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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Creates and manages all globally accessible persistent data stores.
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class DataStoreClient extends UIRoot
* Represents a collection of data stores that are linked to a specific player.
struct native transient PlayerDataStoreGroup
* the player that this group is associated with.
var const transient LocalPlayer PlayerOwner;
* the list of data stores registered for this player.
var const transient array<UIDataStore> DataStores;
* List of global data store class names to create when the data store client is created.
var config array<string> GlobalDataStoreClasses;
* The list of global persistent data stores.
var const array<UIDataStore> GlobalDataStores;
* List of data store class names that should be loaded at initialization time, but not created. Instances of these data
* stores will be created as they are needed (i.e. PlayerOwner, etc.)
var config array<string> PlayerDataStoreClassNames;
* Stores the list of dynamic player data store classes that were loaded from PlayerDataStoreClassNames.
var const private array<class<UIDataStore> > PlayerDataStoreClasses;
* the list of dynamic data stores that are created per-player.
var const array<PlayerDataStoreGroup> PlayerDataStores;
* Loads each of the classes from the GlobalDataStoreClasses array, creates an instance of that class, and stores
* that instance in the GlobalDataStores array.
virtual void InitializeDataStores();
* Finds the data store indicated by DataStoreTag and returns a pointer to it.
* @param DataStoreTag A name corresponding to the 'Tag' property of a data store
* @param PlayerOwner used for resolving the correct data stores in split-screen games.
* @return a pointer to the data store that has a Tag corresponding to DataStoreTag, or NULL if no data
* were found with that tag.
native final function UIDataStore FindDataStore( name DataStoreTag, optional LocalPlayer PlayerOwner );
* Creates and initializes an instance of the data store class specified.
* @param DataStoreClass the data store class to create an instance of. DataStoreClass should be a child class
* of UUIDataStore
* @return a pointer to an instance of the data store class specified.
native final function coerce UIDataStore CreateDataStore( class<UIDataStore> DataStoreClass );
* Adds a new data store to the GlobalDataStores array.
* @param DataStore the data store to add
* @param PlayerOwner if specified, the data store will be added to the list of PlayerDataStores, rather than the list of global data stores
* @return TRUE if the data store was successfully added, or if the data store was already in the list.
native final function bool RegisterDataStore( UIDataStore DataStore, optional LocalPlayer PlayerOwner );
* Removes a data store from the GlobalDataStores array.
* @param DataStore the data store to remove
* @return TRUE if the data store was successfully removed, or if the data store wasn't in the list.
native final function bool UnregisterDataStore( UIDataStore DataStore );
* Finds the index into the PlayerDataStores array for the data stores associated with the specified player.
* @param PlayerOwner the player to search for associated data stores for.
native final function int FindPlayerDataStoreIndex( LocalPlayer PlayerOwner ) const;
/* === Unrealscript === */
* Accessor for grabbing the list of player data store classes.
final function GetPlayerDataStoreClasses( out array<class<UIDataStore> > out_DataStoreClasses )
out_DataStoreClasses = PlayerDataStoreClasses;
* Searches the data store client's data store class arrays for a child of the specified meta class.
* @param RequiredMetaClass the data store base class to search for.
* @return a pointer to a child class of RequiredMetaClass that was specified in the ini.
final function class<UIDataStore> FindDataStoreClass( class<UIDataStore> RequiredMetaClass )
local int i;
local class<UIDataStore> Result;
// first, search through the global data stores array
for ( i = 0; i < GlobalDataStores.Length; i++ )
// if this global data store is an instance of the class we're searching for, stop here
if ( GlobalDataStores[i].IsA(RequiredMetaClass.Name) )
Result = GlobalDataStores[i].Class;
if ( Result == None )
// search through the player data store class arrays
for ( i = 0; i < PlayerDataStoreClasses.Length; i++ )
if ( ClassIsChildOf(PlayerDataStoreClasses[i], RequiredMetaClass) )
Result = PlayerDataStoreClasses[i];
return Result;
* Called when the current map is being unloaded. Cleans up any references which would prevent garbage collection.
final event NotifyGameSessionEnded()
local int i, DataStoreIndex;
local array<UIDataStore> DataStoreArray;
DataStoreArray = GlobalDataStores;
// notify all global data stores
for ( DataStoreIndex = 0; DataStoreIndex < DataStoreArray.Length; DataStoreIndex++ )
if ( DataStoreArray[DataStoreIndex].NotifyGameSessionEnded() )
// now notify all dynamic data stores
for ( i = PlayerDataStores.Length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
DataStoreArray = PlayerDataStores[i].DataStores;
for ( DataStoreIndex = 0; DataStoreIndex < DataStoreArray.Length; DataStoreIndex++ )
final function DebugDumpDataStoreInfo( bool bVerbose )
local int DataStoreIndex, PlayerDataStoreIndex;
local string PlayerName;
local LocalPlayer PlayerOwner;
local array<UIDataStore> PlayerGroupDataStores;
// first, search through the global data stores array
`log("GlobalDataStores: " $ GlobalDataStores.Length,,'DevDataStore');
for ( DataStoreIndex = 0; DataStoreIndex < GlobalDataStores.Length; DataStoreIndex++ )
//@todo ronp - expose UUIDataStore::GetDataStoreId() as a native unrealscript function, rather than using the data store's tag directly
`log(" GlobalDataStore[" $ DataStoreIndex $ "]:" @ GlobalDataStores[DataStoreIndex].Tag @ "(" $ GlobalDataStores[DataStoreIndex] $ ")",,'DevDataStore');
//@todo ronp - call a function on the GlobalDataStore to allow it to log more detailed information
`log("Player data store groups:" $ PlayerDataStores.Length,,'DevDataStore');
for ( DataStoreIndex = 0; DataStoreIndex < PlayerDataStores.Length; DataStoreIndex++ )
PlayerOwner = PlayerDataStores[DataStoreIndex].PlayerOwner;
PlayerGroupDataStores = PlayerDataStores[DataStoreIndex].DataStores;
PlayerName = (PlayerOwner != None && PlayerOwner.Actor != None && PlayerOwner.Actor.PlayerReplicationInfo != None) ? PlayerOwner.Actor.PlayerReplicationInfo.PlayerName : "None";
`log(" PlayerDataStores for player " $ DataStoreIndex $ ":" @ PlayerGroupDataStores.Length @ "(" $ Playername @ "-" @ PlayerOwner $ ")",,'DevDataStore');
for ( PlayerDataStoreIndex = 0; PlayerDataStoreIndex < PlayerGroupDataStores.Length; PlayerDataStoreIndex++ )
//@todo ronp - expose UUIDataStore::GetDataStoreId() as a native unrealscript function, rather than using the data store's tag directly
`log(" PlayerDataStore[" $ PlayerDataStoreIndex $ "]:" @ PlayerGroupDataStores[PlayerDataStoreIndex].Tag @ "(" $ PlayerGroupDataStores[PlayerDataStoreIndex] $ ")",,'DevDataStore');
//@todo ronp - call a function on the GlobalDataStore to allow it to log more detailed information