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2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Actor: The base class of all actors.
// Actor is the base class of all gameplay objects.
// A large number of properties, behaviors and interfaces are implemented in Actor, including:
// - Display
// - Animation
// - Physics and world interaction
// - Making sounds
// - Networking properties
// - Actor creation and destruction
// - Actor iterator functions
// - Message broadcasting
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Actor extends Object
/** List of extra trace flags */
const TRACEFLAG_Bullet = 1;
const TRACEFLAG_PhysicsVolumes = 2;
const TRACEFLAG_SkipMovers = 4;
const TRACEFLAG_Blocking = 8;
const TRACEFLAG_ForceController = 16; // force Controller as trace Actor (by default Trace() redirects to Pawn)
/** when bReplicateRigidBodyLocation is true, the root body of a ragdoll will be replicated
* but this is not entirely accurate (and isn't meant to be) as the other bodies in the ragdoll may interfere
* this can then result in jittering from the client constantly trying to apply the replicated value
* so if the client's error is less than this amount from the replicated value, it will be ignored
* Actor components.
* These are not exposed by default to level designers for several reasons.
* The main one being that properties are not propagated to network clients
* when is actor is dynamic (bStatic=FALSE and bNoDelete=FALSE).
* So instead the actor should expose and interface the necessary component variables.
* Note that this array is NOT serialized to ensure that the components array is
* always loaded correctly in the editor. See UStruct::SerializeTaggedProperties for details.
/** The actor components which are attached directly to the actor's location/rotation. */
var private const array<ActorComponent> Components;
/** All actor components which are directly or indirectly attached to the actor. */
var private transient const array<ActorComponent> AllComponents;
// The actor's position and rotation.
/** Actor's location; use Move or SetLocation to change. */
var(Movement) const vector Location;
/** The actor's rotation; use SetRotation to change. */
var(Movement) const rotator Rotation;
/** Scaling factor, 1.0=normal size. */
var(Display) const repnotify interp float DrawScale <UIMin=0.1 | UIMax=4.0>;
/** Scaling vector, (1.0,1.0,1.0)=normal size. */
var(Display) const interp vector DrawScale3D;
/** Offset from box center for drawing. */
var(Display) const vector PrePivot;
/** Color to tint the icon for this actor */
var(Display) editoronly Color EditorIconColor;
/** A fence to track when the primitive is detached from the scene in the rendering thread. */
var private native const RenderCommandFence DetachFence;
/** Allow each actor to run at a different time speed */
var float CustomTimeDilation;
// Priority Parameters
// Actor's current physics mode.
var(Movement) const enum EPhysics
PHYS_SoftBody, /** update bounding boxes and killzone test, otherwise like PHYS_None */
PHYS_NavMeshWalking, /** slide along navmesh, "fake" phys_walking */
PHYS_Custom, /** user-defined custom physics */
} Physics;
/** The set of Directions an actor can be moving **/
enum EMoveDir
/** The type of metric we want about the actor **/
enum EActorMetricsType
// Owner.
var const Actor Owner; // Owner actor.
var(Attachment) const Actor Base; // Actor we're standing on.
struct native TimerData
var bool bLoop;
var bool bPaused;
var Name FuncName;
var float Rate, Count;
var float TimerTimeDilation;
var Object TimerObj;
/** This is going to scale this timer's values by this amount**/
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FTimerData));
TimerTimeDilation = 1.0f;
//default TimerTimeDilation to 1.0f
var const array<TimerData> Timers; // list of currently active timers
// Flags.
var const public{private} bool bStatic; // Does not move or change over time. It is only safe to change this property in defaultproperties.
/** If this is True, all PrimitiveComponents of the actor are hidden. If this is false, only PrimitiveComponents with HiddenGame=True are hidden. */
var(Display) const bool bHidden;
var const bool bNoDelete; // Cannot be deleted during play.
var const bool bDeleteMe; // About to be deleted.
var transient const bool bTicked; // Actor has been updated.
var const bool bOnlyOwnerSee; // Only owner can see this actor.
/** if set, this Actor and all of its components are not ticked. Modify via SetTickIsDisabled()
* this flag has no effect on bStatic Actors
var const public{private} bool bTickIsDisabled;
var bool bWorldGeometry; // Collision and Physics treats this actor as static world geometry
/** Ignore Unreal collisions between PHYS_RigidBody pawns (vehicles/ragdolls) and this actor (only relevant if bIgnoreEncroachers is false) */
var bool bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns;
var bool bOrientOnSlope; // when landing, orient base on slope of floor
var const bool bIgnoreEncroachers; // Ignore collisions between movers and this actor
/** whether encroachers can push this Actor (only relevant if bIgnoreEncroachers is false and not an encroacher ourselves)
* if false, the encroacher gets EncroachingOn() called immediately instead of trying to safely move this actor first
var bool bPushedByEncroachers;
/** If TRUE, when an InterpActor (Mover) encroaches or runs into this Actor, it is destroyed, and will not stop the mover. */
var bool bDestroyedByInterpActor;
/** Whether to route BeginPlay even if the actor is static. */
var const bool bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic;
/** Used to determine when we stop moving, so we can update PreviousLocalToWorld to stop motion blurring. */
var const bool bIsMoving;
* If true (and is an encroacher) will do the encroachment check inside MoveActor even if there is no movement.
* This is useful for objects that may change bounding box but not actually move.
var bool bAlwaysEncroachCheck;
/** whether this Actor may return an alternate location from GetTargetLocation() when bRequestAlternateLoc is true
* (used as an early out when tracing to those locations, etc)
var bool bHasAlternateTargetLocation;
/** If TRUE, PHYS_Walking will attempt to step up onto this object when it hits it */
var(Collision) bool bCanStepUpOn;
// Networking flags
var const bool bNetTemporary; // Tear-off simulation in network play.
var const bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner; // this actor is only relevant to its owner. If this flag is changed during play, all non-owner channels would need to be explicitly closed.
var transient bool bNetDirty; // set when any attribute is assigned a value in unrealscript, reset when the actor is replicated
var bool bAlwaysRelevant; // Always relevant for network.
var bool bReplicateInstigator; // Replicate instigator to client (used by bNetTemporary projectiles).
var bool bReplicateMovement; // if true, replicate movement/location related properties
var bool bSkipActorPropertyReplication; // if true, don't replicate actor class variables for this actor
var bool bUpdateSimulatedPosition; // if true, update velocity/location after initialization for simulated proxies
var bool bTearOff; // if true, this actor is no longer replicated to new clients, and
// is "torn off" (becomes a ROLE_Authority) on clients to which it was being replicated.
var bool bOnlyDirtyReplication; // if true, only replicate actor if bNetDirty is true - useful if no C++ changed attributes (such as physics)
// bOnlyDirtyReplication only used with bAlwaysRelevant actors
/** Whether this actor will interact with fluid surfaces or not. */
var(Physics) bool bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction;
/** Demo recording variables */
/** Set when we are currently replicating this Actor into a demo */
var transient bool bDemoRecording;
/** Demo recording driver owns this actor. */
var bool bDemoOwner;
/** force Actor to be relevant for demos (only works on dynamic actors) */
var bool bForceDemoRelevant;
/** Should replicate initial rotation. This property should never be changed during execution, as the client and server rely on the default value of this property always being the same. */
var const bool bNetInitialRotation;
var bool bReplicateRigidBodyLocation; // replicate Location property even when in PHYS_RigidBody
var bool bKillDuringLevelTransition; // If set, actor and its components are marked as pending kill during seamless map transitions
/** whether we already exchanged Role/RemoteRole on the client, as removing then readding a streaming level
* causes all initialization to be performed again even though the actor may not have actually been reloaded
var const bool bExchangedRoles;
/** If true, texture streaming code iterates over all StaticMeshComponents found on this actor when building texture streaming information. */
var(Advanced) bool bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming;
var(Debug) bool bDebug; // Used to toggle debug logging
// HUD
/** IF true, may call PostRenderFor() even when this actor is not visible */
var bool bPostRenderIfNotVisible;
/** Used by SkeletalMeshComponent Ticking optimization. */
var const transient int SkelMeshCompTickTag;
// Net variables.
enum ENetRole
ROLE_None, // No role at all.
ROLE_SimulatedProxy, // Locally simulated proxy of this actor.
ROLE_AutonomousProxy, // Locally autonomous proxy of this actor.
ROLE_Authority, // Authoritative control over the actor.
var ENetRole RemoteRole, Role;
/** Internal - used by UWorld::ServerTickClients() */
var const transient int NetTag;
/** Next time this actor will be considered for replication, set by SetNetUpdateTime() */
var const float NetUpdateTime;
/** How often (per second) this actor will be considered for replication, used to determine NetUpdateTime */
var float NetUpdateFrequency;
/** Priority for this actor when checking for replication in a low bandwidth or saturated situation, higher priority means it is more likely to replicate */
var float NetPriority;
/** When set to TRUE will force this actor to immediately be considered for replication, instead of waiting for NetUpdateTime */
var transient bool bForceNetUpdate;
/** Last time this actor was updated for replication via NetUpdateTime or bForceNetUpdate
* @warning: internal net driver time, not related to WorldInfo.TimeSeconds
var const transient float LastNetUpdateTime;
/** Is this actor still pending a full net update due to clients that weren't able to replicate the actor at the time of LastNetUpdateTime */
var const transient bool bPendingNetUpdate;
/** How long has it been since the last tick? */
var float TimeSinceLastTick;
var Pawn Instigator; // Pawn responsible for damage caused by this actor.
var const transient WorldInfo WorldInfo;
var float LifeSpan; // How old the object lives before dying, 0=forever.
var const float CreationTime; // The time this actor was created, relative to WorldInfo.TimeSeconds
// Structures.
struct native transient TraceHitInfo
var Material Material; // Material we hit.
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial; // The Physical Material that was hit
var int Item; // Extra info about thing we hit.
var int LevelIndex; // Level index, if we hit BSP.
var name BoneName; // Name of bone if we hit a skeletal mesh.
var PrimitiveComponent HitComponent; // Component of the actor that we hit.
/** Hit definition struct. Mainly used by Instant Hit Weapons. */
struct native transient ImpactInfo
/** Actor Hit */
var Actor HitActor;
/** world location of hit impact */
var vector HitLocation;
/** Hit normal of impact */
var vector HitNormal;
/** Direction of ray when hitting actor */
var vector RayDir;
/** Start location of trace */
var vector StartTrace;
/** Trace Hit Info (material, bonename...) */
var TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
: HitActor(NULL)
, HitLocation(0,0,0)
, HitNormal(0,0,0)
, RayDir(0,0,0)
, StartTrace(0,0,0)
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FImpactInfo));
/** Struct used for passing information from Matinee to an Actor for blending animations during a sequence. */
struct native transient AnimSlotInfo
/** Name of slot that we want to play the animtion in. */
var name SlotName;
/** Strength of each Channel within this Slot. Channel indexs are determined by track order in Matinee. */
var array<float> ChannelWeights;
/** Used to indicate each slot name and how many channels they have. */
struct native transient AnimSlotDesc
/** Name of the slot. */
var name SlotName;
/** Number of channels that are available in this slot. */
var int NumChannels;
// Major actor properties.
* The value of WorldInfo->TimeSeconds for the frame when this actor was last rendered. This is written
* from the render thread, which is up to a frame behind the game thread, so you should allow this time to
* be at least a frame behind the game thread's world time before you consider the actor non-visible.
* There's an equivalent variable in PrimitiveComponent.
var transient float LastRenderTime;
// Actor's tag name.
var(Object) name Tag;
var name InitialState;
// Actor's layer name.
var(Object) name Layer;
var deprecated name Group;
/** Bitflag to represent which views this actor is hidden in, via per-view layer visibilty */
var transient qword HiddenEditorViews;
// Internal.
var transient const array<Actor> Touching; // List of touching actors.
var transient const array<Actor> Children; // array of actors owned by this actor
var const float LatentFloat; // Internal latent function use.
var const AnimNodeSequence LatentSeqNode; // Internal latent function use.
// physics volume this actor is currently in
var transient const PhysicsVolume PhysicsVolume;
// Velocity.
var vector Velocity;
// Acceleration.
var vector Acceleration;
// Angular velocity, in radians/sec. Read-only, see RotationRate to set rotation.
var transient const vector AngularVelocity;
// Attachment related variables
var(Attachment) SkeletalMeshComponent BaseSkelComponent;
var(Attachment) name BaseBoneName;
/** array of actors attached to this actor. */
var const array<Actor> Attached;
/** location relative to base/bone (valid if base exists) */
var const vector RelativeLocation;
/** rotation relative to base/bone (valid if base exists) */
var const rotator RelativeRotation;
/** Uses 'hard' attachment code. bBlockActor must also be false.
This actor cannot then move relative to base (setlocation etc.).
Dont set while currently based on something! */
var(Attachment) const bool bHardAttach;
/** If TRUE, this actor ignores the effects of changes in its base's rotation on its location and rotation. */
var(Attachment) bool bIgnoreBaseRotation;
/** If TRUE, BaseSkelComponent is used as the shadow parent for this actor.*/
var(Attachment) bool bShadowParented;
/** If TRUE, Skip moveactor collision check for this actor moving as a result of its base, to which it is hard attached moving
- only if this actor doesn't block actors.*/
var(Attachment) bool bSkipAttachedMoves;
/** Determines whether or not adhesion code should attempt to adhere to this actor. **/
var bool bCanBeAdheredTo;
/** Determines whether or not friction code should attempt to friction to this actor. **/
var bool bCanBeFrictionedTo;
// Display properties.
// Advanced.
var bool bHurtEntry; // keep HurtRadius from being reentrant
var bool bGameRelevant; // Always relevant for game
var const bool bMovable; // Actor can be moved.
var bool bDestroyInPainVolume; // destroy this actor if it enters a pain volume
var bool bCanBeDamaged; // can take damage
var bool bShouldBaseAtStartup; // if true, find base for this actor at level startup, if collides with world and PHYS_None or PHYS_Rotating
var bool bPendingDelete; // set when actor is about to be deleted (since endstate and other functions called
// during deletion process before bDeleteMe is set).
var bool bCanTeleport; // This actor can be teleported.
var const bool bAlwaysTick; // Update even when paused
/** indicates that this Actor can dynamically block AI paths */
var(Navigation) bool bBlocksNavigation;
// Collision.
// Collision primitive.
var(Collision) editconst PrimitiveComponent CollisionComponent;
var native int OverlapTag;
/** enum for LDs to select collision options - sets Actor flags and that of our CollisionComponent via PostEditChange() */
var(Collision) const transient enum ECollisionType
COLLIDE_CustomDefault, // custom programmer set collison (PostEditChange() will restore collision to defaults when this is selected)
COLLIDE_NoCollision, // doesn't collide
COLLIDE_BlockAll, // blocks everything
COLLIDE_BlockWeapons, // only blocks zero extent things (usually weapons)
COLLIDE_TouchAll, // touches (doesn't block) everything
COLLIDE_TouchWeapons, // touches (doesn't block) only zero extent things
COLLIDE_BlockAllButWeapons, // only blocks non-zero extent things (Pawns, etc)
COLLIDE_TouchAllButWeapons, // touches (doesn't block) only non-zero extent things
COLLIDE_BlockWeaponsKickable // Same as BlockWeapons, but enables flags to be kicked by player physics
} CollisionType;
/** used when collision is changed via Kismet "Change Collision" action to set component flags on the CollisionComponent
* will not modify replicated Actor flags regardless of setting
var transient ECollisionType ReplicatedCollisionType;
/** mirrored copy of CollisionComponent's BlockRigidBody for the Actor property window for LDs (so it's next to CollisionType)
* purely for editing convenience and not used at all by the physics code
var(Collision) const transient bool BlockRigidBody;
// Collision flags.
var bool bCollideWhenPlacing; // This actor collides with the world when placing.
var const bool bCollideActors; // Collides with other actors.
var bool bCollideWorld; // Collides with the world.
var(Collision) bool bCollideComplex; // Ignore Simple Collision on Static Meshes, and collide per Poly.
var bool bBlockActors; // Blocks other nonplayer actors.
var bool bProjTarget; // Projectiles should potentially target this actor.
var bool bBlocksTeleport;
/** Controls whether move operations should collide with destructible pieces or not. */
var bool bMoveIgnoresDestruction;
/** When in PHYS_Projectile, this actor will move with the MOVE_SingleBlocking flag */
var bool bProjectileMoveSingleBlocking;
* For encroachers, don't do the overlap check when they move. You will not get touch events for this actor moving, but it is much faster.
* So if you want touch events from volumes or triggers you need to set this to be FALSE.
* This is an optimisation for large numbers of PHYS_RigidBody actors for example.
var(Collision) bool bNoEncroachCheck;
/** If true, this actor collides as an encroacher, even if its physics is not PHYS_RigidBody or PHYS_Interpolating */
var bool bCollideAsEncroacher;
/** If true, do a zero-extent trace each frame from old to new Location when in PHYS_RigidBody. If it hits the world (ie might be tunneling), call FellOutOfWorld. */
var(Collision) bool bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck;
/** Set TRUE if a component is ever attached which is outside the world. OutsideWorldBounds will be called in Tick in this case. */
var const transient bool bComponentOutsideWorld;
/** If TRUE, components of this Actor will only ever be placed into one node of the octree. This makes insertion faster, but may impact runtime performance */
var bool bForceOctreeSNFilter;
/** If TRUE, components of this actor will always be added using multinodefilter, even if game is up and the actor is dynamic */
var bool bForceOctreeMNFilter;
/** RigidBody of CollisionComponent was awake last frame -- used to call OnWakeRBPhysics/OnSleepRBPhysics events */
var const transient bool bRigidBodyWasAwake;
/** Should call OnWakeRBPhysics/OnSleepRBPhysics events */
var bool bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents;
// Physics.
// Options.
var bool bBounce; // Bounces when hits ground fast.
var const bool bJustTeleported; // Used by engine physics - not valid for scripts.
// Physics properties.
var(Movement) rotator RotationRate; // Change in rotation per second.
* PLEASE NOTE DesiredRotation is removed
* This DesiredRotation is moved to Pawn to remove redundant variables usage. (i.e. between Pawn and Controller)
* Pawn now handles all DesiredRotation and it is only one place.
* All Actor's DesiredRotation won't work anymore - Use RotationRate to control Actor's rotation
var Actor PendingTouch; // Actor touched during move which wants to add an effect after the movement completes
//@note: Pawns have properties that override these values
const MINFLOORZ = 0.7; // minimum z value for floor normal (if less, not a walkable floor)
// 0.7 ~= 45 degree angle for floor
const ACTORMAXSTEPHEIGHT = 35.0; // max height floor walking actor can step up to
/** describes the physical state of a rigid body
* @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h
struct RigidBodyState
var vector Position;
var Quat Quaternion;
var vector LinVel; // RBSTATE_LINVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
var vector AngVel; // RBSTATE_ANGVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
var byte bNewData;
const RB_None=0x00; // Not set, empty
const RB_NeedsUpdate=0x01; // If bNewData & RB_NeedsUpdate != 0 then an update is needed
const RB_Sleeping=0x02; // if bNewData & RB_Sleeping != 0 then this RigidBody needs to sleep
/** Information about one contact between a pair of rigid bodies
* @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h
struct RigidBodyContactInfo
var vector ContactPosition;
var vector ContactNormal;
var float ContactPenetration;
var vector ContactVelocity[2];
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial[2];
/** Information about an overall collision, including contacts
* @warning: C++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic.h
struct CollisionImpactData
/** all the contact points in the collision*/
var array<RigidBodyContactInfo> ContactInfos;
/** the total force applied as the two objects push against each other*/
var vector TotalNormalForceVector;
/** the total counterforce applied of the two objects sliding against each other*/
var vector TotalFrictionForceVector;
/** Struct used to pass back information for physical impact effect */
struct native PhysEffectInfo
var() float Threshold;
var() float ReFireDelay;
var() ParticleSystem Effect;
var() AkBaseSoundObject Sound;
// endif
// Mobile device properties
/** Enable this actor to receive the OnMobileTouch event when a player touches this actor when using a touch screen device */
var(Mobile) bool bEnableMobileTouch;
// Networking.
// Symmetric network flags, valid during replication only.
var const bool bNetInitial; // Initial network update.
var const bool bNetOwner; // Player owns this actor.
//Editing flags
var const bool bHiddenEd; // Is hidden within the editor at its startup.
var const bool bEditable; // Whether the actor can be manipulated by editor operations.
var deprecated const bool bHiddenEdGroup;// Is hidden by the group browser.
var const bool bHiddenEdLayer; // Is hidden by the layer browser.
var const bool bHiddenEdCustom; // custom visibility flag for game-specific editor modes; not used by base editor functionality
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdTemporary; // Is temporarily hidden within the editor; used for show/hide/etc. functionality w/o dirtying the actor
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdLevel; // Is hidden by the level browser.
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdScene; // Is hidden by the scene browser.
var(Advanced) bool bEdShouldSnap; // Snap to grid in editor.
var transient const bool bTempEditor; // Internal UnrealEd.
var(Collision) bool bPathColliding;// this actor should collide (if bWorldGeometry && bBlockActors is true) during path building (ignored if bStatic is true, as actor will always collide during path building)
var transient bool bPathTemp; // Internal/path building
var bool bScriptInitialized; // set to prevent re-initializing of actors spawned during level startup
var(Advanced) bool bLockLocation; // Prevent the actor from being moved in the editor.
/** always allow Kismet to modify this Actor, even if it's static and not networked (e.g. for server side only stuff) */
var const bool bForceAllowKismetModification;
var class<LocalMessage> MessageClass;
// Enums.
// Traveling from server to server.
enum ETravelType
TRAVEL_Absolute, // Absolute URL.
TRAVEL_Partial, // Partial (carry name, reset server).
TRAVEL_Relative, // Relative URL.
// double click move direction.
enum EDoubleClickDir
/** The ticking group this actor belongs to */
var const ETickingGroup TickGroup;
// Kismet
/** List of all events that this actor can support, for use by the editor */
var const array<class<SequenceEvent> > SupportedEvents;
/** List of all events currently associated with this actor */
var const array<SequenceEvent> GeneratedEvents;
/** List of all latent actions currently active on this actor */
var array<SeqAct_Latent> LatentActions;
* Struct used for cross level actor references
struct immutablewhencooked native ActorReference
var() Actor Actor;
var() editconst const guid Guid;
Actor = NULL;
appMemzero(this, sizeof(FActorReference));
explicit FActorReference(class AActor *InActor, FGuid &InGuid)
Actor = InActor;
Guid = InGuid;
// overload various operators to make the reference struct as transparent as possible
FORCEINLINE AActor* operator*()
return Actor;
FORCEINLINE AActor* operator->()
return Actor;
/** Slow version of deref that will use GUID if Actor is NULL */
AActor* operator~();
FORCEINLINE FActorReference* operator=(AActor* TargetActor)
Actor = TargetActor;
return this;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator==(const FActorReference &Ref) const
return (Ref != NULL && (Ref.Actor == Actor));
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator!=(const FActorReference &Ref) const
return (Ref == NULL || (Ref.Actor != Actor));
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator==(AActor *TestActor) const
return (Actor == TestActor);
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator!=(AActor *TestActor) const
return (Actor != TestActor);
FORCEINLINE operator AActor*()
return Actor;
return (Actor != NULL);
return (Actor == NULL);
FORCEINLINE class ANavigationPoint* Nav()
return ((class ANavigationPoint*)Actor);
friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FActorReference& T );
struct immutablewhencooked native NavReference
var() NavigationPoint Nav;
var() editconst const guid Guid;
* Struct for handling positions relative to a base actor, which is potentially moving
struct native BasedPosition
var() Actor Base;
var() Vector Position;
var Vector CachedBaseLocation;
var Rotator CachedBaseRotation;
var Vector CachedTransPosition;
explicit FBasedPosition( class AActor *InBase, FVector& InPosition );
// Retrieve world location of this position
FVector operator*();
void Set( class AActor* InBase, FVector& InPosition );
void Clear();
friend FArchive& operator<<( FArchive& Ar, FBasedPosition& T );
var(Debug) bool bDebugEffectIsRelevant;
`define debugEffectIsRelevant(msg,cond) if(bDebugEffectIsRelevant && `cond) { DebugMessagePlayer(`msg); }
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 0 (PhysX hardware acceleration off) */
var(Advanced) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel0;
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 1 (Low PhysX hardware acceleration) */
var(Advanced) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel1;
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 2 (High PhysX hardware acceleration) */
var(Advanced) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel2;
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
// game specific
/** Indicates PHYS_Spider Pawns can have their base set to this (set automatically during editor path build) */
var(Collision) bool bCrawlable;
/** Don't check collision against this actor for audio occlusion */
var const bool bIgnoreAudioOcclusion<EditCondition=bOverride_OcclusionFlags>;
/** Don't check collision against this actor for network relevancy */
var const bool bIgnoreNetRelevancyCollision<EditCondition=bOverride_OcclusionFlags>;
/** If set, bIgnoreNetRelevancyCollision & bIgnoreAudioOcclusion are set manually */
var const bool bOverride_OcclusionFlags;
/** Controls how this actor is affected by zed time */
enum EZedTimeType
/** If bIsLocalPlayerInZedTime==TRUE, also in zed time */
/** Always affected actors (e.g. GameInfo) */
/** Never affected actors (e.g. Controller) */
/** Manually controlled by subclass */
/** Total tick time passed (adjusted by TimeDilation) since this actor was spawned */
var private transient float ActorTimeSeconds;
/** If set, do not process conditional/deferred component updates during post tick */
var const transient bool bSkipPostTickComponentUpdate;
// cpptext.
// Used to adjust box used for collision in overlap checks which are performed at a location other than the actor's current location.
static FVector OverlapAdjust;
// Constructors.
virtual void BeginDestroy();
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy();
// UObject interface.
virtual INT* GetOptimizedRepList( BYTE* InDefault, FPropertyRetirement* Retire, INT* Ptr, UPackageMap* Map, UActorChannel* Channel );
void ProcessEvent( UFunction* Function, void* Parms, void* Result=NULL );
void ProcessState( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
UBOOL ProcessRemoteFunction( UFunction* Function, void* Parms, FFrame* Stack );
void ProcessDemoRecFunction( UFunction* Function, void* Parms, FFrame* Stack );
void InitExecution();
virtual void PreEditChange(UProperty* PropertyThatWillChange);
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty(FPropertyChangedEvent& PropertyChangedEvent);
virtual void PreSave();
virtual void PostLoad();
void NetDirty(UProperty* property);
// AActor interface.
virtual APawn* GetPlayerPawn() const {return NULL;}
virtual UBOOL IsPlayerPawn() const {return false;}
virtual UBOOL IgnoreBlockingBy( const AActor *Other) const;
UBOOL IsOwnedBy( const AActor *TestOwner ) const;
UBOOL IsBlockedBy( const AActor* Other, const UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive ) const;
UBOOL IsBasedOn( const AActor *Other ) const;
/** If returns TRUE, can fracture a FSMA, if it has bBreakChunksOnActorTouch set. */
virtual UBOOL CanCauseFractureOnTouch()
return FALSE;
/** Creates offsets for locations based on the editor grid size and active viewport. **/
virtual FVector CreateLocationOffset(UBOOL bDuplicate, UBOOL bOffsetLocations, INT ViewportType, FLOAT GridSize) const;
* Utility for finding the PrefabInstance that 'owns' this actor.
* If the actor is not part of a prefab instance, returns NULL.
* If the actor _is_ a PrefabInstance, return itself.
class APrefabInstance* FindOwningPrefabInstance() const;
AActor* GetBase() const;
// Editor specific
* @return TRUE if the actor is in the named layer, FALSE otherwise.
UBOOL IsInLayer(const TCHAR* LayerName) const;
* Parses the actor's layer string into a list of layer names (strings).
* @param OutLayers [out] Receives the list of layer names.
void GetLayers(TArray<FString>& OutLayers) const;
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class-specific operation based on widget manipulation.
* The default implementation is simply to translate the actor's location.
virtual void EditorApplyTranslation(const FVector& DeltaTranslation, UBOOL bAltDown, UBOOL bShiftDown, UBOOL bCtrlDown);
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class-specific operation based on widget manipulation.
* The default implementation is simply to modify the actor's rotation.
virtual void EditorApplyRotation(const FRotator& DeltaRotation, UBOOL bAltDown, UBOOL bShiftDown, UBOOL bCtrlDown);
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class-specific operation based on widget manipulation.
* The default implementation is simply to modify the actor's draw scale.
virtual void EditorApplyScale(const FVector& DeltaScale, const FMatrix& ScaleMatrix, const FVector* PivotLocation, UBOOL bAltDown, UBOOL bShiftDown, UBOOL bCtrlDown);
* Called by MirrorActors to perform a mirroring operation on the actor
virtual void EditorApplyMirror(const FVector& MirrorScale, const FVector& PivotLocation);
* Simple accessor to check if the actor is hidden upon editor startup
* @return TRUE if the actor is hidden upon editor startup; FALSE if it is not
UBOOL IsHiddenEdAtStartup() const
return bHiddenEd;
// Called before editor copy, TRUE allow export
virtual UBOOL ShouldExport() { return TRUE; }
// Called before editor paste, TRUE allow import
virtual UBOOL ShouldImport(FString* ActorPropString, UBOOL IsMovingLevel) { return TRUE; }
// For UUnrealEdEngine::UpdatePropertyWindows()
virtual UBOOL GetSelectedComponents(TArray<UObject*>& SelectedObjects) { return FALSE; }
/** Notifications that a key was pressed in the editor */
virtual void OnEditorKeyPressed(FName Key, EInputEvent Event) {};
* Called by ReplaceSelectedActors to allow a new actor to copy properties from an old actor when it is replaced
* @param OldActor the actor that is being replaced.
virtual void EditorReplacedActor (AActor* OldActor) {}
void EditorUpdateBase();
void EditorUpdateAttachedActors(const TArray<AActor*>& IgnoreActors);
UBOOL IsHiddenEd() const;
virtual UBOOL IsSelected() const
return (UObject::IsSelected() && !bDeleteMe);
#if __TW_
* Called when this actor is selected or unselected in the editor.
* @param bSelected whether the actor is selected or unselected
virtual void EditorSelectionChange( UBOOL bSelected ) {};
virtual FLOAT GetNetPriority(const FVector& ViewPos, const FVector& ViewDir, APlayerController* Viewer, UActorChannel* InChannel, FLOAT Time, UBOOL bLowBandwidth);
/** ticks the actor
* @return TRUE if the actor was ticked, FALSE if it was aborted (e.g. because it's in stasis)
virtual UBOOL Tick( FLOAT DeltaTime, enum ELevelTick TickType );
* bFinished is FALSE while the actor is being continually moved, and becomes TRUE on the last call.
* This can be used to defer computationally intensive calculations to the final PostEditMove call of
* eg a drag operation.
virtual void PostEditMove(UBOOL bFinished);
virtual void PostRename();
virtual void Spawned();
/** sets CollisionType to a default value based on the current collision settings of this Actor and its CollisionComponent */
void SetDefaultCollisionType();
/** sets collision flags based on the current CollisionType */
void SetCollisionFromCollisionType();
virtual void PreNetReceive();
virtual void PostNetReceive();
virtual void PostNetReceiveLocation();
virtual void PostNetReceiveBase(AActor* NewBase);
// Rendering info.
FMatrix LocalToWorld() const
#if 0
FTranslationMatrix LToW ( -PrePivot );
FScaleMatrix TempScale ( DrawScale3D * DrawScale );
FRotationMatrix TempRot ( Rotation );
FTranslationMatrix TempTrans ( Location );
LToW *= TempScale;
LToW *= TempRot;
LToW *= TempTrans;
return LToW;
FMatrix Result;
const FLOAT SR = GMath.SinTab(Rotation.Roll),
SP = GMath.SinTab(Rotation.Pitch),
SY = GMath.SinTab(Rotation.Yaw),
CR = GMath.CosTab(Rotation.Roll),
CP = GMath.CosTab(Rotation.Pitch),
CY = GMath.CosTab(Rotation.Yaw);
const FLOAT LX = Location.X,
LY = Location.Y,
LZ = Location.Z,
PX = PrePivot.X,
PY = PrePivot.Y,
PZ = PrePivot.Z;
const FLOAT DX = DrawScale3D.X * DrawScale,
DY = DrawScale3D.Y * DrawScale,
DZ = DrawScale3D.Z * DrawScale;
Result.M[0][0] = CP * CY * DX;
Result.M[0][1] = CP * DX * SY;
Result.M[0][2] = DX * SP;
Result.M[0][3] = 0.f;
Result.M[1][0] = DY * ( CY * SP * SR - CR * SY );
Result.M[1][1] = DY * ( CR * CY + SP * SR * SY );
Result.M[1][2] = -CP * DY * SR;
Result.M[1][3] = 0.f;
Result.M[2][0] = -DZ * ( CR * CY * SP + SR * SY );
Result.M[2][1] = DZ * ( CY * SR - CR * SP * SY );
Result.M[2][2] = CP * CR * DZ;
Result.M[2][3] = 0.f;
Result.M[3][0] = LX - CP * CY * DX * PX + CR * CY * DZ * PZ * SP - CY * DY * PY * SP * SR + CR * DY * PY * SY + DZ * PZ * SR * SY;
Result.M[3][1] = LY - (CR * CY * DY * PY + CY * DZ * PZ * SR + CP * DX * PX * SY - CR * DZ * PZ * SP * SY + DY * PY * SP * SR * SY);
Result.M[3][2] = LZ - (CP * CR * DZ * PZ + DX * PX * SP - CP * DY * PY * SR);
Result.M[3][3] = 1.f;
return Result;
FMatrix WorldToLocal() const
return FTranslationMatrix(-Location) *
FInverseRotationMatrix(Rotation) *
FScaleMatrix(FVector( 1.f / DrawScale3D.X, 1.f / DrawScale3D.Y, 1.f / DrawScale3D.Z) / DrawScale) *
/** Returns the size of the extent to use when moving the object through the world */
FVector GetCylinderExtent() const;
AActor* GetTopOwner();
virtual UBOOL IsPendingKill() const
return bDeleteMe || HasAnyFlags(RF_PendingKill);
/** Fast check to see if an actor is alive by not being virtual */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL ActorIsPendingKill(void) const
return bDeleteMe || HasAnyFlags(RF_PendingKill);
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed() {} // C++ notification that the script Destroyed() function has been called.
// AActor collision functions.
virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace(UPrimitiveComponent* Primitive,AActor *SourceActor, DWORD TraceFlags);
virtual UBOOL IsOverlapping( AActor *Other, FCheckResult* Hit=NULL, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherPrimitiveComponent=NULL, UPrimitiveComponent* MyPrimitiveComponent=NULL );
virtual FBox GetComponentsBoundingBox(UBOOL bNonColliding=0) const;
* This will check to see if the Actor is still in the world. It will check things like
* the KillZ, SoftKillZ, outside world bounds, etc. and handle the situation.
void CheckStillInWorld();
// AActor general functions.
void UnTouchActors();
void FindTouchingActors();
#if __TW_
virtual void BeginTouch(AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FVector &HitLocation, const FVector &HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent* MyComp=NULL);
void BeginTouch(AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FVector &HitLocation, const FVector &HitNormal, UPrimitiveComponent* MyComp=NULL);
void EndTouch(AActor *Other, UBOOL NoNotifySelf);
UBOOL IsBrush() const;
UBOOL IsStaticBrush() const;
UBOOL IsVolumeBrush() const;
UBOOL IsBrushShape() const;
UBOOL IsEncroacher() const;
virtual UBOOL FindInterpMoveTrack(class UInterpTrackMove** MoveTrack, class UInterpTrackInstMove** MoveTrackInst, class USeqAct_Interp** OutSeq);
/** whether this Actor wants to be ticked */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL WantsTick() const { return !bStatic && !bTickIsDisabled; }
/** accessor for the value of bStatic */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL IsStatic() const { return bStatic; }
* Returns True if an actor cannot move or be destroyed during gameplay, and can thus cast and receive static shadowing.
UBOOL HasStaticShadowing() const { return bStatic || (bNoDelete && !bMovable); }
* Sets the hard attach flag by first handling the case of already being
* based upon another actor
* @param bNewHardAttach the new hard attach setting
virtual void SetHardAttach(UBOOL bNewHardAttach);
virtual void NotifyBump(AActor *Other, UPrimitiveComponent* OtherComp, const FVector &HitNormal);
/** Overridden to return what was bumped into */
virtual void NotifyBumpLevel(AActor *Wall, const FVector &HitLocation, const FVector &HitNormal);
/** notification when actor has bumped against the level */
virtual void NotifyBumpLevel(const FVector &HitLocation, const FVector &HitNormal);
void SetCollision( UBOOL bNewCollideActors, UBOOL bNewBlockActors, UBOOL bNewIgnoreEncroachers );
virtual void SetBase(AActor *NewBase, FVector NewFloor = FVector(0,0,1), INT bNotifyActor=1, USkeletalMeshComponent* SkelComp=NULL, FName AttachName=NAME_None );
void UpdateTimers(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void TickAuthoritative( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void TickSimulated( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual void TickSpecial( FLOAT DeltaSeconds );
virtual UBOOL PlayerControlled();
virtual UBOOL IsNetRelevantFor(APlayerController* RealViewer, AActor* Viewer, const FVector& SrcLocation);
* Check if this actor is the owner when doing relevancy checks for actors marked bOnlyRelevantToOwner
* @param ReplicatedActor - the actor we're doing a relevancy test on
* @param ActorOwner - the owner of ReplicatedActor
* @param ConnectionActor - the controller of the connection that we're doing relevancy checks for
* @return TRUE if this actor should be considered the owner
virtual UBOOL IsRelevancyOwnerFor(AActor* ReplicatedActor, AActor* ActorOwner, AActor* ConnectionActor);
/** returns whether this Actor should be considered relevant because it is visible through
* the other side of any portals RealViewer can see
UBOOL IsRelevantThroughPortals(APlayerController* RealViewer);
// Level functions
virtual void SetZone( UBOOL bTest, UBOOL bForceRefresh );
virtual void SetVolumes();
virtual void SetVolumes(const TArray<class AVolume*>& Volumes);
virtual void PreBeginPlay();
virtual void PostBeginPlay();
* Play a sound. Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible, and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @param SoundLocation the location to play the sound; if not specified, uses the actor's location.
void PlaySound(class USoundCue* InSoundCue, UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE, UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE, UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE, FVector* SoundLocation = NULL, UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE);
void PlayAkEvent(class UAkEvent* InSoundCue, UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE, UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE, UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE, FVector* SoundLocation = NULL, UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE);
void PlaySoundBase(class UAkBaseSoundObject* InSoundCue, UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE, UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE, UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE, FVector* SoundLocation = NULL, UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE
#ifdef __TW_WWISE_
,FRotator* SoundRotation = NULL // used for echoes
#endif // __TW_WWISE_
// Physics functions.
virtual void setPhysics(BYTE NewPhysics, AActor *NewFloor = NULL, FVector NewFloorV = FVector(0,0,1) );
virtual void performPhysics(FLOAT DeltaSeconds);
virtual void physProjectile(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations);
virtual void BoundProjectileVelocity();
virtual void processHitWall(FCheckResult const& Hit, FLOAT TimeSlice=0.f);
virtual void processLanded(FVector const& HitNormal, AActor *HitActor, FLOAT remainingTime, INT Iterations);
virtual void physFalling(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations);
virtual void physWalking(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations);
virtual void physNavMeshWalking(FLOAT deltaTime){}
virtual void physCustom(FLOAT deltaTime, INT Iterations) {};
virtual void physicsRotation(FLOAT deltaTime, FVector OldVelocity);
inline void TwoWallAdjust(const FVector &DesiredDir, FVector &Delta, const FVector &HitNormal, const FVector &OldHitNormal, FLOAT HitTime)
if ((OldHitNormal | HitNormal) <= 0.f) //90 or less corner, so use cross product for dir
FVector NewDir = (HitNormal ^ OldHitNormal);
NewDir = NewDir.SafeNormal();
Delta = (Delta | NewDir) * (1.f - HitTime) * NewDir;
if ((DesiredDir | Delta) < 0.f)
Delta = -1.f * Delta;
else //adjust to new wall
Delta = (Delta - HitNormal * (Delta | HitNormal)) * (1.f - HitTime);
if ((Delta | DesiredDir) <= 0.f)
Delta = FVector(0.f,0.f,0.f);
else if ( Abs((HitNormal | OldHitNormal) - 1.f) < KINDA_SMALL_NUMBER )
// we hit the same wall again even after adjusting to move along it the first time
// nudge away from it (this can happen due to precision issues)
Delta += HitNormal * 0.1f;
UBOOL moveSmooth(FVector const& Delta);
virtual FRotator FindSlopeRotation(const FVector& FloorNormal, const FRotator& NewRotation);
void UpdateRelativeRotation();
virtual void GetNetBuoyancy(FLOAT &NetBuoyancy, FLOAT &NetFluidFriction);
virtual void SmoothHitWall(FVector const& HitNormal, AActor *HitActor);
virtual void stepUp(const FVector& GravDir, const FVector& DesiredDir, const FVector& Delta, FCheckResult &Hit);
virtual UBOOL ShrinkCollision(AActor *HitActor, UPrimitiveComponent* HitComponent, const FVector &StartLocation);
virtual void GrowCollision() {};
virtual UBOOL MoveWithInterpMoveTrack(UInterpTrackMove* MoveTrack, UInterpTrackInstMove* MoveInst, FLOAT CurTime, FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void AdjustInterpTrackMove(FVector& Pos, FRotator& Rot, FLOAT DeltaTime, UBOOL bIgnoreRotation = FALSE) {}
virtual void physInterpolating(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void PushedBy(AActor* Other) {};
virtual void UpdateBasedRotation(FRotator &FinalRotation, const FRotator& ReducedRotation) {};
virtual void ReverseBasedRotation() {};
/** Utility to add extra forces necessary for rigid-body gravity and damping to the collision component. */
void AddRBGravAndDamping();
virtual void physRigidBody(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void physSoftBody(FLOAT DeltaTime);
virtual void InitRBPhys();
virtual void InitRBPhysEditor() {}
virtual void TermRBPhys(FRBPhysScene* Scene);
* Used by the cooker to pre cache the convex data for static meshes within a given actor.
* This data is stored with the level.
* @param Level - The level the cache is in
* @param TriByteCount - running total of memory usage for per-tri collision cache
* @param TriMeshCount - running count of per-tri collision cache
* @param HullByteCount - running total of memory usage for hull cache
* @param HullCount - running count of hull cache
virtual void BuildPhysStaticMeshCache(ULevel* Level,
INT& TriByteCount, INT& TriMeshCount, INT& HullByteCount, INT& HullCount);
void ApplyNewRBState(const FRigidBodyState& NewState, FLOAT* AngErrorAccumulator, FVector& OutDeltaPos);
UBOOL GetCurrentRBState(FRigidBodyState& OutState);
* Event called when this Actor is involved in a rigid body collision.
* bNotifyRigidBodyCollision must be true on the physics PrimitiveComponent within this Actor for this event to be called.
* This base class implementation fires off the RigidBodyCollision Kismet event if attached.
virtual void OnRigidBodyCollision(const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& MyInfo, const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo& OtherInfo, const FCollisionImpactData& RigidCollisionData);
/** Update information used to detect overlaps between this actor and physics objects, used for 'pushing' things */
virtual void UpdatePushBody() {};
virtual void ModifyNxActorDesc(NxActorDesc& ActorDesc,UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, const class NxGroupsMask& GroupsMask, UINT MatIndex) {}
virtual void PostInitRigidBody(NxActor* nActor, NxActorDesc& ActorDesc, UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp) {}
virtual void PreTermRigidBody(NxActor* nActor) {}
virtual void SyncActorToRBPhysics();
void SyncActorToClothPhysics();
#endif // WITH_NOVODEX
virtual void ModifyPxActor(PxActor* nActor, UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp, UPhysicalMaterial* PhysMat) {}
virtual void PostInitRigidBody(PxActor* nActor, UPrimitiveComponent* PrimComp) {}
virtual void PreTermRigidBody(PxActor* nActor) {}
virtual void SyncActorToRBPhysics();
#endif // WITH_PHYSX
// AnimControl Matinee Track support
/** Used to provide information on the slots that this Actor provides for animation to Matinee. */
virtual void GetAnimControlSlotDesc(TArray<struct FAnimSlotDesc>& OutSlotDescs) {}
* Called by Matinee when we open it to start controlling animation on this Actor.
* Is also called again when the GroupAnimSets array changes in Matinee, so must support multiple calls.
virtual void PreviewBeginAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup) {}
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired sequence by name and position within it. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimPosition(FName SlotName, INT ChannelIndex, FName InAnimSeqName, FLOAT InPosition, UBOOL bLooping, UBOOL bFireNotifies, UBOOL bEnableRootMotion, FLOAT DeltaTime) {}
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired animation channel weights for this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimWeights(TArray<FAnimSlotInfo>& SlotInfos) {}
/** Called by Matinee when we close it after we have been controlling animation on this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewFinishAnimControl(class UInterpGroup* InInterpGroup) {}
/** Function used to control FaceFX animation in the editor (Matinee). */
virtual void PreviewUpdateFaceFX(UBOOL bForceAnim, const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, FLOAT InPosition) {}
/** Used by Matinee playback to start a FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorPlayFaceFX(const FString& GroupName, const FString& SeqName, UAkBaseSoundObject* InSoundCue) {}
/** Used by Matinee to stop current FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorStopFaceFX() {}
/** Used in Matinee to get the AudioComponent we should play facial animation audio on. */
virtual UAudioComponent* PreviewGetFaceFXAudioComponent() { return NULL; }
/** Get the UFaceFXAsset that is currently being used by this Actor when playing facial animations. */
virtual class UFaceFXAsset* PreviewGetActorFaceFXAsset() { return NULL; }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
virtual void PreviewSetMorphWeight(FName MorphNodeName, FLOAT MorphWeight) {}
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
virtual void PreviewSetSkelControlScale(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT Scale) {}
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the controlstrength on a SkelControl. */
virtual void SetSkelControlStrength(FName SkelControlName, FLOAT ControlStrength) {}
// AI functions.
int TestCanSeeMe(class APlayerController *Viewer);
virtual AActor* AssociatedLevelGeometry();
virtual UBOOL HasAssociatedLevelGeometry(AActor *Other);
UBOOL SuggestTossVelocity(FVector* TossVelocity, const FVector& Dest, const FVector& Start, FLOAT TossSpeed, FLOAT BaseTossZ, FLOAT DesiredZPct, const FVector& CollisionSize, FLOAT TerminalVelocity, FLOAT OverrideGravityZ = 0.f, UBOOL bOnlyTraceUp = FALSE);
virtual UBOOL ReachedBy(APawn* P, const FVector& TestPosition, const FVector& Dest);
virtual UBOOL TouchReachSucceeded(APawn *P, const FVector &TestPosition);
virtual UBOOL BlockedByVehicle();
// Special editor behavior
AActor* GetHitActor();
* Function that gets called from within Map_Check to allow this actor to check itself
* for any potential errors and register them with map check dialog.
virtual INT AddMyMarker(AActor *S) { return 0; };
virtual void ClearMarker() {};
virtual void CheckForErrors();
virtual void CheckForDeprecated();
/** tells this Actor to set its collision for the path building state
* for normally colliding Actors that AI should path through (e.g. doors) or vice versa
* @param bNowPathBuilding - whether we are now building paths
virtual void SetCollisionForPathBuilding(UBOOL bNowPathBuilding);
// path creation
virtual void PrePath() {};
virtual void PostPath() {};
* Return whether this actor is a builder brush or not.
* @return TRUE if this actor is a builder brush, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL IsABuilderBrush() const { return FALSE; }
* Return whether this actor is the current builder brush or not
* @return TRUE if htis actor is the current builder brush, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL IsCurrentBuilderBrush() const { return FALSE; }
virtual UBOOL IsABrush() const {return FALSE;}
virtual UBOOL IsAVolume() const {return FALSE;}
virtual UBOOL IsABrushShape() const {return FALSE;}
virtual UBOOL IsAFluidSurface() const {return FALSE;}
virtual APlayerController* GetAPlayerController() { return NULL; }
virtual AController* GetAController() { return NULL; }
virtual APawn* GetAPawn() { return NULL; }
virtual const APawn* GetAPawn() const { return NULL; }
virtual class AVehicle* GetAVehicle() { return NULL; }
virtual AVolume* GetAVolume() { return NULL; }
virtual class AFluidSurfaceActor* GetAFluidSurface() { return NULL; }
virtual class AProjectile* GetAProjectile() { return NULL; }
virtual const class AProjectile* GetAProjectile() const { return NULL; }
virtual class APortalTeleporter* GetAPortalTeleporter() { return NULL; };
virtual ANavigationPoint* GetANavigationPoint() { return NULL; }
virtual const ANavigationPoint* GetANavigationPoint() const { return NULL; }
virtual APlayerController* GetTopPlayerController()
AActor* TopActor = GetTopOwner();
return (TopActor ? TopActor->GetAPlayerController() : NULL);
* Verifies that neither this actor nor any of its components are RF_Unreachable and therefore pending
* deletion via the GC.
* @return TRUE if no unreachable actors are referenced, FALSE otherwise
virtual UBOOL VerifyNoUnreachableReferences();
virtual void ClearComponents();
void ConditionalUpdateComponents(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE);
/** Used by octree RestrictedOverlapCheck to determine whether an actor should be considered
* @return TRUE is actor should be considered
virtual UBOOL WantsOverlapCheckWith(AActor* TestActor) { return TRUE; };
* Used by Octree ActorRadius check to determine whether to return a component even if the actor owning the component has already been returned.
* @RETURN True if component should be returned
virtual UBOOL ForceReturnComponent(UPrimitiveComponent* TestPrimitive) { return FALSE; };
virtual void UpdateComponentsInternal(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE);
* Flags all components as dirty if in the editor, and then calls UpdateComponents().
* @param bCollisionUpdate [opt] As per UpdateComponents; defaults to FALSE.
* @param bTransformOnly [opt] TRUE to update only the component transforms, FALSE to update the entire component.
virtual void ConditionalForceUpdateComponents(UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE,UBOOL bTransformOnly = TRUE);
* Flags all components as dirty so that they will be guaranteed an update from
* AActor::Tick(), and also be conditionally reattached by AActor::ConditionalUpdateComponents().
* @param bTransformOnly - True if only the transform has changed.
void MarkComponentsAsDirty(UBOOL bTransformOnly = TRUE);
* Works through the component arrays marking entries as pending kill so references to them
* will be NULL'ed.
* @param bAllowComponentOverride Whether to allow component to override marking the setting
virtual void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill( UBOOL bAllowComponentOverride = FALSE );
* Called by the static lighting system, allows this actor to generate static lighting primitives.
* The individual component's GetStaticLightingInfo functions will not be called if this returns TRUE.
virtual UBOOL GetActorStaticLightingInfo(TArray<FStaticLightingPrimitiveInfo>& PrimitiveInfos, const TArray<ULightComponent*>& InRelevantLights, const FLightingBuildOptions& Options)
return FALSE;
/** Called by the lighting system to allow actors to order their components for deterministic lighting */
virtual void OrderComponentsForDeterministicLighting() {}
virtual void InvalidateLightingCache();
virtual void InvalidatePrecomputedVisibility();
/** Called by the static lighting system after lighting has been built. */
virtual void FinalizeStaticLighting() {};
virtual UBOOL ActorLineCheck(FCheckResult& Result,const FVector& End,const FVector& Start,const FVector& Extent,DWORD TraceFlags);
// Natives.
// Matinee
void GetInterpFloatPropertyNames(TArray<FName> &outNames);
void GetInterpVectorPropertyNames(TArray<FName> &outNames);
void GetInterpColorPropertyNames(TArray<FName> &outNames);
void GetInterpLinearColorPropertyNames(TArray<FName> &outNames);
FLOAT* GetInterpFloatPropertyRef(FName inName, FPointer &outContainer);
FVector* GetInterpVectorPropertyRef(FName inName);
FColor* GetInterpColorPropertyRef(FName inName);
FLinearColor* GetInterpLinearColorPropertyRef(FName inName);
* Get the names of any boolean properties of this Actor which are marked as 'interp'.
* Will also look in components of this Actor, and makes the name in the form 'componentname.propertyname'.
* @param OutNames The names of all the boolean properties marked as 'interp'.
void GetInterpBoolPropertyNames( TArray<FName>& OutNames );
* Looks up the matching boolean property and returns a reference to the actual value.
* @param InName The name of boolean property to retrieve a reference.
* @return A pointer to the actual value; NULL if the property was not found.
BITFIELD* GetInterpBoolPropertyRef( FName InName, BITFIELD& Mask );
* Returns TRUE if this actor is contained by TestLevel.
* @todo seamless: update once Actor->Outer != Level
UBOOL IsInLevel(const ULevel *TestLevel) const;
/** Return the ULevel that this Actor is part of. */
ULevel* GetLevel() const;
* Determine whether this actor is referenced by its level's GameSequence.
* @param pReferencer if specified, will be set to the SequenceObject that is referencing this actor.
* @return TRUE if this actor is referenced by kismet.
UBOOL IsReferencedByKismet( class USequenceObject** pReferencer=NULL ) const;
* Do anything needed to clear out cross level references; Called from ULevel::PreSave
virtual void ClearCrossLevelReferences();
* Called when a level is loaded/unloaded, to get a list of all the crosslevel
* paths that need to be fixed up.
virtual void GetActorReferences(TArray<FActorReference*> &ActorRefs, UBOOL bIsRemovingLevel) {}
/** Returns ptr to GUID object for this actor. Override in child classes that actually have a GUID */
virtual FGuid* GetGuid() { return NULL; }
* Route finding notifications (sent to target)
virtual class ANavigationPoint* SpecifyEndAnchor(APawn* RouteFinder) { return NULL; }
virtual UBOOL AnchorNeedNotBeReachable();
virtual void NotifyAnchorFindingResult(ANavigationPoint* EndAnchor, APawn* RouteFinder) {}
virtual UBOOL ShouldHideActor(FVector const& CameraLocation) { return FALSE; }
/** @return whether this Actor has exactly one attached colliding component (directly or indirectly)
* and that component is its CollisionComponent
UBOOL HasSingleCollidingComponent();
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, to set the animation weights for the actor. */
virtual void SetAnimWeights( const TArray<struct FAnimSlotInfo>& SlotInfos );
/** called when this Actor was moved because its Base moved, but after that move the Actor was
* encroaching on its Base
* @param EncroachedBase - the Actor we encroached (Base will be temporarily NULL when this function is called)
* @param OverlapHit - result from the overlap check that determined this Actor was encroaching
* @return whether the encroachment was resolved (i.e, this Actor is no longer encroaching its base)
virtual UBOOL ResolveAttachedMoveEncroachment(AActor* EncroachedBase, const FCheckResult& OverlapHit)
return FALSE;
virtual void OnEditorAnimEnd( UAnimNodeSequence* SeqNode, FLOAT PlayedTime, FLOAT ExcessTime ) {}
virtual UBOOL Get_bDebug() { return bDebug; }
* Called when this actor is in a level which is being removed from the world (e.g. my level is getting UWorld::RemoveFromWorld called on it)
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld();
* allows actors to override path collision, but only during cover builds
* allows them to be ignored at path generation time but not ignored during cover build
virtual UBOOL NeedsCollisionOverrideDuringCoverBuild() {return FALSE;}
// Network replication.
// Location
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && bReplicateMovement
&& (((RemoteRole == ROLE_AutonomousProxy) && bNetInitial)
|| ((RemoteRole == ROLE_SimulatedProxy) && (bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition) && ((Base == None) || Base.bWorldGeometry))) )
Location, Rotation;
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && bReplicateMovement
&& RemoteRole==ROLE_SimulatedProxy )
if( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && bReplicateMovement && (bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition)
&& RemoteRole==ROLE_SimulatedProxy && (Base != None) && !Base.bWorldGeometry)
RelativeRotation, RelativeLocation;
// Physics
if( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && bReplicateMovement
&& ((RemoteRole == ROLE_SimulatedProxy) && (bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition)) )
Velocity, Physics;
// Animation.
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) )
// Properties changed using accessor functions
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) && bNetDirty )
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) && bNetDirty
&& (bCollideActors || bCollideWorld) )
bProjTarget, bBlockActors;
// Properties changed only when spawning or in script (relationships, rendering, lighting)
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) )
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority)
&& bNetDirty && bReplicateInstigator )
// Infrequently changed mesh properties
if ( (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) && bNetDirty )
DrawScale, bCollideActors, bCollideWorld, ReplicatedCollisionType;
// Properties changed using accessor functions
if ( bNetOwner && (!bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial) && (Role==ROLE_Authority) && bNetDirty )
// natives.
* Flags all components as dirty and then calls UpdateComponents().
* @param bCollisionUpdate [opt] As per UpdateComponents; defaults to FALSE.
* @param bTransformOnly [opt] TRUE to update only the component transforms, FALSE to update the entire component.
native function ForceUpdateComponents(optional bool bCollisionUpdate = FALSE, optional bool bTransformOnly = TRUE);
// Execute a console command in the context of the current level and game engine.
native function string ConsoleCommand(string Command, optional bool bWriteToLog = true);
// General functions.
// Latent functions.
native(256) final latent function Sleep( float Seconds );
native(261) final latent function FinishAnim( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, optional bool bFinishOnBlendOut );
// Collision.
native(262) final noexport function SetCollision( optional bool bNewColActors, optional bool bNewBlockActors, optional bool bNewIgnoreEncroachers );
native(283) final function SetCollisionSize( float NewRadius, float NewHeight );
native final function SetCollisionType(ECollisionType NewCollisionType);
native final function SetDrawScale(float NewScale);
native final function SetDrawScale3D(vector NewScale3D);
// Movement.
native(266) final function bool Move( vector Delta );
native(267) final function bool SetLocation( vector NewLocation );
native(299) final function bool SetRotation( rotator NewRotation );
/** This will return the direction in LocalSpace that that actor is moving. This is useful for firing off effects based on which way the actor is moving. **/
native function EMoveDir MovingWhichWay( out float Amount );
/** updates the zone/PhysicsVolume of this Actor
* @param bForceRefresh - forces the code to do a full collision check instead of exiting early if the current info is valid
native final noexport function SetZone(bool bForceRefresh);
// SetRelativeRotation() sets the rotation relative to the actor's base
native final function bool SetRelativeRotation( rotator NewRotation );
native final function bool SetRelativeLocation( vector NewLocation );
native final function noexport SetHardAttach(optional bool bNewHardAttach);
* This will look over the set of all attached of components that are SetBased on this Actor
* and then ShadowParent them to our MyPrimComp and use MyLightEnv.
native simulated function SetShadowParentOnAllAttachedComponents(PrimitiveComponent MyPrimComp, LightEnvironmentComponent MyLightEnv);
/** Returns a new rotation component value
* @PARAM Current is the current rotation value
* @PARAM Desired is the desired rotation value
* @PARAM DeltaRate is the rotation amount to apply
native final function int fixedTurn(int Current, int Desired, int DeltaRate);
native(3969) noexport final function bool MoveSmooth( vector Delta );
native(3971) final function AutonomousPhysics(float DeltaSeconds);
/** returns terminal velocity (max speed while falling) for this actor. Unless overridden, it returns the TerminalVelocity of the PhysicsVolume in which this actor is located.
native function float GetTerminalVelocity();
// Relations.
native(298) noexport final function SetBase( actor NewBase, optional vector NewFloor, optional SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, optional name AttachName );
native(272) final function SetOwner( actor NewOwner );
/** Attempts to find a valid base for this actor and sets it as the current base if found */
native function FindBase();
/** Attempts to find a base for this actor; does not modify the actor's base. HeightBelow is the number of units below center to trace (FindBase uses 8) */
native function SearchForBaseBelow(float HeightBelow, out Actor NewBase, out vector HitNormal);
/** iterates up the Base chain to see whether or not this Actor is based on the given Actor
* @param TestActor the Actor to test for
* @return whether or not this Actor is based on TestActor
native noexport final function bool IsBasedOn(Actor TestActor);
/** Walks up the Base chain from this Actor and returns the Actor at the top (the eventual Base). this->Base is NULL, returns this. */
native function Actor GetBaseMost();
/** iterates up the Owner chain to see whether or not this Actor is owned by the given Actor
* @param TestActor the Actor to test for
* @return whether or not this Actor is owned by TestActor
native noexport final function bool IsOwnedBy(Actor TestActor);
/** This will compute the aggregate velocity all the way up the Base chain */
native final function Vector GetAggregateBaseVelocity( optional Actor TestBase );
simulated event ReplicatedEvent(name VarName); // Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated
/** adds/removes a property from a list of properties that will always be replicated when this Actor is bNetInitial, even if the code thinks
* the client has the same value the server already does
* This is a workaround to the problem where an LD places an Actor in the level, changes a replicated variable away from the defaults,
* then at runtime the variable is changed back to the default but it doesn't replicate because initial replication is based on class defaults
* Only has an effect when called on bStatic or bNoDelete Actors
* Only properties already in the owning class's replication block may be specified
* @param PropToReplicate the property to add or remove to the list
* @param bAdd true to add the property, false to remove the property
native final function SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property PropToReplicate, bool bAdd);
/** This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition. */
native static final function Vect2BP( out BasedPosition BP, Vector Pos, optional Actor ForcedBase ) const;
/** This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it **/
native static final function Vector BP2Vect( BasedPosition BP ) const;
// legacy versions of the above
/** This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition. */
native static final function SetBasedPosition( out BasedPosition BP, Vector Pos, optional Actor ForcedBase ) const;
/** This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it **/
native static final function Vector GetBasedPosition( BasedPosition BP ) const;
// Rendering.
/** Flush persistent lines */
native static final function FlushPersistentDebugLines() const;
/** Draw a debug line */
native static final function DrawDebugLine(vector LineStart, vector LineEnd, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug point */
native static final function DrawDebugPoint(vector Position, float Size, LinearColor PointColor, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug box */
native static final function DrawDebugBox(vector Center, vector Extent, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug star */
native static final function DrawDebugStar(vector Position, float Size, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw Debug coordinate system */
native static final function DrawDebugCoordinateSystem(vector AxisLoc, Rotator AxisRot, float Scale, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug sphere */
native static final function DrawDebugSphere(vector Center, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug cylinder */
native static final function DrawDebugCylinder(vector Start, vector End, float Radius, INT Segments, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines) const; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug cone */
native static final function DrawDebugCone(Vector Origin, Vector Direction, FLOAT Length, FLOAT AngleWidth, FLOAT AngleHeight, INT NumSides, Color DrawColor, optional bool bPersistentLines) const;
/** Draw Debug string in the world (SLOW, use only in debug)
* @param TextLocation - location the string should be drawn (NOTE: if base actor is non-null this will be treated as an offset from that actor)
* @param Text - text to draw
* @param TestBaseActor (optional) - actor the string should be attached to (none if it should be static)
* @param Color (optional) - the color of the text to draw
* @param Duration (optional) - the duration the text should stick around; defauls to forever
native static final function DrawDebugString(vector TextLocation, coerce string Text, optional Actor TestBaseActor, optional color TextColor, optional float Duration=-1.f) const;
native static final function DrawDebugFrustrum( const out Matrix FrustumToWorld, byte R, byte G, byte B, optional bool bPersistentLines ) const;
/** clear all debug strings */
native static final function exec FlushDebugStrings() const;
/** Draw some value over time onto the StatChart. Toggle on and off with */
native final function ChartData(string DataName, float DataValue);
* Changes the value of bHidden.
* @param bNewHidden - The value to assign to bHidden.
native final function SetHidden(bool bNewHidden);
/** changes the value of bOnlyOwnerSee
* @param bNewOnlyOwnerSee the new value to assign to bOnlyOwnerSee
native final function SetOnlyOwnerSee(bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee);
// Physics.
native(3970) noexport final function SetPhysics( EPhysics newPhysics );
// Timing
native final function Clock(out float time);
native final function UnClock(out float time);
// Components
* Adds a component to the actor's components array, attaching it to the actor.
* @param NewComponent - The component to attach.
native final function AttachComponent(ActorComponent NewComponent);
* Removes a component from the actor's components array, detaching it from the actor.
* @param ExComponent - The component to detach.
native final function DetachComponent(ActorComponent ExComponent);
* Detaches and immediately reattaches specified component. Handles bWillReattach properly.
native final function ReattachComponent(ActorComponent ComponentToReattach);
/** Changes the ticking group for this actor */
native final function SetTickGroup(ETickingGroup NewTickGroup);
/** turns on or off this Actor's desire to be ticked (bTickIsDisabled)
* because this is implemented as a separate tickable list, calls to this function
* to disable ticking will not take effect until the end of the current list to avoid shuffling
* elements around while they are being iterated over
native final function SetTickIsDisabled(bool bInDisabled);
// Engine notification functions.
// Major notifications.
event Destroyed();
event GainedChild( Actor Other );
event LostChild( Actor Other );
event Tick( float DeltaTime );
// Physics & world interaction.
event Timer();
event HitWall( vector HitNormal, actor Wall, PrimitiveComponent WallComp )
TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_HitWall', Wall);
event Falling();
event Landed( vector HitNormal, actor FloorActor );
event PhysicsVolumeChange( PhysicsVolume NewVolume );
event Touch( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, vector HitLocation, vector HitNormal );
event PostTouch( Actor Other ); // called for PendingTouch actor after physics completes
event UnTouch( Actor Other );
event Bump( Actor Other, PrimitiveComponent OtherComp, Vector HitNormal );
event BaseChange();
event Attach( Actor Other );
event Detach( Actor Other );
event Actor SpecialHandling(Pawn Other);
* Called when collision values change for this actor (via SetCollision/SetCollisionSize).
event CollisionChanged();
/** called when this Actor is encroaching on Other and we couldn't find an appropriate place to push Other to
* @return true to abort the move, false to allow it
* @warning do not abort moves of PHYS_RigidBody actors as that will cause the Unreal location and physics engine location to mismatch
event bool EncroachingOn(Actor Other);
event EncroachedBy( actor Other );
event RanInto( Actor Other ); // called for encroaching actors which successfully moved the other actor out of the way
/** RigidBody woke up after being stationary - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnWakeRBPhysics();
/** RigidBody went to sleep after being awake - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnSleepRBPhysics();
/** Clamps out_Rot between the upper and lower limits offset from the base */
simulated final native function bool ClampRotation( out Rotator out_Rot, Rotator rBase, Rotator rUpperLimits, Rotator rLowerLimits );
/** Called by ClampRotation if the rotator was outside of the limits */
simulated event bool OverRotated( out Rotator out_Desired, out Rotator out_Actual );
* Called when being activated by the specified pawn. Default
* implementation searches for any SeqEvent_Used and activates
* them.
* @return true to indicate this actor was activated
function bool UsedBy(Pawn User)
return TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_Used', User, -1);
/** called when the actor falls out of the world 'safely' (below KillZ and such) */
simulated event FellOutOfWorld(class<DamageType> dmgType)
/** called when the Actor is outside the hard limit on world bounds
* @note physics and collision are automatically turned off after calling this function
simulated event OutsideWorldBounds()
/** Called when an Actor should be destroyed by a pain volume. */
simulated function VolumeBasedDestroy(PhysicsVolume PV)
* Trace a line and see what it collides with first.
* Takes this actor's collision properties into account.
* Returns first hit actor, Level if hit level, or None if hit nothing.
native(277) noexport final function Actor Trace
out vector HitLocation,
out vector HitNormal,
vector TraceEnd,
optional vector TraceStart,
optional bool bTraceActors,
optional vector Extent,
optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo,
optional int ExtraTraceFlags
* Run a line check against just this PrimitiveComponent. Return TRUE if we hit.
* NOTE: the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant!
native noexport final function bool TraceComponent
out vector HitLocation,
out vector HitNormal,
PrimitiveComponent InComponent,
vector TraceEnd,
optional vector TraceStart,
optional vector Extent,
optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo,
optional bool bComplexCollision
* Run a point check against just this PrimitiveComponent. Return TRUE if we hit.
* NOTE: the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant!
native noexport final function bool PointCheckComponent
PrimitiveComponent InComponent,
vector PointLocation,
vector PointExtent
// returns true if did not hit world geometry
native(548) noexport final function bool FastTrace
vector TraceEnd,
optional vector TraceStart,
optional vector BoxExtent,
optional bool bTraceBullet
native noexport final function bool TraceAllPhysicsAssetInteractions
SkeletalMeshComponent SkelMeshComp,
Vector EndTrace,
Vector StartTrace,
out Array<ImpactInfo> out_Hits,
optional Vector Extent
optional bool bTraceHitZones
* Tries to position a box to avoid overlapping world geometry.
* If no overlap, the box is placed at SpotLocation, otherwise the position is adjusted
* @Parameter BoxExtent is the collision extent (X and Y=CollisionRadius, Z=CollisionHeight)
* @Parameter SpotLocation is the position where the box should be placed. Contains the adjusted location if it is adjusted.
* @Return true if successful in finding a valid non-world geometry overlapping location
native final function bool FindSpot(vector BoxExtent, out vector SpotLocation);
native final function bool ContainsPoint(vector Spot);
native noexport final function bool IsOverlapping(Actor A);
native final function GetComponentsBoundingBox(out box ActorBox) const;
native function GetBoundingCylinder(out float CollisionRadius, out float CollisionHeight) const;
/** @return whether this Actor may be blocked by any primitive of Other */
native final noexport function bool IsBlockedBy(const Actor Other) const;
/** Spawn an actor. Returns an actor of the specified class, not
* of class Actor (this is hardcoded in the compiler). Returns None
* if the actor could not be spawned (if that happens, there will be a log warning indicating why)
* Defaults to spawning at the spawner's location.
* @note: ActorTemplate is sent for replicated actors and therefore its properties will also be applied
* at initial creation on the client. However, because of this, ActorTemplate must be a static resource
* (an actor archetype, default object, or a bStatic/bNoDelete actor in a level package)
* or the spawned Actor cannot be replicated
native noexport final function coerce actor Spawn
class<actor> SpawnClass,
optional actor SpawnOwner,
optional name SpawnTag,
optional vector SpawnLocation,
optional rotator SpawnRotation,
optional Actor ActorTemplate,
optional bool bNoCollisionFail
// Destroy this actor. Returns true if destroyed, false if indestructible.
// Destruction is latent. It occurs at the end of the tick.
native(279) final noexport function bool Destroy();
// Networking - called on client when actor is torn off (bTearOff==true)
event TornOff();
// Timing.
* Sets a timer to call the given function at a set
* interval. Defaults to calling the 'Timer' event if
* no function is specified. If InRate is set to
* 0.f it will effectively disable the previous timer.
* NOTE: Functions with parameters are not supported!
* @param InRate the amount of time to pass between firing
* @param inbLoop whether to keep firing or only fire once
* @param inTimerFunc the name of the function to call when the timer fires
native(280) final function SetTimer(float InRate, optional bool inbLoop, optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj);
* Clears a previously set timer, identical to calling
* SetTimer() with a <= 0.f rate.
* @param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
native final function ClearTimer(optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj);
* Clears all previously set timers
native final function ClearAllTimers(optional Object inObj);
* Pauses/Unpauses a previously set timer
* @param bPause whether to pause/unpause the timer
* @param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to pause or the default one if not specified
* @param inObj object timer is attached to
native final function PauseTimer( bool bPause, optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj );
* Returns true if the specified timer is active, defaults
* to 'Timer' if no function is specified.
* @param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
native final function bool IsTimerActive(optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj);
* Gets the current count for the specified timer, defaults
* to 'Timer' if no function is specified. Returns -1.f
* if the timer is not currently active.
* @param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
native final function float GetTimerCount(optional Name inTimerFunc='Timer', optional Object inObj);
* Gets the current rate for the specified timer.
* @note: GetTimerRate('SomeTimer') - GetTimerCount('SomeTimer') is the time remaining before 'SomeTimer' is called
* @param: TimerFuncName the name of the function to check for a timer for; 'Timer' is the default
* @return the rate for the given timer, or -1.f if that timer is not active
native final function float GetTimerRate(optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer', optional Object inObj);
simulated final function float GetRemainingTimeForTimer(optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer', optional Object inObj)
local float Count, Rate;
Rate = GetTimerRate(TimerFuncName,inObj);
if (Rate != -1.f)
Count = GetTimerCount(TimerFuncName,inObj);
return Rate - Count;
return -1.f;
/** This will search the Timers on this actor and set the passed in TimerTimeDilation **/
native final function ModifyTimerTimeDilation( const name TimerName, const float InTimerTimeDilation, optional Object inObj );
/** This will search the Timers on this actor and reset the TimerTimeDilation to 1.0f **/
native final function ResetTimerTimeDilation( const name TimerName, optional Object inObj );
// Sound functions.
/* Create an audio component.
* may fail and return None if sound is disabled, there are too many sounds playing, or if the Location is out of range of all listeners
native final function AudioComponent CreateAudioComponent(SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bPlay, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional bool bUseLocation, optional vector SourceLocation, optional bool bAttachToSelf = true);
* Play a sound. Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible, and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @param InSoundCue - the sound to play
* @param bNotReplicated (opt) - sound is considered only for players on this machine (supercedes other flags)
* @param bNoRepToOwner (opt) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor (typically for Inventory sounds)
* @param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed (opt) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @param SoundLocation (opt) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor's Location
* @param bNoRepToRelevant (opt) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant (for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible)
native noexport final function PlaySound(SoundCue InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant);
* Play an AkEvent, SoundCue style. Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible, and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @param InAkEvent - the sound to play
* @param bNotReplicated (opt) - sound is considered only for players on this machine (supercedes other flags)
* @param bNoRepToOwner (opt) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor (typically for Inventory sounds)
* @param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed (opt) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @param SoundLocation (opt) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor's Location
* @param bNoRepToRelevant (opt) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant (for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible)
native noexport final function PlayAkEvent(AkEvent InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant);
* Play an AkEvent or a SoundCue. Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible, and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @param InAkEvent - the sound to play
* @param bNotReplicated (opt) - sound is considered only for players on this machine (supercedes other flags)
* @param bNoRepToOwner (opt) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor (typically for Inventory sounds)
* @param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed (opt) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @param SoundLocation (opt) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor's Location
* @param bNoRepToRelevant (opt) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant (for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible)
* @param SoundRotation (opt) - rotation to use for playing advanced echo effects when using an AKEventAdvanced for the InSoundCue
native noexport final function PlaySoundBase( AkBaseSoundObject InSoundCue, optional bool bNotReplicated, optional bool bNoRepToOwner, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed, optional vector SoundLocation, optional bool bNoRepToRelevant
, optional rotator SoundRotation // used for echoes
`endif //__TW_WWISE_
* Post an AkEvent.
* @param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @param bIsOccluded (opt) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
* @param bIsSpatialized (opt) - whether event should be spatialized or not
native final function PostAkEvent( AkEvent InAkEvent
, optional bool bIsOccluded
, optional bool bIsSpatialized
, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed
`endif //__TW_WWISE_
* Post an AkEvent.
* @param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @param bIsOccluded (opt) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
native final function PostAkEventAtLocation(AkEvent InAkEvent, vector SoundLocation, optional bool bIsOccluded);
* Post an AkEvent to play on a specified bone of the actor.
* @param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @param BoneName - Bone to attach the event to
* @param bIsOccluded (opt) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
* @param bIsSpatialized (opt) - whether event should be spatialized or not
* */
native final function PostAkEventOnBone(AkEvent InAkEvent, name BoneName, optional bool bIsOccluded, optional bool bIsSpatialized);
* Stop all AkEvents that are currently playing on the given bone
native final function StopAkEventsOnBone( name BoneName );
* Set an RTPC value.
* @param InRTPC - Name of the RTPC value to be modified
* @param targetvalue - Target value of the RTPC for the current actor
* @param bGlobal - Set this RPC with Global scope rather than Actor scope
native final function SetRTPCValue( Name InRTPC, float targetvalue, optional bool bGlobal );
/** returns the rotation to use when playing AKEvent sounds that
* require a rotation
native simulated function rotator GetAKRotation();
* Set an RTPC value.
* @param InRTPC - Name of the RTPC value to be modified
* @param targetvalue - Target value of the RTPC for the current actor
native final function SetRTPCValue( Name InRTPC, float targetvalue );
`endif // __TW_WWISE_
* Set State for AkAudio.
* @param InStateGroup - Name of the State Group to be modified
* @param InState - Target value of the state ( Not Specific to this actor )
native final function SetState( Name InStateGroup, Name InState );
* Set Switch for AkAudio.
* @param InStateGroup - Name of the Switch Group to be modified
* @param InState - Target value of the switch ( Will apply on this specific actor )
native final function SetSwitch( Name InSwitchGroup, Name InSwitch );
* Post Trigger for AkAudio.
* @param InTrigger - Name of the Trigger to be posted
native final function PostTrigger( Name InTrigger );
* Post Trigger for AkAudio.
* @param InTrigger - Name of the Trigger to be posted
native final function ActivateOcclusion( bool bInActivate );
// AI functions.
/* Inform other creatures that you've made a noise
they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message)
Senders of MakeNoise should have an instigator if they are not pawns.
native(512) final function MakeNoise( float Loudness, optional Name NoiseType );
/* PlayerCanSeeMe returns true if any player (server) or the local player (standalone
* or client) has a line of sight to actor's location.
* @param bForceLOSCheck (opt) - If set, force a line of sight check instead of relying on the occlusion checks
native(532) final function bool PlayerCanSeeMe(optional bool bForceLOSCheck);
/* epic ===============================================
* ::SuggestTossVelocity()
* returns a recommended Toss velocity vector, given a destination and a Toss speed magnitude
* @param TossVelocity - out param stuffed with the computed velocity to use
* @param End - desired end point of arc
* @param Start - desired start point of arc
* @param TossSpeed - in the magnitude of the toss - assumed to only change due to gravity for the entire lifetime of the projectile
* @param BaseTossZ - is an additional Z direction force added to the toss (which will not be included in the returned TossVelocity) - (defaults to 0)
* @param DesiredZPct (optional) - is the requested pct of the toss in the z direction (0=toss horizontally, 0.5 = toss at 45 degrees). This is the starting point for finding a toss. (Defaults to 0.05).
* the purpose of this is to bias the test in cases where there is more than one solution
* @param CollisionSize (optional) - is the size of bunding box of the tossed actor (defaults to (0,0,0)
* @param TerminalVelocity (optional) - terminal velocity of the projectile
* @param OverrideGravityZ (optional) - gravity inflicted upon the projectile in the z direction
* @param bOnlyTraceUp (optional) - when TRUE collision checks verifying the arc will only be done along the upward portion of the arc
* @return - TRUE/FALSE depending on whether a valid arc was computed
native noexport final function bool SuggestTossVelocity(out vector TossVelocity,
vector Destination,
vector Start,
float TossSpeed,
optional float BaseTossZ,
optional float DesiredZPct,
optional vector CollisionSize,
optional float TerminalVelocity,
optional float OverrideGravityZ /* = GetGravityZ() */,
optional bool bOnlyTraceUp);
/** CalculateMinSpeedTrajectory()
* returns a velocity that will result in a trajectory that minimizes the speed of the projectile within the given range
* @param out_Velocity - out param stuffed with the computed velocity to use
* @param End - desired end point of arc
* @param Start - desired start point of arc
* @param MaxTossSpeed - Max acceptable speed of projectile
* @param MinTossSpeed - Min Acceptable speed of projectile
* @param CollisionSize (optional) - is the size of bunding box of the tossed actor (defaults to (0,0,0)
* @param TerminalVelocity (optional) - terminal velocity of the projectile
* @param GravityZ (optional) - gravity inflicted upon the projectile in the z direction
* @param bOnlyTraceUp (optional) - when TRUE collision checks verifying the arc will only be done along the upward portion of the arc
* @return - TRUE/FALSE depending on whether a valid arc was computed
native final function bool CalculateMinSpeedTrajectory(out vector out_Velocity,
vector End,
vector Start,
float MaxTossSpeed,
float MinTossSpeed,
optional vector CollisionSize,
optional float TerminalVelocity,
optional float GravityZ = GetGravityZ(),
optional bool bOnlyTraceUp);
/** returns the position the AI should move toward to reach this actor
* accounts for AI using path lanes, cutting corners, and other special adjustments
native final virtual function vector GetDestination(Controller C);
// Regular engine functions.
// Teleportation.
function bool PreTeleport(Teleporter InTeleporter);
function PostTeleport(Teleporter OutTeleporter);
// Disk access.
// Find files.
native(547) final function string GetURLMap();
// Iterator functions.
// Iterator functions for dealing with sets of actors.
/* AllActors() - avoid using AllActors() too often as it iterates through the whole actor list and is therefore slow
native(304) final iterator function AllActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional class<Interface> InterfaceClass );
/* DynamicActors() only iterates through the non-static actors on the list (still relatively slow, but
much better than AllActors). This should be used in most cases and replaces AllActors in most of
Epic's game code.
native(313) final iterator function DynamicActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional class<Interface> InterfaceClass );
/* ChildActors() returns all actors owned by this actor. Slow like AllActors()
native(305) final iterator function ChildActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor );
/* BasedActors() returns all actors based on the current actor (fast)
native(306) final iterator function BasedActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor );
/* TouchingActors() returns all actors touching the current actor (fast)
native(307) final iterator function TouchingActors( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor );
/* TraceActors() return all actors along a traced line. Reasonably fast (like any trace)
native(309) final iterator function TraceActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, out vector HitLoc, out vector HitNorm, vector End, optional vector Start, optional vector Extent, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional int ExtraTraceFlags );
/* VisibleActors() returns all visible (not bHidden) actors within a radius
for which a trace from Loc (which defaults to caller's Location) to that actor's Location does not hit the world.
Slow like AllActors(). Use VisibleCollidingActors() instead if desired actor types are in the collision hash (bCollideActors is true)
native(311) final iterator function VisibleActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc );
/* VisibleCollidingActors() returns all colliding (bCollideActors==true) actors within a certain radius
for which a trace from Loc (which defaults to caller's Location) to that actor's Location does not hit the world.
Much faster than AllActors() since it uses the collision octree
bUseOverlapCheck uses a sphere vs. box check instead of checking to see if the center of an object lies within a sphere
native(312) final iterator function VisibleCollidingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden, optional vector Extent, optional bool bTraceActors, optional class<Interface> InterfaceClass, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo );
/* CollidingActors() returns colliding (bCollideActors==true) actors within a certain radius.
Much faster than AllActors() for reasonably small radii since it uses the collision octree
bUseOverlapCheck uses a sphere vs. box check instead of checking to see if the center of an object lies within a sphere
native(321) final iterator function CollidingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bUseOverlapCheck, optional class<Interface> InterfaceClass, optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo );
* Returns colliding (bCollideActors==true) which overlap a Sphere from location 'Loc' and 'Radius' radius.
* @param BaseClass The Actor returns must be a subclass of this.
* @param out_Actor returned Actor at each iteration.
* @param Radius Radius of sphere for overlapping check.
* @param Loc Center of sphere for overlapping check. (Optional, caller's location is used otherwise).
* @param bIgnoreHidden if true, ignore bHidden actors.
native final iterator function OverlappingActors( class<Actor> BaseClass, out Actor out_Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden );
/** returns each component in the Components list */
native final iterator function ComponentList(class<ActorComponent> BaseClass, out ActorComponent out_Component);
* Iterates over all components directly or indirectly attached to this actor.
* @param BaseClass - Only components deriving from BaseClass will be iterated upon.
* @param OutComponent - The iteration variable.
native final iterator function AllOwnedComponents(class<Component> BaseClass, out ActorComponent OutComponent);
iterator LocalPlayerControllers()
returns all locally rendered/controlled player controllers (typically 1 per client, unless split screen)
native final iterator function LocalPlayerControllers(class<PlayerController> BaseClass, out PlayerController PC);
/** Return first found LocalPlayerController. Fine for single player, in split screen, one will be picked. */
native final function PlayerController GetALocalPlayerController();
// Scripted Actor functions.
// Called immediately before gameplay begins.
event PreBeginPlay()
// Handle autodestruction if desired.
if (!bGameRelevant && !bStatic && WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Client && !WorldInfo.Game.CheckRelevance(self))
if (bNoDelete)
// Broadcast a localized message to all players.
// Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs.
// The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI's and optional actor are used.
event BroadcastLocalizedMessage( class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject )
WorldInfo.Game.BroadcastLocalized( self, InMessageClass, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject );
// Broadcast a localized message to all players on a team.
// Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs.
// The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI's and optional actor are used.
event BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage( int TeamIndex, class<LocalMessage> InMessageClass, optional int Switch, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1, optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2, optional Object OptionalObject )
WorldInfo.Game.BroadcastLocalizedTeam( TeamIndex, self, InMessageClass, Switch, RelatedPRI_1, RelatedPRI_2, OptionalObject );
// Called immediately after gameplay begins.
event PostBeginPlay();
// Called after PostBeginPlay.
simulated event SetInitialState()
bScriptInitialized = true;
if( InitialState!='' )
GotoState( InitialState );
GotoState( 'Auto' );
* When a constraint is broken we will get this event from c++ land.
simulated event ConstraintBrokenNotify( Actor ConOwner, RB_ConstraintSetup ConSetup, RB_ConstraintInstance ConInstance )
simulated event NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit( SkelControlLookAt LookAt );
/* epic ===============================================
* ::StopsProjectile()
* returns true if Projectiles should call ProcessTouch() when they touch this actor
simulated function bool StopsProjectile(Projectile P)
return bProjTarget || bBlockActors;
/* HurtRadius()
Hurt locally authoritative actors within the radius.
simulated function bool HurtRadius
float BaseDamage,
float DamageRadius,
class<DamageType> DamageType,
float Momentum,
vector HurtOrigin,
optional Actor IgnoredActor,
optional Controller InstigatedByController = Instigator != None ? Instigator.Controller : None,
optional bool bDoFullDamage
local Actor Victim;
local bool bCausedDamage;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo;
local StaticMeshComponent HitComponent;
local KActorFromStatic NewKActor;
// Prevent HurtRadius() from being reentrant.
if ( bHurtEntry )
return false;
bHurtEntry = true;
bCausedDamage = false;
foreach VisibleCollidingActors( class'Actor', Victim, DamageRadius, HurtOrigin,,,,, HitInfo )
if ( Victim.bWorldGeometry )
// check if it can become dynamic
// @TODO note that if using StaticMeshCollectionActor (e.g. on Consoles), only one component is returned. Would need to do additional octree radius check to find more components, if desired
HitComponent = StaticMeshComponent(HitInfo.HitComponent);
if ( (HitComponent != None) && HitComponent.CanBecomeDynamic() )
NewKActor = class'KActorFromStatic'.Static.MakeDynamic(HitComponent);
if ( NewKActor != None )
Victim = NewKActor;
if ( !Victim.bWorldGeometry && (Victim != self) && (Victim != IgnoredActor) && (Victim.bCanBeDamaged || Victim.bProjTarget) )
Victim.TakeRadiusDamage(InstigatedByController, BaseDamage, DamageRadius, DamageType, Momentum, HurtOrigin, bDoFullDamage, self);
bCausedDamage = bCausedDamage || Victim.bProjTarget;
bHurtEntry = false;
return bCausedDamage;
// Damage and kills.
function KilledBy( pawn EventInstigator );
/** apply some amount of damage to this actor
* @param DamageAmount the base damage to apply
* @param EventInstigator the Controller responsible for the damage
* @param HitLocation world location where the hit occurred
* @param Momentum force caused by this hit
* @param DamageType class describing the damage that was done
* @param HitInfo additional info about where the hit occurred
* @param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)
event TakeDamage(int DamageAmount, Controller EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo, optional Actor DamageCauser)
local int idx;
local SeqEvent_TakeDamage dmgEvent;
// search for any damage events
for (idx = 0; idx < GeneratedEvents.Length; idx++)
dmgEvent = SeqEvent_TakeDamage(GeneratedEvents[idx]);
if (dmgEvent != None)
// notify the event of the damage received
dmgEvent.HandleDamage(self, EventInstigator, DamageType, DamageAmount);
* the reverse of TakeDamage(); heals the specified amount
* @param Amount The amount of damage to heal
* @param Healer Who is doing the healing
* @param DamageType What type of healing is it
* @param bRepairArmor Should this fix armor?
event bool HealDamage(int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType, optional bool bCanRepairArmor=true, optional bool bMessageHealer=true);
* the reverse of TakeDamage(); heals the specified amount
* @param Amount The amount of damage to heal
* @param Healer Who is doing the healing
* @param DamageType What type of healing is it
event bool HealDamage(int Amount, Controller Healer, class<DamageType> DamageType);
* Take Radius Damage
* by default scales damage based on distance from HurtOrigin to Actor's location.
* This can be overridden by the actor receiving the damage for special conditions (see KAsset.uc).
* This then calls TakeDamage() to go through the same damage pipeline.
* @param InstigatedBy, instigator of the damage
* @param BaseDamage
* @param DamageRadius (from Origin)
* @param DamageType class
* @param Momentum (float)
* @param HurtOrigin, origin of the damage radius.
* @param bFullDamage, if true, damage not scaled based on distance HurtOrigin
* @param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage (i.e. the Projectile that exploded, the Weapon that fired, etc)
* @param DamageFalloff allows for nonlinear damage falloff from the point. Default is linera.
* @return Returns amount of damage applied.
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage
Controller InstigatedBy,
float BaseDamage,
float DamageRadius,
class<DamageType> DamageType,
float Momentum,
vector HurtOrigin,
bool bFullDamage,
Actor DamageCauser,
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
optional float DamageFalloffExponent=1.f,
optional bool bAdjustRadiusDamage=true
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local float ColRadius, ColHeight;
local float DamageScale, Dist, ScaledDamage;
local vector Dir;
GetBoundingCylinder(ColRadius, ColHeight);
Dir = Location - HurtOrigin;
Dist = VSize(Dir);
Dir = Normal(Dir);
if ( bFullDamage )
DamageScale = 1.f;
Dist = FMax(Dist - ColRadius,0.f);
DamageScale = FClamp(1.f - Dist/DamageRadius, 0.f, 1.f);
DamageScale = DamageScale ** DamageFalloffExponent;
if (DamageScale > 0.f)
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
if (bAdjustRadiusDamage)
AdjustRadiusDamage(BaseDamage, DamageScale, HurtOrigin);
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ScaledDamage = DamageScale * BaseDamage;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
Location - 0.5f * (ColHeight + ColRadius) * Dir,
(DamageScale * Momentum * Dir),
* Make sure we pass along a valid HitInfo struct for damage.
* The main reason behind this is that SkeletalMeshes do require a BoneName to receive and process an impulse...
* So if we don't have access to it (through touch() or for any non trace damage results), we need to perform an extra trace call().
* @param HitInfo, initial structure to check
* @param FallBackComponent, PrimitiveComponent to use if HitInfo.HitComponent is none
* @param Dir, Direction to use if a Trace needs to be performed to find BoneName on skeletalmesh. Trace from HitLocation.
* @param out_HitLocation, HitLocation to use for potential Trace, will get updated by Trace.
final simulated function CheckHitInfo
out TraceHitInfo HitInfo,
PrimitiveComponent FallBackComponent,
Vector Dir,
out Vector out_HitLocation
local vector out_NewHitLocation, out_HitNormal, TraceEnd, TraceStart;
local TraceHitInfo newHitInfo;
//`log("Actor::CheckHitInfo - HitInfo.HitComponent:" @ HitInfo.HitComponent @ "FallBackComponent:" @ FallBackComponent );
// we're good, return!
if( SkeletalMeshComponent(HitInfo.HitComponent) != None && HitInfo.BoneName != '' )
// Use FallBack PrimitiveComponent if possible
if( HitInfo.HitComponent == None ||
(SkeletalMeshComponent(HitInfo.HitComponent) == None && SkeletalMeshComponent(FallBackComponent) != None) )
HitInfo.HitComponent = FallBackComponent;
// if we do not have a valid BoneName, perform a trace against component to try to find one.
if( SkeletalMeshComponent(HitInfo.HitComponent) != None && HitInfo.BoneName == '' )
if( IsZero(Dir) )
//`warn("passed zero dir for trace");
Dir = Vector(Rotation);
if( IsZero(out_HitLocation) )
out_HitLocation = Location;
TraceStart = out_HitLocation - 128 * Normal(Dir);
TraceEnd = out_HitLocation + 128 * Normal(Dir);
if( TraceComponent( out_NewHitLocation, out_HitNormal, HitInfo.HitComponent, TraceEnd, TraceStart, vect(0,0,0), newHitInfo ) )
{ // Update HitLocation
HitInfo.BoneName = newHitInfo.BoneName;
HitInfo.PhysMaterial = newHitInfo.PhysMaterial;
out_HitLocation = out_NewHitLocation;
// FIXME LAURENT -- The test fails when a just spawned projectile triggers a touch() event, the trace performed will be slightly off and fail.
`log("Actor::CheckHitInfo non successful TraceComponent!!");
`log("HitInfo.HitComponent:" @ HitInfo.HitComponent );
`log("TraceEnd:" @ TraceEnd );
`log("TraceStart:" @ TraceStart );
`log("out_HitLocation:" @ out_HitLocation );
//DrawDebugLine(TraceEnd, TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
* Get gravity currently affecting this actor
native function float GetGravityZ();
* Debug Freeze Game
* dumps the current script function stack and pauses the game with PlayersOnly (still allowing the player to move around).
event DebugFreezeGame(optional Actor ActorToLookAt)
local PlayerController PC;
PC = GetALocalPlayerController();
if (PC!=none)
if( ActorToLookAt != None )
function bool CheckForErrors();
/* BecomeViewTarget
Called by Camera when this actor becomes its ViewTarget */
event BecomeViewTarget( PlayerController PC );
/* EndViewTarget
Called by Camera when this actor no longer its ViewTarget */
event EndViewTarget( PlayerController PC );
* Calculate camera view point, when viewing this actor.
* @param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
* @param out_CamLoc Camera Location
* @param out_CamRot Camera Rotation
* @param out_FOV Field of View
* @return true if Actor should provide the camera point of view.
simulated function bool CalcCamera( float fDeltaTime, out vector out_CamLoc, out rotator out_CamRot, out float out_FOV )
local vector HitNormal;
local float Radius, Height;
GetBoundingCylinder(Radius, Height);
if (Trace(out_CamLoc, HitNormal, Location - vector(out_CamRot) * Radius * 20, Location, false) == None)
out_CamLoc = Location - vector(out_CamRot) * Radius * 20;
out_CamLoc = Location + Height * vector(Rotation);
return false;
// Returns the string representation of the name of an object without the package
// prefixes.
simulated function String GetItemName( string FullName )
local int pos;
pos = InStr(FullName, ".");
While ( pos != -1 )
FullName = Right(FullName, Len(FullName) - pos - 1);
pos = InStr(FullName, ".");
return FullName;
// Returns the human readable string representation of an object.
simulated function String GetHumanReadableName()
return GetItemName(string(class));
static function ReplaceText(out string Text, string Replace, string With)
local int i;
local string Input;
Input = Text;
Text = "";
i = InStr(Input, Replace);
while(i != -1)
Text = Text $ Left(Input, i) $ With;
Input = Mid(Input, i + Len(Replace));
i = InStr(Input, Replace);
Text = Text $ Input;
// Get localized message string associated with this actor
static function string GetLocalString(
optional int Switch,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_1,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI_2
return "";
function MatchStarting(); // called when gameplay actually starts
function String GetDebugName()
return GetItemName(string(self));
* list important Actor variables on canvas. HUD will call DisplayDebug() on the current ViewTarget when
* the ShowDebug exec is used
* @param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
* @input out_YL - Height of the current font
* @input out_YPos - Y position on Canvas. out_YPos += out_YL, gives position to draw text for next debug line.
simulated function DisplayDebug(HUD HUD, out float out_YL, out float out_YPos)
local string T;
local Actor A;
local float MyRadius, MyHeight;
local Canvas Canvas;
Canvas = HUD.Canvas;
Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
T = GetDebugName();
if( bDeleteMe )
T = T$" DELETED (bDeleteMe == true)";
if( T != "" )
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('net') )
if( WorldInfo.NetMode != NM_Standalone )
// networking attributes
T = "ROLE:" @ Role @ "RemoteRole:" @ RemoteRole @ "NetMode:" @ WorldInfo.NetMode;
if( bTearOff )
T = T @ "Tear Off";
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.SetPos(4, out_YPos);
Canvas.DrawText("Location:" @ Location @ "Rotation:" @ Rotation, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('physics') )
T = "Physics" @ GetPhysicsName() @ "in physicsvolume" @ GetItemName(string(PhysicsVolume)) @ "on base" @ GetItemName(string(Base)) @ "gravity" @ GetGravityZ();
if( bBounce )
T = T$" - will bounce";
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("bHardAttach:" @ bHardAttach @ "RelativeLoc:" @ RelativeLocation @ "RelativeRot:" @ RelativeRotation @ "SkelComp:" @ BaseSkelComponent @ "Bone:" @ string(BaseBoneName), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Velocity:" @ Velocity @ "Speed:" @ VSize(Velocity) @ "Speed2D:" @ VSize2D(Velocity), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Acceleration:" @ Acceleration, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
if( HUD.ShouldDisplayDebug('collision') )
Canvas.DrawColor.B = 0;
GetBoundingCylinder(MyRadius, MyHeight);
Canvas.DrawText("Collision Radius:" @ MyRadius @ "Height:" @ MyHeight);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Collides with Actors:" @ bCollideActors @ " world:" @ bCollideWorld @ "proj. target:" @ bProjTarget);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText("Blocks Actors:" @ bBlockActors);
out_YPos += out_YL;
T = "Touching ";
ForEach TouchingActors(class'Actor', A)
T = T$GetItemName(string(A))$" ";
if ( T == "Touching ")
T = "Touching nothing";
Canvas.DrawText(T, FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawColor.B = 255;
Canvas.DrawText(" STATE:" @ GetStateName(), FALSE);
out_YPos += out_YL;
Canvas.DrawText( " Instigator:" @ GetItemName(string(Instigator)) @ "Owner:" @ GetItemName(string(Owner)) );
out_YPos += out_YL;
simulated function String GetPhysicsName()
Switch( PHYSICS )
case PHYS_None: return "None"; break;
case PHYS_Walking: return "Walking"; break;
case PHYS_Falling: return "Falling"; break;
case PHYS_Swimming: return "Swimming"; break;
case PHYS_Flying: return "Flying"; break;
case PHYS_Rotating: return "Rotating"; break;
case PHYS_Projectile: return "Projectile"; break;
case PHYS_Interpolating: return "Interpolating"; break;
case PHYS_Spider: return "Spider"; break;
case PHYS_Ladder: return "Ladder"; break;
case PHYS_RigidBody: return "RigidBody"; break;
case PHYS_Unused: return "Unused"; break;
case PHYS_Custom: return "Custom"; break;
return "Unknown";
/** called when a sound is going to be played on this Actor via PlayerController::ClientHearSound()
* gives it a chance to modify the component that will be used (add parameter values, etc)
simulated event ModifyHearSoundComponent(AudioComponent AC);
* Function for allowing you to tell FaceFX which AudioComponent it should use for playing audio
* for corresponding facial animation.
simulated event AudioComponent GetFaceFXAudioComponent()
return None;
* Reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading.
event Reset();
* @RETURN true if this actor is touching a pain causing volume
function bool IsInPain()
local PhysicsVolume V;
ForEach TouchingActors(class'PhysicsVolume',V)
if ( V.bPainCausing && (V.DamagePerSec > 0) )
return true;
return false;
function PlayTeleportEffect(bool bOut, bool bSound);
simulated function bool CanSplash()
return false;
/** Called when this actor touches a fluid surface */
simulated function ApplyFluidSurfaceImpact( FluidSurfaceActor Fluid, vector HitLocation)
local float Radius, Height, AdjustedVelocity;
if (bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction)
AdjustedVelocity = 0.01 * Abs(Velocity.Z);
GetBoundingCylinder(Radius, Height);
Fluid.FluidComponent.ApplyForce( HitLocation, AdjustedVelocity * Fluid.FluidComponent.ForceImpact, Radius*0.3, True );
/** OBSOLETE, replaced by ActorEffectIsRelevant and ImpactEffectIsRelevant */
simulated function bool EffectIsRelevant(vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float VisibleCullDistance=5000.0, optional float HiddenCullDistance=350.0 )
if ( SpawnLocation == Location )
return ActorEffectIsRelevant(Instigator, bForceDedicated, VisibleCullDistance, HiddenCullDistance);
return ImpactEffectIsRelevant(Instigator, SpawnLocation, bForceDedicated, VisibleCullDistance, HiddenCullDistance);
* Determine whether an effect being spawned on this actor
* is relevant to the local client (to determine whether it really needs to be spawned).
* Intended for use only with short lived effects
* NOTE: Use ImpactEffectIsRelevant if the actor is not rendered!
* @PARAM EffectInstigator: Instigator os this effect - always relevant if instigated by local player
* @PARAM SpawnLocation: Location where effect is being spawned. If being spawned attached to this actor, use this actor's location to take advantage of check for whether actor is being rendered.
* @PARAM bForceDedicated: Whether effect should always be spawned on dedicated server (if effect is replicated to clients)
* @PARAM CullDistance: Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is visible to the local player
* @PARAM HiddenCullDistance: Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is not visible to the local player
simulated function bool ActorEffectIsRelevant(Pawn EffectInstigator, bool bForceDedicated, optional float VisibleCullDistance=5000.0, optional float HiddenCullDistance=350.0 )
local PlayerController P;
local float DistSq;
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
// No local player, so only spawn on dedicated server if bForceDedicated
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
`debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - dedicated server", bForceDedicated );
return bForceDedicated;
if ( bForceDedicated && (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) && (WorldInfo.Game.NumPlayers > 1) )
// Is acting as server, so spawn effect if bForceDedicated
return TRUE;
// spawn all effects instigated by the local player (not a server)
if ( (EffectInstigator != None) && EffectInstigator.IsHumanControlled() && EffectInstigator.IsLocallyControlled() )
return TRUE;
// Determine how far to the nearest local viewer
DistSq = 10000000000.0;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', P)
if ( P.GetViewTarget() == self )
return true;
P.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
DistSq = FMin(DistSq, VSizeSq(Location - CameraLoc)*Square(P.LODDistanceFactor));
if ( DistSq > VisibleCullDistance*VisibleCullDistance )
`debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - VisibleCullDistance", TRUE );
// never spawn beyond cull distance
return FALSE;
else if ( DistSq < HiddenCullDistance*HiddenCullDistance )
// If close enough, always spawn even if hidden
return TRUE;
// If beyond HiddenCullDistance, only spawn if actor is visible to local player
return ( `TimeSince( LastRenderTime ) < 0.3 );
* Determine whether an effect being spawned at some spot in the world
* is relevant to the local client (to determine whether it really needs to be spawned).
* Intended for use only with short lived effects
* @PARAM EffectInstigator: Instigator os this effect - always relevant if instigated by local player
* @PARAM SpawnLocation: Location where effect is being spawned. If being spawned attached to this actor, use this actor's location to take advantage of check for whether actor is being rendered.
* @PARAM bForceDedicated: Whether effect should always be spawned on dedicated server (if effect is replicated to clients)
* @PARAM CullDistance: Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is visible to the local player
* @PARAM HiddenCullDistance: Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is not visible to the local player
* @PARAM bSkipLOSCheck: If true, don't perform a LOS trace, as the object is "big" like an explosion and a LOS would be inaccurate
simulated function bool ImpactEffectIsRelevant(Pawn EffectInstigator, vector SpawnLocation, bool bForceDedicated, optional float VisibleCullDistance=5000.0, optional float HiddenCullDistance=350.0, optional bool bSkipLOSCheck )
local PlayerController P;
local float DistSq, InViewThreshold;
local bool bIsInViewFrustrum;
local vector CameraLoc;
local rotator CameraRot;
// No local player, so only spawn on dedicated server if bForceDedicated
if ( WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer )
`debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - dedicated server", bForceDedicated );
return bForceDedicated;
if ( bForceDedicated && (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_ListenServer) && (WorldInfo.Game.NumPlayers > 1) )
// Is acting as server, so spawn effect if bForceDedicated
return TRUE;
// spawn all effects instigated by the local player (not a server)
if ( (EffectInstigator != None) && EffectInstigator.IsHumanControlled() && EffectInstigator.IsLocallyControlled() )
return TRUE;
// Determine how far to the nearest local viewer
DistSq = 10000000000.0;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', P)
P.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
DistSq = FMin(DistSq, VSizeSq(SpawnLocation - CameraLoc)*Square(P.LODDistanceFactor));
if ( DistSq > VisibleCullDistance*VisibleCullDistance )
`debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - VisibleCullDistance", TRUE );
// never spawn beyond cull distance
return FALSE;
else if ( DistSq < HiddenCullDistance*HiddenCullDistance )
// If close enough, always spawn even if hidden
return TRUE;
// Don't spawn if spawnlocation not in a local player's view frustrum and visible
bIsInViewFrustrum = FALSE;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', P)
P.GetPlayerViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);
InViewThreshold = (Cos(P.GetFOVAngle()) - 0.1f);
// Check the spawn location
if( (Normal(SpawnLocation - CameraLoc) Dot vector(CameraRot)) > InViewThreshold )
if( bSkipLOSCheck || FastTrace(SpawnLocation, CameraLoc) )
bIsInViewFrustrum = TRUE;
`debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - Outside View Frustrum", bIsInViewFrustrum );
return bIsInViewFrustrum;
final event DebugMessagePlayer( coerce String Msg )
local PlayerController PC;
`log( "!!!!"@Msg@"!!!!" );
foreach LocalPlayerControllers(class'PlayerController', PC)
PC.ClientMessage( Msg );
// Scripting support
/** Convenience function for triggering events in the GeneratedEvents list
* If you need more options (activating multiple outputs, etc), call ActivateEventClass() directly
simulated function bool TriggerEventClass(class<SequenceEvent> InEventClass, Actor InInstigator, optional int ActivateIndex = -1, optional bool bTest, optional out array<SequenceEvent> ActivatedEvents)
local array<int> ActivateIndices;
if (ActivateIndex >= 0)
ActivateIndices[0] = ActivateIndex;
return ActivateEventClass(InEventClass, InInstigator, GeneratedEvents, ActivateIndices, bTest, ActivatedEvents);
/** Called by SeqAct_AttachToEvent when a duplicate event is added to this actor at run-time */
simulated event ReceivedNewEvent(SequenceEvent Evt)
/** trigger a "global" Kismet event (one that doesn't have an Originator, generally because it's triggered by a game-time object) */
simulated function bool TriggerGlobalEventClass(class<SequenceEvent> InEventClass, Actor InInstigator, optional int ActivateIndex = -1)
local array<SequenceObject> EventsToActivate;
local array<int> ActivateIndices;
local Sequence GameSeq;
local bool bResult;
local int i;
if (ActivateIndex >= 0)
ActivateIndices[0] = ActivateIndex;
GameSeq = WorldInfo.GetGameSequence();
if (GameSeq != None)
GameSeq.FindSeqObjectsByClass(InEventClass, true, EventsToActivate);
for (i = 0; i < EventsToActivate.length; i++)
if (SequenceEvent(EventsToActivate[i]).CheckActivate(self, InInstigator,, ActivateIndices))
bResult = true;
return bResult;
* Iterates through the given list of events and looks for all
* matching events, activating them as found.
* @return true if an event was found and activated
simulated final function bool ActivateEventClass( class<SequenceEvent> InClass, Actor InInstigator, const out array<SequenceEvent> EventList,
optional const out array<int> ActivateIndices, optional bool bTest, optional out array<SequenceEvent> ActivatedEvents )
local SequenceEvent Evt;
ActivatedEvents.Length = 0;
foreach EventList(Evt)
if (ClassIsChildOf(Evt.Class,InClass) &&
return (ActivatedEvents.Length > 0);
* Builds a list of all events of the specified class.
* @param eventClass - type of event to search for
* @param out_EventList - list of found events
* @param bIncludeDisabled - will not filter out the events with bEnabled = FALSE
* @return true if any events were found
simulated final function bool FindEventsOfClass(class<SequenceEvent> EventClass, optional out array<SequenceEvent> out_EventList, optional bool bIncludeDisabled)
local SequenceEvent Evt;
local bool bFoundEvent;
foreach GeneratedEvents(Evt)
if (Evt != None && (Evt.bEnabled || bIncludeDisabled) && ClassIsChildOf(Evt.Class,EventClass) && (Evt.MaxTriggerCount == 0 || Evt.MaxTriggerCount > Evt.TriggerCount))
bFoundEvent = TRUE;
return bFoundEvent;
* Clears all latent actions of the specified class.
* @param actionClass - type of latent action to clear
* @param bAborted - was this latent action aborted?
* @param exceptionAction - action to skip
simulated final function ClearLatentAction(class<SeqAct_Latent> actionClass,optional bool bAborted,optional SeqAct_Latent exceptionAction)
local int idx;
for (idx = 0; idx < LatentActions.Length; idx++)
if (LatentActions[idx] == None)
// remove dead entry
if (ClassIsChildOf(LatentActions[idx].class,actionClass) &&
LatentActions[idx] != exceptionAction)
// if aborted,
if (bAborted)
// then notify the action
// remove action from list
* If this actor is not already scheduled for destruction,
* destroy it now.
simulated function OnDestroy(SeqAct_Destroy Action)
local int AttachIdx, IgnoreIdx;
local Actor A;
// Iterate through based actors and destroy them as well
if( Action.bDestroyBasedActors )
for( AttachIdx = 0; AttachIdx < Attached.Length; AttachIdx++ )
A = Attached[AttachIdx];
for( IgnoreIdx = 0; IgnoreIdx < Action.IgnoreBasedClasses.Length; IgnoreIdx++ )
if( ClassIsChildOf( A.Class, Action.IgnoreBasedClasses[IgnoreIdx]) )
A = None;
if( A == None )
A.OnDestroy( Action );
if (bNoDelete || Role < ROLE_Authority)
// bNoDelete actors cannot be destroyed, and are shut down instead.
else if( !bDeleteMe )
/** forces this actor to be net relevant if it is not already
* by default, only works on level placed actors (bNoDelete)
event ForceNetRelevant()
if (RemoteRole == ROLE_None && bNoDelete && !bStatic)
RemoteRole = ROLE_SimulatedProxy;
bAlwaysRelevant = true;
NetUpdateFrequency = 0.1;
bForceNetUpdate = TRUE;
/** Updates NetUpdateTime to the new value for future net relevancy checks */
final native function SetNetUpdateTime(float NewUpdateTime);
* ShutDown an actor.
simulated event ShutDown()
// Shut down physics
// shut down collision
SetCollision(false, false);
if (CollisionComponent != None)
// shut down rendering
// and ticking
if (RemoteRole != ROLE_None)
// force replicate flags if necessary
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bCollideActors', (bCollideActors == default.bCollideActors));
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bBlockActors', (bBlockActors == default.bBlockActors));
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bHidden', (bHidden == default.bHidden));
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.Physics', (Physics == default.Physics));
// we can't set bTearOff here as that will prevent newly joining clients from receiving the state changes
// so we just set a really low NetUpdateFrequency
NetUpdateFrequency = 0.1;
// force immediate network update of these changes
bForceNetUpdate = TRUE;
* Calls PrestreamTextures() for all the actor's meshcomponents.
* @param Seconds Number of seconds to force all mip-levels to be resident
* @param bEnableStreaming Whether to start (TRUE) or stop (FALSE) streaming
* @param CinematicTextureGroups Bitfield indicating which texture groups that use extra high-resolution mips
native function PrestreamTextures( float Seconds, bool bEnableStreaming, optional int CinematicTextureGroups = 0 );
simulated function OnModifyHealth(SeqAct_ModifyHealth Action)
local Controller InstigatorController;
local Pawn InstigatorPawn;
InstigatorController = Controller(Action.Instigator);
if( InstigatorController == None )
InstigatorPawn = Pawn(Action.Instigator);
if( InstigatorPawn != None )
InstigatorController = InstigatorPawn.Controller;
if( Action.bHeal )
HealDamage(Action.Amount, InstigatorController, Action.DamageType);
TakeDamage(Action.Amount, InstigatorController, Location, vector(Rotation) * -Action.Momentum, Action.DamageType);
* Called upon receiving a SeqAct_Teleport action. Grabs
* the first destination available and attempts to teleport
* this actor.
* @param Action - teleport action that was activated
simulated function OnTeleport(SeqAct_Teleport Action)
local array<Object> objVars;
local int idx;
local Actor destActor, tempActor, A;
local Controller C;
local bool bOccupiedDest, bColliding;
local float ColRadius, ColHeight;
local Vector Extent;
GetBoundingCylinder( ColRadius, ColHeight);
Extent.X = ColRadius;
Extent.Y = ColRadius;
Extent.Z = ColHeight;
bOccupiedDest = FALSE;
// find the first supplied actor
for (idx = 0; idx < objVars.Length; idx++)
tempActor = Actor(objVars[idx]);
if( tempActor == None )
// If its a player variable, teleport to the Pawn not the Controller.
C = Controller(tempActor);
if(C != None && C.Pawn != None)
tempActor = C.Pawn;
if( Action.bCheckOverlap )
bColliding = FALSE;
foreach VisibleCollidingActors ( class'Actor', A, ColRadius * 2.f, tempActor.Location, FALSE, Extent, TRUE )
if( IsBlockedBy( A ) )
bColliding = TRUE;
bOccupiedDest = bColliding;
destActor = tempActor;
if( (!Action.bCheckOverlap || !bOccupiedDest) && destActor != None )
// and set to that actor's location
if (destActor != None && Action.ShouldTeleport(self, destActor.Location,Action.TeleportDistance,Action.TeleportVolumes))
if (SetLocation(destActor.Location))
PlayTeleportEffect(false, true);
if (Action.bUpdateRotation)
// make sure the changes get replicated
bUpdateSimulatedPosition = true;
bNetDirty = true;
`warn("Unable to teleport to"@destActor);
else if (destActor != None)
`warn("Unable to teleport to"@destActor);
* Handler for the SeqAct_SetVelocity action. Allows level designer to impart a velocity on the actor.
simulated function OnSetVelocity( SeqAct_SetVelocity Action )
local Vector V;
local float Mag;
Mag = Action.VelocityMag;
if( Mag <= 0.f )
Mag = VSize( Action.VelocityDir);
V = Normal(Action.VelocityDir) * Mag;
if( Action.bVelocityRelativeToActorRotation )
V = V >> Rotation;
Velocity = V;
if( Physics == PHYS_RigidBody && CollisionComponent != None )
CollisionComponent.SetRBLinearVelocity( Velocity );
* Handler for the SeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody action. Allows level designer to toggle the rigid-body blocking
* flag on an Actor, and will handle updating the physics engine etc.
simulated function OnSetBlockRigidBody(SeqAct_SetBlockRigidBody Action)
if(CollisionComponent != None)
// Turn on
// Turn off
else if(Action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
/** Handler for the SeqAct_SetPhysics action, allowing designer to change the Physics mode of an Actor. */
simulated function OnSetPhysics(SeqAct_SetPhysics Action)
SetPhysics( Action.NewPhysics );
if (RemoteRole != ROLE_None)
if (Physics != PHYS_None)
bUpdateSimulatedPosition = true;
if (bOnlyDirtyReplication)
// SetPhysics() doesn't set bNetDirty, but we need it in this case
bNetDirty = true;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.Physics', (Physics == default.Physics));
/** Handler for collision action, allow designer to toggle collide/block actors */
function OnChangeCollision(SeqAct_ChangeCollision Action)
// if the action is out of date then use the previous properties
if (Action.ObjInstanceVersion < Action.GetObjClassVersion())
SetCollision( Action.bCollideActors, Action.bBlockActors, Action.bIgnoreEncroachers );
// otherwise use the new collision type
if (RemoteRole != ROLE_None)
// force replicate flags if necessary
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bCollideActors', (bCollideActors == default.bCollideActors));
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bBlockActors', (bBlockActors == default.bBlockActors));
// don't bother with bIgnoreEncroachers as it isn't editable
/** Handler for SeqAct_ToggleHidden, just sets bHidden. */
simulated function OnToggleHidden(SeqAct_ToggleHidden Action)
local int AttachIdx, IgnoreIdx;
local Actor A;
// Iterate through based actors and toggle them as well
if( Action.bToggleBasedActors )
for( AttachIdx = 0; AttachIdx < Attached.Length; AttachIdx++ )
A = Attached[AttachIdx];
for( IgnoreIdx = 0; IgnoreIdx < Action.IgnoreBasedClasses.Length; IgnoreIdx++ )
if( ClassIsChildOf( A.Class, Action.IgnoreBasedClasses[IgnoreIdx]) )
A = None;
if( A == None )
A.OnToggleHidden( Action );
if (Action.InputLinks[0].bHasImpulse)
else if (Action.InputLinks[1].bHasImpulse)
if (RemoteRole != ROLE_None)
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.bHidden', (bHidden == default.bHidden));
/** Attach an actor to another one. Kismet action. */
function OnAttachToActor(SeqAct_AttachToActor Action)
local int idx;
local Actor Attachment;
local Controller C;
local Array<Object> ObjVars;
for( idx=0; idx<ObjVars.Length && Attachment == None; idx++ )
Attachment = Actor(ObjVars[idx]);
// If its a player variable, attach the Pawn, not the controller
C = Controller(Attachment);
if( C != None && C.Pawn != None )
Attachment = C.Pawn;
if( Attachment != None )
if( Action.bDetach )
// if we're a controller and have a pawn, then attach to pawn instead.
C = Controller(Self);
if( C != None && C.Pawn != None )
C.Pawn.DoKismetAttachment(Attachment, Action);
DoKismetAttachment(Attachment, Action);
/** Performs actual attachment. Can be subclassed for class specific behaviors. */
function DoKismetAttachment(Actor Attachment, SeqAct_AttachToActor Action)
local bool bOldCollideActors, bOldBlockActors;
local vector X, Y, Z;
if( Action.bUseRelativeOffset || Action.bUseRelativeRotation )
// Disable collision, so we can successfully move the attachment
bOldCollideActors = Attachment.bCollideActors;
bOldBlockActors = Attachment.bBlockActors;
Attachment.SetCollision(FALSE, FALSE);
if( Action.bUseRelativeRotation )
Attachment.SetRotation(Rotation + Action.RelativeRotation);
// if we're using the offset, place attachment relatively to the target
if( Action.bUseRelativeOffset )
GetAxes(Rotation, X, Y, Z);
Attachment.SetLocation(Location + Action.RelativeOffset.X * X + Action.RelativeOffset.Y * Y + Action.RelativeOffset.Z * Z);
// restore previous collision
Attachment.SetCollision(bOldCollideActors, bOldBlockActors);
// Attach Actor to Base
// changing base doesn't set bNetDirty by default as that can happen through per-frame behavior like physics
// however, in this case we need it so we do it manually
Attachment.bNetDirty = true;
// force replicate offsets if necessary
if (Attachment.RemoteRole != ROLE_None && (Attachment.bStatic || Attachment.bNoDelete))
Attachment.SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.RelativeLocation', (Attachment.RelativeLocation == Attachment.default.RelativeLocation));
Attachment.SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty(Property'Engine.Actor.RelativeRotation', (Attachment.RelativeRotation == Attachment.default.RelativeRotation));
* Event called when an AnimNodeSequence (in the animation tree of one of this Actor's SkeletalMeshComponents) reaches the end and stops.
* Will not get called if bLooping is 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence.
* bCauseActorAnimEnd must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated.
* @param SeqNode - Node that finished playing. You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode->SkelComponent
* @param PlayedTime - Time played on this animation. (play rate independant).
* @param ExcessTime - how much time overlapped beyond end of animation. (play rate independant).
event OnAnimEnd(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode, float PlayedTime, float ExcessTime);
* Event called when a PlayAnim is called AnimNodeSequence in the animation tree of one of this Actor's SkeletalMeshComponents.
* bCauseActorAnimPlay must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated.
* @param SeqNode - Node had PlayAnim called. You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode->SkelComponent
event OnAnimPlay(AnimNodeSequence SeqNode);
// AnimControl Matinee Track Support
/** Called when we start an AnimControl track operating on this Actor. Supplied is the set of AnimSets we are going to want to play from. */
event BeginAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup);
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, with the desired sequence name and position we want to be at. */
event SetAnimPosition(name SlotName, int ChannelIndex, name InAnimSeqName, float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies, bool bLooping, bool bEnableRootMotion);
/** Called when we are done with the AnimControl track. */
event FinishAnimControl(InterpGroup InInterpGroup);
* Play FaceFX animations on this Actor.
* Returns TRUE if succeeded, if failed, a log warning will be issued.
// WWISEMODIF_START, alessard, nov-28-2008, WwiseAudioIntegration
event bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim(FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet, String GroupName, String SeqName, SoundCue SoundCueToPlay, AkEvent AkEventToPlay);
/** Stop any matinee FaceFX animations on this Actor. */
event StopActorFaceFXAnim();
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
event SetMorphWeight(name MorphNodeName, float MorphWeight);
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
event SetSkelControlScale(name SkelControlName, float Scale);
* Called every tick if bShouldTickOwner is true
event TickSkelControl(float DeltaTime, SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, SkelControlBase SkelCtrl);
* Returns TRUE if Actor is playing a FaceFX anim.
* Implement in sub-class.
simulated function bool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim()
return FALSE;
* Returns FALSE if Actor can play facefx
* Implement in sub-class.
simulated function bool CanActorPlayFaceFXAnim()
return TRUE;
/** Used by Matinee in-game to mount FaceFXAnimSets before playing animations. */
event FaceFXAsset GetActorFaceFXAsset();
// for AI... bots have perfect aim shooting non-pawn stationary targets
function bool IsStationary()
return true;
* returns the point of view of the actor.
* note that this doesn't mean the camera, but the 'eyes' of the actor.
* For example, for a Pawn, this would define the eye height location,
* and view rotation (which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component).
* A camera first person view will typically use this view point. Most traces (weapon, AI) will be done from this view point.
* @param out_Location - location of view point
* @param out_Rotation - view rotation of actor.
simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint( out vector out_Location, out Rotator out_Rotation )
out_Location = Location;
out_Rotation = Rotation;
* Searches the owner chain looking for a player.
native simulated function bool IsPlayerOwned();
/* PawnBaseDied()
The pawn on which this actor is based has just died
function PawnBaseDied();
* default implementation calls eventScriptGetTeamNum()
simulated native function byte GetTeamNum();
simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum()
return 255;
simulated function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived();
/** Used by PlayerController.FindGoodView() in RoundEnded State */
simulated function FindGoodEndView(PlayerController PC, out Rotator GoodRotation)
GoodRotation = PC.Rotation;
* @param RequestedBy - the Actor requesting the target location
* @param bRequestAlternateLoc (optional) - return a secondary target location if there are multiple
* @return the optimal location to fire weapons at this actor
simulated native function vector GetTargetLocation(optional actor RequestedBy, optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc) const;
/** called when this Actor was spawned by a Kismet actor factory (SeqAct_ActorFactory)
* after all other spawn events (PostBeginPlay(), etc) have been called
event SpawnedByKismet();
/** called when a SeqAct_Interp action starts interpolating this Actor via matinee
* @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that is affecting the Actor
simulated event InterpolationStarted(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction, InterpGroupInst GroupInst);
/** called when a SeqAct_Interp action finished interpolating this Actor
* @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that was affecting the Actor
simulated event InterpolationFinished(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction);
/** called when a SeqAct_Interp action affecting this Actor received an event that changed its properties
* (paused, reversed direction, etc)
* @note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @param InterpAction the SeqAct_Interp that is affecting the Actor
simulated event InterpolationChanged(SeqAct_Interp InterpAction);
/** Called when a PrimitiveComponent this Actor owns has:
* -bNotifyRigidBodyCollision set to true
* -ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold > 0
* -it is involved in a physics collision where the relative velocity exceeds ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold
* @param HitComponent the component of this Actor that collided
* @param OtherComponent the other component that collided
* @param RigidCollisionData information on the collision itslef, including contact points
* @param ContactIndex the element in each ContactInfos' ContactVelocity and PhysMaterial arrays that corresponds
* to this Actor/HitComponent
event RigidBodyCollision( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent, PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent,
const out CollisionImpactData RigidCollisionData, int ContactIndex );
* Called each frame (for each wheel) when an SVehicle has a wheel in contact with this Actor.
* Not called on Actors that have bWorldGeometry or bStatic set to TRUE.
event OnRanOver(SVehicle Vehicle, PrimitiveComponent RunOverComponent, int WheelIndex);
/** function used to update where icon for this actor should be rendered on the HUD
* @param NewHUDLocation is a vector whose X and Y components are the X and Y components of this actor's icon's 2D position on the HUD
simulated native function SetHUDLocation(vector NewHUDLocation);
Hook to allow actors to render HUD overlays for themselves.
Assumes that appropriate font has already been set
simulated native function NativePostRenderFor(PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir);
Script function called by NativePostRenderFor().
simulated event PostRenderFor(PlayerController PC, Canvas Canvas, vector CameraPosition, vector CameraDir);
* Notification that root motion mode changed.
* Called only from SkelMeshComponents that have bRootMotionModeChangeNotify set.
* This is useful for synchronizing movements.
* For intance, when using RMM_Translate, and the event is called, we know that root motion will kick in on next frame.
* It is possible to kill in-game physics, and then use root motion seemlessly.
simulated event RootMotionModeChanged(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp);
/** Notification that Root Motion has been processed. */
simulated event RootMotionProcessed(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp);
* Notification called after root motion has been extracted, and before it's been used.
* This notification can be used to alter extracted root motion before it is forwarded to physics.
* It is only called when bRootMotionExtractedNotify is TRUE on the SkeletalMeshComponent.
* @note: It is fairly slow in Script, so enable only when really needed.
simulated event RootMotionExtracted(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp, out BoneAtom ExtractedRootMotionDelta);
/** called after initializing the AnimTree for the given SkeletalMeshComponent that has this Actor as its Owner
* this is a good place to cache references to skeletal controllers, etc that the Actor modifies
event PostInitAnimTree(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp);
/** Looks up the GUID of a package on disk. The package must NOT be in the autodownload cache.
* This may require loading the header of the package in question and is therefore slow.
native static final function Guid GetPackageGuid(name PackageName);
/** Notification forwarded from RB_BodyInstance, when a spring is over extended and disabled. */
simulated event OnRigidBodySpringOverextension(RB_BodyInstance BodyInstance);
/** whether this Actor is in the persistent level, i.e. not a sublevel */
native final function bool IsInPersistentLevel(optional bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersistent) const;
* Returns aim-friction zone extents for this actor.
* Extents are in world units centered around Actor's location, and assumed to be
* oriented to face the viewer (like a billboard sprite).
simulated function GetAimFrictionExtent(out float Width, out float Height, out vector Center)
if (bCanBeFrictionedTo)
// Note this will be increasingly inaccurate with increasing vertical viewing angle.
// Consider transforming extents.
GetBoundingCylinder(Width, Height);
Width = 0.f;
Height = 0.f;
Center = Location;
* Returns aim-adhesion zone extents for this actor.
* Extents are in world units centered around Actor's location, and assumed to be
* oriented to face the viewer (like a billboard sprite).
simulated function GetAimAdhesionExtent(out float Width, out float Height, out vector Center)
if (bCanBeAdheredTo)
// Note this will be increasingly inaccurate with increasing vertical viewing angle.
// Consider transforming extents.
GetBoundingCylinder(Width, Height);
Width = 0.f;
Height = 0.f;
Center = Location;
* Called by AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect
* Looks for a socket name first then bone name
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect which will have all of the various params on it
* @return bool true if the particle effect was played, false if not;
event bool PlayParticleEffect( const AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData )
if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_DedicatedServer)
`Log("(Actor): PlayParticleEffect on dedicated server!");
return true;
return false;
* Called by AnimNotify_CreateForceField
* Looks for a socket name first then bone name
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_ForceField which will have all of the various params on it
* @return bool true if the forcefield was created, false if not;
event bool CreateForceField( const AnimNotify_Forcefield AnimNotifyData )
return false;
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
event TrailsNotify( const AnimNotify_Trails AnimNotifyData );
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
event TrailsNotifyTick( const AnimNotify_Trails AnimNotifyData );
* Called by AnimNotify_Trails
* @param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify_Trails which will have all of the various params on it
event TrailsNotifyEnd( const AnimNotify_Trails AnimNotifyData );
/** Allows us to have dynamic trail particles */
native function ParticleSystem GetAnimTrailParticleSystem( const AnimNotify_Trails AnimNotifyData ) const;
/** whether this Actor can be modified by Kismet actions
* primarily used by error checking to warn LDs when their Kismet may not apply changes correctly (especially on clients)
* @param AskingOp - Kismet operation to which this Actor is linked
* @param Reason (out) - If this function returns false, contains the reason why the Kismet action is not allowed to execute on this Actor
* @return whether the AskingOp can correctly modify this Actor
native final virtual function bool SupportsKismetModification(SequenceOp AskingOp, out string Reason) const;
/** Notification called when one of our meshes gets his AnimTree updated */
simulated event AnimTreeUpdated(SkeletalMeshComponent SkelMesh);
/** called on all dynamic or net relevant actors after rewinding a demo
* primarily used to propagate properties to components, since components are ignored for rewinding
simulated event PostDemoRewind();
/** called ONLY for bNoDelete Actors on the client when the server was replicating data on this Actor,
* but no longer considers it relevant (i.e. the actor channel was destroyed)
* for !bNoDelete Actors this results in destruction, so cleanup code can be done there, but bNoDelete Actors
* just keep going with whatever data was last received, so this is their chance to perform any cleanup
simulated event ReplicationEnded();
* Calculates a direction (unit vector) to avoid all actors contained in Obstacles list, assuming each entry in Obstacles is also
* avoiding this actor. Based loosely on RVO as described in http://gamma.cs.unc.edu/RVO/icra2008.pdf .
final native function vector GetAvoidanceVector(const out array<Actor> Obstacles, vector GoalLocation, float CollisionRadius, float MaxSpeed, optional int NumSamples = 8, optional float VelocityStepRate = 0.1f, optional float MaxTimeTilOverlap = 1.f);
/** Steps from each position given the respective velocities performing simple radius checks */
final native function bool WillOverlap(vector PosA, vector VelA, vector PosB, vector VelB, float StepSize, float Radius, out float Time);
* replaces IsA(NavigationPoint) check for primitivecomponents
native function bool ShouldBeHiddenBySHOW_NavigationNodes();
* Can this actor receive touch screen events?
function bool IsMobileTouchEnabled()
return bEnableMobileTouch && bCollideActors;
* You must assign a MobileInputZone's OnTapDelegate to MobilePlayerInput.ProcessWorldTouch to catch this event.
* @param InPC The PlayerController that caused this event
* @param TouchLocation The screen-space location of the touch event
* @Return true if event was handled, false to pass through to actors that may be occluded by this one
event bool OnMobileTouch(PlayerController InPC, Vector2D TouchLocation)
TriggerEventClass(class'SeqEvent_MobileTouch', InPC, 0);
return true;
* Retrieve various actor metrics depending on the provided type. All of
* these will total the values of the given type for every component that
* makes up the actor.
* @param MetricsType The type of metric to calculate.
* METRICS_VERTS - Get the number of vertices.
* METRICS_TRIS - Get the number of triangles.
* METRICS_SECTIONS - Get the number of sections.
* @return INT The total of the given type for this actor.
simulated native function int GetActorMetrics(EActorMetricsType MetricsType);
* Searches through this Actor's Components and returns the
* first SpriteComponent found. If none exist, returns NULL.
* @return SpriteComponent First found SpriteComponent for this actor. NULL if none are found.
native function SpriteComponent GetActorSpriteComponent() const;
// Called in addition to AdjustDamage, but specific to radius damage scaling
function AdjustRadiusDamage(out float InBaseDamage, float DamageScale, vector HurtOrigin);
/** Called from SkeletalMeshComponent::PlayParticleEffect() */
simulated function OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned( const AnimNotify_PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData, ParticleSystemComponent PSC );
/** Accumlated actor tick time
* Use this instead of WorldInfo.TimeSeconds if the actor is affected by CustomTimeDilation (e.g. Pawns, Weapons)
* To reduce confusion any container vars should be labelled with the suffix "ActorTime"
native final function float GetActorTimeSeconds() const;
native final function float ActorTimeSince(float Time) const;
// For safety, make everything before the async work. Move actors to
// the during group one at a time to find bugs.
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels