2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
// Actor: The base class of all actors.
// Actor is the base class of all gameplay objects.
// A large number of properties, behaviors and interfaces are implemented in Actor, including:
// - Display
// - Animation
// - Physics and world interaction
// - Making sounds
// - Networking properties
// - Actor creation and destruction
// - Actor iterator functions
// - Message broadcasting
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
class Actor extends Object
hidecategories ( Navigation ) ;
/** List of extra trace flags */
const TRACEFLAG _Bullet = 1 ;
const TRACEFLAG _PhysicsVolumes = 2 ;
const TRACEFLAG _SkipMovers = 4 ;
const TRACEFLAG _Blocking = 8 ;
const TRACEFLAG _ForceController = 16 ; // force Controller as trace Actor (by default Trace() redirects to Pawn)
/ * * w h e n b R e p l i c a t e R i g i d B o d y L o c a t i o n i s t r u e , t h e r o o t b o d y o f a r a g d o l l w i l l b e r e p l i c a t e d
* but this is not entirely accurate ( and isn ' t meant to be ) as the other bodies in the ragdoll may interfere
* this can then result in jittering from the client constantly trying to apply the replicated value
* so if the client ' s error is less than this amount from the replicated value , it will be ignored
* /
/ * *
* Actor components .
* These are not exposed by default to level designers for several reasons .
* The main one being that properties are not propagated to network clients
* when is actor is dynamic ( bStatic = FALSE and bNoDelete = FALSE ) .
* So instead the actor should expose and interface the necessary component variables .
* Note that this array is NOT serialized to ensure that the components array is
* always loaded correctly in the editor . See UStruct : : SerializeTaggedProperties for details .
* /
/** The actor components which are attached directly to the actor's location/rotation. */
var private const array < ActorComponent > Components ;
/** All actor components which are directly or indirectly attached to the actor. */
var private transient const array < ActorComponent > AllComponents ;
// The actor's position and rotation.
/** Actor's location; use Move or SetLocation to change. */
var ( Movement ) const vector Location ;
/** The actor's rotation; use SetRotation to change. */
var ( Movement ) const rotator Rotation ;
/** Scaling factor, 1.0=normal size. */
var ( Display ) const repnotify interp float DrawScale < UIMin = 0.1 | UIMax = 4.0 > ;
/** Scaling vector, (1.0,1.0,1.0)=normal size. */
var ( Display ) const interp vector DrawScale3D ;
/** Offset from box center for drawing. */
var ( Display ) const vector PrePivot ;
/** Color to tint the icon for this actor */
var ( Display ) editoronly Color EditorIconColor ;
/** A fence to track when the primitive is detached from the scene in the rendering thread. */
var private native const RenderCommandFence DetachFence ;
/** Allow each actor to run at a different time speed */
var float CustomTimeDilation ;
// Priority Parameters
// Actor's current physics mode.
var ( Movement ) const enum EPhysics
PHYS _None ,
PHYS _Walking ,
PHYS _Falling ,
PHYS _Swimming ,
PHYS _Flying ,
PHYS _Rotating ,
PHYS _Projectile ,
PHYS _Interpolating ,
PHYS _Spider ,
PHYS _Ladder ,
PHYS _RigidBody ,
PHYS _SoftBody , /** update bounding boxes and killzone test, otherwise like PHYS_None */
PHYS _NavMeshWalking , /** slide along navmesh, "fake" phys_walking */
PHYS _Unused ,
PHYS _Custom , /** user-defined custom physics */
} Physics ;
/** The set of Directions an actor can be moving **/
enum EMoveDir
MD _Stationary ,
MD _Forward ,
MD _Backward ,
MD _Left ,
MD _Right ,
MD _Up ,
MD _Down
} ;
/** The type of metric we want about the actor **/
enum EActorMetricsType
} ;
// Owner.
var const Actor Owner ; // Owner actor.
var ( Attachment ) const Actor Base ; // Actor we're standing on.
struct native TimerData
var bool bLoop ;
var bool bPaused ;
var Name FuncName ;
var float Rate , Count ;
var float TimerTimeDilation ;
var Object TimerObj ;
/** This is going to scale this timer's values by this amount**/
FTimerData ( EEventParm )
appMemzero ( this , sizeof ( FTimerData ) ) ;
TimerTimeDilation = 1.0 f ;
//default TimerTimeDilation to 1.0f
TimerTimeDilation = 1.0 f
} ;
var const array < TimerData > Timers ; // list of currently active timers
// Flags.
var const public { private } bool bStatic ; // Does not move or change over time. It is only safe to change this property in defaultproperties.
/** If this is True, all PrimitiveComponents of the actor are hidden. If this is false, only PrimitiveComponents with HiddenGame=True are hidden. */
var ( Display ) const bool bHidden ;
var const bool bNoDelete ; // Cannot be deleted during play.
var const bool bDeleteMe ; // About to be deleted.
var transient const bool bTicked ; // Actor has been updated.
var const bool bOnlyOwnerSee ; // Only owner can see this actor.
/ * * i f s e t , t h i s A c t o r a n d a l l o f i t s c o m p o n e n t s a r e n o t t i c k e d . M o d i f y v i a S e t T i c k I s D i s a b l e d ( )
* this flag has no effect on bStatic Actors
* /
var const public { private } bool bTickIsDisabled ;
var bool bWorldGeometry ; // Collision and Physics treats this actor as static world geometry
/** Ignore Unreal collisions between PHYS_RigidBody pawns (vehicles/ragdolls) and this actor (only relevant if bIgnoreEncroachers is false) */
var bool bIgnoreRigidBodyPawns ;
var bool bOrientOnSlope ; // when landing, orient base on slope of floor
var const bool bIgnoreEncroachers ; // Ignore collisions between movers and this actor
/ * * w h e t h e r e n c r o a c h e r s c a n p u s h t h i s A c t o r ( o n l y r e l e v a n t i f b I g n o r e E n c r o a c h e r s i s f a l s e a n d n o t a n e n c r o a c h e r o u r s e l v e s )
* if false , the encroacher gets EncroachingOn ( ) called immediately instead of trying to safely move this actor first
* /
var bool bPushedByEncroachers ;
/** If TRUE, when an InterpActor (Mover) encroaches or runs into this Actor, it is destroyed, and will not stop the mover. */
var bool bDestroyedByInterpActor ;
/** Whether to route BeginPlay even if the actor is static. */
var const bool bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic ;
/** Used to determine when we stop moving, so we can update PreviousLocalToWorld to stop motion blurring. */
var const bool bIsMoving ;
/ * *
* If true ( and is an encroacher ) will do the encroachment check inside MoveActor even if there is no movement .
* This is useful for objects that may change bounding box but not actually move .
* /
var bool bAlwaysEncroachCheck ;
/ * * w h e t h e r t h i s A c t o r m a y r e t u r n a n a l t e r n a t e l o c a t i o n f r o m G e t T a r g e t L o c a t i o n ( ) w h e n b R e q u e s t A l t e r n a t e L o c i s t r u e
* ( used as an early out when tracing to those locations , etc )
* /
var bool bHasAlternateTargetLocation ;
/** If TRUE, PHYS_Walking will attempt to step up onto this object when it hits it */
var ( Collision ) bool bCanStepUpOn ;
// Networking flags
var const bool bNetTemporary ; // Tear-off simulation in network play.
var const bool bOnlyRelevantToOwner ; // this actor is only relevant to its owner. If this flag is changed during play, all non-owner channels would need to be explicitly closed.
var transient bool bNetDirty ; // set when any attribute is assigned a value in unrealscript, reset when the actor is replicated
var bool bAlwaysRelevant ; // Always relevant for network.
var bool bReplicateInstigator ; // Replicate instigator to client (used by bNetTemporary projectiles).
var bool bReplicateMovement ; // if true, replicate movement/location related properties
var bool bSkipActorPropertyReplication ; // if true, don't replicate actor class variables for this actor
var bool bUpdateSimulatedPosition ; // if true, update velocity/location after initialization for simulated proxies
var bool bTearOff ; // if true, this actor is no longer replicated to new clients, and
// is "torn off" (becomes a ROLE_Authority) on clients to which it was being replicated.
var bool bOnlyDirtyReplication ; // if true, only replicate actor if bNetDirty is true - useful if no C++ changed attributes (such as physics)
// bOnlyDirtyReplication only used with bAlwaysRelevant actors
/** Whether this actor will interact with fluid surfaces or not. */
var ( Physics ) bool bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction ;
/** Demo recording variables */
/** Set when we are currently replicating this Actor into a demo */
var transient bool bDemoRecording ;
/** Demo recording driver owns this actor. */
var bool bDemoOwner ;
/** force Actor to be relevant for demos (only works on dynamic actors) */
var bool bForceDemoRelevant ;
/** Should replicate initial rotation. This property should never be changed during execution, as the client and server rely on the default value of this property always being the same. */
var const bool bNetInitialRotation ;
var bool bReplicateRigidBodyLocation ; // replicate Location property even when in PHYS_RigidBody
var bool bKillDuringLevelTransition ; // If set, actor and its components are marked as pending kill during seamless map transitions
/ * * w h e t h e r w e a l r e a d y e x c h a n g e d R o l e / R e m o t e R o l e o n t h e c l i e n t , a s r e m o v i n g t h e n r e a d d i n g a s t r e a m i n g l e v e l
* causes all initialization to be performed again even though the actor may not have actually been reloaded
* /
var const bool bExchangedRoles ;
/** If true, texture streaming code iterates over all StaticMeshComponents found on this actor when building texture streaming information. */
var ( Advanced ) bool bConsiderAllStaticMeshComponentsForStreaming ;
var ( Debug ) bool bDebug ; // Used to toggle debug logging
// HUD
/** IF true, may call PostRenderFor() even when this actor is not visible */
var bool bPostRenderIfNotVisible ;
/** Used by SkeletalMeshComponent Ticking optimization. */
var const transient int SkelMeshCompTickTag ;
// Net variables.
enum ENetRole
ROLE _None , // No role at all.
ROLE _SimulatedProxy , // Locally simulated proxy of this actor.
ROLE _AutonomousProxy , // Locally autonomous proxy of this actor.
ROLE _Authority , // Authoritative control over the actor.
} ;
var ENetRole RemoteRole , Role ;
/** Internal - used by UWorld::ServerTickClients() */
var const transient int NetTag ;
/** Next time this actor will be considered for replication, set by SetNetUpdateTime() */
var const float NetUpdateTime ;
/** How often (per second) this actor will be considered for replication, used to determine NetUpdateTime */
var float NetUpdateFrequency ;
/** Priority for this actor when checking for replication in a low bandwidth or saturated situation, higher priority means it is more likely to replicate */
var float NetPriority ;
/** When set to TRUE will force this actor to immediately be considered for replication, instead of waiting for NetUpdateTime */
var transient bool bForceNetUpdate ;
/ * * L a s t t i m e t h i s a c t o r w a s u p d a t e d f o r r e p l i c a t i o n v i a N e t U p d a t e T i m e o r b F o r c e N e t U p d a t e
* @ warning : internal net driver time , not related to WorldInfo . TimeSeconds
* /
var const transient float LastNetUpdateTime ;
/** Is this actor still pending a full net update due to clients that weren't able to replicate the actor at the time of LastNetUpdateTime */
var const transient bool bPendingNetUpdate ;
/** How long has it been since the last tick? */
var float TimeSinceLastTick ;
var Pawn Instigator ; // Pawn responsible for damage caused by this actor.
var const transient WorldInfo WorldInfo ;
var float LifeSpan ; // How old the object lives before dying, 0=forever.
var const float CreationTime ; // The time this actor was created, relative to WorldInfo.TimeSeconds
// Structures.
struct native transient TraceHitInfo
var Material Material ; // Material we hit.
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial ; // The Physical Material that was hit
var int Item ; // Extra info about thing we hit.
var int LevelIndex ; // Level index, if we hit BSP.
var name BoneName ; // Name of bone if we hit a skeletal mesh.
var PrimitiveComponent HitComponent ; // Component of the actor that we hit.
} ;
/** Hit definition struct. Mainly used by Instant Hit Weapons. */
struct native transient ImpactInfo
/** Actor Hit */
var Actor HitActor ;
/** world location of hit impact */
var vector HitLocation ;
/** Hit normal of impact */
var vector HitNormal ;
/** Direction of ray when hitting actor */
var vector RayDir ;
/** Start location of trace */
var vector StartTrace ;
/** Trace Hit Info (material, bonename...) */
var TraceHitInfo HitInfo ;
FImpactInfo ( )
: HitActor ( NULL )
, HitLocation ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
, HitNormal ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
, RayDir ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
, StartTrace ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
{ }
FImpactInfo ( EEventParm )
appMemzero ( this , sizeof ( FImpactInfo ) ) ;
} ;
/** Struct used for passing information from Matinee to an Actor for blending animations during a sequence. */
struct native transient AnimSlotInfo
/** Name of slot that we want to play the animtion in. */
var name SlotName ;
/** Strength of each Channel within this Slot. Channel indexs are determined by track order in Matinee. */
var array < float > ChannelWeights ;
} ;
/** Used to indicate each slot name and how many channels they have. */
struct native transient AnimSlotDesc
/** Name of the slot. */
var name SlotName ;
/** Number of channels that are available in this slot. */
var int NumChannels ;
} ;
// Major actor properties.
/ * *
* The value of WorldInfo - > TimeSeconds for the frame when this actor was last rendered . This is written
* from the render thread , which is up to a frame behind the game thread , so you should allow this time to
* be at least a frame behind the game thread ' s world time before you consider the actor non - visible .
* There ' s an equivalent variable in PrimitiveComponent .
* /
var transient float LastRenderTime ;
// Actor's tag name.
var ( Object ) name Tag ;
var name InitialState ;
// Actor's layer name.
var ( Object ) name Layer ;
var deprecated name Group ;
/** Bitflag to represent which views this actor is hidden in, via per-view layer visibilty */
var transient qword HiddenEditorViews ;
// Internal.
var transient const array < Actor > Touching ; // List of touching actors.
var transient const array < Actor > Children ; // array of actors owned by this actor
var const float LatentFloat ; // Internal latent function use.
var const AnimNodeSequence LatentSeqNode ; // Internal latent function use.
// physics volume this actor is currently in
var transient const PhysicsVolume PhysicsVolume ;
// Velocity.
var vector Velocity ;
// Acceleration.
var vector Acceleration ;
// Angular velocity, in radians/sec. Read-only, see RotationRate to set rotation.
var transient const vector AngularVelocity ;
// Attachment related variables
var ( Attachment ) SkeletalMeshComponent BaseSkelComponent ;
var ( Attachment ) name BaseBoneName ;
/** array of actors attached to this actor. */
var const array < Actor > Attached ;
/** location relative to base/bone (valid if base exists) */
var const vector RelativeLocation ;
/** rotation relative to base/bone (valid if base exists) */
var const rotator RelativeRotation ;
/ * * U s e s ' h a r d ' a t t a c h m e n t c o d e . b B l o c k A c t o r m u s t a l s o b e f a l s e .
This actor cannot then move relative to base ( setlocation etc . ) .
Dont set while currently based on something ! * /
var ( Attachment ) const bool bHardAttach ;
/** If TRUE, this actor ignores the effects of changes in its base's rotation on its location and rotation. */
var ( Attachment ) bool bIgnoreBaseRotation ;
/** If TRUE, BaseSkelComponent is used as the shadow parent for this actor.*/
var ( Attachment ) bool bShadowParented ;
/ * * I f T R U E , S k i p m o v e a c t o r c o l l i s i o n c h e c k f o r t h i s a c t o r m o v i n g a s a r e s u l t o f i t s b a s e , t o w h i c h i t i s h a r d a t t a c h e d m o v i n g
- only if this actor doesn ' t block actors . * /
var ( Attachment ) bool bSkipAttachedMoves ;
/** Determines whether or not adhesion code should attempt to adhere to this actor. **/
var bool bCanBeAdheredTo ;
/** Determines whether or not friction code should attempt to friction to this actor. **/
var bool bCanBeFrictionedTo ;
// Display properties.
// Advanced.
var bool bHurtEntry ; // keep HurtRadius from being reentrant
var bool bGameRelevant ; // Always relevant for game
var const bool bMovable ; // Actor can be moved.
var bool bDestroyInPainVolume ; // destroy this actor if it enters a pain volume
var bool bCanBeDamaged ; // can take damage
var bool bShouldBaseAtStartup ; // if true, find base for this actor at level startup, if collides with world and PHYS_None or PHYS_Rotating
var bool bPendingDelete ; // set when actor is about to be deleted (since endstate and other functions called
// during deletion process before bDeleteMe is set).
var bool bCanTeleport ; // This actor can be teleported.
var const bool bAlwaysTick ; // Update even when paused
/** indicates that this Actor can dynamically block AI paths */
var ( Navigation ) bool bBlocksNavigation ;
// Collision.
// Collision primitive.
var ( Collision ) editconst PrimitiveComponent CollisionComponent ;
var native int OverlapTag ;
/** enum for LDs to select collision options - sets Actor flags and that of our CollisionComponent via PostEditChange() */
var ( Collision ) const transient enum ECollisionType
COLLIDE _CustomDefault , // custom programmer set collison (PostEditChange() will restore collision to defaults when this is selected)
COLLIDE _NoCollision , // doesn't collide
COLLIDE _BlockAll , // blocks everything
COLLIDE _BlockWeapons , // only blocks zero extent things (usually weapons)
COLLIDE _TouchAll , // touches (doesn't block) everything
COLLIDE _TouchWeapons , // touches (doesn't block) only zero extent things
COLLIDE _BlockAllButWeapons , // only blocks non-zero extent things (Pawns, etc)
COLLIDE _TouchAllButWeapons , // touches (doesn't block) only non-zero extent things
COLLIDE _BlockWeaponsKickable // Same as BlockWeapons, but enables flags to be kicked by player physics
} CollisionType ;
/ * * u s e d w h e n c o l l i s i o n i s c h a n g e d v i a K i s m e t " C h a n g e C o l l i s i o n " a c t i o n t o s e t c o m p o n e n t f l a g s o n t h e C o l l i s i o n C o m p o n e n t
* will not modify replicated Actor flags regardless of setting
* /
var transient ECollisionType ReplicatedCollisionType ;
/ * * m i r r o r e d c o p y o f C o l l i s i o n C o m p o n e n t ' s B l o c k R i g i d B o d y f o r t h e A c t o r p r o p e r t y w i n d o w f o r L D s ( s o i t ' s n e x t t o C o l l i s i o n T y p e )
* purely for editing convenience and not used at all by the physics code
* /
var ( Collision ) const transient bool BlockRigidBody ;
// Collision flags.
var bool bCollideWhenPlacing ; // This actor collides with the world when placing.
var const bool bCollideActors ; // Collides with other actors.
var bool bCollideWorld ; // Collides with the world.
var ( Collision ) bool bCollideComplex ; // Ignore Simple Collision on Static Meshes, and collide per Poly.
var bool bBlockActors ; // Blocks other nonplayer actors.
var bool bProjTarget ; // Projectiles should potentially target this actor.
var bool bBlocksTeleport ;
/** Controls whether move operations should collide with destructible pieces or not. */
var bool bMoveIgnoresDestruction ;
/** When in PHYS_Projectile, this actor will move with the MOVE_SingleBlocking flag */
var bool bProjectileMoveSingleBlocking ;
/ * *
* For encroachers , don ' t do the overlap check when they move . You will not get touch events for this actor moving , but it is much faster .
* So if you want touch events from volumes or triggers you need to set this to be FALSE .
* This is an optimisation for large numbers of PHYS _RigidBody actors for example .
* /
var ( Collision ) bool bNoEncroachCheck ;
/** If true, this actor collides as an encroacher, even if its physics is not PHYS_RigidBody or PHYS_Interpolating */
var bool bCollideAsEncroacher ;
/** If true, do a zero-extent trace each frame from old to new Location when in PHYS_RigidBody. If it hits the world (ie might be tunneling), call FellOutOfWorld. */
var ( Collision ) bool bPhysRigidBodyOutOfWorldCheck ;
/** Set TRUE if a component is ever attached which is outside the world. OutsideWorldBounds will be called in Tick in this case. */
var const transient bool bComponentOutsideWorld ;
/** If TRUE, components of this Actor will only ever be placed into one node of the octree. This makes insertion faster, but may impact runtime performance */
var bool bForceOctreeSNFilter ;
/** If TRUE, components of this actor will always be added using multinodefilter, even if game is up and the actor is dynamic */
var bool bForceOctreeMNFilter ;
/** RigidBody of CollisionComponent was awake last frame -- used to call OnWakeRBPhysics/OnSleepRBPhysics events */
var const transient bool bRigidBodyWasAwake ;
/** Should call OnWakeRBPhysics/OnSleepRBPhysics events */
var bool bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents ;
// Physics.
// Options.
var bool bBounce ; // Bounces when hits ground fast.
var const bool bJustTeleported ; // Used by engine physics - not valid for scripts.
// Physics properties.
var ( Movement ) rotator RotationRate ; // Change in rotation per second.
/ * *
* PLEASE NOTE DesiredRotation is removed
* This DesiredRotation is moved to Pawn to remove redundant variables usage . ( i . e . between Pawn and Controller )
* Pawn now handles all DesiredRotation and it is only one place .
* All Actor 's DesiredRotation won' t work anymore - Use RotationRate to control Actor ' s rotation
* * /
var Actor PendingTouch ; // Actor touched during move which wants to add an effect after the movement completes
//@note: Pawns have properties that override these values
const MINFLOORZ = 0.7 ; // minimum z value for floor normal (if less, not a walkable floor)
// 0.7 ~= 45 degree angle for floor
const ACTORMAXSTEPHEIGHT = 35.0 ; // max height floor walking actor can step up to
const RBSTATE _ANGVELSCALE = 1000.0 ;
/ * * d e s c r i b e s t h e p h y s i c a l s t a t e o f a r i g i d b o d y
* @ warning : C ++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic . h
* /
struct RigidBodyState
var vector Position ;
var Quat Quaternion ;
var vector LinVel ; // RBSTATE_LINVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
var vector AngVel ; // RBSTATE_ANGVELSCALE times actual (precision reasons)
var byte bNewData ;
} ;
const RB _None = 0x00 ; // Not set, empty
const RB _NeedsUpdate = 0x01 ; // If bNewData & RB_NeedsUpdate != 0 then an update is needed
const RB _Sleeping = 0x02 ; // if bNewData & RB_Sleeping != 0 then this RigidBody needs to sleep
/ * * I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t o n e c o n t a c t b e t w e e n a p a i r o f r i g i d b o d i e s
* @ warning : C ++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic . h
* /
struct RigidBodyContactInfo
var vector ContactPosition ;
var vector ContactNormal ;
var float ContactPenetration ;
var vector ContactVelocity [ 2 ] ;
var PhysicalMaterial PhysMaterial [ 2 ] ;
} ;
/ * * I n f o r m a t i o n a b o u t a n o v e r a l l c o l l i s i o n , i n c l u d i n g c o n t a c t s
* @ warning : C ++ mirroring is in UnPhysPublic . h
* /
struct CollisionImpactData
/** all the contact points in the collision*/
var array < RigidBodyContactInfo > ContactInfos ;
/** the total force applied as the two objects push against each other*/
var vector TotalNormalForceVector ;
/** the total counterforce applied of the two objects sliding against each other*/
var vector TotalFrictionForceVector ;
} ;
/** Struct used to pass back information for physical impact effect */
struct native PhysEffectInfo
var ( ) float Threshold ;
var ( ) float ReFireDelay ;
var ( ) ParticleSystem Effect ;
var ( ) AkBaseSoundObject Sound ;
} ;
// endif
// Mobile device properties
/** Enable this actor to receive the OnMobileTouch event when a player touches this actor when using a touch screen device */
var ( Mobile ) bool bEnableMobileTouch ;
// Networking.
// Symmetric network flags, valid during replication only.
var const bool bNetInitial ; // Initial network update.
var const bool bNetOwner ; // Player owns this actor.
//Editing flags
var const bool bHiddenEd ; // Is hidden within the editor at its startup.
var const bool bEditable ; // Whether the actor can be manipulated by editor operations.
var deprecated const bool bHiddenEdGroup ; // Is hidden by the group browser.
var const bool bHiddenEdLayer ; // Is hidden by the layer browser.
var const bool bHiddenEdCustom ; // custom visibility flag for game-specific editor modes; not used by base editor functionality
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdTemporary ; // Is temporarily hidden within the editor; used for show/hide/etc. functionality w/o dirtying the actor
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdLevel ; // Is hidden by the level browser.
var transient editoronly bool bHiddenEdScene ; // Is hidden by the scene browser.
var ( Advanced ) bool bEdShouldSnap ; // Snap to grid in editor.
var transient const bool bTempEditor ; // Internal UnrealEd.
var ( Collision ) bool bPathColliding ; // this actor should collide (if bWorldGeometry && bBlockActors is true) during path building (ignored if bStatic is true, as actor will always collide during path building)
var transient bool bPathTemp ; // Internal/path building
var bool bScriptInitialized ; // set to prevent re-initializing of actors spawned during level startup
var ( Advanced ) bool bLockLocation ; // Prevent the actor from being moved in the editor.
/** always allow Kismet to modify this Actor, even if it's static and not networked (e.g. for server side only stuff) */
var const bool bForceAllowKismetModification ;
var class < LocalMessage > MessageClass ;
// Enums.
// Traveling from server to server.
enum ETravelType
TRAVEL _Absolute , // Absolute URL.
TRAVEL _Partial , // Partial (carry name, reset server).
TRAVEL _Relative , // Relative URL.
} ;
// double click move direction.
enum EDoubleClickDir
DCLICK _None ,
DCLICK _Left ,
DCLICK _Right ,
DCLICK _Forward ,
DCLICK _Back ,
DCLICK _Active ,
} ;
/** The ticking group this actor belongs to */
var const ETickingGroup TickGroup ;
// Kismet
/** List of all events that this actor can support, for use by the editor */
var const array < class < SequenceEvent > > SupportedEvents ;
/** List of all events currently associated with this actor */
var const array < SequenceEvent > GeneratedEvents ;
/** List of all latent actions currently active on this actor */
var array < SeqAct _Latent > LatentActions ;
/ * *
* Struct used for cross level actor references
* /
struct immutablewhencooked native ActorReference
var ( ) Actor Actor ;
var ( ) editconst const guid Guid ;
FActorReference ( )
Actor = NULL ;
FActorReference ( EEventParm )
appMemzero ( this , sizeof ( FActorReference ) ) ;
explicit FActorReference ( class AActor * InActor , FGuid & InGuid )
Actor = InActor ;
Guid = InGuid ;
// overload various operators to make the reference struct as transparent as possible
FORCEINLINE AActor * operator * ( )
return Actor ;
FORCEINLINE AActor * operator - > ( )
return Actor ;
/** Slow version of deref that will use GUID if Actor is NULL */
AActor * operator ~ ( ) ;
FORCEINLINE FActorReference * operator = ( AActor * TargetActor )
Actor = TargetActor ;
return this ;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator == ( const FActorReference & Ref ) const
return ( Ref != NULL && ( Ref . Actor == Actor ) ) ;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator != ( const FActorReference & Ref ) const
return ( Ref == NULL || ( Ref . Actor != Actor ) ) ;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator == ( AActor * TestActor ) const
return ( Actor == TestActor ) ;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator != ( AActor * TestActor ) const
return ( Actor != TestActor ) ;
FORCEINLINE operator AActor * ( )
return Actor ;
return ( Actor != NULL ) ;
FORCEINLINE UBOOL operator ! ( )
return ( Actor == NULL ) ;
FORCEINLINE class ANavigationPoint * Nav ( )
return ( ( class ANavigationPoint * ) Actor ) ;
friend FArchive & operator << ( FArchive & Ar , FActorReference & T ) ;
} ;
struct immutablewhencooked native NavReference
var ( ) NavigationPoint Nav ;
var ( ) editconst const guid Guid ;
} ;
/ * *
* Struct for handling positions relative to a base actor , which is potentially moving
* /
struct native BasedPosition
var ( ) Actor Base ;
var ( ) Vector Position ;
var Vector CachedBaseLocation ;
var Rotator CachedBaseRotation ;
var Vector CachedTransPosition ;
FBasedPosition ( ) ;
FBasedPosition ( EEventParm ) ;
explicit FBasedPosition ( class AActor * InBase , FVector & InPosition ) ;
// Retrieve world location of this position
FVector operator * ( ) ;
void Set ( class AActor * InBase , FVector & InPosition ) ;
void Clear ( ) ;
friend FArchive & operator << ( FArchive & Ar , FBasedPosition & T ) ;
} ;
var ( Debug ) bool bDebugEffectIsRelevant ;
` define debugEffectIsRelevant(msg,cond) if(bDebugEffectIsRelevant && ` cond ) { DebugMessagePlayer ( ` msg); }
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 0 (PhysX hardware acceleration off) */
var ( Advanced ) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel0 ;
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 1 (Low PhysX hardware acceleration) */
var ( Advanced ) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel1 ;
/** Load this actor if PhysXLevel is 2 (High PhysX hardware acceleration) */
var ( Advanced ) bool bLoadIfPhysXLevel2 ;
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
// game specific
/** Indicates PHYS_Spider Pawns can have their base set to this (set automatically during editor path build) */
var ( Collision ) bool bCrawlable ;
/** Don't check collision against this actor for audio occlusion */
var const bool bIgnoreAudioOcclusion < EditCondition = bOverride _OcclusionFlags > ;
/** Don't check collision against this actor for network relevancy */
var const bool bIgnoreNetRelevancyCollision < EditCondition = bOverride _OcclusionFlags > ;
/** If set, bIgnoreNetRelevancyCollision & bIgnoreAudioOcclusion are set manually */
var const bool bOverride _OcclusionFlags ;
/** Controls how this actor is affected by zed time */
enum EZedTimeType
/** If bIsLocalPlayerInZedTime==TRUE, also in zed time */
ZTT _ClientEffect ,
/** Always affected actors (e.g. GameInfo) */
ZTT _Always ,
/** Never affected actors (e.g. Controller) */
ZTT _Never ,
/** Manually controlled by subclass */
ZTT _Manual
} ;
/** Total tick time passed (adjusted by TimeDilation) since this actor was spawned */
var private transient float ActorTimeSeconds ;
/** If set, do not process conditional/deferred component updates during post tick */
var const transient bool bSkipPostTickComponentUpdate ;
` endif
// cpptext.
// Used to adjust box used for collision in overlap checks which are performed at a location other than the actor's current location.
static FVector OverlapAdjust ;
// Constructors.
virtual void BeginDestroy ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsReadyForFinishDestroy ( ) ;
// UObject interface.
virtual INT * GetOptimizedRepList ( BYTE * InDefault , FPropertyRetirement * Retire , INT * Ptr , UPackageMap * Map , UActorChannel * Channel ) ;
void ProcessEvent ( UFunction * Function , void * Parms , void * Result = NULL ) ;
void ProcessState ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
UBOOL ProcessRemoteFunction ( UFunction * Function , void * Parms , FFrame * Stack ) ;
void ProcessDemoRecFunction ( UFunction * Function , void * Parms , FFrame * Stack ) ;
void InitExecution ( ) ;
virtual void PreEditChange ( UProperty * PropertyThatWillChange ) ;
virtual void PostEditChangeProperty ( FPropertyChangedEvent & PropertyChangedEvent ) ;
virtual void PreSave ( ) ;
virtual void PostLoad ( ) ;
void NetDirty ( UProperty * property ) ;
// AActor interface.
virtual APawn * GetPlayerPawn ( ) const { return NULL ; }
virtual UBOOL IsPlayerPawn ( ) const { return false ; }
virtual UBOOL IgnoreBlockingBy ( const AActor * Other ) const ;
UBOOL IsOwnedBy ( const AActor * TestOwner ) const ;
UBOOL IsBlockedBy ( const AActor * Other , const UPrimitiveComponent * Primitive ) const ;
UBOOL IsBasedOn ( const AActor * Other ) const ;
/** If returns TRUE, can fracture a FSMA, if it has bBreakChunksOnActorTouch set. */
virtual UBOOL CanCauseFractureOnTouch ( )
return FALSE ;
/** Creates offsets for locations based on the editor grid size and active viewport. **/
virtual FVector CreateLocationOffset ( UBOOL bDuplicate , UBOOL bOffsetLocations , INT ViewportType , FLOAT GridSize ) const ;
/ * *
* Utility for finding the PrefabInstance that 'owns' this actor .
* If the actor is not part of a prefab instance , returns NULL .
* If the actor _is _ a PrefabInstance , return itself .
* /
class APrefabInstance * FindOwningPrefabInstance ( ) const ;
AActor * GetBase ( ) const ;
// Editor specific
/ * *
* @ return TRUE if the actor is in the named layer , FALSE otherwise .
* /
UBOOL IsInLayer ( const TCHAR * LayerName ) const ;
/ * *
* Parses the actor ' s layer string into a list of layer names ( strings ) .
* @ param OutLayers [ out ] Receives the list of layer names .
* /
void GetLayers ( TArray < FString > & OutLayers ) const ;
/ * *
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class - specific operation based on widget manipulation .
* The default implementation is simply to translate the actor ' s location .
* /
virtual void EditorApplyTranslation ( const FVector & DeltaTranslation , UBOOL bAltDown , UBOOL bShiftDown , UBOOL bCtrlDown ) ;
/ * *
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class - specific operation based on widget manipulation .
* The default implementation is simply to modify the actor ' s rotation .
* /
virtual void EditorApplyRotation ( const FRotator & DeltaRotation , UBOOL bAltDown , UBOOL bShiftDown , UBOOL bCtrlDown ) ;
/ * *
* Called by ApplyDeltaToActor to perform an actor class - specific operation based on widget manipulation .
* The default implementation is simply to modify the actor ' s draw scale .
* /
virtual void EditorApplyScale ( const FVector & DeltaScale , const FMatrix & ScaleMatrix , const FVector * PivotLocation , UBOOL bAltDown , UBOOL bShiftDown , UBOOL bCtrlDown ) ;
/ * *
* Called by MirrorActors to perform a mirroring operation on the actor
* /
virtual void EditorApplyMirror ( const FVector & MirrorScale , const FVector & PivotLocation ) ;
/ * *
* Simple accessor to check if the actor is hidden upon editor startup
* @ return TRUE if the actor is hidden upon editor startup ; FALSE if it is not
* /
UBOOL IsHiddenEdAtStartup ( ) const
return bHiddenEd ;
// Called before editor copy, TRUE allow export
virtual UBOOL ShouldExport ( ) { return TRUE ; }
// Called before editor paste, TRUE allow import
virtual UBOOL ShouldImport ( FString * ActorPropString , UBOOL IsMovingLevel ) { return TRUE ; }
// For UUnrealEdEngine::UpdatePropertyWindows()
virtual UBOOL GetSelectedComponents ( TArray < UObject * > & SelectedObjects ) { return FALSE ; }
/** Notifications that a key was pressed in the editor */
virtual void OnEditorKeyPressed ( FName Key , EInputEvent Event ) { } ;
/ * *
* Called by ReplaceSelectedActors to allow a new actor to copy properties from an old actor when it is replaced
* @ param OldActor the actor that is being replaced .
* /
virtual void EditorReplacedActor ( AActor * OldActor ) { }
# endif
void EditorUpdateBase ( ) ;
void EditorUpdateAttachedActors ( const TArray < AActor * > & IgnoreActors ) ;
UBOOL IsHiddenEd ( ) const ;
virtual UBOOL IsSelected ( ) const
return ( UObject : : IsSelected ( ) && ! bDeleteMe ) ;
# if _ _TW _
/ * *
* Called when this actor is selected or unselected in the editor .
* @ param bSelected whether the actor is selected or unselected
* /
virtual void EditorSelectionChange ( UBOOL bSelected ) { } ;
# endif
virtual FLOAT GetNetPriority ( const FVector & ViewPos , const FVector & ViewDir , APlayerController * Viewer , UActorChannel * InChannel , FLOAT Time , UBOOL bLowBandwidth ) ;
/ * * t i c k s t h e a c t o r
* @ return TRUE if the actor was ticked , FALSE if it was aborted ( e . g . because it ' s in stasis )
* /
virtual UBOOL Tick ( FLOAT DeltaTime , enum ELevelTick TickType ) ;
/ * *
* bFinished is FALSE while the actor is being continually moved , and becomes TRUE on the last call .
* This can be used to defer computationally intensive calculations to the final PostEditMove call of
* eg a drag operation .
* /
virtual void PostEditMove ( UBOOL bFinished ) ;
virtual void PostRename ( ) ;
virtual void Spawned ( ) ;
/** sets CollisionType to a default value based on the current collision settings of this Actor and its CollisionComponent */
void SetDefaultCollisionType ( ) ;
/** sets collision flags based on the current CollisionType */
void SetCollisionFromCollisionType ( ) ;
virtual void PreNetReceive ( ) ;
virtual void PostNetReceive ( ) ;
virtual void PostNetReceiveLocation ( ) ;
virtual void PostNetReceiveBase ( AActor * NewBase ) ;
// Rendering info.
FMatrix LocalToWorld ( ) const
# if 0
FTranslationMatrix LToW ( - PrePivot ) ;
FScaleMatrix TempScale ( DrawScale3D * DrawScale ) ;
FRotationMatrix TempRot ( Rotation ) ;
FTranslationMatrix TempTrans ( Location ) ;
LToW *= TempScale ;
LToW *= TempRot ;
LToW *= TempTrans ;
return LToW ;
# else
FMatrix Result ;
const FLOAT SR = GMath . SinTab ( Rotation . Roll ) ,
SP = GMath . SinTab ( Rotation . Pitch ) ,
SY = GMath . SinTab ( Rotation . Yaw ) ,
CR = GMath . CosTab ( Rotation . Roll ) ,
CP = GMath . CosTab ( Rotation . Pitch ) ,
CY = GMath . CosTab ( Rotation . Yaw ) ;
const FLOAT LX = Location . X ,
LY = Location . Y ,
LZ = Location . Z ,
PX = PrePivot . X ,
PY = PrePivot . Y ,
PZ = PrePivot . Z ;
const FLOAT DX = DrawScale3D . X * DrawScale ,
DY = DrawScale3D . Y * DrawScale ,
DZ = DrawScale3D . Z * DrawScale ;
Result . M [ 0 ] [ 0 ] = CP * CY * DX ;
Result . M [ 0 ] [ 1 ] = CP * DX * SY ;
Result . M [ 0 ] [ 2 ] = DX * SP ;
Result . M [ 0 ] [ 3 ] = 0. f ;
Result . M [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = DY * ( CY * SP * SR - CR * SY ) ;
Result . M [ 1 ] [ 1 ] = DY * ( CR * CY + SP * SR * SY ) ;
Result . M [ 1 ] [ 2 ] = - CP * DY * SR ;
Result . M [ 1 ] [ 3 ] = 0. f ;
Result . M [ 2 ] [ 0 ] = - DZ * ( CR * CY * SP + SR * SY ) ;
Result . M [ 2 ] [ 1 ] = DZ * ( CY * SR - CR * SP * SY ) ;
Result . M [ 2 ] [ 2 ] = CP * CR * DZ ;
Result . M [ 2 ] [ 3 ] = 0. f ;
Result . M [ 3 ] [ 0 ] = LX - CP * CY * DX * PX + CR * CY * DZ * PZ * SP - CY * DY * PY * SP * SR + CR * DY * PY * SY + DZ * PZ * SR * SY ;
Result . M [ 3 ] [ 1 ] = LY - ( CR * CY * DY * PY + CY * DZ * PZ * SR + CP * DX * PX * SY - CR * DZ * PZ * SP * SY + DY * PY * SP * SR * SY ) ;
Result . M [ 3 ] [ 2 ] = LZ - ( CP * CR * DZ * PZ + DX * PX * SP - CP * DY * PY * SR ) ;
Result . M [ 3 ] [ 3 ] = 1. f ;
return Result ;
# endif
FMatrix WorldToLocal ( ) const
return FTranslationMatrix ( - Location ) *
FInverseRotationMatrix ( Rotation ) *
FScaleMatrix ( FVector ( 1. f / DrawScale3D . X , 1. f / DrawScale3D . Y , 1. f / DrawScale3D . Z ) / DrawScale ) *
FTranslationMatrix ( PrePivot ) ;
/** Returns the size of the extent to use when moving the object through the world */
FVector GetCylinderExtent ( ) const ;
AActor * GetTopOwner ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsPendingKill ( ) const
return bDeleteMe || HasAnyFlags ( RF _PendingKill ) ;
/** Fast check to see if an actor is alive by not being virtual */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL ActorIsPendingKill ( void ) const
return bDeleteMe || HasAnyFlags ( RF _PendingKill ) ;
virtual void PostScriptDestroyed ( ) { } // C++ notification that the script Destroyed() function has been called.
// AActor collision functions.
virtual UBOOL ShouldTrace ( UPrimitiveComponent * Primitive , AActor * SourceActor , DWORD TraceFlags ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsOverlapping ( AActor * Other , FCheckResult * Hit = NULL , UPrimitiveComponent * OtherPrimitiveComponent = NULL , UPrimitiveComponent * MyPrimitiveComponent = NULL ) ;
virtual FBox GetComponentsBoundingBox ( UBOOL bNonColliding = 0 ) const ;
/ * *
* This will check to see if the Actor is still in the world . It will check things like
* the KillZ , SoftKillZ , outside world bounds , etc . and handle the situation .
* * /
void CheckStillInWorld ( ) ;
// AActor general functions.
void UnTouchActors ( ) ;
void FindTouchingActors ( ) ;
# if _ _TW _
virtual void BeginTouch ( AActor * Other , UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp , const FVector & HitLocation , const FVector & HitNormal , UPrimitiveComponent * MyComp = NULL ) ;
# else
void BeginTouch ( AActor * Other , UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp , const FVector & HitLocation , const FVector & HitNormal , UPrimitiveComponent * MyComp = NULL ) ;
# endif
void EndTouch ( AActor * Other , UBOOL NoNotifySelf ) ;
UBOOL IsBrush ( ) const ;
UBOOL IsStaticBrush ( ) const ;
UBOOL IsVolumeBrush ( ) const ;
UBOOL IsBrushShape ( ) const ;
UBOOL IsEncroacher ( ) const ;
virtual UBOOL FindInterpMoveTrack ( class UInterpTrackMove * * MoveTrack , class UInterpTrackInstMove * * MoveTrackInst , class USeqAct _Interp * * OutSeq ) ;
/** whether this Actor wants to be ticked */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL WantsTick ( ) const { return ! bStatic && ! bTickIsDisabled ; }
/** accessor for the value of bStatic */
FORCEINLINE UBOOL IsStatic ( ) const { return bStatic ; }
/ * *
* Returns True if an actor cannot move or be destroyed during gameplay , and can thus cast and receive static shadowing .
* /
UBOOL HasStaticShadowing ( ) const { return bStatic || ( bNoDelete && ! bMovable ) ; }
/ * *
* Sets the hard attach flag by first handling the case of already being
* based upon another actor
* @ param bNewHardAttach the new hard attach setting
* /
virtual void SetHardAttach ( UBOOL bNewHardAttach ) ;
virtual void NotifyBump ( AActor * Other , UPrimitiveComponent * OtherComp , const FVector & HitNormal ) ;
/** Overridden to return what was bumped into */
virtual void NotifyBumpLevel ( AActor * Wall , const FVector & HitLocation , const FVector & HitNormal ) ;
# else
/** notification when actor has bumped against the level */
virtual void NotifyBumpLevel ( const FVector & HitLocation , const FVector & HitNormal ) ;
# endif
void SetCollision ( UBOOL bNewCollideActors , UBOOL bNewBlockActors , UBOOL bNewIgnoreEncroachers ) ;
virtual void SetBase ( AActor * NewBase , FVector NewFloor = FVector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) , INT bNotifyActor = 1 , USkeletalMeshComponent * SkelComp = NULL , FName AttachName = NAME _None ) ;
void UpdateTimers ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
virtual void TickAuthoritative ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
virtual void TickSimulated ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
virtual void TickSpecial ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
virtual UBOOL PlayerControlled ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL IsNetRelevantFor ( APlayerController * RealViewer , AActor * Viewer , const FVector & SrcLocation ) ;
/ * *
* Check if this actor is the owner when doing relevancy checks for actors marked bOnlyRelevantToOwner
* @ param ReplicatedActor - the actor we ' re doing a relevancy test on
* @ param ActorOwner - the owner of ReplicatedActor
* @ param ConnectionActor - the controller of the connection that we ' re doing relevancy checks for
* @ return TRUE if this actor should be considered the owner
* /
virtual UBOOL IsRelevancyOwnerFor ( AActor * ReplicatedActor , AActor * ActorOwner , AActor * ConnectionActor ) ;
/ * * r e t u r n s w h e t h e r t h i s A c t o r s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d r e l e v a n t b e c a u s e i t i s v i s i b l e t h r o u g h
* the other side of any portals RealViewer can see
* /
UBOOL IsRelevantThroughPortals ( APlayerController * RealViewer ) ;
// Level functions
virtual void SetZone ( UBOOL bTest , UBOOL bForceRefresh ) ;
virtual void SetVolumes ( ) ;
virtual void SetVolumes ( const TArray < class AVolume * > & Volumes ) ;
virtual void PreBeginPlay ( ) ;
virtual void PostBeginPlay ( ) ;
/ *
* Play a sound . Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible , and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @ param SoundLocation the location to play the sound ; if not specified , uses the actor ' s location .
* /
void PlaySound ( class USoundCue * InSoundCue , UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE , UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE , UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE , FVector * SoundLocation = NULL , UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE ) ;
void PlayAkEvent ( class UAkEvent * InSoundCue , UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE , UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE , UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE , FVector * SoundLocation = NULL , UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE ) ;
void PlaySoundBase ( class UAkBaseSoundObject * InSoundCue , UBOOL bNotReplicated = FALSE , UBOOL bNoRepToOwner = FALSE , UBOOL bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed = FALSE , FVector * SoundLocation = NULL , UBOOL bNoRepToRelevant = FALSE
# ifdef _ _TW _WWISE _
, FRotator * SoundRotation = NULL // used for echoes
# endif // __TW_WWISE_
) ;
// Physics functions.
virtual void setPhysics ( BYTE NewPhysics , AActor * NewFloor = NULL , FVector NewFloorV = FVector ( 0 , 0 , 1 ) ) ;
virtual void performPhysics ( FLOAT DeltaSeconds ) ;
virtual void physProjectile ( FLOAT deltaTime , INT Iterations ) ;
virtual void BoundProjectileVelocity ( ) ;
virtual void processHitWall ( FCheckResult const & Hit , FLOAT TimeSlice = 0. f ) ;
virtual void processLanded ( FVector const & HitNormal , AActor * HitActor , FLOAT remainingTime , INT Iterations ) ;
virtual void physFalling ( FLOAT deltaTime , INT Iterations ) ;
virtual void physWalking ( FLOAT deltaTime , INT Iterations ) ;
virtual void physNavMeshWalking ( FLOAT deltaTime ) { }
virtual void physCustom ( FLOAT deltaTime , INT Iterations ) { } ;
virtual void physicsRotation ( FLOAT deltaTime , FVector OldVelocity ) ;
inline void TwoWallAdjust ( const FVector & DesiredDir , FVector & Delta , const FVector & HitNormal , const FVector & OldHitNormal , FLOAT HitTime )
if ( ( OldHitNormal | HitNormal ) <= 0. f ) //90 or less corner, so use cross product for dir
FVector NewDir = ( HitNormal ^ OldHitNormal ) ;
NewDir = NewDir . SafeNormal ( ) ;
Delta = ( Delta | NewDir ) * ( 1. f - HitTime ) * NewDir ;
if ( ( DesiredDir | Delta ) < 0. f )
Delta = - 1. f * Delta ;
else //adjust to new wall
Delta = ( Delta - HitNormal * ( Delta | HitNormal ) ) * ( 1. f - HitTime ) ;
if ( ( Delta | DesiredDir ) <= 0. f )
Delta = FVector ( 0. f , 0. f , 0. f ) ;
else if ( Abs ( ( HitNormal | OldHitNormal ) - 1. f ) < KINDA _SMALL _NUMBER )
// we hit the same wall again even after adjusting to move along it the first time
// nudge away from it (this can happen due to precision issues)
Delta += HitNormal * 0.1 f ;
UBOOL moveSmooth ( FVector const & Delta ) ;
virtual FRotator FindSlopeRotation ( const FVector & FloorNormal , const FRotator & NewRotation ) ;
void UpdateRelativeRotation ( ) ;
virtual void GetNetBuoyancy ( FLOAT & NetBuoyancy , FLOAT & NetFluidFriction ) ;
virtual void SmoothHitWall ( FVector const & HitNormal , AActor * HitActor ) ;
virtual void stepUp ( const FVector & GravDir , const FVector & DesiredDir , const FVector & Delta , FCheckResult & Hit ) ;
virtual UBOOL ShrinkCollision ( AActor * HitActor , UPrimitiveComponent * HitComponent , const FVector & StartLocation ) ;
virtual void GrowCollision ( ) { } ;
virtual UBOOL MoveWithInterpMoveTrack ( UInterpTrackMove * MoveTrack , UInterpTrackInstMove * MoveInst , FLOAT CurTime , FLOAT DeltaTime ) ;
virtual void AdjustInterpTrackMove ( FVector & Pos , FRotator & Rot , FLOAT DeltaTime , UBOOL bIgnoreRotation = FALSE ) { }
virtual void physInterpolating ( FLOAT DeltaTime ) ;
virtual void PushedBy ( AActor * Other ) { } ;
virtual void UpdateBasedRotation ( FRotator & FinalRotation , const FRotator & ReducedRotation ) { } ;
virtual void ReverseBasedRotation ( ) { } ;
/** Utility to add extra forces necessary for rigid-body gravity and damping to the collision component. */
void AddRBGravAndDamping ( ) ;
virtual void physRigidBody ( FLOAT DeltaTime ) ;
virtual void physSoftBody ( FLOAT DeltaTime ) ;
virtual void InitRBPhys ( ) ;
virtual void InitRBPhysEditor ( ) { }
virtual void TermRBPhys ( FRBPhysScene * Scene ) ;
/ * *
* Used by the cooker to pre cache the convex data for static meshes within a given actor .
* This data is stored with the level .
* @ param Level - The level the cache is in
* @ param TriByteCount - running total of memory usage for per - tri collision cache
* @ param TriMeshCount - running count of per - tri collision cache
* @ param HullByteCount - running total of memory usage for hull cache
* @ param HullCount - running count of hull cache
* /
virtual void BuildPhysStaticMeshCache ( ULevel * Level ,
INT & TriByteCount , INT & TriMeshCount , INT & HullByteCount , INT & HullCount ) ;
void ApplyNewRBState ( const FRigidBodyState & NewState , FLOAT * AngErrorAccumulator , FVector & OutDeltaPos ) ;
UBOOL GetCurrentRBState ( FRigidBodyState & OutState ) ;
/ * *
* Event called when this Actor is involved in a rigid body collision .
* bNotifyRigidBodyCollision must be true on the physics PrimitiveComponent within this Actor for this event to be called .
* This base class implementation fires off the RigidBodyCollision Kismet event if attached .
* /
virtual void OnRigidBodyCollision ( const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo & MyInfo , const FRigidBodyCollisionInfo & OtherInfo , const FCollisionImpactData & RigidCollisionData ) ;
/** Update information used to detect overlaps between this actor and physics objects, used for 'pushing' things */
virtual void UpdatePushBody ( ) { } ;
virtual void ModifyNxActorDesc ( NxActorDesc & ActorDesc , UPrimitiveComponent * PrimComp , const class NxGroupsMask & GroupsMask , UINT MatIndex ) { }
virtual void PostInitRigidBody ( NxActor * nActor , NxActorDesc & ActorDesc , UPrimitiveComponent * PrimComp ) { }
virtual void PreTermRigidBody ( NxActor * nActor ) { }
virtual void SyncActorToRBPhysics ( ) ;
void SyncActorToClothPhysics ( ) ;
# endif // WITH_NOVODEX
virtual void ModifyPxActor ( PxActor * nActor , UPrimitiveComponent * PrimComp , UPhysicalMaterial * PhysMat ) { }
virtual void PostInitRigidBody ( PxActor * nActor , UPrimitiveComponent * PrimComp ) { }
virtual void PreTermRigidBody ( PxActor * nActor ) { }
virtual void SyncActorToRBPhysics ( ) ;
# endif // WITH_PHYSX
// AnimControl Matinee Track support
/** Used to provide information on the slots that this Actor provides for animation to Matinee. */
virtual void GetAnimControlSlotDesc ( TArray < struct FAnimSlotDesc > & OutSlotDescs ) { }
/ * *
* Called by Matinee when we open it to start controlling animation on this Actor .
* Is also called again when the GroupAnimSets array changes in Matinee , so must support multiple calls .
* /
virtual void PreviewBeginAnimControl ( class UInterpGroup * InInterpGroup ) { }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired sequence by name and position within it. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimPosition ( FName SlotName , INT ChannelIndex , FName InAnimSeqName , FLOAT InPosition , UBOOL bLooping , UBOOL bFireNotifies , UBOOL bEnableRootMotion , FLOAT DeltaTime ) { }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the desired animation channel weights for this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewSetAnimWeights ( TArray < FAnimSlotInfo > & SlotInfos ) { }
/** Called by Matinee when we close it after we have been controlling animation on this Actor. */
virtual void PreviewFinishAnimControl ( class UInterpGroup * InInterpGroup ) { }
/** Function used to control FaceFX animation in the editor (Matinee). */
virtual void PreviewUpdateFaceFX ( UBOOL bForceAnim , const FString & GroupName , const FString & SeqName , FLOAT InPosition ) { }
/** Used by Matinee playback to start a FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorPlayFaceFX ( const FString & GroupName , const FString & SeqName , UAkBaseSoundObject * InSoundCue ) { }
/** Used by Matinee to stop current FaceFX animation playing. */
virtual void PreviewActorStopFaceFX ( ) { }
/** Used in Matinee to get the AudioComponent we should play facial animation audio on. */
virtual UAudioComponent * PreviewGetFaceFXAudioComponent ( ) { return NULL ; }
/** Get the UFaceFXAsset that is currently being used by this Actor when playing facial animations. */
virtual class UFaceFXAsset * PreviewGetActorFaceFXAsset ( ) { return NULL ; }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
virtual void PreviewSetMorphWeight ( FName MorphNodeName , FLOAT MorphWeight ) { }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
virtual void PreviewSetSkelControlScale ( FName SkelControlName , FLOAT Scale ) { }
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the controlstrength on a SkelControl. */
virtual void SetSkelControlStrength ( FName SkelControlName , FLOAT ControlStrength ) { }
// AI functions.
int TestCanSeeMe ( class APlayerController * Viewer ) ;
virtual AActor * AssociatedLevelGeometry ( ) ;
virtual UBOOL HasAssociatedLevelGeometry ( AActor * Other ) ;
UBOOL SuggestTossVelocity ( FVector * TossVelocity , const FVector & Dest , const FVector & Start , FLOAT TossSpeed , FLOAT BaseTossZ , FLOAT DesiredZPct , const FVector & CollisionSize , FLOAT TerminalVelocity , FLOAT OverrideGravityZ = 0. f , UBOOL bOnlyTraceUp = FALSE ) ;
virtual UBOOL ReachedBy ( APawn * P , const FVector & TestPosition , const FVector & Dest ) ;
virtual UBOOL TouchReachSucceeded ( APawn * P , const FVector & TestPosition ) ;
virtual UBOOL BlockedByVehicle ( ) ;
// Special editor behavior
AActor * GetHitActor ( ) ;
/ * *
* Function that gets called from within Map _Check to allow this actor to check itself
* for any potential errors and register them with map check dialog .
* /
virtual INT AddMyMarker ( AActor * S ) { return 0 ; } ;
virtual void ClearMarker ( ) { } ;
virtual void CheckForErrors ( ) ;
virtual void CheckForDeprecated ( ) ;
/ * * t e l l s t h i s A c t o r t o s e t i t s c o l l i s i o n f o r t h e p a t h b u i l d i n g s t a t e
* for normally colliding Actors that AI should path through ( e . g . doors ) or vice versa
* @ param bNowPathBuilding - whether we are now building paths
* /
virtual void SetCollisionForPathBuilding ( UBOOL bNowPathBuilding ) ;
# endif
// path creation
virtual void PrePath ( ) { } ;
virtual void PostPath ( ) { } ;
/ * *
* Return whether this actor is a builder brush or not .
* @ return TRUE if this actor is a builder brush , FALSE otherwise
* /
virtual UBOOL IsABuilderBrush ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
/ * *
* Return whether this actor is the current builder brush or not
* @ return TRUE if htis actor is the current builder brush , FALSE otherwise
* /
virtual UBOOL IsCurrentBuilderBrush ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
virtual UBOOL IsABrush ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
virtual UBOOL IsAVolume ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
virtual UBOOL IsABrushShape ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
virtual UBOOL IsAFluidSurface ( ) const { return FALSE ; }
virtual APlayerController * GetAPlayerController ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual AController * GetAController ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual APawn * GetAPawn ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual const APawn * GetAPawn ( ) const { return NULL ; }
virtual class AVehicle * GetAVehicle ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual AVolume * GetAVolume ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual class AFluidSurfaceActor * GetAFluidSurface ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual class AProjectile * GetAProjectile ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual const class AProjectile * GetAProjectile ( ) const { return NULL ; }
virtual class APortalTeleporter * GetAPortalTeleporter ( ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual ANavigationPoint * GetANavigationPoint ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual const ANavigationPoint * GetANavigationPoint ( ) const { return NULL ; }
# endif
virtual APlayerController * GetTopPlayerController ( )
AActor * TopActor = GetTopOwner ( ) ;
return ( TopActor ? TopActor - > GetAPlayerController ( ) : NULL ) ;
/ * *
* Verifies that neither this actor nor any of its components are RF _Unreachable and therefore pending
* deletion via the GC .
* @ return TRUE if no unreachable actors are referenced , FALSE otherwise
* /
virtual UBOOL VerifyNoUnreachableReferences ( ) ;
virtual void ClearComponents ( ) ;
void ConditionalUpdateComponents ( UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE ) ;
/ * * U s e d b y o c t r e e R e s t r i c t e d O v e r l a p C h e c k t o d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r a n a c t o r s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d
* @ return TRUE is actor should be considered
* /
virtual UBOOL WantsOverlapCheckWith ( AActor * TestActor ) { return TRUE ; } ;
/ * *
* Used by Octree ActorRadius check to determine whether to return a component even if the actor owning the component has already been returned .
* @ RETURN True if component should be returned
* /
virtual UBOOL ForceReturnComponent ( UPrimitiveComponent * TestPrimitive ) { return FALSE ; } ;
protected :
virtual void UpdateComponentsInternal ( UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE ) ;
public :
/ * *
* Flags all components as dirty if in the editor , and then calls UpdateComponents ( ) .
* @ param bCollisionUpdate [ opt ] As per UpdateComponents ; defaults to FALSE .
* @ param bTransformOnly [ opt ] TRUE to update only the component transforms , FALSE to update the entire component .
* /
virtual void ConditionalForceUpdateComponents ( UBOOL bCollisionUpdate = FALSE , UBOOL bTransformOnly = TRUE ) ;
/ * *
* Flags all components as dirty so that they will be guaranteed an update from
* AActor : : Tick ( ) , and also be conditionally reattached by AActor : : ConditionalUpdateComponents ( ) .
* @ param bTransformOnly - True if only the transform has changed .
* /
void MarkComponentsAsDirty ( UBOOL bTransformOnly = TRUE ) ;
/ * *
* Works through the component arrays marking entries as pending kill so references to them
* will be NULL ' ed .
* @ param bAllowComponentOverride Whether to allow component to override marking the setting
* /
virtual void MarkComponentsAsPendingKill ( UBOOL bAllowComponentOverride = FALSE ) ;
/ * *
* Called by the static lighting system , allows this actor to generate static lighting primitives .
* The individual component ' s GetStaticLightingInfo functions will not be called if this returns TRUE .
* /
virtual UBOOL GetActorStaticLightingInfo ( TArray < FStaticLightingPrimitiveInfo > & PrimitiveInfos , const TArray < ULightComponent * > & InRelevantLights , const FLightingBuildOptions & Options )
return FALSE ;
/** Called by the lighting system to allow actors to order their components for deterministic lighting */
virtual void OrderComponentsForDeterministicLighting ( ) { }
virtual void InvalidateLightingCache ( ) ;
virtual void InvalidatePrecomputedVisibility ( ) ;
# endif
/** Called by the static lighting system after lighting has been built. */
virtual void FinalizeStaticLighting ( ) { } ;
virtual UBOOL ActorLineCheck ( FCheckResult & Result , const FVector & End , const FVector & Start , const FVector & Extent , DWORD TraceFlags ) ;
// Natives.
DECLARE _FUNCTION ( execPollSleep ) ;
DECLARE _FUNCTION ( execPollFinishAnim ) ;
// Matinee
void GetInterpFloatPropertyNames ( TArray < FName > & outNames ) ;
void GetInterpVectorPropertyNames ( TArray < FName > & outNames ) ;
void GetInterpColorPropertyNames ( TArray < FName > & outNames ) ;
void GetInterpLinearColorPropertyNames ( TArray < FName > & outNames ) ;
FLOAT * GetInterpFloatPropertyRef ( FName inName , FPointer & outContainer ) ;
FVector * GetInterpVectorPropertyRef ( FName inName ) ;
FColor * GetInterpColorPropertyRef ( FName inName ) ;
FLinearColor * GetInterpLinearColorPropertyRef ( FName inName ) ;
/ * *
* Get the names of any boolean properties of this Actor which are marked as 'interp' .
* Will also look in components of this Actor , and makes the name in the form 'componentname.propertyname' .
* @ param OutNames The names of all the boolean properties marked as 'interp' .
* /
void GetInterpBoolPropertyNames ( TArray < FName > & OutNames ) ;
/ * *
* Looks up the matching boolean property and returns a reference to the actual value .
* @ param InName The name of boolean property to retrieve a reference .
* @ return A pointer to the actual value ; NULL if the property was not found .
* /
BITFIELD * GetInterpBoolPropertyRef ( FName InName , BITFIELD & Mask ) ;
/ * *
* Returns TRUE if this actor is contained by TestLevel .
* @ todo seamless : update once Actor - > Outer != Level
* /
UBOOL IsInLevel ( const ULevel * TestLevel ) const ;
/** Return the ULevel that this Actor is part of. */
ULevel * GetLevel ( ) const ;
/ * *
* Determine whether this actor is referenced by its level ' s GameSequence .
* @ param pReferencer if specified , will be set to the SequenceObject that is referencing this actor .
* @ return TRUE if this actor is referenced by kismet .
* /
UBOOL IsReferencedByKismet ( class USequenceObject * * pReferencer = NULL ) const ;
/ * *
* Do anything needed to clear out cross level references ; Called from ULevel : : PreSave
* /
virtual void ClearCrossLevelReferences ( ) ;
/ * *
* Called when a level is loaded / unloaded , to get a list of all the crosslevel
* paths that need to be fixed up .
* /
virtual void GetActorReferences ( TArray < FActorReference * > & ActorRefs , UBOOL bIsRemovingLevel ) { }
/** Returns ptr to GUID object for this actor. Override in child classes that actually have a GUID */
virtual FGuid * GetGuid ( ) { return NULL ; }
/ *
* Route finding notifications ( sent to target )
* /
virtual class ANavigationPoint * SpecifyEndAnchor ( APawn * RouteFinder ) { return NULL ; }
virtual UBOOL AnchorNeedNotBeReachable ( ) ;
virtual void NotifyAnchorFindingResult ( ANavigationPoint * EndAnchor , APawn * RouteFinder ) { }
virtual UBOOL ShouldHideActor ( FVector const & CameraLocation ) { return FALSE ; }
/ * * @ r e t u r n w h e t h e r t h i s A c t o r h a s e x a c t l y o n e a t t a c h e d c o l l i d i n g c o m p o n e n t ( d i r e c t l y o r i n d i r e c t l y )
* and that component is its CollisionComponent
* /
UBOOL HasSingleCollidingComponent ( ) ;
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, to set the animation weights for the actor. */
virtual void SetAnimWeights ( const TArray < struct FAnimSlotInfo > & SlotInfos ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n t h i s A c t o r w a s m o v e d b e c a u s e i t s B a s e m o v e d , b u t a f t e r t h a t m o v e t h e A c t o r w a s
* encroaching on its Base
* @ param EncroachedBase - the Actor we encroached ( Base will be temporarily NULL when this function is called )
* @ param OverlapHit - result from the overlap check that determined this Actor was encroaching
* @ return whether the encroachment was resolved ( i . e , this Actor is no longer encroaching its base )
* /
virtual UBOOL ResolveAttachedMoveEncroachment ( AActor * EncroachedBase , const FCheckResult & OverlapHit )
return FALSE ;
virtual void OnEditorAnimEnd ( UAnimNodeSequence * SeqNode , FLOAT PlayedTime , FLOAT ExcessTime ) { }
virtual UBOOL Get _bDebug ( ) { return bDebug ; }
/ * *
* Called when this actor is in a level which is being removed from the world ( e . g . my level is getting UWorld : : RemoveFromWorld called on it )
* /
virtual void OnRemoveFromWorld ( ) ;
/ * *
* allows actors to override path collision , but only during cover builds
* allows them to be ignored at path generation time but not ignored during cover build
* /
virtual UBOOL NeedsCollisionOverrideDuringCoverBuild ( ) { return FALSE ; }
// Network replication.
// Location
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && bReplicateMovement
&& ( ( ( RemoteRole == ROLE _AutonomousProxy ) && bNetInitial )
|| ( ( RemoteRole == ROLE _SimulatedProxy ) && ( bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition ) && ( ( Base == None ) || Base . bWorldGeometry ) ) ) )
Location , Rotation ;
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && bReplicateMovement
&& RemoteRole == ROLE _SimulatedProxy )
Base ;
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && bReplicateMovement && ( bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition )
&& RemoteRole == ROLE _SimulatedProxy && ( Base != None ) && ! Base . bWorldGeometry )
RelativeRotation , RelativeLocation ;
// Physics
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && bReplicateMovement
&& ( ( RemoteRole == ROLE _SimulatedProxy ) && ( bNetInitial || bUpdateSimulatedPosition ) ) )
Velocity , Physics ;
// Animation.
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) )
bHardAttach ;
// Properties changed using accessor functions
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) && bNetDirty )
bHidden ;
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) && bNetDirty
&& ( bCollideActors || bCollideWorld ) )
bProjTarget , bBlockActors ;
// Properties changed only when spawning or in script (relationships, rendering, lighting)
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) )
Role , RemoteRole , bNetOwner , bTearOff ;
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority )
&& bNetDirty && bReplicateInstigator )
Instigator ;
// Infrequently changed mesh properties
if ( ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) && bNetDirty )
DrawScale , bCollideActors , bCollideWorld , ReplicatedCollisionType ;
// Properties changed using accessor functions
if ( bNetOwner && ( ! bSkipActorPropertyReplication || bNetInitial ) && ( Role == ROLE _Authority ) && bNetDirty )
Owner ;
// natives.
/ * *
* Flags all components as dirty and then calls UpdateComponents ( ) .
* @ param bCollisionUpdate [ opt ] As per UpdateComponents ; defaults to FALSE .
* @ param bTransformOnly [ opt ] TRUE to update only the component transforms , FALSE to update the entire component .
* /
native function ForceUpdateComponents ( optional bool bCollisionUpdate = FALSE , optional bool bTransformOnly = TRUE ) ;
// Execute a console command in the context of the current level and game engine.
native function string ConsoleCommand ( string Command , optional bool bWriteToLog = true ) ;
// General functions.
// Latent functions.
native ( 256 ) final latent function Sleep ( float Seconds ) ;
native ( 261 ) final latent function FinishAnim ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode , optional bool bFinishOnBlendOut ) ;
// Collision.
native ( 262 ) final noexport function SetCollision ( optional bool bNewColActors , optional bool bNewBlockActors , optional bool bNewIgnoreEncroachers ) ;
native ( 283 ) final function SetCollisionSize ( float NewRadius , float NewHeight ) ;
native final function SetCollisionType ( ECollisionType NewCollisionType ) ;
native final function SetDrawScale ( float NewScale ) ;
native final function SetDrawScale3D ( vector NewScale3D ) ;
// Movement.
native ( 266 ) final function bool Move ( vector Delta ) ;
native ( 267 ) final function bool SetLocation ( vector NewLocation ) ;
native ( 299 ) final function bool SetRotation ( rotator NewRotation ) ;
/** This will return the direction in LocalSpace that that actor is moving. This is useful for firing off effects based on which way the actor is moving. **/
native function EMoveDir MovingWhichWay ( out float Amount ) ;
/ * * u p d a t e s t h e z o n e / P h y s i c s V o l u m e o f t h i s A c t o r
* @ param bForceRefresh - forces the code to do a full collision check instead of exiting early if the current info is valid
* /
native final noexport function SetZone ( bool bForceRefresh ) ;
// SetRelativeRotation() sets the rotation relative to the actor's base
native final function bool SetRelativeRotation ( rotator NewRotation ) ;
native final function bool SetRelativeLocation ( vector NewLocation ) ;
native final function noexport SetHardAttach ( optional bool bNewHardAttach ) ;
/ * *
* This will look over the set of all attached of components that are SetBased on this Actor
* and then ShadowParent them to our MyPrimComp and use MyLightEnv .
* * /
native simulated function SetShadowParentOnAllAttachedComponents ( PrimitiveComponent MyPrimComp , LightEnvironmentComponent MyLightEnv ) ;
/ * * R e t u r n s a n e w r o t a t i o n c o m p o n e n t v a l u e
* @ PARAM Current is the current rotation value
* @ PARAM Desired is the desired rotation value
* @ PARAM DeltaRate is the rotation amount to apply
* /
native final function int fixedTurn ( int Current , int Desired , int DeltaRate ) ;
native ( 3969 ) noexport final function bool MoveSmooth ( vector Delta ) ;
native ( 3971 ) final function AutonomousPhysics ( float DeltaSeconds ) ;
/ * * r e t u r n s t e r m i n a l v e l o c i t y ( m a x s p e e d w h i l e f a l l i n g ) f o r t h i s a c t o r . U n l e s s o v e r r i d d e n , i t r e t u r n s t h e T e r m i n a l V e l o c i t y o f t h e P h y s i c s V o l u m e i n w h i c h t h i s a c t o r i s l o c a t e d .
* /
native function float GetTerminalVelocity ( ) ;
// Relations.
native ( 298 ) noexport final function SetBase ( actor NewBase , optional vector NewFloor , optional SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp , optional name AttachName ) ;
native ( 272 ) final function SetOwner ( actor NewOwner ) ;
/** Attempts to find a valid base for this actor and sets it as the current base if found */
native function FindBase ( ) ;
/** Attempts to find a base for this actor; does not modify the actor's base. HeightBelow is the number of units below center to trace (FindBase uses 8) */
native function SearchForBaseBelow ( float HeightBelow , out Actor NewBase , out vector HitNormal ) ;
/ * * i t e r a t e s u p t h e B a s e c h a i n t o s e e w h e t h e r o r n o t t h i s A c t o r i s b a s e d o n t h e g i v e n A c t o r
* @ param TestActor the Actor to test for
* @ return whether or not this Actor is based on TestActor
* /
native noexport final function bool IsBasedOn ( Actor TestActor ) ;
/** Walks up the Base chain from this Actor and returns the Actor at the top (the eventual Base). this->Base is NULL, returns this. */
native function Actor GetBaseMost ( ) ;
/ * * i t e r a t e s u p t h e O w n e r c h a i n t o s e e w h e t h e r o r n o t t h i s A c t o r i s o w n e d b y t h e g i v e n A c t o r
* @ param TestActor the Actor to test for
* @ return whether or not this Actor is owned by TestActor
* /
native noexport final function bool IsOwnedBy ( Actor TestActor ) ;
/** This will compute the aggregate velocity all the way up the Base chain */
native final function Vector GetAggregateBaseVelocity ( optional Actor TestBase ) ;
simulated event ReplicatedEvent ( name VarName ) ; // Called when a variable with the property flag "RepNotify" is replicated
/ * * a d d s / r e m o v e s a p r o p e r t y f r o m a l i s t o f p r o p e r t i e s t h a t w i l l a l w a y s b e r e p l i c a t e d w h e n t h i s A c t o r i s b N e t I n i t i a l , e v e n i f t h e c o d e t h i n k s
* the client has the same value the server already does
* This is a workaround to the problem where an LD places an Actor in the level , changes a replicated variable away from the defaults ,
* then at runtime the variable is changed back to the default but it doesn ' t replicate because initial replication is based on class defaults
* Only has an effect when called on bStatic or bNoDelete Actors
* Only properties already in the owning class ' s replication block may be specified
* @ param PropToReplicate the property to add or remove to the list
* @ param bAdd true to add the property , false to remove the property
* /
native final function SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property PropToReplicate , bool bAdd ) ;
/** This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition. */
native static final function Vect2BP ( out BasedPosition BP , Vector Pos , optional Actor ForcedBase ) const ;
/** This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it **/
native static final function Vector BP2Vect ( BasedPosition BP ) const ;
// legacy versions of the above
/** This will calculate and then set the passed in BasedPosition. This is just modifying the passed in BasedPosition. */
native static final function SetBasedPosition ( out BasedPosition BP , Vector Pos , optional Actor ForcedBase ) const ;
/** This will take the BasedPosition passed and return a Vector for it **/
native static final function Vector GetBasedPosition ( BasedPosition BP ) const ;
// Rendering.
/** Flush persistent lines */
native static final function FlushPersistentDebugLines ( ) const ;
/** Draw a debug line */
native static final function DrawDebugLine ( vector LineStart , vector LineEnd , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug point */
native static final function DrawDebugPoint ( vector Position , float Size , LinearColor PointColor , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug box */
native static final function DrawDebugBox ( vector Center , vector Extent , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug star */
native static final function DrawDebugStar ( vector Position , float Size , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw Debug coordinate system */
native static final function DrawDebugCoordinateSystem ( vector AxisLoc , Rotator AxisRot , float Scale , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug sphere */
native static final function DrawDebugSphere ( vector Center , float Radius , INT Segments , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug cylinder */
native static final function DrawDebugCylinder ( vector Start , vector End , float Radius , INT Segments , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ; // SLOW! Use for debugging only!
/** Draw a debug cone */
native static final function DrawDebugCone ( Vector Origin , Vector Direction , FLOAT Length , FLOAT AngleWidth , FLOAT AngleHeight , INT NumSides , Color DrawColor , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ;
/ * * D r a w D e b u g s t r i n g i n t h e w o r l d ( S L O W , u s e o n l y i n d e b u g )
* @ param TextLocation - location the string should be drawn ( NOTE : if base actor is non - null this will be treated as an offset from that actor )
* @ param Text - text to draw
* @ param TestBaseActor ( optional ) - actor the string should be attached to ( none if it should be static )
* @ param Color ( optional ) - the color of the text to draw
* @ param Duration ( optional ) - the duration the text should stick around ; defauls to forever
* /
native static final function DrawDebugString ( vector TextLocation , coerce string Text , optional Actor TestBaseActor , optional color TextColor , optional float Duration = - 1. f ) const ;
native static final function DrawDebugFrustrum ( const out Matrix FrustumToWorld , byte R , byte G , byte B , optional bool bPersistentLines ) const ;
/** clear all debug strings */
native static final function exec FlushDebugStrings ( ) const ;
/** Draw some value over time onto the StatChart. Toggle on and off with */
native final function ChartData ( string DataName , float DataValue ) ;
/ * *
* Changes the value of bHidden .
* @ param bNewHidden - The value to assign to bHidden .
* /
native final function SetHidden ( bool bNewHidden ) ;
/ * * c h a n g e s t h e v a l u e o f b O n l y O w n e r S e e
* @ param bNewOnlyOwnerSee the new value to assign to bOnlyOwnerSee
* /
native final function SetOnlyOwnerSee ( bool bNewOnlyOwnerSee ) ;
// Physics.
native ( 3970 ) noexport final function SetPhysics ( EPhysics newPhysics ) ;
// Timing
native final function Clock ( out float time ) ;
native final function UnClock ( out float time ) ;
// Components
/ * *
* Adds a component to the actor ' s components array , attaching it to the actor .
* @ param NewComponent - The component to attach .
* /
native final function AttachComponent ( ActorComponent NewComponent ) ;
/ * *
* Removes a component from the actor ' s components array , detaching it from the actor .
* @ param ExComponent - The component to detach .
* /
native final function DetachComponent ( ActorComponent ExComponent ) ;
/ * *
* Detaches and immediately reattaches specified component . Handles bWillReattach properly .
* /
native final function ReattachComponent ( ActorComponent ComponentToReattach ) ;
/** Changes the ticking group for this actor */
native final function SetTickGroup ( ETickingGroup NewTickGroup ) ;
/ * * t u r n s o n o r o f f t h i s A c t o r ' s d e s i r e t o b e t i c k e d ( b T i c k I s D i s a b l e d )
* because this is implemented as a separate tickable list , calls to this function
* to disable ticking will not take effect until the end of the current list to avoid shuffling
* elements around while they are being iterated over
* /
native final function SetTickIsDisabled ( bool bInDisabled ) ;
// Engine notification functions.
// Major notifications.
event Destroyed ( ) ;
event GainedChild ( Actor Other ) ;
event LostChild ( Actor Other ) ;
event Tick ( float DeltaTime ) ;
// Physics & world interaction.
event Timer ( ) ;
event HitWall ( vector HitNormal , actor Wall , PrimitiveComponent WallComp )
TriggerEventClass ( class 'SeqEvent_HitWall' , Wall ) ;
event Falling ( ) ;
event Landed ( vector HitNormal , actor FloorActor ) ;
event PhysicsVolumeChange ( PhysicsVolume NewVolume ) ;
event Touch ( Actor Other , PrimitiveComponent OtherComp , vector HitLocation , vector HitNormal ) ;
event PostTouch ( Actor Other ) ; // called for PendingTouch actor after physics completes
event UnTouch ( Actor Other ) ;
event Bump ( Actor Other , PrimitiveComponent OtherComp , Vector HitNormal ) ;
event BaseChange ( ) ;
event Attach ( Actor Other ) ;
event Detach ( Actor Other ) ;
event Actor SpecialHandling ( Pawn Other ) ;
/ * *
* Called when collision values change for this actor ( via SetCollision / SetCollisionSize ) .
* /
event CollisionChanged ( ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n t h i s A c t o r i s e n c r o a c h i n g o n O t h e r a n d w e c o u l d n ' t f i n d a n a p p r o p r i a t e p l a c e t o p u s h O t h e r t o
* @ return true to abort the move , false to allow it
* @ warning do not abort moves of PHYS _RigidBody actors as that will cause the Unreal location and physics engine location to mismatch
* /
event bool EncroachingOn ( Actor Other ) ;
event EncroachedBy ( actor Other ) ;
event RanInto ( Actor Other ) ; // called for encroaching actors which successfully moved the other actor out of the way
/** RigidBody woke up after being stationary - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnWakeRBPhysics ( ) ;
/** RigidBody went to sleep after being awake - only valid if bCallRigidBodyWakeEvents==TRUE */
event OnSleepRBPhysics ( ) ;
/** Clamps out_Rot between the upper and lower limits offset from the base */
simulated final native function bool ClampRotation ( out Rotator out _Rot , Rotator rBase , Rotator rUpperLimits , Rotator rLowerLimits ) ;
/** Called by ClampRotation if the rotator was outside of the limits */
simulated event bool OverRotated ( out Rotator out _Desired , out Rotator out _Actual ) ;
/ * *
* Called when being activated by the specified pawn . Default
* implementation searches for any SeqEvent _Used and activates
* them .
* @ return true to indicate this actor was activated
* /
function bool UsedBy ( Pawn User )
return TriggerEventClass ( class 'SeqEvent_Used' , User , - 1 ) ;
/** called when the actor falls out of the world 'safely' (below KillZ and such) */
simulated event FellOutOfWorld ( class < DamageType > dmgType )
SetPhysics ( PHYS _None ) ;
SetHidden ( True ) ;
SetCollision ( false , false ) ;
Destroy ( ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n t h e A c t o r i s o u t s i d e t h e h a r d l i m i t o n w o r l d b o u n d s
* @ note physics and collision are automatically turned off after calling this function
* /
simulated event OutsideWorldBounds ( )
Destroy ( ) ;
/** Called when an Actor should be destroyed by a pain volume. */
simulated function VolumeBasedDestroy ( PhysicsVolume PV )
Destroy ( ) ;
/ * *
* Trace a line and see what it collides with first .
* Takes this actor ' s collision properties into account .
* Returns first hit actor , Level if hit level , or None if hit nothing .
* /
native ( 277 ) noexport final function Actor Trace
out vector HitLocation ,
out vector HitNormal ,
vector TraceEnd ,
optional vector TraceStart ,
optional bool bTraceActors ,
optional vector Extent ,
optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo ,
optional int ExtraTraceFlags
) ;
/ * *
* Run a line check against just this PrimitiveComponent . Return TRUE if we hit .
* NOTE : the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant !
* /
native noexport final function bool TraceComponent
out vector HitLocation ,
out vector HitNormal ,
PrimitiveComponent InComponent ,
vector TraceEnd ,
optional vector TraceStart ,
optional vector Extent ,
optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo ,
optional bool bComplexCollision
) ;
/ * *
* Run a point check against just this PrimitiveComponent . Return TRUE if we hit .
* NOTE : the actual Actor we call this on is irrelevant !
* /
native noexport final function bool PointCheckComponent
PrimitiveComponent InComponent ,
vector PointLocation ,
vector PointExtent
) ;
// returns true if did not hit world geometry
native ( 548 ) noexport final function bool FastTrace
vector TraceEnd ,
optional vector TraceStart ,
optional vector BoxExtent ,
optional bool bTraceBullet
) ;
native noexport final function bool TraceAllPhysicsAssetInteractions
SkeletalMeshComponent SkelMeshComp ,
Vector EndTrace ,
Vector StartTrace ,
out Array < ImpactInfo > out _Hits ,
optional Vector Extent
` if( ` _ _TW _HITZONE _DETECTION _ )
optional bool bTraceHitZones
` endif
) ;
/ *
* Tries to position a box to avoid overlapping world geometry .
* If no overlap , the box is placed at SpotLocation , otherwise the position is adjusted
* @ Parameter BoxExtent is the collision extent ( X and Y = CollisionRadius , Z = CollisionHeight )
* @ Parameter SpotLocation is the position where the box should be placed . Contains the adjusted location if it is adjusted .
* @ Return true if successful in finding a valid non - world geometry overlapping location
* /
native final function bool FindSpot ( vector BoxExtent , out vector SpotLocation ) ;
native final function bool ContainsPoint ( vector Spot ) ;
native noexport final function bool IsOverlapping ( Actor A ) ;
native final function GetComponentsBoundingBox ( out box ActorBox ) const ;
native function GetBoundingCylinder ( out float CollisionRadius , out float CollisionHeight ) const ;
/** @return whether this Actor may be blocked by any primitive of Other */
native final noexport function bool IsBlockedBy ( const Actor Other ) const ;
/ * * S p a w n a n a c t o r . R e t u r n s a n a c t o r o f t h e s p e c i f i e d c l a s s , n o t
* of class Actor ( this is hardcoded in the compiler ) . Returns None
* if the actor could not be spawned ( if that happens , there will be a log warning indicating why )
* Defaults to spawning at the spawner ' s location .
* @ note : ActorTemplate is sent for replicated actors and therefore its properties will also be applied
* at initial creation on the client . However , because of this , ActorTemplate must be a static resource
* ( an actor archetype , default object , or a bStatic / bNoDelete actor in a level package )
* or the spawned Actor cannot be replicated
* /
native noexport final function coerce actor Spawn
class < actor > SpawnClass ,
optional actor SpawnOwner ,
optional name SpawnTag ,
optional vector SpawnLocation ,
optional rotator SpawnRotation ,
optional Actor ActorTemplate ,
optional bool bNoCollisionFail
) ;
// Destroy this actor. Returns true if destroyed, false if indestructible.
// Destruction is latent. It occurs at the end of the tick.
native ( 279 ) final noexport function bool Destroy ( ) ;
// Networking - called on client when actor is torn off (bTearOff==true)
event TornOff ( ) ;
// Timing.
/ * *
* Sets a timer to call the given function at a set
* interval . Defaults to calling the 'Timer' event if
* no function is specified . If InRate is set to
* 0. f it will effectively disable the previous timer .
* NOTE : Functions with parameters are not supported !
* @ param InRate the amount of time to pass between firing
* @ param inbLoop whether to keep firing or only fire once
* @ param inTimerFunc the name of the function to call when the timer fires
* /
native ( 280 ) final function SetTimer ( float InRate , optional bool inbLoop , optional Name inTimerFunc = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Clears a previously set timer , identical to calling
* SetTimer ( ) with a <= 0. f rate .
* @ param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
* /
native final function ClearTimer ( optional Name inTimerFunc = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Clears all previously set timers
* /
native final function ClearAllTimers ( optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Pauses / Unpauses a previously set timer
* @ param bPause whether to pause / unpause the timer
* @ param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to pause or the default one if not specified
* @ param inObj object timer is attached to
* /
native final function PauseTimer ( bool bPause , optional Name inTimerFunc = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Returns true if the specified timer is active , defaults
* to 'Timer' if no function is specified .
* @ param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
* /
native final function bool IsTimerActive ( optional Name inTimerFunc = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Gets the current count for the specified timer , defaults
* to 'Timer' if no function is specified . Returns - 1. f
* if the timer is not currently active .
* @ param inTimerFunc the name of the timer to remove or the default one if not specified
* /
native final function float GetTimerCount ( optional Name inTimerFunc = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
/ * *
* Gets the current rate for the specified timer .
* @ note : GetTimerRate ( 'SomeTimer' ) - GetTimerCount ( 'SomeTimer' ) is the time remaining before 'SomeTimer' is called
* @ param : TimerFuncName the name of the function to check for a timer for ; 'Timer' is the default
* @ return the rate for the given timer , or - 1. f if that timer is not active
* /
native final function float GetTimerRate ( optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj ) ;
simulated final function float GetRemainingTimeForTimer ( optional name TimerFuncName = 'Timer' , optional Object inObj )
local float Count , Rate ;
Rate = GetTimerRate ( TimerFuncName , inObj ) ;
if ( Rate != - 1. f )
Count = GetTimerCount ( TimerFuncName , inObj ) ;
return Rate - Count ;
return - 1. f ;
/** This will search the Timers on this actor and set the passed in TimerTimeDilation **/
native final function ModifyTimerTimeDilation ( const name TimerName , const float InTimerTimeDilation , optional Object inObj ) ;
/** This will search the Timers on this actor and reset the TimerTimeDilation to 1.0f **/
native final function ResetTimerTimeDilation ( const name TimerName , optional Object inObj ) ;
// Sound functions.
/ * C r e a t e a n a u d i o c o m p o n e n t .
* may fail and return None if sound is disabled , there are too many sounds playing , or if the Location is out of range of all listeners
* /
native final function AudioComponent CreateAudioComponent ( SoundCue InSoundCue , optional bool bPlay , optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed , optional bool bUseLocation , optional vector SourceLocation , optional bool bAttachToSelf = true ) ;
/ *
* Play a sound . Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible , and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @ param InSoundCue - the sound to play
* @ param bNotReplicated ( opt ) - sound is considered only for players on this machine ( supercedes other flags )
* @ param bNoRepToOwner ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor ( typically for Inventory sounds )
* @ param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed ( opt ) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @ param SoundLocation ( opt ) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor ' s Location
* @ param bNoRepToRelevant ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant ( for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible )
* /
native noexport final function PlaySound ( SoundCue InSoundCue , optional bool bNotReplicated , optional bool bNoRepToOwner , optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed , optional vector SoundLocation , optional bool bNoRepToRelevant ) ;
/ *
* Play an AkEvent , SoundCue style . Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible , and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @ param InAkEvent - the sound to play
* @ param bNotReplicated ( opt ) - sound is considered only for players on this machine ( supercedes other flags )
* @ param bNoRepToOwner ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor ( typically for Inventory sounds )
* @ param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed ( opt ) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @ param SoundLocation ( opt ) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor ' s Location
* @ param bNoRepToRelevant ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant ( for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible )
* /
native noexport final function PlayAkEvent ( AkEvent InSoundCue , optional bool bNotReplicated , optional bool bNoRepToOwner , optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed , optional vector SoundLocation , optional bool bNoRepToRelevant ) ;
/ *
* Play an AkEvent or a SoundCue . Creates an AudioComponent only if the sound is determined to be audible , and replicates the sound to clients based on optional flags
* @ param InAkEvent - the sound to play
* @ param bNotReplicated ( opt ) - sound is considered only for players on this machine ( supercedes other flags )
* @ param bNoRepToOwner ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to the Owner of this Actor ( typically for Inventory sounds )
* @ param bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed ( opt ) - whether the sound should cut out early if the playing Actor is destroyed
* @ param SoundLocation ( opt ) - alternate location to play the sound instead of this Actor ' s Location
* @ param bNoRepToRelevant ( opt ) - sound is not replicated to clients for which this Actor is relevant ( for important sounds that are locally simulated when possible )
* @ param SoundRotation ( opt ) - rotation to use for playing advanced echo effects when using an AKEventAdvanced for the InSoundCue
* /
native noexport final function PlaySoundBase ( AkBaseSoundObject InSoundCue , optional bool bNotReplicated , optional bool bNoRepToOwner , optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed , optional vector SoundLocation , optional bool bNoRepToRelevant
` if( ` _ _TW _WWISE _ )
, optional rotator SoundRotation // used for echoes
` endif //__TW_WWISE_
) ;
/ *
* Post an AkEvent .
* @ param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @ param bIsOccluded ( opt ) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
* @ param bIsSpatialized ( opt ) - whether event should be spatialized or not
* /
native final function PostAkEvent ( AkEvent InAkEvent
` if( ` _ _TW _WWISE _ )
, optional bool bIsOccluded
, optional bool bIsSpatialized
, optional bool bStopWhenOwnerDestroyed
` endif //__TW_WWISE_
) ;
` if( ` _ _TW _WWISE _ )
/ *
* Post an AkEvent .
* @ param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @ param bIsOccluded ( opt ) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
* /
native final function PostAkEventAtLocation ( AkEvent InAkEvent , vector SoundLocation , optional bool bIsOccluded ) ;
/ *
* Post an AkEvent to play on a specified bone of the actor .
* @ param InAkEvent - AkEvent to play on the current actor
* @ param BoneName - Bone to attach the event to
* @ param bIsOccluded ( opt ) - whether event has been determined to be occluded
* @ param bIsSpatialized ( opt ) - whether event should be spatialized or not
* * /
native final function PostAkEventOnBone ( AkEvent InAkEvent , name BoneName , optional bool bIsOccluded , optional bool bIsSpatialized ) ;
/ *
* Stop all AkEvents that are currently playing on the given bone
* /
native final function StopAkEventsOnBone ( name BoneName ) ;
/ *
* Set an RTPC value .
* @ param InRTPC - Name of the RTPC value to be modified
* @ param targetvalue - Target value of the RTPC for the current actor
* @ param bGlobal - Set this RPC with Global scope rather than Actor scope
* /
native final function SetRTPCValue ( Name InRTPC , float targetvalue , optional bool bGlobal ) ;
/ * * r e t u r n s t h e r o t a t i o n t o u s e w h e n p l a y i n g A K E v e n t s o u n d s t h a t
* require a rotation
* /
native simulated function rotator GetAKRotation ( ) ;
` else
/ *
* Set an RTPC value .
* @ param InRTPC - Name of the RTPC value to be modified
* @ param targetvalue - Target value of the RTPC for the current actor
* /
native final function SetRTPCValue ( Name InRTPC , float targetvalue ) ;
` endif // __TW_WWISE_
/ *
* Set State for AkAudio .
* @ param InStateGroup - Name of the State Group to be modified
* @ param InState - Target value of the state ( Not Specific to this actor )
* /
native final function SetState ( Name InStateGroup , Name InState ) ;
/ *
* Set Switch for AkAudio .
* @ param InStateGroup - Name of the Switch Group to be modified
* @ param InState - Target value of the switch ( Will apply on this specific actor )
* /
native final function SetSwitch ( Name InSwitchGroup , Name InSwitch ) ;
/ *
* Post Trigger for AkAudio .
* @ param InTrigger - Name of the Trigger to be posted
* /
native final function PostTrigger ( Name InTrigger ) ;
/ *
* Post Trigger for AkAudio .
* @ param InTrigger - Name of the Trigger to be posted
* /
native final function ActivateOcclusion ( bool bInActivate ) ;
// AI functions.
/ * I n f o r m o t h e r c r e a t u r e s t h a t y o u ' v e m a d e a n o i s e
they might hear ( they are sent a HearNoise message )
Senders of MakeNoise should have an instigator if they are not pawns .
* /
native ( 512 ) final function MakeNoise ( float Loudness , optional Name NoiseType ) ;
/ * P l a y e r C a n S e e M e r e t u r n s t r u e i f a n y p l a y e r ( s e r v e r ) o r t h e l o c a l p l a y e r ( s t a n d a l o n e
* or client ) has a line of sight to actor ' s location .
* @ param bForceLOSCheck ( opt ) - If set , force a line of sight check instead of relying on the occlusion checks
* /
native ( 532 ) final function bool PlayerCanSeeMe ( optional bool bForceLOSCheck ) ;
/ * e p i c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* : : SuggestTossVelocity ( )
* returns a recommended Toss velocity vector , given a destination and a Toss speed magnitude
* @ param TossVelocity - out param stuffed with the computed velocity to use
* @ param End - desired end point of arc
* @ param Start - desired start point of arc
* @ param TossSpeed - in the magnitude of the toss - assumed to only change due to gravity for the entire lifetime of the projectile
* @ param BaseTossZ - is an additional Z direction force added to the toss ( which will not be included in the returned TossVelocity ) - ( defaults to 0 )
* @ param DesiredZPct ( optional ) - is the requested pct of the toss in the z direction ( 0 = toss horizontally , 0.5 = toss at 45 degrees ) . This is the starting point for finding a toss . ( Defaults to 0.05 ) .
* the purpose of this is to bias the test in cases where there is more than one solution
* @ param CollisionSize ( optional ) - is the size of bunding box of the tossed actor ( defaults to ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
* @ param TerminalVelocity ( optional ) - terminal velocity of the projectile
* @ param OverrideGravityZ ( optional ) - gravity inflicted upon the projectile in the z direction
* @ param bOnlyTraceUp ( optional ) - when TRUE collision checks verifying the arc will only be done along the upward portion of the arc
* @ return - TRUE / FALSE depending on whether a valid arc was computed
* /
native noexport final function bool SuggestTossVelocity ( out vector TossVelocity ,
vector Destination ,
vector Start ,
float TossSpeed ,
optional float BaseTossZ ,
optional float DesiredZPct ,
optional vector CollisionSize ,
optional float TerminalVelocity ,
optional float OverrideGravityZ /* = GetGravityZ() */ ,
optional bool bOnlyTraceUp ) ;
/ * * C a l c u l a t e M i n S p e e d T r a j e c t o r y ( )
* returns a velocity that will result in a trajectory that minimizes the speed of the projectile within the given range
* @ param out _Velocity - out param stuffed with the computed velocity to use
* @ param End - desired end point of arc
* @ param Start - desired start point of arc
* @ param MaxTossSpeed - Max acceptable speed of projectile
* @ param MinTossSpeed - Min Acceptable speed of projectile
* @ param CollisionSize ( optional ) - is the size of bunding box of the tossed actor ( defaults to ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
* @ param TerminalVelocity ( optional ) - terminal velocity of the projectile
* @ param GravityZ ( optional ) - gravity inflicted upon the projectile in the z direction
* @ param bOnlyTraceUp ( optional ) - when TRUE collision checks verifying the arc will only be done along the upward portion of the arc
* @ return - TRUE / FALSE depending on whether a valid arc was computed
* /
native final function bool CalculateMinSpeedTrajectory ( out vector out _Velocity ,
vector End ,
vector Start ,
float MaxTossSpeed ,
float MinTossSpeed ,
optional vector CollisionSize ,
optional float TerminalVelocity ,
optional float GravityZ = GetGravityZ ( ) ,
optional bool bOnlyTraceUp ) ;
/ * * r e t u r n s t h e p o s i t i o n t h e A I s h o u l d m o v e t o w a r d t o r e a c h t h i s a c t o r
* accounts for AI using path lanes , cutting corners , and other special adjustments
* /
native final virtual function vector GetDestination ( Controller C ) ;
// Regular engine functions.
// Teleportation.
function bool PreTeleport ( Teleporter InTeleporter ) ;
function PostTeleport ( Teleporter OutTeleporter ) ;
// Disk access.
// Find files.
native ( 547 ) final function string GetURLMap ( ) ;
// Iterator functions.
// Iterator functions for dealing with sets of actors.
/ * A l l A c t o r s ( ) - a v o i d u s i n g A l l A c t o r s ( ) t o o o f t e n a s i t i t e r a t e s t h r o u g h t h e w h o l e a c t o r l i s t a n d i s t h e r e f o r e s l o w
* /
native ( 304 ) final iterator function AllActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , optional class < Interface > InterfaceClass ) ;
/ * D y n a m i c A c t o r s ( ) o n l y i t e r a t e s t h r o u g h t h e n o n - s t a t i c a c t o r s o n t h e l i s t ( s t i l l r e l a t i v e l y s l o w , b u t
much better than AllActors ) . This should be used in most cases and replaces AllActors in most of
Epic ' s game code .
* /
native ( 313 ) final iterator function DynamicActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , optional class < Interface > InterfaceClass ) ;
/ * C h i l d A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s a l l a c t o r s o w n e d b y t h i s a c t o r . S l o w l i k e A l l A c t o r s ( )
* /
native ( 305 ) final iterator function ChildActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor ) ;
/ * B a s e d A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s a l l a c t o r s b a s e d o n t h e c u r r e n t a c t o r ( f a s t )
* /
native ( 306 ) final iterator function BasedActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor ) ;
/ * T o u c h i n g A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s a l l a c t o r s t o u c h i n g t h e c u r r e n t a c t o r ( f a s t )
* /
native ( 307 ) final iterator function TouchingActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor ) ;
/ * T r a c e A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n a l l a c t o r s a l o n g a t r a c e d l i n e . R e a s o n a b l y f a s t ( l i k e a n y t r a c e )
* /
native ( 309 ) final iterator function TraceActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , out vector HitLoc , out vector HitNorm , vector End , optional vector Start , optional vector Extent , optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo , optional int ExtraTraceFlags ) ;
/ * V i s i b l e A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s a l l v i s i b l e ( n o t b H i d d e n ) a c t o r s w i t h i n a r a d i u s
for which a trace from Loc ( which defaults to caller 's Location) to that actor' s Location does not hit the world .
Slow like AllActors ( ) . Use VisibleCollidingActors ( ) instead if desired actor types are in the collision hash ( bCollideActors is true )
* /
native ( 311 ) final iterator function VisibleActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , optional float Radius , optional vector Loc ) ;
/ * V i s i b l e C o l l i d i n g A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s a l l c o l l i d i n g ( b C o l l i d e A c t o r s = = t r u e ) a c t o r s w i t h i n a c e r t a i n r a d i u s
for which a trace from Loc ( which defaults to caller 's Location) to that actor' s Location does not hit the world .
Much faster than AllActors ( ) since it uses the collision octree
bUseOverlapCheck uses a sphere vs . box check instead of checking to see if the center of an object lies within a sphere
* /
native ( 312 ) final iterator function VisibleCollidingActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , float Radius , optional vector Loc , optional bool bIgnoreHidden , optional vector Extent , optional bool bTraceActors , optional class < Interface > InterfaceClass , optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) ;
/ * C o l l i d i n g A c t o r s ( ) r e t u r n s c o l l i d i n g ( b C o l l i d e A c t o r s = = t r u e ) a c t o r s w i t h i n a c e r t a i n r a d i u s .
Much faster than AllActors ( ) for reasonably small radii since it uses the collision octree
bUseOverlapCheck uses a sphere vs . box check instead of checking to see if the center of an object lies within a sphere
* /
native ( 321 ) final iterator function CollidingActors ( class < actor > BaseClass , out actor Actor , float Radius , optional vector Loc , optional bool bUseOverlapCheck , optional class < Interface > InterfaceClass , optional out TraceHitInfo HitInfo ) ;
/ * *
* Returns colliding ( bCollideActors == true ) which overlap a Sphere from location 'Loc' and 'Radius' radius .
* @ param BaseClass The Actor returns must be a subclass of this .
* @ param out _Actor returned Actor at each iteration .
* @ param Radius Radius of sphere for overlapping check .
* @ param Loc Center of sphere for overlapping check . ( Optional , caller ' s location is used otherwise ) .
* @ param bIgnoreHidden if true , ignore bHidden actors .
* /
native final iterator function OverlappingActors ( class < Actor > BaseClass , out Actor out _Actor , float Radius , optional vector Loc , optional bool bIgnoreHidden ) ;
/** returns each component in the Components list */
native final iterator function ComponentList ( class < ActorComponent > BaseClass , out ActorComponent out _Component ) ;
/ * *
* Iterates over all components directly or indirectly attached to this actor .
* @ param BaseClass - Only components deriving from BaseClass will be iterated upon .
* @ param OutComponent - The iteration variable .
* /
native final iterator function AllOwnedComponents ( class < Component > BaseClass , out ActorComponent OutComponent ) ;
/ * *
iterator LocalPlayerControllers ( )
returns all locally rendered / controlled player controllers ( typically 1 per client , unless split screen )
* /
native final iterator function LocalPlayerControllers ( class < PlayerController > BaseClass , out PlayerController PC ) ;
/** Return first found LocalPlayerController. Fine for single player, in split screen, one will be picked. */
native final function PlayerController GetALocalPlayerController ( ) ;
// Scripted Actor functions.
// Called immediately before gameplay begins.
event PreBeginPlay ( )
// Handle autodestruction if desired.
if ( ! bGameRelevant && ! bStatic && WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Client && ! WorldInfo . Game . CheckRelevance ( self ) )
if ( bNoDelete )
ShutDown ( ) ;
Destroy ( ) ;
// Broadcast a localized message to all players.
// Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs.
// The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI's and optional actor are used.
event BroadcastLocalizedMessage ( class < LocalMessage > InMessageClass , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
WorldInfo . Game . BroadcastLocalized ( self , InMessageClass , Switch , RelatedPRI _1 , RelatedPRI _2 , OptionalObject ) ;
// Broadcast a localized message to all players on a team.
// Most message deal with 0 to 2 related PRIs.
// The LocalMessage class defines how the PRI's and optional actor are used.
event BroadcastLocalizedTeamMessage ( int TeamIndex , class < LocalMessage > InMessageClass , optional int Switch , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _1 , optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _2 , optional Object OptionalObject )
WorldInfo . Game . BroadcastLocalizedTeam ( TeamIndex , self , InMessageClass , Switch , RelatedPRI _1 , RelatedPRI _2 , OptionalObject ) ;
// Called immediately after gameplay begins.
event PostBeginPlay ( ) ;
// Called after PostBeginPlay.
simulated event SetInitialState ( )
bScriptInitialized = true ;
if ( InitialState != '' )
GotoState ( InitialState ) ;
GotoState ( 'Auto' ) ;
/ * *
* When a constraint is broken we will get this event from c ++ land .
* * /
simulated event ConstraintBrokenNotify ( Actor ConOwner , RB _ConstraintSetup ConSetup , RB _ConstraintInstance ConInstance )
simulated event NotifySkelControlBeyondLimit ( SkelControlLookAt LookAt ) ;
/ * e p i c = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
* : : StopsProjectile ( )
* returns true if Projectiles should call ProcessTouch ( ) when they touch this actor
* /
simulated function bool StopsProjectile ( Projectile P )
return bProjTarget || bBlockActors ;
/ * H u r t R a d i u s ( )
Hurt locally authoritative actors within the radius .
* /
simulated function bool HurtRadius
float BaseDamage ,
float DamageRadius ,
class < DamageType > DamageType ,
float Momentum ,
vector HurtOrigin ,
optional Actor IgnoredActor ,
optional Controller InstigatedByController = Instigator != None ? Instigator . Controller : None ,
optional bool bDoFullDamage
local Actor Victim ;
local bool bCausedDamage ;
local TraceHitInfo HitInfo ;
local StaticMeshComponent HitComponent ;
local KActorFromStatic NewKActor ;
// Prevent HurtRadius() from being reentrant.
if ( bHurtEntry )
return false ;
bHurtEntry = true ;
bCausedDamage = false ;
foreach VisibleCollidingActors ( class 'Actor' , Victim , DamageRadius , HurtOrigin , , , , , HitInfo )
if ( Victim . bWorldGeometry )
// check if it can become dynamic
// @TODO note that if using StaticMeshCollectionActor (e.g. on Consoles), only one component is returned. Would need to do additional octree radius check to find more components, if desired
HitComponent = StaticMeshComponent ( HitInfo . HitComponent ) ;
if ( ( HitComponent != None ) && HitComponent . CanBecomeDynamic ( ) )
NewKActor = class 'KActorFromStatic' . Static . MakeDynamic ( HitComponent ) ;
if ( NewKActor != None )
Victim = NewKActor ;
if ( ! Victim . bWorldGeometry && ( Victim != self ) && ( Victim != IgnoredActor ) && ( Victim . bCanBeDamaged || Victim . bProjTarget ) )
Victim . TakeRadiusDamage ( InstigatedByController , BaseDamage , DamageRadius , DamageType , Momentum , HurtOrigin , bDoFullDamage , self ) ;
bCausedDamage = bCausedDamage || Victim . bProjTarget ;
bHurtEntry = false ;
return bCausedDamage ;
// Damage and kills.
function KilledBy ( pawn EventInstigator ) ;
/ * * a p p l y s o m e a m o u n t o f d a m a g e t o t h i s a c t o r
* @ param DamageAmount the base damage to apply
* @ param EventInstigator the Controller responsible for the damage
* @ param HitLocation world location where the hit occurred
* @ param Momentum force caused by this hit
* @ param DamageType class describing the damage that was done
* @ param HitInfo additional info about where the hit occurred
* @ param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage ( i . e . the Projectile that exploded , the Weapon that fired , etc )
* /
event TakeDamage ( int DamageAmount , Controller EventInstigator , vector HitLocation , vector Momentum , class < DamageType > DamageType , optional TraceHitInfo HitInfo , optional Actor DamageCauser )
local int idx ;
local SeqEvent _TakeDamage dmgEvent ;
// search for any damage events
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < GeneratedEvents . Length ; idx ++ )
dmgEvent = SeqEvent _TakeDamage ( GeneratedEvents [ idx ] ) ;
if ( dmgEvent != None )
// notify the event of the damage received
dmgEvent . HandleDamage ( self , EventInstigator , DamageType , DamageAmount ) ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
/ * *
* the reverse of TakeDamage ( ) ; heals the specified amount
* @ param Amount The amount of damage to heal
* @ param Healer Who is doing the healing
* @ param DamageType What type of healing is it
* @ param bRepairArmor Should this fix armor ?
* /
event bool HealDamage ( int Amount , Controller Healer , class < DamageType > DamageType , optional bool bCanRepairArmor = true , optional bool bMessageHealer = true ) ;
` else
/ * *
* the reverse of TakeDamage ( ) ; heals the specified amount
* @ param Amount The amount of damage to heal
* @ param Healer Who is doing the healing
* @ param DamageType What type of healing is it
* /
event bool HealDamage ( int Amount , Controller Healer , class < DamageType > DamageType ) ;
` endif
/ * *
* Take Radius Damage
* by default scales damage based on distance from HurtOrigin to Actor ' s location .
* This can be overridden by the actor receiving the damage for special conditions ( see KAsset . uc ) .
* This then calls TakeDamage ( ) to go through the same damage pipeline .
* @ param InstigatedBy , instigator of the damage
* @ param BaseDamage
* @ param DamageRadius ( from Origin )
* @ param DamageType class
* @ param Momentum ( float )
* @ param HurtOrigin , origin of the damage radius .
* @ param bFullDamage , if true , damage not scaled based on distance HurtOrigin
* @ param DamageCauser the Actor that directly caused the damage ( i . e . the Projectile that exploded , the Weapon that fired , etc )
* @ param DamageFalloff allows for nonlinear damage falloff from the point . Default is linera .
* @ return Returns amount of damage applied .
* /
simulated function TakeRadiusDamage
Controller InstigatedBy ,
float BaseDamage ,
float DamageRadius ,
class < DamageType > DamageType ,
float Momentum ,
vector HurtOrigin ,
bool bFullDamage ,
Actor DamageCauser ,
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
optional float DamageFalloffExponent = 1. f ,
optional bool bAdjustRadiusDamage = true
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
local float ColRadius , ColHeight ;
local float DamageScale , Dist , ScaledDamage ;
local vector Dir ;
GetBoundingCylinder ( ColRadius , ColHeight ) ;
Dir = Location - HurtOrigin ;
Dist = VSize ( Dir ) ;
Dir = Normal ( Dir ) ;
if ( bFullDamage )
DamageScale = 1. f ;
Dist = FMax ( Dist - ColRadius , 0. f ) ;
DamageScale = FClamp ( 1. f - Dist / DamageRadius , 0. f , 1. f ) ;
DamageScale = DamageScale * * DamageFalloffExponent ;
if ( DamageScale > 0. f )
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
if ( bAdjustRadiusDamage )
AdjustRadiusDamage ( BaseDamage , DamageScale , HurtOrigin ) ;
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
` endif
ScaledDamage = DamageScale * BaseDamage ;
2023-05-11 18:55:04 +03:00
2020-12-13 18:01:13 +03:00
ScaledDamage ,
InstigatedBy ,
Location - 0.5 f * ( ColHeight + ColRadius ) * Dir ,
( DamageScale * Momentum * Dir ) ,
DamageType , ,
) ;
/ * *
* Make sure we pass along a valid HitInfo struct for damage .
* The main reason behind this is that SkeletalMeshes do require a BoneName to receive and process an impulse ...
* So if we don ' t have access to it ( through touch ( ) or for any non trace damage results ) , we need to perform an extra trace call ( ) .
* @ param HitInfo , initial structure to check
* @ param FallBackComponent , PrimitiveComponent to use if HitInfo . HitComponent is none
* @ param Dir , Direction to use if a Trace needs to be performed to find BoneName on skeletalmesh . Trace from HitLocation .
* @ param out _HitLocation , HitLocation to use for potential Trace , will get updated by Trace .
* /
final simulated function CheckHitInfo
out TraceHitInfo HitInfo ,
PrimitiveComponent FallBackComponent ,
Vector Dir ,
out Vector out _HitLocation
local vector out _NewHitLocation , out _HitNormal , TraceEnd , TraceStart ;
local TraceHitInfo newHitInfo ;
//`log("Actor::CheckHitInfo - HitInfo.HitComponent:" @ HitInfo.HitComponent @ "FallBackComponent:" @ FallBackComponent );
// we're good, return!
if ( SkeletalMeshComponent ( HitInfo . HitComponent ) != None && HitInfo . BoneName != '' )
return ;
// Use FallBack PrimitiveComponent if possible
if ( HitInfo . HitComponent == None ||
( SkeletalMeshComponent ( HitInfo . HitComponent ) == None && SkeletalMeshComponent ( FallBackComponent ) != None ) )
HitInfo . HitComponent = FallBackComponent ;
// if we do not have a valid BoneName, perform a trace against component to try to find one.
if ( SkeletalMeshComponent ( HitInfo . HitComponent ) != None && HitInfo . BoneName == '' )
if ( IsZero ( Dir ) )
//`warn("passed zero dir for trace");
Dir = Vector ( Rotation ) ;
if ( IsZero ( out _HitLocation ) )
out _HitLocation = Location ;
TraceStart = out _HitLocation - 128 * Normal ( Dir ) ;
TraceEnd = out _HitLocation + 128 * Normal ( Dir ) ;
if ( TraceComponent ( out _NewHitLocation , out _HitNormal , HitInfo . HitComponent , TraceEnd , TraceStart , vect ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) , newHitInfo ) )
{ // Update HitLocation
HitInfo . BoneName = newHitInfo . BoneName ;
HitInfo . PhysMaterial = newHitInfo . PhysMaterial ;
out _HitLocation = out _NewHitLocation ;
/ *
// FIXME LAURENT -- The test fails when a just spawned projectile triggers a touch() event, the trace performed will be slightly off and fail.
` log("Actor::CheckHitInfo non successful TraceComponent!!");
` log("HitInfo.HitComponent:" @ HitInfo.HitComponent );
` log("TraceEnd:" @ TraceEnd );
` log("TraceStart:" @ TraceStart );
` log("out_HitLocation:" @ out_HitLocation );
ScriptTrace ( ) ;
//DrawDebugLine(TraceEnd, TraceStart, 255, 0, 0, TRUE);
* /
/ * *
* Get gravity currently affecting this actor
* /
native function float GetGravityZ ( ) ;
/ * *
* Debug Freeze Game
* dumps the current script function stack and pauses the game with PlayersOnly ( still allowing the player to move around ) .
* /
event DebugFreezeGame ( optional Actor ActorToLookAt )
` if( ` notdefined ( FINAL _RELEASE ) )
local PlayerController PC ;
ScriptTrace ( ) ;
PC = GetALocalPlayerController ( ) ;
if ( PC != none )
PC . ConsoleCommand ( "PlayersOnly" ) ;
if ( ActorToLookAt != None )
PC . SetViewTarget ( ActorToLookAt ) ;
` endif
function bool CheckForErrors ( ) ;
/ * B e c o m e V i e w T a r g e t
Called by Camera when this actor becomes its ViewTarget * /
event BecomeViewTarget ( PlayerController PC ) ;
/ * E n d V i e w T a r g e t
Called by Camera when this actor no longer its ViewTarget * /
event EndViewTarget ( PlayerController PC ) ;
/ * *
* Calculate camera view point , when viewing this actor .
* @ param fDeltaTime delta time seconds since last update
* @ param out _CamLoc Camera Location
* @ param out _CamRot Camera Rotation
* @ param out _FOV Field of View
* @ return true if Actor should provide the camera point of view .
* /
simulated function bool CalcCamera ( float fDeltaTime , out vector out _CamLoc , out rotator out _CamRot , out float out _FOV )
local vector HitNormal ;
local float Radius , Height ;
GetBoundingCylinder ( Radius , Height ) ;
if ( Trace ( out _CamLoc , HitNormal , Location - vector ( out _CamRot ) * Radius * 20 , Location , false ) == None )
out _CamLoc = Location - vector ( out _CamRot ) * Radius * 20 ;
out _CamLoc = Location + Height * vector ( Rotation ) ;
return false ;
// Returns the string representation of the name of an object without the package
// prefixes.
simulated function String GetItemName ( string FullName )
local int pos ;
pos = InStr ( FullName , "." ) ;
While ( pos != - 1 )
FullName = Right ( FullName , Len ( FullName ) - pos - 1 ) ;
pos = InStr ( FullName , "." ) ;
return FullName ;
// Returns the human readable string representation of an object.
simulated function String GetHumanReadableName ( )
return GetItemName ( string ( class ) ) ;
static function ReplaceText ( out string Text , string Replace , string With )
local int i ;
local string Input ;
Input = Text ;
Text = "" ;
i = InStr ( Input , Replace ) ;
while ( i != - 1 )
Text = Text $ Left ( Input , i ) $ With ;
Input = Mid ( Input , i + Len ( Replace ) ) ;
i = InStr ( Input , Replace ) ;
Text = Text $ Input ;
// Get localized message string associated with this actor
static function string GetLocalString (
optional int Switch ,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _1 ,
optional PlayerReplicationInfo RelatedPRI _2
return "" ;
function MatchStarting ( ) ; // called when gameplay actually starts
function String GetDebugName ( )
return GetItemName ( string ( self ) ) ;
/ * *
* list important Actor variables on canvas . HUD will call DisplayDebug ( ) on the current ViewTarget when
* the ShowDebug exec is used
* @ param HUD - HUD with canvas to draw on
* @ input out _YL - Height of the current font
* @ input out _YPos - Y position on Canvas . out _YPos += out _YL , gives position to draw text for next debug line .
* /
simulated function DisplayDebug ( HUD HUD , out float out _YL , out float out _YPos )
local string T ;
local Actor A ;
local float MyRadius , MyHeight ;
local Canvas Canvas ;
Canvas = HUD . Canvas ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;
T = GetDebugName ( ) ;
if ( bDeleteMe )
T = T$ " DELETED (bDeleteMe == true)" ;
if ( T != "" )
Canvas . DrawText ( T , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . SetDrawColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
if ( HUD . ShouldDisplayDebug ( 'net' ) )
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode != NM _Standalone )
// networking attributes
T = "ROLE:" @ Role @ "RemoteRole:" @ RemoteRole @ "NetMode:" @ WorldInfo . NetMode ;
if ( bTearOff )
T = T @ "Tear Off" ;
Canvas . DrawText ( T , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Location:" @ Location @ "Rotation:" @ Rotation , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
if ( HUD . ShouldDisplayDebug ( 'physics' ) )
T = "Physics" @ GetPhysicsName ( ) @ "in physicsvolume" @ GetItemName ( string ( PhysicsVolume ) ) @ "on base" @ GetItemName ( string ( Base ) ) @ "gravity" @ GetGravityZ ( ) ;
if ( bBounce )
T = T$ " - will bounce" ;
Canvas . DrawText ( T , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "bHardAttach:" @ bHardAttach @ "RelativeLoc:" @ RelativeLocation @ "RelativeRot:" @ RelativeRotation @ "SkelComp:" @ BaseSkelComponent @ "Bone:" @ string ( BaseBoneName ) , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Velocity:" @ Velocity @ "Speed:" @ VSize ( Velocity ) @ "Speed2D:" @ VSize2D ( Velocity ) , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Acceleration:" @ Acceleration , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
if ( HUD . ShouldDisplayDebug ( 'collision' ) )
Canvas . DrawColor . B = 0 ;
GetBoundingCylinder ( MyRadius , MyHeight ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Collision Radius:" @ MyRadius @ "Height:" @ MyHeight ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Collides with Actors:" @ bCollideActors @ " world:" @ bCollideWorld @ "proj. target:" @ bProjTarget ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( "Blocks Actors:" @ bBlockActors ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
T = "Touching " ;
ForEach TouchingActors ( class 'Actor' , A )
T = T$GetItemName ( string ( A ) ) $ " " ;
if ( T == "Touching " )
T = "Touching nothing" ;
Canvas . DrawText ( T , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawColor . B = 255 ;
Canvas . DrawText ( " STATE:" @ GetStateName ( ) , FALSE ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
Canvas . DrawText ( " Instigator:" @ GetItemName ( string ( Instigator ) ) @ "Owner:" @ GetItemName ( string ( Owner ) ) ) ;
out _YPos += out _YL ;
Canvas . SetPos ( 4 , out _YPos ) ;
simulated function String GetPhysicsName ( )
Switch ( PHYSICS )
case PHYS _None : return "None" ; break ;
case PHYS _Walking : return "Walking" ; break ;
case PHYS _Falling : return "Falling" ; break ;
case PHYS _Swimming : return "Swimming" ; break ;
case PHYS _Flying : return "Flying" ; break ;
case PHYS _Rotating : return "Rotating" ; break ;
case PHYS _Projectile : return "Projectile" ; break ;
case PHYS _Interpolating : return "Interpolating" ; break ;
case PHYS _Spider : return "Spider" ; break ;
case PHYS _Ladder : return "Ladder" ; break ;
case PHYS _RigidBody : return "RigidBody" ; break ;
case PHYS _Unused : return "Unused" ; break ;
case PHYS _Custom : return "Custom" ; break ;
return "Unknown" ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n a s o u n d i s g o i n g t o b e p l a y e d o n t h i s A c t o r v i a P l a y e r C o n t r o l l e r : : C l i e n t H e a r S o u n d ( )
* gives it a chance to modify the component that will be used ( add parameter values , etc )
* /
simulated event ModifyHearSoundComponent ( AudioComponent AC ) ;
/ * *
* Function for allowing you to tell FaceFX which AudioComponent it should use for playing audio
* for corresponding facial animation .
* /
simulated event AudioComponent GetFaceFXAudioComponent ( )
return None ;
/ * *
* Reset actor to initial state - used when restarting level without reloading .
* /
event Reset ( ) ;
/ * *
* @ RETURN true if this actor is touching a pain causing volume
* /
function bool IsInPain ( )
local PhysicsVolume V ;
ForEach TouchingActors ( class 'PhysicsVolume' , V )
if ( V . bPainCausing && ( V . DamagePerSec > 0 ) )
return true ;
return false ;
function PlayTeleportEffect ( bool bOut , bool bSound ) ;
simulated function bool CanSplash ( )
return false ;
/** Called when this actor touches a fluid surface */
simulated function ApplyFluidSurfaceImpact ( FluidSurfaceActor Fluid , vector HitLocation )
local float Radius , Height , AdjustedVelocity ;
if ( bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction )
AdjustedVelocity = 0.01 * Abs ( Velocity . Z ) ;
GetBoundingCylinder ( Radius , Height ) ;
Fluid . FluidComponent . ApplyForce ( HitLocation , AdjustedVelocity * Fluid . FluidComponent . ForceImpact , Radius * 0.3 , True ) ;
/** OBSOLETE, replaced by ActorEffectIsRelevant and ImpactEffectIsRelevant */
simulated function bool EffectIsRelevant ( vector SpawnLocation , bool bForceDedicated , optional float VisibleCullDistance = 5000.0 , optional float HiddenCullDistance = 350.0 )
if ( SpawnLocation == Location )
return ActorEffectIsRelevant ( Instigator , bForceDedicated , VisibleCullDistance , HiddenCullDistance ) ;
return ImpactEffectIsRelevant ( Instigator , SpawnLocation , bForceDedicated , VisibleCullDistance , HiddenCullDistance ) ;
/ * *
* Determine whether an effect being spawned on this actor
* is relevant to the local client ( to determine whether it really needs to be spawned ) .
* Intended for use only with short lived effects
* NOTE : Use ImpactEffectIsRelevant if the actor is not rendered !
* @ PARAM EffectInstigator : Instigator os this effect - always relevant if instigated by local player
* @ PARAM SpawnLocation : Location where effect is being spawned . If being spawned attached to this actor , use this actor ' s location to take advantage of check for whether actor is being rendered .
* @ PARAM bForceDedicated : Whether effect should always be spawned on dedicated server ( if effect is replicated to clients )
* @ PARAM CullDistance : Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is visible to the local player
* @ PARAM HiddenCullDistance : Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is not visible to the local player
* /
simulated function bool ActorEffectIsRelevant ( Pawn EffectInstigator , bool bForceDedicated , optional float VisibleCullDistance = 5000.0 , optional float HiddenCullDistance = 350.0 )
local PlayerController P ;
local float DistSq ;
local vector CameraLoc ;
local rotator CameraRot ;
// No local player, so only spawn on dedicated server if bForceDedicated
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
` debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - dedicated server", bForceDedicated );
return bForceDedicated ;
if ( bForceDedicated && ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _ListenServer ) && ( WorldInfo . Game . NumPlayers > 1 ) )
// Is acting as server, so spawn effect if bForceDedicated
return TRUE ;
// spawn all effects instigated by the local player (not a server)
if ( ( EffectInstigator != None ) && EffectInstigator . IsHumanControlled ( ) && EffectInstigator . IsLocallyControlled ( ) )
return TRUE ;
// Determine how far to the nearest local viewer
DistSq = 10000000000.0 ;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , P )
if ( P . GetViewTarget ( ) == self )
return true ;
P . GetPlayerViewPoint ( CameraLoc , CameraRot ) ;
DistSq = FMin ( DistSq , VSizeSq ( Location - CameraLoc ) * Square ( P . LODDistanceFactor ) ) ;
if ( DistSq > VisibleCullDistance * VisibleCullDistance )
` debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - VisibleCullDistance", TRUE );
// never spawn beyond cull distance
return FALSE ;
else if ( DistSq < HiddenCullDistance * HiddenCullDistance )
// If close enough, always spawn even if hidden
return TRUE ;
// If beyond HiddenCullDistance, only spawn if actor is visible to local player
return ( ` TimeSince( LastRenderTime ) < 0.3 );
/ * *
* Determine whether an effect being spawned at some spot in the world
* is relevant to the local client ( to determine whether it really needs to be spawned ) .
* Intended for use only with short lived effects
* @ PARAM EffectInstigator : Instigator os this effect - always relevant if instigated by local player
* @ PARAM SpawnLocation : Location where effect is being spawned . If being spawned attached to this actor , use this actor ' s location to take advantage of check for whether actor is being rendered .
* @ PARAM bForceDedicated : Whether effect should always be spawned on dedicated server ( if effect is replicated to clients )
* @ PARAM CullDistance : Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is visible to the local player
* @ PARAM HiddenCullDistance : Max distance to spawn this effect if SpawnLocation is not visible to the local player
* @ PARAM bSkipLOSCheck : If true , don ' t perform a LOS trace , as the object is "big" like an explosion and a LOS would be inaccurate
* /
simulated function bool ImpactEffectIsRelevant ( Pawn EffectInstigator , vector SpawnLocation , bool bForceDedicated , optional float VisibleCullDistance = 5000.0 , optional float HiddenCullDistance = 350.0 , optional bool bSkipLOSCheck )
local PlayerController P ;
local float DistSq , InViewThreshold ;
local bool bIsInViewFrustrum ;
local vector CameraLoc ;
local rotator CameraRot ;
// No local player, so only spawn on dedicated server if bForceDedicated
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
` debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - dedicated server", bForceDedicated );
return bForceDedicated ;
if ( bForceDedicated && ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _ListenServer ) && ( WorldInfo . Game . NumPlayers > 1 ) )
// Is acting as server, so spawn effect if bForceDedicated
return TRUE ;
// spawn all effects instigated by the local player (not a server)
if ( ( EffectInstigator != None ) && EffectInstigator . IsHumanControlled ( ) && EffectInstigator . IsLocallyControlled ( ) )
return TRUE ;
// Determine how far to the nearest local viewer
DistSq = 10000000000.0 ;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , P )
P . GetPlayerViewPoint ( CameraLoc , CameraRot ) ;
DistSq = FMin ( DistSq , VSizeSq ( SpawnLocation - CameraLoc ) * Square ( P . LODDistanceFactor ) ) ;
if ( DistSq > VisibleCullDistance * VisibleCullDistance )
` debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - VisibleCullDistance", TRUE );
// never spawn beyond cull distance
return FALSE ;
else if ( DistSq < HiddenCullDistance * HiddenCullDistance )
// If close enough, always spawn even if hidden
return TRUE ;
// Don't spawn if spawnlocation not in a local player's view frustrum and visible
bIsInViewFrustrum = FALSE ;
ForEach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , P )
P . GetPlayerViewPoint ( CameraLoc , CameraRot ) ;
InViewThreshold = ( Cos ( P . GetFOVAngle ( ) ) - 0.1 f ) ;
// Check the spawn location
if ( ( Normal ( SpawnLocation - CameraLoc ) Dot vector ( CameraRot ) ) > InViewThreshold )
if ( bSkipLOSCheck || FastTrace ( SpawnLocation , CameraLoc ) )
bIsInViewFrustrum = TRUE ;
break ;
` debugEffectIsRelevant( "EffectIsRelevant FAILED - Outside View Frustrum", bIsInViewFrustrum );
return bIsInViewFrustrum ;
final event DebugMessagePlayer ( coerce String Msg )
` if( ` notdefined ( FINAL _RELEASE ) )
local PlayerController PC ;
` log( "!!!!"@Msg@"!!!!" );
ScriptTrace ( ) ;
foreach LocalPlayerControllers ( class 'PlayerController' , PC )
PC . ClientMessage ( Msg ) ;
` endif
// Scripting support
/ * * C o n v e n i e n c e f u n c t i o n f o r t r i g g e r i n g e v e n t s i n t h e G e n e r a t e d E v e n t s l i s t
* If you need more options ( activating multiple outputs , etc ) , call ActivateEventClass ( ) directly
* /
simulated function bool TriggerEventClass ( class < SequenceEvent > InEventClass , Actor InInstigator , optional int ActivateIndex = - 1 , optional bool bTest , optional out array < SequenceEvent > ActivatedEvents )
local array < int > ActivateIndices ;
if ( ActivateIndex >= 0 )
ActivateIndices [ 0 ] = ActivateIndex ;
return ActivateEventClass ( InEventClass , InInstigator , GeneratedEvents , ActivateIndices , bTest , ActivatedEvents ) ;
/** Called by SeqAct_AttachToEvent when a duplicate event is added to this actor at run-time */
simulated event ReceivedNewEvent ( SequenceEvent Evt )
/** trigger a "global" Kismet event (one that doesn't have an Originator, generally because it's triggered by a game-time object) */
simulated function bool TriggerGlobalEventClass ( class < SequenceEvent > InEventClass , Actor InInstigator , optional int ActivateIndex = - 1 )
local array < SequenceObject > EventsToActivate ;
local array < int > ActivateIndices ;
local Sequence GameSeq ;
local bool bResult ;
local int i ;
if ( ActivateIndex >= 0 )
ActivateIndices [ 0 ] = ActivateIndex ;
GameSeq = WorldInfo . GetGameSequence ( ) ;
if ( GameSeq != None )
GameSeq . FindSeqObjectsByClass ( InEventClass , true , EventsToActivate ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < EventsToActivate . length ; i ++ )
if ( SequenceEvent ( EventsToActivate [ i ] ) . CheckActivate ( self , InInstigator , , ActivateIndices ) )
bResult = true ;
return bResult ;
/ * *
* Iterates through the given list of events and looks for all
* matching events , activating them as found .
* @ return true if an event was found and activated
* /
simulated final function bool ActivateEventClass ( class < SequenceEvent > InClass , Actor InInstigator , const out array < SequenceEvent > EventList ,
optional const out array < int > ActivateIndices , optional bool bTest , optional out array < SequenceEvent > ActivatedEvents )
local SequenceEvent Evt ;
ActivatedEvents . Length = 0 ;
foreach EventList ( Evt )
if ( ClassIsChildOf ( Evt . Class , InClass ) &&
Evt . CheckActivate ( self , InInstigator , bTest , ActivateIndices ) )
ActivatedEvents . AddItem ( Evt ) ;
return ( ActivatedEvents . Length > 0 ) ;
/ * *
* Builds a list of all events of the specified class .
* @ param eventClass - type of event to search for
* @ param out _EventList - list of found events
* @ param bIncludeDisabled - will not filter out the events with bEnabled = FALSE
* @ return true if any events were found
* /
simulated final function bool FindEventsOfClass ( class < SequenceEvent > EventClass , optional out array < SequenceEvent > out _EventList , optional bool bIncludeDisabled )
local SequenceEvent Evt ;
local bool bFoundEvent ;
foreach GeneratedEvents ( Evt )
if ( Evt != None && ( Evt . bEnabled || bIncludeDisabled ) && ClassIsChildOf ( Evt . Class , EventClass ) && ( Evt . MaxTriggerCount == 0 || Evt . MaxTriggerCount > Evt . TriggerCount ) )
out _EventList . AddItem ( Evt ) ;
bFoundEvent = TRUE ;
return bFoundEvent ;
/ * *
* Clears all latent actions of the specified class .
* @ param actionClass - type of latent action to clear
* @ param bAborted - was this latent action aborted ?
* @ param exceptionAction - action to skip
* /
simulated final function ClearLatentAction ( class < SeqAct _Latent > actionClass , optional bool bAborted , optional SeqAct _Latent exceptionAction )
local int idx ;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < LatentActions . Length ; idx ++ )
if ( LatentActions [ idx ] == None )
// remove dead entry
LatentActions . Remove ( idx -- , 1 ) ;
if ( ClassIsChildOf ( LatentActions [ idx ] . class , actionClass ) &&
LatentActions [ idx ] != exceptionAction )
// if aborted,
if ( bAborted )
// then notify the action
LatentActions [ idx ] . AbortFor ( self ) ;
// remove action from list
LatentActions . Remove ( idx -- , 1 ) ;
/ * *
* If this actor is not already scheduled for destruction ,
* destroy it now .
* /
simulated function OnDestroy ( SeqAct _Destroy Action )
local int AttachIdx , IgnoreIdx ;
local Actor A ;
// Iterate through based actors and destroy them as well
if ( Action . bDestroyBasedActors )
for ( AttachIdx = 0 ; AttachIdx < Attached . Length ; AttachIdx ++ )
A = Attached [ AttachIdx ] ;
for ( IgnoreIdx = 0 ; IgnoreIdx < Action . IgnoreBasedClasses . Length ; IgnoreIdx ++ )
if ( ClassIsChildOf ( A . Class , Action . IgnoreBasedClasses [ IgnoreIdx ] ) )
A = None ;
break ;
if ( A == None )
continue ;
A . OnDestroy ( Action ) ;
if ( bNoDelete || Role < ROLE _Authority )
// bNoDelete actors cannot be destroyed, and are shut down instead.
ShutDown ( ) ;
else if ( ! bDeleteMe )
Destroy ( ) ;
/ * * f o r c e s t h i s a c t o r t o b e n e t r e l e v a n t i f i t i s n o t a l r e a d y
* by default , only works on level placed actors ( bNoDelete )
* /
event ForceNetRelevant ( )
if ( RemoteRole == ROLE _None && bNoDelete && ! bStatic )
RemoteRole = ROLE _SimulatedProxy ;
bAlwaysRelevant = true ;
NetUpdateFrequency = 0.1 ;
bForceNetUpdate = TRUE ;
/** Updates NetUpdateTime to the new value for future net relevancy checks */
final native function SetNetUpdateTime ( float NewUpdateTime ) ;
/ * *
* ShutDown an actor .
* /
simulated event ShutDown ( )
// Shut down physics
SetPhysics ( PHYS _None ) ;
// shut down collision
SetCollision ( false , false ) ;
if ( CollisionComponent != None )
CollisionComponent . SetBlockRigidBody ( false ) ;
// shut down rendering
SetHidden ( true ) ;
// and ticking
SetTickIsDisabled ( true ) ;
ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
if ( RemoteRole != ROLE _None )
// force replicate flags if necessary
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bCollideActors' , ( bCollideActors == default . bCollideActors ) ) ;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bBlockActors' , ( bBlockActors == default . bBlockActors ) ) ;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bHidden' , ( bHidden == default . bHidden ) ) ;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.Physics' , ( Physics == default . Physics ) ) ;
// we can't set bTearOff here as that will prevent newly joining clients from receiving the state changes
// so we just set a really low NetUpdateFrequency
NetUpdateFrequency = 0.1 ;
// force immediate network update of these changes
bForceNetUpdate = TRUE ;
/ * *
* Calls PrestreamTextures ( ) for all the actor ' s meshcomponents .
* @ param Seconds Number of seconds to force all mip - levels to be resident
* @ param bEnableStreaming Whether to start ( TRUE ) or stop ( FALSE ) streaming
* @ param CinematicTextureGroups Bitfield indicating which texture groups that use extra high - resolution mips
* /
native function PrestreamTextures ( float Seconds , bool bEnableStreaming , optional int CinematicTextureGroups = 0 ) ;
simulated function OnModifyHealth ( SeqAct _ModifyHealth Action )
local Controller InstigatorController ;
local Pawn InstigatorPawn ;
InstigatorController = Controller ( Action . Instigator ) ;
if ( InstigatorController == None )
InstigatorPawn = Pawn ( Action . Instigator ) ;
if ( InstigatorPawn != None )
InstigatorController = InstigatorPawn . Controller ;
if ( Action . bHeal )
HealDamage ( Action . Amount , InstigatorController , Action . DamageType ) ;
TakeDamage ( Action . Amount , InstigatorController , Location , vector ( Rotation ) * - Action . Momentum , Action . DamageType ) ;
/ * *
* Called upon receiving a SeqAct _Teleport action . Grabs
* the first destination available and attempts to teleport
* this actor .
* @ param Action - teleport action that was activated
* /
simulated function OnTeleport ( SeqAct _Teleport Action )
local array < Object > objVars ;
local int idx ;
local Actor destActor , tempActor , A ;
local Controller C ;
local bool bOccupiedDest , bColliding ;
local float ColRadius , ColHeight ;
local Vector Extent ;
GetBoundingCylinder ( ColRadius , ColHeight ) ;
Extent . X = ColRadius ;
Extent . Y = ColRadius ;
Extent . Z = ColHeight ;
bOccupiedDest = FALSE ;
// find the first supplied actor
Action . GetObjectVars ( objVars , "Destination" ) ;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < objVars . Length ; idx ++ )
tempActor = Actor ( objVars [ idx ] ) ;
if ( tempActor == None )
continue ;
// If its a player variable, teleport to the Pawn not the Controller.
C = Controller ( tempActor ) ;
if ( C != None && C . Pawn != None )
tempActor = C . Pawn ;
if ( Action . bCheckOverlap )
bColliding = FALSE ;
foreach VisibleCollidingActors ( class 'Actor' , A , ColRadius * 2. f , tempActor . Location , FALSE , Extent , TRUE )
if ( IsBlockedBy ( A ) )
bColliding = TRUE ;
break ;
bOccupiedDest = bColliding ;
destActor = tempActor ;
if ( ( ! Action . bCheckOverlap || ! bOccupiedDest ) && destActor != None )
break ;
// and set to that actor's location
if ( destActor != None && Action . ShouldTeleport ( self , destActor . Location , Action . TeleportDistance , Action . TeleportVolumes ) )
if ( SetLocation ( destActor . Location ) )
PlayTeleportEffect ( false , true ) ;
if ( Action . bUpdateRotation )
SetRotation ( destActor . Rotation ) ;
// make sure the changes get replicated
ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
bUpdateSimulatedPosition = true ;
bNetDirty = true ;
` warn("Unable to teleport to"@destActor);
else if ( destActor != None )
` warn("Unable to teleport to"@destActor);
/ * *
* Handler for the SeqAct _SetVelocity action . Allows level designer to impart a velocity on the actor .
* /
simulated function OnSetVelocity ( SeqAct _SetVelocity Action )
local Vector V ;
local float Mag ;
Mag = Action . VelocityMag ;
if ( Mag <= 0. f )
Mag = VSize ( Action . VelocityDir ) ;
V = Normal ( Action . VelocityDir ) * Mag ;
if ( Action . bVelocityRelativeToActorRotation )
V = V >> Rotation ;
Velocity = V ;
if ( Physics == PHYS _RigidBody && CollisionComponent != None )
CollisionComponent . SetRBLinearVelocity ( Velocity ) ;
/ * *
* Handler for the SeqAct _SetBlockRigidBody action . Allows level designer to toggle the rigid - body blocking
* flag on an Actor , and will handle updating the physics engine etc .
* /
simulated function OnSetBlockRigidBody ( SeqAct _SetBlockRigidBody Action )
if ( CollisionComponent != None )
// Turn on
if ( Action . InputLinks [ 0 ] . bHasImpulse )
CollisionComponent . SetBlockRigidBody ( true ) ;
// Turn off
else if ( Action . InputLinks [ 1 ] . bHasImpulse )
CollisionComponent . SetBlockRigidBody ( false ) ;
/** Handler for the SeqAct_SetPhysics action, allowing designer to change the Physics mode of an Actor. */
simulated function OnSetPhysics ( SeqAct _SetPhysics Action )
ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
SetPhysics ( Action . NewPhysics ) ;
if ( RemoteRole != ROLE _None )
if ( Physics != PHYS _None )
bUpdateSimulatedPosition = true ;
if ( bOnlyDirtyReplication )
// SetPhysics() doesn't set bNetDirty, but we need it in this case
bNetDirty = true ;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.Physics' , ( Physics == default . Physics ) ) ;
/** Handler for collision action, allow designer to toggle collide/block actors */
function OnChangeCollision ( SeqAct _ChangeCollision Action )
// if the action is out of date then use the previous properties
if ( Action . ObjInstanceVersion < Action . GetObjClassVersion ( ) )
SetCollision ( Action . bCollideActors , Action . bBlockActors , Action . bIgnoreEncroachers ) ;
// otherwise use the new collision type
SetCollisionType ( Action . CollisionType ) ;
ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
if ( RemoteRole != ROLE _None )
// force replicate flags if necessary
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bCollideActors' , ( bCollideActors == default . bCollideActors ) ) ;
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bBlockActors' , ( bBlockActors == default . bBlockActors ) ) ;
// don't bother with bIgnoreEncroachers as it isn't editable
/** Handler for SeqAct_ToggleHidden, just sets bHidden. */
simulated function OnToggleHidden ( SeqAct _ToggleHidden Action )
local int AttachIdx , IgnoreIdx ;
local Actor A ;
// Iterate through based actors and toggle them as well
if ( Action . bToggleBasedActors )
for ( AttachIdx = 0 ; AttachIdx < Attached . Length ; AttachIdx ++ )
A = Attached [ AttachIdx ] ;
for ( IgnoreIdx = 0 ; IgnoreIdx < Action . IgnoreBasedClasses . Length ; IgnoreIdx ++ )
if ( ClassIsChildOf ( A . Class , Action . IgnoreBasedClasses [ IgnoreIdx ] ) )
A = None ;
break ;
if ( A == None )
continue ;
A . OnToggleHidden ( Action ) ;
if ( Action . InputLinks [ 0 ] . bHasImpulse )
SetHidden ( True ) ;
else if ( Action . InputLinks [ 1 ] . bHasImpulse )
SetHidden ( False ) ;
SetHidden ( ! bHidden ) ;
ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
if ( RemoteRole != ROLE _None )
SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.bHidden' , ( bHidden == default . bHidden ) ) ;
/** Attach an actor to another one. Kismet action. */
function OnAttachToActor ( SeqAct _AttachToActor Action )
local int idx ;
local Actor Attachment ;
local Controller C ;
local Array < Object > ObjVars ;
Action . GetObjectVars ( ObjVars , "Attachment" ) ;
for ( idx = 0 ; idx < ObjVars . Length && Attachment == None ; idx ++ )
Attachment = Actor ( ObjVars [ idx ] ) ;
// If its a player variable, attach the Pawn, not the controller
C = Controller ( Attachment ) ;
if ( C != None && C . Pawn != None )
Attachment = C . Pawn ;
if ( Attachment != None )
if ( Action . bDetach )
Attachment . SetBase ( None ) ;
Attachment . SetHardAttach ( FALSE ) ;
// if we're a controller and have a pawn, then attach to pawn instead.
C = Controller ( Self ) ;
if ( C != None && C . Pawn != None )
C . Pawn . DoKismetAttachment ( Attachment , Action ) ;
DoKismetAttachment ( Attachment , Action ) ;
/** Performs actual attachment. Can be subclassed for class specific behaviors. */
function DoKismetAttachment ( Actor Attachment , SeqAct _AttachToActor Action )
local bool bOldCollideActors , bOldBlockActors ;
local vector X , Y , Z ;
Attachment . SetBase ( None ) ;
Attachment . SetHardAttach ( Action . bHardAttach ) ;
if ( Action . bUseRelativeOffset || Action . bUseRelativeRotation )
// Disable collision, so we can successfully move the attachment
bOldCollideActors = Attachment . bCollideActors ;
bOldBlockActors = Attachment . bBlockActors ;
Attachment . SetCollision ( FALSE , FALSE ) ;
if ( Action . bUseRelativeRotation )
Attachment . SetRotation ( Rotation + Action . RelativeRotation ) ;
// if we're using the offset, place attachment relatively to the target
if ( Action . bUseRelativeOffset )
GetAxes ( Rotation , X , Y , Z ) ;
Attachment . SetLocation ( Location + Action . RelativeOffset . X * X + Action . RelativeOffset . Y * Y + Action . RelativeOffset . Z * Z ) ;
// restore previous collision
Attachment . SetCollision ( bOldCollideActors , bOldBlockActors ) ;
// Attach Actor to Base
Attachment . SetBase ( Self ) ;
Attachment . ForceNetRelevant ( ) ;
// changing base doesn't set bNetDirty by default as that can happen through per-frame behavior like physics
// however, in this case we need it so we do it manually
Attachment . bNetDirty = true ;
// force replicate offsets if necessary
if ( Attachment . RemoteRole != ROLE _None && ( Attachment . bStatic || Attachment . bNoDelete ) )
Attachment . SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.RelativeLocation' , ( Attachment . RelativeLocation == Attachment . default . RelativeLocation ) ) ;
Attachment . SetForcedInitialReplicatedProperty ( Property 'Engine.Actor.RelativeRotation' , ( Attachment . RelativeRotation == Attachment . default . RelativeRotation ) ) ;
/ * *
* Event called when an AnimNodeSequence ( in the animation tree of one of this Actor ' s SkeletalMeshComponents ) reaches the end and stops .
* Will not get called if bLooping is 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence .
* bCauseActorAnimEnd must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated .
* @ param SeqNode - Node that finished playing . You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode - > SkelComponent
* @ param PlayedTime - Time played on this animation . ( play rate independant ) .
* @ param ExcessTime - how much time overlapped beyond end of animation . ( play rate independant ) .
* /
event OnAnimEnd ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode , float PlayedTime , float ExcessTime ) ;
/ * *
* Event called when a PlayAnim is called AnimNodeSequence in the animation tree of one of this Actor ' s SkeletalMeshComponents .
* bCauseActorAnimPlay must be set 'true' on the AnimNodeSequence for this event to get generated .
* @ param SeqNode - Node had PlayAnim called . You can get to the SkeletalMeshComponent by looking at SeqNode - > SkelComponent
* /
event OnAnimPlay ( AnimNodeSequence SeqNode ) ;
// AnimControl Matinee Track Support
/** Called when we start an AnimControl track operating on this Actor. Supplied is the set of AnimSets we are going to want to play from. */
event BeginAnimControl ( InterpGroup InInterpGroup ) ;
/** Called each from while the Matinee action is running, with the desired sequence name and position we want to be at. */
event SetAnimPosition ( name SlotName , int ChannelIndex , name InAnimSeqName , float InPosition , bool bFireNotifies , bool bLooping , bool bEnableRootMotion ) ;
/** Called when we are done with the AnimControl track. */
event FinishAnimControl ( InterpGroup InInterpGroup ) ;
/ * *
* Play FaceFX animations on this Actor .
* Returns TRUE if succeeded , if failed , a log warning will be issued .
* /
// WWISEMODIF_START, alessard, nov-28-2008, WwiseAudioIntegration
event bool PlayActorFaceFXAnim ( FaceFXAnimSet AnimSet , String GroupName , String SeqName , SoundCue SoundCueToPlay , AkEvent AkEventToPlay ) ;
/** Stop any matinee FaceFX animations on this Actor. */
event StopActorFaceFXAnim ( ) ;
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the weight of a particular MorphNodeWeight. */
event SetMorphWeight ( name MorphNodeName , float MorphWeight ) ;
/** Called each frame by Matinee to update the scaling on a SkelControl. */
event SetSkelControlScale ( name SkelControlName , float Scale ) ;
/ * *
* Called every tick if bShouldTickOwner is true
* /
event TickSkelControl ( float DeltaTime , SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp , SkelControlBase SkelCtrl ) ;
/ * *
* Returns TRUE if Actor is playing a FaceFX anim .
* Implement in sub - class .
* /
simulated function bool IsActorPlayingFaceFXAnim ( )
return FALSE ;
/ * *
* Returns FALSE if Actor can play facefx
* Implement in sub - class .
* /
simulated function bool CanActorPlayFaceFXAnim ( )
return TRUE ;
/** Used by Matinee in-game to mount FaceFXAnimSets before playing animations. */
event FaceFXAsset GetActorFaceFXAsset ( ) ;
// for AI... bots have perfect aim shooting non-pawn stationary targets
function bool IsStationary ( )
return true ;
/ * *
* returns the point of view of the actor .
* note that this doesn 't mean the camera, but the ' eyes ' of the actor .
* For example , for a Pawn , this would define the eye height location ,
* and view rotation ( which is different from the pawn rotation which has a zeroed pitch component ) .
* A camera first person view will typically use this view point . Most traces ( weapon , AI ) will be done from this view point .
* @ param out _Location - location of view point
* @ param out _Rotation - view rotation of actor .
* /
simulated event GetActorEyesViewPoint ( out vector out _Location , out Rotator out _Rotation )
out _Location = Location ;
out _Rotation = Rotation ;
/ * *
* Searches the owner chain looking for a player .
* /
native simulated function bool IsPlayerOwned ( ) ;
/ * P a w n B a s e D i e d ( )
The pawn on which this actor is based has just died
* /
function PawnBaseDied ( ) ;
/ *
* default implementation calls eventScriptGetTeamNum ( )
* /
simulated native function byte GetTeamNum ( ) ;
simulated event byte ScriptGetTeamNum ( )
return 255 ;
simulated function NotifyLocalPlayerTeamReceived ( ) ;
/** Used by PlayerController.FindGoodView() in RoundEnded State */
simulated function FindGoodEndView ( PlayerController PC , out Rotator GoodRotation )
GoodRotation = PC . Rotation ;
/ * *
* @ param RequestedBy - the Actor requesting the target location
* @ param bRequestAlternateLoc ( optional ) - return a secondary target location if there are multiple
* @ return the optimal location to fire weapons at this actor
* /
simulated native function vector GetTargetLocation ( optional actor RequestedBy , optional bool bRequestAlternateLoc ) const ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n t h i s A c t o r w a s s p a w n e d b y a K i s m e t a c t o r f a c t o r y ( S e q A c t _ A c t o r F a c t o r y )
* after all other spawn events ( PostBeginPlay ( ) , etc ) have been called
* /
event SpawnedByKismet ( ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n a S e q A c t _ I n t e r p a c t i o n s t a r t s i n t e r p o l a t i n g t h i s A c t o r v i a m a t i n e e
* @ note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @ param InterpAction the SeqAct _Interp that is affecting the Actor
* /
simulated event InterpolationStarted ( SeqAct _Interp InterpAction , InterpGroupInst GroupInst ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n a S e q A c t _ I n t e r p a c t i o n f i n i s h e d i n t e r p o l a t i n g t h i s A c t o r
* @ note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @ param InterpAction the SeqAct _Interp that was affecting the Actor
* /
simulated event InterpolationFinished ( SeqAct _Interp InterpAction ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d w h e n a S e q A c t _ I n t e r p a c t i o n a f f e c t i n g t h i s A c t o r r e c e i v e d a n e v e n t t h a t c h a n g e d i t s p r o p e r t i e s
* ( paused , reversed direction , etc )
* @ note this function is called on clients for actors that are interpolated clientside via MatineeActor
* @ param InterpAction the SeqAct _Interp that is affecting the Actor
* /
simulated event InterpolationChanged ( SeqAct _Interp InterpAction ) ;
/ * * C a l l e d w h e n a P r i m i t i v e C o m p o n e n t t h i s A c t o r o w n s h a s :
* - bNotifyRigidBodyCollision set to true
* - ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold > 0
* - it is involved in a physics collision where the relative velocity exceeds ScriptRigidBodyCollisionThreshold
* @ param HitComponent the component of this Actor that collided
* @ param OtherComponent the other component that collided
* @ param RigidCollisionData information on the collision itslef , including contact points
* @ param ContactIndex the element in each ContactInfos ' ContactVelocity and PhysMaterial arrays that corresponds
* to this Actor / HitComponent
* /
event RigidBodyCollision ( PrimitiveComponent HitComponent , PrimitiveComponent OtherComponent ,
const out CollisionImpactData RigidCollisionData , int ContactIndex ) ;
/ * *
* Called each frame ( for each wheel ) when an SVehicle has a wheel in contact with this Actor .
* Not called on Actors that have bWorldGeometry or bStatic set to TRUE .
* /
event OnRanOver ( SVehicle Vehicle , PrimitiveComponent RunOverComponent , int WheelIndex ) ;
/ * * f u n c t i o n u s e d t o u p d a t e w h e r e i c o n f o r t h i s a c t o r s h o u l d b e r e n d e r e d o n t h e H U D
* @ param NewHUDLocation is a vector whose X and Y components are the X and Y components of this actor 's icon' s 2 D position on the HUD
* /
simulated native function SetHUDLocation ( vector NewHUDLocation ) ;
/ * *
Hook to allow actors to render HUD overlays for themselves .
Assumes that appropriate font has already been set
* /
simulated native function NativePostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC , Canvas Canvas , vector CameraPosition , vector CameraDir ) ;
/ * *
Script function called by NativePostRenderFor ( ) .
* /
simulated event PostRenderFor ( PlayerController PC , Canvas Canvas , vector CameraPosition , vector CameraDir ) ;
/ * *
* Notification that root motion mode changed .
* Called only from SkelMeshComponents that have bRootMotionModeChangeNotify set .
* This is useful for synchronizing movements .
* For intance , when using RMM _Translate , and the event is called , we know that root motion will kick in on next frame .
* It is possible to kill in - game physics , and then use root motion seemlessly .
* /
simulated event RootMotionModeChanged ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp ) ;
/** Notification that Root Motion has been processed. */
simulated event RootMotionProcessed ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp ) ;
/ * *
* Notification called after root motion has been extracted , and before it ' s been used .
* This notification can be used to alter extracted root motion before it is forwarded to physics .
* It is only called when bRootMotionExtractedNotify is TRUE on the SkeletalMeshComponent .
* @ note : It is fairly slow in Script , so enable only when really needed .
* /
simulated event RootMotionExtracted ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp , out BoneAtom ExtractedRootMotionDelta ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d a f t e r i n i t i a l i z i n g t h e A n i m T r e e f o r t h e g i v e n S k e l e t a l M e s h C o m p o n e n t t h a t h a s t h i s A c t o r a s i t s O w n e r
* this is a good place to cache references to skeletal controllers , etc that the Actor modifies
* /
event PostInitAnimTree ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelComp ) ;
/ * * L o o k s u p t h e G U I D o f a p a c k a g e o n d i s k . T h e p a c k a g e m u s t N O T b e i n t h e a u t o d o w n l o a d c a c h e .
* This may require loading the header of the package in question and is therefore slow .
* /
native static final function Guid GetPackageGuid ( name PackageName ) ;
/** Notification forwarded from RB_BodyInstance, when a spring is over extended and disabled. */
simulated event OnRigidBodySpringOverextension ( RB _BodyInstance BodyInstance ) ;
/** whether this Actor is in the persistent level, i.e. not a sublevel */
native final function bool IsInPersistentLevel ( optional bool bIncludeLevelStreamingPersistent ) const ;
/ * *
* Returns aim - friction zone extents for this actor .
* Extents are in world units centered around Actor ' s location , and assumed to be
* oriented to face the viewer ( like a billboard sprite ) .
* /
simulated function GetAimFrictionExtent ( out float Width , out float Height , out vector Center )
if ( bCanBeFrictionedTo )
// Note this will be increasingly inaccurate with increasing vertical viewing angle.
// Consider transforming extents.
GetBoundingCylinder ( Width , Height ) ;
Width = 0. f ;
Height = 0. f ;
Center = Location ;
/ * *
* Returns aim - adhesion zone extents for this actor .
* Extents are in world units centered around Actor ' s location , and assumed to be
* oriented to face the viewer ( like a billboard sprite ) .
* /
simulated function GetAimAdhesionExtent ( out float Width , out float Height , out vector Center )
if ( bCanBeAdheredTo )
// Note this will be increasingly inaccurate with increasing vertical viewing angle.
// Consider transforming extents.
GetBoundingCylinder ( Width , Height ) ;
Width = 0. f ;
Height = 0. f ;
Center = Location ;
/ * *
* Called by AnimNotify _PlayParticleEffect
* Looks for a socket name first then bone name
* @ param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify _PlayParticleEffect which will have all of the various params on it
* @ return bool true if the particle effect was played , false if not ;
* /
event bool PlayParticleEffect ( const AnimNotify _PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData )
if ( WorldInfo . NetMode == NM _DedicatedServer )
` Log("(Actor): PlayParticleEffect on dedicated server!");
return true ;
return false ;
/ * *
* Called by AnimNotify _CreateForceField
* Looks for a socket name first then bone name
* @ param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify _ForceField which will have all of the various params on it
* @ return bool true if the forcefield was created , false if not ;
* /
event bool CreateForceField ( const AnimNotify _Forcefield AnimNotifyData )
return false ;
/ * *
* Called by AnimNotify _Trails
* @ param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify _Trails which will have all of the various params on it
* /
event TrailsNotify ( const AnimNotify _Trails AnimNotifyData ) ;
/ * *
* Called by AnimNotify _Trails
* @ param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify _Trails which will have all of the various params on it
* /
event TrailsNotifyTick ( const AnimNotify _Trails AnimNotifyData ) ;
/ * *
* Called by AnimNotify _Trails
* @ param AnimNotifyData The AnimNotify _Trails which will have all of the various params on it
* /
event TrailsNotifyEnd ( const AnimNotify _Trails AnimNotifyData ) ;
/** Allows us to have dynamic trail particles */
native function ParticleSystem GetAnimTrailParticleSystem ( const AnimNotify _Trails AnimNotifyData ) const ;
/ * * w h e t h e r t h i s A c t o r c a n b e m o d i f i e d b y K i s m e t a c t i o n s
* primarily used by error checking to warn LDs when their Kismet may not apply changes correctly ( especially on clients )
* @ param AskingOp - Kismet operation to which this Actor is linked
* @ param Reason ( out ) - If this function returns false , contains the reason why the Kismet action is not allowed to execute on this Actor
* @ return whether the AskingOp can correctly modify this Actor
* /
native final virtual function bool SupportsKismetModification ( SequenceOp AskingOp , out string Reason ) const ;
/** Notification called when one of our meshes gets his AnimTree updated */
simulated event AnimTreeUpdated ( SkeletalMeshComponent SkelMesh ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d o n a l l d y n a m i c o r n e t r e l e v a n t a c t o r s a f t e r r e w i n d i n g a d e m o
* primarily used to propagate properties to components , since components are ignored for rewinding
* /
simulated event PostDemoRewind ( ) ;
/ * * c a l l e d O N L Y f o r b N o D e l e t e A c t o r s o n t h e c l i e n t w h e n t h e s e r v e r w a s r e p l i c a t i n g d a t a o n t h i s A c t o r ,
* but no longer considers it relevant ( i . e . the actor channel was destroyed )
* for ! bNoDelete Actors this results in destruction , so cleanup code can be done there , but bNoDelete Actors
* just keep going with whatever data was last received , so this is their chance to perform any cleanup
* /
simulated event ReplicationEnded ( ) ;
/ * *
* Calculates a direction ( unit vector ) to avoid all actors contained in Obstacles list , assuming each entry in Obstacles is also
* avoiding this actor . Based loosely on RVO as described in http : //gamma.cs.unc.edu/RVO/icra2008.pdf .
* /
final native function vector GetAvoidanceVector ( const out array < Actor > Obstacles , vector GoalLocation , float CollisionRadius , float MaxSpeed , optional int NumSamples = 8 , optional float VelocityStepRate = 0.1 f , optional float MaxTimeTilOverlap = 1. f ) ;
/** Steps from each position given the respective velocities performing simple radius checks */
final native function bool WillOverlap ( vector PosA , vector VelA , vector PosB , vector VelB , float StepSize , float Radius , out float Time ) ;
/ * *
* replaces IsA ( NavigationPoint ) check for primitivecomponents
* /
native function bool ShouldBeHiddenBySHOW _NavigationNodes ( ) ;
/ * *
* Can this actor receive touch screen events ?
* /
function bool IsMobileTouchEnabled ( )
return bEnableMobileTouch && bCollideActors ;
/ * *
* You must assign a MobileInputZone ' s OnTapDelegate to MobilePlayerInput . ProcessWorldTouch to catch this event .
* @ param InPC The PlayerController that caused this event
* @ param TouchLocation The screen - space location of the touch event
* @ Return true if event was handled , false to pass through to actors that may be occluded by this one
* /
event bool OnMobileTouch ( PlayerController InPC , Vector2D TouchLocation )
TriggerEventClass ( class 'SeqEvent_MobileTouch' , InPC , 0 ) ;
return true ;
/ * *
* Retrieve various actor metrics depending on the provided type . All of
* these will total the values of the given type for every component that
* makes up the actor .
* @ param MetricsType The type of metric to calculate .
* METRICS _VERTS - Get the number of vertices .
* METRICS _TRIS - Get the number of triangles .
* METRICS _SECTIONS - Get the number of sections .
* @ return INT The total of the given type for this actor .
* /
simulated native function int GetActorMetrics ( EActorMetricsType MetricsType ) ;
/ * *
* Searches through this Actor ' s Components and returns the
* first SpriteComponent found . If none exist , returns NULL .
* @ return SpriteComponent First found SpriteComponent for this actor . NULL if none are found .
* /
native function SpriteComponent GetActorSpriteComponent ( ) const ;
` if( ` _ _TW _ )
// Called in addition to AdjustDamage, but specific to radius damage scaling
function AdjustRadiusDamage ( out float InBaseDamage , float DamageScale , vector HurtOrigin ) ;
/** Called from SkeletalMeshComponent::PlayParticleEffect() */
simulated function OnAnimNotifyParticleSystemSpawned ( const AnimNotify _PlayParticleEffect AnimNotifyData , ParticleSystemComponent PSC ) ;
/ * * A c c u m l a t e d a c t o r t i c k t i m e
* Use this instead of WorldInfo . TimeSeconds if the actor is affected by CustomTimeDilation ( e . g . Pawns , Weapons )
* To reduce confusion any container vars should be labelled with the suffix "ActorTime"
* /
native final function float GetActorTimeSeconds ( ) const ;
native final function float ActorTimeSince ( float Time ) const ;
` endif
// For safety, make everything before the async work. Move actors to
// the during group one at a time to find bugs.
TickGroup = TG _PreAsyncWork
CustomTimeDilation = + 1.0
DrawScale = + 00001.000000
DrawScale3D = ( X = 1 , Y = 1 , Z = 1 )
bJustTeleported = true
Role = ROLE _Authority
RemoteRole = ROLE _None
NetPriority = + 00001.000000
bMovable = true
InitialState = None
NetUpdateFrequency = 100
MessageClass = class 'LocalMessage'
bEditable = true
bHiddenEdGroup = false
bHiddenEdLayer = false
bHiddenEdTemporary = false
bHiddenEdLevel = false
bHiddenEdScene = false
bReplicateMovement = true
bRouteBeginPlayEvenIfStatic = TRUE
bPushedByEncroachers = true
bCanStepUpOn = TRUE
SupportedEvents ( 0 ) = class 'SeqEvent_Touch'
SupportedEvents ( 1 ) = class 'SeqEvent_Destroyed'
SupportedEvents ( 2 ) = class 'SeqEvent_TakeDamage'
SupportedEvents ( 3 ) = class 'SeqEvent_HitWall'
SupportedEvents ( 4 ) = class 'SeqEvent_AnimNotify'
SupportedEvents ( 5 ) = class 'SeqEvent_MobileTouch'
ReplicatedCollisionType = COLLIDE _Max
bAllowFluidSurfaceInteraction = TRUE
EditorIconColor = ( R = 255 , G = 255 , B = 255 , A = 255 )
bSkipAttachedMoves = true
// NVCHANGE_BEGIN_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels
bLoadIfPhysXLevel0 = true
bLoadIfPhysXLevel1 = true
bLoadIfPhysXLevel2 = true
// NVCHANGE_END_TURB: Multiple PhysX levels