Comment;
/** */
var transient array<DropNoteInfo> PendingDroppedNotes;
/** Overridable class for cover mesh rendering in-game, used to get around the editoronly restrictions needed by the base CoverMeshComponent */
var globalconfig string DynamicCoverMeshComponentName;
* By default, each frame's initial scene color clear is disabled.
* This flag can be toggled at runtime to enable clearing for development.
var globalconfig const bool bEnableColorClear;
/** Number of times to tick each client per second */
var globalconfig float NetClientTicksPerSecond;
* The largest step-size allowed for lens flare occlusion results
* before using the incremental step method.
var globalconfig float MaxTrackedOcclusionIncrement;
* The incremental step size for the above.
var globalconfig float TrackedOcclusionStepSize;
/** Keeps track whether actors moved via PostEditMove and therefore constraint syncup should be performed. */
var transient bool bAreConstraintsDirty;
/** TRUE if the engine needs to perform a delayed global component reattach (really just for editor) */
var transient bool bHasPendingGlobalReattach;
/** Default color of selected objects in the level viewport (additive) */
var globalconfig LinearColor DefaultSelectedMaterialColor;
/** Default color of hovered objects in the level viewport (additive) */
var globalconfig LinearColor DefaultHoveredMaterialColor;
/** Color of selected objects in the level viewport (additive) */
var transient LinearColor SelectedMaterialColor;
/** Color of unselected objects in the level viewport (additive) */
var transient LinearColor UnselectedMaterialColor;
/** If TRUE, then disable OnScreenDebug messages. Can be toggled in real-time. */
var globalconfig bool bEnableOnScreenDebugMessages;
/** If TRUE, then disable the display of OnScreenDebug messages (used when running) */
var transient bool bEnableOnScreenDebugMessagesDisplay;
/** If TRUE, then skip drawing map warnings on screen even in non FINAL_RELEASE builds */
var globalconfig bool bSuppressMapWarnings;
/** If DevAbsorbFuncs logging is unsuppressed and _DEBUG is defined in native, functions listed in this array will not throw a warning when they are absorbed for not being simulated on clients. Useful for functions like Tick, where this behaviour is intentional */
var globalconfig array<name> IgnoreSimulatedFuncWarnings;
/** if set, cook game classes into standalone packages (as defined in [Cooker.MPGameContentCookStandalone]) and load the appropriate
* one at game time depending on the gametype specified on the URL
* (the game class should then not be referenced in the maps themselves)
var globalconfig bool bCookSeparateSharedMPGameContent;
* If TRUE and build w/ WITH_RECAST enabled, use Recast for navmesh
var globalconfig bool bUseRecastNavMesh;
/** determines whether AI logging should be processed or not */
var bool bDisableAILogging;
* AI interface instance
var globalconfig string AISubsystemClassName;
var AISubsystem AISys;
/** Semaphore to control screen saver inhibitor thread access. */
var private{private} transient int ScreenSaverInhibitorSemaphore;
/** Thread preventing screen saver from kicking. Suspend most of the time. */
var private{private} transient pointer ScreenSaverInhibitor{FRunnableThread};
/** A global translation context handles simple translation scenarios. e.g. <Strings:A.B.C> */
var TranslationContext GlobalTranslationContext;
/** Enables normal map sampling when Lightmass is generating 'simple' light maps. This increases lighting build time, but may improve quality when normal maps are used to represent curvature over a large surface area. When this setting is disabled, 'simple' light maps will not take normal maps into account. */
var globalconfig bool bUseNormalMapsForSimpleLightMaps;
/** Timestamp for when a loading movie was started, based on appSeconds(). Cleared to 0.0 when no movies are playing anymore. */
var const transient double LoadingMovieStartTime;
/** determines if we should start the matinee capture as soon as the game loads */
var transient bool bStartWithMatineeCapture;
/** should we compress the capture */
var transient bool bCompressMatineeCapture;
/** the name of the matine that we want to record */
var transient string MatineeCaptureName;
/** The package name where the matinee belongs to */
var transient string MatineePackageCaptureName;
/** The visible levels that should be loaded when the matinee starts */
var transient string VisibleLevelsForMatineeCapture;
/** the fps of the matine that we want to record */
var transient int MatineeCaptureFPS;
/** The capture type 0 - AVI, 1 - Screen Shots */
var transient int MatineeCaptureType;
/** TRUE if the the user cannot modify levels that are read only. */
var transient bool bLockReadOnlyLevels;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 8-19-16 - Server query support
/** Net driver for server query support */
var NetDriver QueryNetDriver;
//@HSL_BEGIN - BWJ - 2-27-17 - Support for safe frame scale
/** The safe frame scale. Currently only used for XB1 */
var float SafeFrameScale;
// Constructors.
void StaticConstructor();
// UObject interface.
virtual void FinishDestroy();
// UEngine interface.
virtual void Init();
* Called at shutdown, just before the exit purge.
virtual void PreExit();
virtual void PreExit() {}
virtual UBOOL Exec( const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Out=*GLog );
virtual void Tick( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) PURE_VIRTUAL(UEngine::Tick,);
virtual void SetClientTravel( const TCHAR* NextURL, ETravelType TravelType ) PURE_VIRTUAL(UEngine::SetClientTravel,);
virtual FLOAT GetMaxTickRate( FLOAT /*DeltaTime*/, UBOOL bAllowFrameRateSmoothing = TRUE );
virtual void SetProgress( EProgressMessageType MessageType, const FString& Title, const FString& Message );
* Called by Exec. Memory related execs.
UBOOL ExecMemFunctions( const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Out=*GLog );
* Called by Exec. Threading related execs.
UBOOL ExecThreadFunctions( const TCHAR* Cmd, FOutputDevice& Out=*GLog );
* Pauses / unpauses the game-play when focus of the game's window gets lost / gained.
* @param EnablePause TRUE to pause; FALSE to unpause the game
virtual void OnLostFocusPause( UBOOL EnablePause );
* Ticks the FPS chart.
* @param DeltaSeconds Time in seconds passed since last tick.
virtual void TickFPSChart( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
* Ticks the Memory chart.
* @param DeltaSeconds Time in seconds passed since last tick.
virtual void TickMemoryChart( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
* Resets the FPS chart data.
virtual void ResetFPSChart();
* Dumps the FPS chart information to the passed in archive.
* @param bForceDump Whether to dump even if FPS chart info is not enabled.
virtual void DumpFPSChart( UBOOL bForceDump = FALSE );
/** Dumps info on DistanceFactor used for rendering SkeletalMeshComponents during the game. */
virtual void DumpDistanceFactorChart();
* Resets the Memory chart data.
virtual void ResetMemoryChart();
* Dumps the Memory chart information to various places.
* @param bForceDump Whether to dump even if no info has been captured yet (will force an update in that case).
virtual void DumpMemoryChart( UBOOL bForceDump = FALSE );
* Dumps the FPS chart information to HTML.
virtual void DumpFPSChartToHTML( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames, UBOOL bOutputToGlobalLog );
* Dumps the FPS chart information to the log.
virtual void DumpFPSChartToLog( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames );
* Dumps the FPS chart information to the special stats log file.
virtual void DumpFPSChartToStatsLog( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames );
* Dumps the frame times information to the special stats log file.
virtual void DumpFrameTimesToStatsLog( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames );
* Dumps the Memory chart information to HTML.
virtual void DumpMemoryChartToHTML( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames, UBOOL bOutputToGlobalLog );
* Dumps the Memory chart information to the log.
virtual void DumpMemoryChartToLog( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames );
* Dumps the Memory chart information to the special stats log file.
virtual void DumpMemoryChartToStatsLog( FLOAT TotalTime, FLOAT DeltaTime, INT NumFrames );
#endif // DO_CHARTING
* Spawns any registered server actors
virtual void SpawnServerActors(void)
* Loads all Engine object references from their corresponding config entries.
void InitializeObjectReferences();
* Construct a UNetDriver object based on an .ini setting
* @return The created NetDriver object, or NULL if it fails
virtual class UNetDriver* ConstructNetDriver()
return NULL;
* Clean up the GameViewport
void CleanupGameViewport();
/** Get some viewport. Will be GameViewport in game, and one of the editor viewport windows in editor. */
virtual FViewport* GetAViewport();
* Allows the editor to accept or reject the drawing of wireframe brush shapes based on mode and tool.
virtual UBOOL ShouldDrawBrushWireframe( class AActor* InActor ) { return TRUE; }
* Issued by code requesting that decals be reattached.
virtual void IssueDecalUpdateRequest() {}
* Returns whether or not the map build in progressed was cancelled by the user.
virtual UBOOL GetMapBuildCancelled() const
return FALSE;
* Sets the flag that states whether or not the map build was cancelled.
* @param InCancelled New state for the cancelled flag.
virtual void SetMapBuildCancelled( UBOOL InCancelled )
// Intentionally empty.
* Computes a color to use for property coloration for the given object.
* @param Object The object for which to compute a property color.
* @param OutColor [out] The returned color.
* @return TRUE if a color was successfully set on OutColor, FALSE otherwise.
virtual UBOOL GetPropertyColorationColor(class UObject* Object, FColor& OutColor);
/** Uses StatColorMappings to find a color for this stat's value. */
UBOOL GetStatValueColoration(const FString& StatName, FLOAT Value, FColor& OutColor);
* @return TRUE if selection of translucent objects in perspective viewports is allowed
virtual UBOOL AllowSelectTranslucent() const
// The editor may override this to disallow translucent selection based on user preferences
return TRUE;
* @return TRUE if only editor-visible levels should be loaded in Play-In-Editor sessions
virtual UBOOL OnlyLoadEditorVisibleLevelsInPIE() const
// The editor may override this to apply the user's preference state
return TRUE;
* Enables or disables the ScreenSaver (PC only)
* @param bEnable If TRUE the enable the screen saver, if FALSE disable it.
void EnableScreenSaver( UBOOL bEnable );
* Get the index of the provided sprite category
* @param InSpriteCategory Sprite category to get the index of
* @return Index of the provided sprite category, if possible; INDEX_NONE otherwise
virtual INT GetSpriteCategoryIndex( const FName& InSpriteCategory )
// The editor may override this to handle sprite categories as necessary
return INDEX_NONE;
* Trips a bool in engine side code to signal a screenshot request on next frame
void SetRequestScreenshot();
* Starts playing a loading movie from memory.
* Keeps track of the total time fullscreen movies are playing to cover loading.
* @param MovieName Name of the movie to play in its entirety
void PlayLoadingMovie( const TCHAR* MovieName );
* Handles freezing/unfreezing of rendering
virtual void ProcessToggleFreezeCommand()
// Intentionally empty.
* Handles frezing/unfreezing of streaming
virtual void ProcessToggleFreezeStreamingCommand()
// Intentionally empty.
* Updates all physics constraint actor joint locations.
virtual void UpdateConstraintActors();
virtual void InitializeSubsystems();
/** @return the GIsEditor flag setting */
native static final function bool IsEditor();
/** @return the GIsGame flag is setting */
native static final function bool IsGame();
* Returns a pointer to the current world.
native static final function WorldInfo GetCurrentWorldInfo();
* Returns version info from the engine
native static final function string GetBuildDate();
* Returns the UUID of the device (or empty if cannot be determined)
native static final function string GetDeviceUUID();
* Return OS version number
native static final function float GetOSVersion();
* Return TitleSafe Area Scale.
native static final function float GetTitleSafeArea();
* Returns the push notification token for the device + application
native static final function string GetDevicePushNotificationToken();
* Returns the proper formatting for a bug data export string
native static final function string BuildBugSubmissionString(string BugField, string BugFieldData);
* Return true if there is a network connection
native static final function bool HasNetworkConnection();
* Returns the engine's default tiny font
native static final function Font GetTinyFont();
* Returns the engine's default small font
native static final function Font GetSmallFont();
* Returns the engine's default medium font
native static final function Font GetMediumFont();
* Returns the engine's default large font
native static final function Font GetLargeFont();
* Returns the engine's default subtitle font
native static final function Font GetSubtitleFont();
* Returns the specified additional font.
* @param AdditionalFontIndex Index into the AddtionalFonts array.
native static final function Font GetAdditionalFont(int AdditionalFontIndex);
/** @return whether we're currently running in splitscreen (more than one local player) */
native static final function bool IsSplitScreen();
/** @return whether we're currently running with stereoscopic 3D enabled */
native static final function bool IsStereoscopic3D();
/** @return whether we're currently running with the OpenGL ES2 renderer */
native static final function bool IsUsingES2Renderer();
/** @return the audio device (will be None if sound is disabled) */
native static final function AudioDevice GetAudioDevice();
/** @return the AISubsystem instantiated in packages loaded later (None if not instantiated) */
native static final function AISubsystem GetAISubsystem();
/** @return Returns the name of the last movie that was played. */
native static final function string GetLastMovieName();
* Play one of the LoadMap loading movies as configured by ini file
* @return TRUE if a movie was played
native static final function bool PlayLoadMapMovie();
* Stops the current movie
* @param bDelayStopUntilGameHasRendered If TRUE, the engine will delay stopping the movie until after the game has rendered at least one frame
native static final function StopMovie(bool bDelayStopUntilGameHasRendered);
* Removes all overlays from displaying
native static final function RemoveAllOverlays();
* Adds a text overlay to the movie
* @param Font Font to use to display (must be in the root set so this will work during loads)
* @param Text Text to display
* @param X X location in resolution-independent coordinates (ignored if centered)
* @param Y Y location in resolution-independent coordinates
* @param ScaleX Text horizontal scale
* @param ScaleY Text vertical scale
* @param bIsCentered TRUE if the text should be centered
native static final function AddOverlay( Font Font, string Text, float X, float Y, float ScaleX, float ScaleY, bool bIsCentered );
* Adds a wrapped text overlay to the movie
* @param Font Font to use to display (must be in the root set so this will work during loads)
* @param Text Text to display
* @param X X location in resolution-independent coordinates (ignored if centered)
* @param Y Y location in resolution-independent coordinates
* @param ScaleX Text horizontal scale
* @param ScaleY Text vertical scale
* @param WrapWidth Number of pixels before text should wrap
native static final function AddOverlayWrapped( Font Font, string Text, float X, float Y, float ScaleX, float ScaleY, float WrapWidth );
* Returns whether RealD stereo rendering is enabled or not
native static final function bool IsRealDStereoEnabled();
* returns GEngine
native static final function Engine GetEngine();
* Returns the defualt post process chain (loading it if it has not yet been loaded)
native static final function PostProcessChain GetDefaultPostProcessChain();
* Returns the post process chain to be used with the world.
native static final function PostProcessChain GetWorldPostProcessChain();
* Adds a world location as a secondary view location for purposes of texture streaming.
* Lasts one frame, or a specified number of seconds (for overriding locations only).
* @param InLoc Location to add to texture streaming for this frame
* @param BoostFactor A factor that affects all streaming distances for this location. 1.0f is default. Higher means higher-resolution textures and vice versa.
* @param bOverrideLocation Whether this is an override location, which forces the streaming system to ignore all other locations
* @param OverrideDuration How long the streaming system should keep checking this location if bOverrideLocation is TRUE, in seconds. 0 means just for the next Tick.
native final function AddTextureStreamingSlaveLoc(vector InLoc, float BoostFactor, bool bOverrideLocation, float OverrideDuration);
* Serializes an object to a file (object pointers to non-always loaded objects are not supported)
* @param Obj The object to serialize
* @param Pathname The path to the file to save
* @param bIsSaveGame If TRUE, FILEWRITE_SaveGame will be used to create the file writer
* @param Version A version number to save with the archive, so that we can safely fail when loading old versioned files
* @param bEncrypt - should file be encrypted? Loading it back will be automatic if encrypted.
* @return TRUE if successful
native static final function bool BasicSaveObject(Object Obj, string Pathname, bool bIsSaveGame, int Version, optional bool bEncrypt=false);
* Loads an object from a file (saved with the BasicSaveObject function). It should already be
* allocated just like the original object was allocated
* @param Obj The object to serialize
* @param Pathname The path to the file to read and create the object from
* @param bIsSaveGame If TRUE, FILEREAD_SaveGame will be used to create the file reader
* @param Version A version number to match with the version saved in the archive, so that we can safely fail when loading old versioned files
* @return TRUE if successful
native static final function bool BasicLoadObject(Object Obj, string Pathname, bool bIsSaveGame, int Version);
/** Launches the specified platform via appLaunchURL (platform dependent support) */
native static final function LaunchURL(string URL);
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
/** Return level of PhysX content (0, 1, or 2). 0 means no hardware acceleration. */
native static final function int GetPhysXLevel();
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
* Gets the value of the specified boolean System Setting
* @param SettingName - Name of the boolean System Setting to retrieve
* @return The value of the boolean System Setting
native final function bool GetSystemSettingBool(string SettingName);
* Gets the value of the specified integer System Setting
* @param SettingName - Name of the integer System Setting to retrieve
* @return The value of the integer System Setting
native final function int GetSystemSettingInt(string SettingName);
* Gets the value of the specified float System Setting
* @param SettingName - Name of the float System Setting to retrieve
* @return The value of the float System Setting
native final function float GetSystemSettingFloat(string SettingName);