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2020-12-13 15:01:13 +00:00
class AkEvent extends AkBaseSoundObject
var() AkBank RequiredBank;
/** The range at which the sound has attenuated completely (-1: no sound; 0: 2D; 3D otherwise) */
var(TW) const float MaxAudibleDistance<EditCondition=bOverrideMaxAudibleDistance>;
/** (Advanced) Check this flag to be able to modify MaxAudibleDistance instead of using the "MaxAttenuation" value from WWise */
var(TW) const bool bOverrideMaxAudibleDistance;
/** How long this event plays for */
var(TW) editconst float Duration;
/** Whether the sound is modified by the distance to listener */
var(TW) const bool bUseListenerDistance;
/** Whether to use the environment this event is played in to determine what sound Wwise should play */
var(TW) const bool bUseEnvironmentReverbSwitchGroup;
/** Whether to have the Doppler effect applied */
var(TW) const bool bUseDoppler;
/** Forces this event to be played at a location (using a pooled component) when played from WwiseClientHearSound */
var(TW) const bool bForceHearSoundLocational;
/** Whether this event needs its occlusion updated over time */
var(TW) const bool bNeedsOcclusionUpdates<EditCondition=!bNeverOcclude>;
/** How often to update occlusion or obstruction on owning component. Zero means never check. */
var const float OcclusionUpdateInterval;
/** If set, skip occlusion trace for updates (overrides bNeedsOcclusionUpdates) AND the initial audible test */
var(TW) const bool bNeverOcclude;
/** Whether this event is a background music track or not (used to set up exit cue callback) */
var(TW) const bool bIsMusicTrack;
struct native EventSwitchInfo
var() name SwitchGroupName;
var name SwitchName;
struct native EventRTPCInfo
var() name RTPCName;
var float RTPCValue;
/** Add a tag if you want this event to use a specific Wwise game sync (switch/RTPC).
* In script, you will then have to check for the tag and add a game sync to the
* appropriate custom array.
var(TW) array<Name> CustomTags;
var transient array<EventSwitchInfo> CustomSwitches;
var transient array<EventRTPCInfo> CustomRTPCs;
/** Whether to use advanced sound functionality with the sound
* having a rotational direction, and able to play dynamic
* echo sounds
var(Advanced) bool bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality;
/** Left Front Echo Sound */
var(Advanced) AkEvent EchoFront<EditCondition=bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality>;
/** Right Front Echo Sound */
var(Advanced) AkEvent EchoLeft<EditCondition=bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality>;
/** Left Rear Echo Sound */
var(Advanced) AkEvent EchoRight<EditCondition=bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality>;
/** Right Rear Echo Sound */
var(Advanced) AkEvent EchoRear<EditCondition=bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality>;
/** Mono Echo Sound */
var(Advanced) AkEvent EchoMono<EditCondition=bUseAdvancedSoundFunctionality>;
virtual void PostLoad();
void FixRequiredBank();
UBOOL IsAudible( const FVector& SourceLocation, const FVector& ListenerLocation, AActor* SourceActor, INT& bIsOccluded, UBOOL bCheckOcclusion );
UBOOL LoadBank();
void GenerateDefaultSettings();
void GenerateMaxAudibleDistance();
void GenerateMaxDuration();
simulated function SetCustomRTPC( name RTPCName, float RTPCValue )
local int RTPCIdx;
RTPCIdx = CustomRTPCs.Find( 'RTPCName', RTPCName );
CustomRTPCs.Add( 1 );
RTPCIdx = CustomRTPCs.Length - 1;
CustomRTPCs[RTPCIdx].RTPCName = RTPCName;
CustomRTPCs[RTPCIdx].RTPCValue = RTPCValue;