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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
* Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Camera modifier that provides support for code-based oscillating camera shakes.
class CameraModifier_CameraShake extends CameraModifier
struct native CameraShakeInstance
/** source shake */
var CameraShake SourceShake;
/** Used to identify shakes when single instances are desired */
var name SourceShakeName;
/** <0.f means play infinitely. */
var float OscillatorTimeRemaining;
/** blend vars */
var bool bBlendingIn;
var float CurrentBlendInTime;
var bool bBlendingOut;
var float CurrentBlendOutTime;
/** Current offsets. */
var vector LocSinOffset;
var vector RotSinOffset;
var float FOVSinOffset;
var float Scale;
var CameraAnimInst AnimInst;
/** What space to play the shake in before applying to the camera. Affects Anim and Oscillation both. */
var ECameraAnimPlaySpace PlaySpace;
/** Matrix defining the playspace, used when PlaySpace == CAPS_UserDefined */
var matrix UserPlaySpaceMatrix;
/** Active CameraShakes array */
var Array<CameraShakeInstance> ActiveShakes;
/** Always active ScreenShake for testing purposes */
//var() CameraShake TestShake;
/** Scalar applied to all camera shakes in splitscreen. Normally used to dampen, since shakes feel more intense in a smaller viewport. */
var() protected const float SplitScreenShakeScale;
/** For situational scaling of individual shakes. */
virtual FLOAT GetShakeScale(FCameraShakeInstance const& ShakeInst) const;
static protected function float InitializeOffset( const out FOscillator Param )
Switch( Param.InitialOffset )
case EOO_OffsetRandom : return FRand() * 2 * Pi; break;
case EOO_OffsetZero : return 0; break;
return 0;
function protected ReinitShake(int ActiveShakeIdx, float Scale)
local CameraShake SourceShake;
local float Duration;
local bool bRandomStart, bLoop;
if (class'Engine'.static.IsSplitScreen())
Scale *= SplitScreenShakeScale;
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].Scale = Scale;
SourceShake = ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].SourceShake;
if (SourceShake.OscillationDuration != 0.f)
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].OscillatorTimeRemaining = SourceShake.OscillationDuration;
if (ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].bBlendingOut)
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].bBlendingOut = FALSE;
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].CurrentBlendOutTime = 0.f;
// stop any blendout and reverse it to a blendin
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].bBlendingIn = TRUE;
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].CurrentBlendInTime = ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].SourceShake.OscillationBlendInTime * (1.f - ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].CurrentBlendOutTime / ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].SourceShake.OscillationBlendOutTime);
if (SourceShake.Anim != None)
if (SourceShake.bRandomAnimSegment)
bLoop = TRUE;
bRandomStart = TRUE;
Duration = SourceShake.RandomAnimSegmentDuration;
ActiveShakes[ActiveShakeIdx].AnimInst = CameraOwner.PlayCameraAnim(SourceShake.Anim,
/** Initialize camera shake structure */
function protected CameraShakeInstance InitializeShake(CameraShake NewShake, float Scale, ECameraAnimPlaySpace PlaySpace, optional rotator UserPlaySpaceRot)
local CameraShakeInstance Inst;
local float Duration;
local bool bRandomStart, bLoop;
Inst.SourceShakeName = NewShake.Name;
// Create a copy of NewShake.
// Keeping the reference to NewShake can sometimes cause problems during GC, if NewShake lives in the level.
Inst.SourceShake = new(self) NewShake.Class();
Inst.SourceShake.OscillationDuration = NewShake.OscillationDuration;
Inst.SourceShake.OscillationBlendInTime = NewShake.OscillationBlendInTime;
Inst.SourceShake.OscillationBlendOutTime = NewShake.OscillationBlendOutTime;
Inst.SourceShake.RotOscillation = NewShake.RotOscillation;
Inst.SourceShake.LocOscillation = NewShake.LocOscillation;
Inst.SourceShake.FOVOscillation = NewShake.FOVOscillation;
Inst.SourceShake.Anim = NewShake.Anim;
Inst.SourceShake.AnimPlayRate = NewShake.AnimPlayRate;
Inst.SourceShake.AnimBlendInTime = NewShake.AnimBlendInTime;
Inst.SourceShake.AnimBlendOutTime = NewShake.AnimBlendOutTime;
Inst.SourceShake.bRandomAnimSegment = NewShake.bRandomAnimSegment;
Inst.SourceShake.RandomAnimSegmentDuration = NewShake.RandomAnimSegmentDuration;
Inst.Scale = Scale;
if (class'Engine'.static.IsSplitScreen())
Scale *= SplitScreenShakeScale;
// init oscillations
if ( NewShake.OscillationDuration != 0.f )
Inst.RotSinOffset.X = InitializeOffset( NewShake.RotOscillation.Pitch );
Inst.RotSinOffset.Y = InitializeOffset( NewShake.RotOscillation.Yaw );
Inst.RotSinOffset.Z = InitializeOffset( NewShake.RotOscillation.Roll );
Inst.LocSinOffset.X = InitializeOffset( NewShake.LocOscillation.X );
Inst.LocSinOffset.Y = InitializeOffset( NewShake.LocOscillation.Y );
Inst.LocSinOffset.Z = InitializeOffset( NewShake.LocOscillation.Z );
Inst.FOVSinOffset = InitializeOffset( NewShake.FOVOscillation );
Inst.OscillatorTimeRemaining = NewShake.OscillationDuration;
if (NewShake.OscillationBlendInTime > 0.f)
Inst.bBlendingIn = TRUE;
Inst.CurrentBlendInTime = 0.f;
// init anims
if (NewShake.Anim != None)
if (NewShake.bRandomAnimSegment)
bLoop = TRUE;
bRandomStart = TRUE;
Duration = NewShake.RandomAnimSegmentDuration;
if (Scale > 0.f)
Inst.AnimInst = CameraOwner.PlayCameraAnim(NewShake.Anim, NewShake.AnimPlayRate, Scale, NewShake.AnimBlendInTime, NewShake.AnimBlendOutTime, bLoop, bRandomStart, Duration, NewShake.bSingleInstance);
if (PlaySpace != CAPS_CameraLocal && Inst.AnimInst != None)
Inst.AnimInst.SetPlaySpace(PlaySpace, UserPlaySpaceRot);
Inst.PlaySpace = PlaySpace;
if (Inst.PlaySpace == CAPS_UserDefined)
Inst.UserPlaySpaceMatrix = MakeRotationMatrix(UserPlaySpaceRot);
return Inst;
/** Add a new screen shake to the list */
function AddCameraShake( CameraShake NewShake, float Scale, optional ECameraAnimPlaySpace PlaySpace=CAPS_CameraLocal, optional rotator UserPlaySpaceRot )
local int ShakeIdx, NumShakes;
if (NewShake != None)
if (NewShake.bSingleInstance)
ShakeIdx = ActiveShakes.Find('SourceShakeName', NewShake.Name);
if (ShakeIdx != INDEX_NONE)
ReinitShake(ShakeIdx, Scale);
NumShakes = ActiveShakes.Length;
// Initialize new shake and add it to the list of active shakes
ActiveShakes[NumShakes] = InitializeShake(NewShake, Scale, PlaySpace, UserPlaySpaceRot);
function RemoveCameraShake(CameraShake Shake)
local int Idx;
local CameraAnimInst AnimInst;
Idx = ActiveShakes.Find('SourceShakeName', Shake.Name);
if (Idx != INDEX_NONE)
AnimInst = ActiveShakes[Idx].AnimInst;
if ( (AnimInst != None) && !AnimInst.bFinished )
CameraOwner.StopCameraAnim(AnimInst, true);
function RemoveAllCameraShakes()
local int Idx;
local CameraAnimInst AnimInst;
// clean up any active camera shake anims
for (Idx=0; Idx<ActiveShakes.length; ++Idx)
AnimInst = ActiveShakes[Idx].AnimInst;
if ( (AnimInst != None) && !AnimInst.bFinished )
CameraOwner.StopCameraAnim(AnimInst, true);
// clear ActiveShakes array
ActiveShakes.Length = 0;
/** Update a CameraShake */
native function UpdateCameraShake(float DeltaTime, out CameraShakeInstance Shake, out TPOV OutPOV);
/** @see CameraModifer::ModifyCamera */
native function bool ModifyCamera
Camera Camera,
float DeltaTime,