class CTI_RepInfo extends ReplicationInfo dependson(WeaponReplacements); const CAPACITY = 64; // max: 128 const Trader = class'Trader'; const LocalMessage = class'CTI_LocalMessage'; const Replacements = class'WeaponReplacements'; struct ReplicationStruct { var int Size; var int Transfered; var class Items[CAPACITY]; var int Length; }; var public bool PendingSync; var private CTI CTI; var private E_LogLevel LogLevel; var private GameReplicationInfo GRI; var private KFPlayerController KFPC; var private KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; var private KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame PartyInGameWidget; var private GFxObject Notification; var private String NotificationHeaderText; var private String NotificationLeftText; var private String NotificationRightText; var private int NotificationPercent; var private int WaitingGRI; var private int WaitingGRIThreshold; var private int WaitingGRILimit; var private ReplicationStruct RepData; var private Array > RepArray; var private bool SkinUpdateRequired; replication { if (bNetInitial && Role == ROLE_Authority) LogLevel, SkinUpdateRequired; } public simulated function bool SafeDestroy() { `Log_Trace(); return (bPendingDelete || bDeleteMe || Destroy()); } public function Replicate(const out Array > WeapDefs) { `Log_Trace(); RepArray = WeapDefs; RepData.Size = RepArray.Length; if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_StandAlone) { Progress(RepArray.Length, RepArray.Length); return; } Sync(); } private reliable server function Sync() { local int LocalIndex; local int GlobalIndex; `Log_Trace(); LocalIndex = 0; GlobalIndex = RepData.Transfered; while (LocalIndex < CAPACITY && GlobalIndex < RepData.Size) { RepData.Items[LocalIndex++] = RepArray[GlobalIndex++]; } if (RepData.Transfered == GlobalIndex) return; // Finished RepData.Transfered = GlobalIndex; RepData.Length = LocalIndex; Send(RepData); Progress(RepData.Transfered, RepData.Size); } private reliable client function Send(ReplicationStruct RD) { local int LocalIndex; `Log_Trace(); for (LocalIndex = 0; LocalIndex < RD.Length; LocalIndex++) { RepArray.AddItem(RD.Items[LocalIndex]); } Progress(RD.Transfered, RD.Size); Sync(); } public function PrepareSync(CTI _CTI, KFPlayerController _KFPC, E_LogLevel _LogLevel, bool _SkinUpdateRequired) { `Log_Trace(); CTI = _CTI; KFPC = _KFPC; LogLevel = _LogLevel; SkinUpdateRequired = _SkinUpdateRequired; } private simulated function Progress(int Value, int Size) { `Log_Trace(); `Log_Debug("Replicated:" @ Value @ "/" @ Size); if (ROLE < ROLE_Authority) { NotifyProgress(Value, Size); if (Value >= Size) Finished(); } } private simulated function Finished() { local KFGameReplicationInfo KFGRI; `Log_Trace(); if (GetGRI(WaitingGRI > WaitingGRIThreshold) == None && WaitingGRI++ < WaitingGRILimit) { `Log_Debug("Finished: Waiting GRI" @ WaitingGRI); NotifyWaitingGRI(); SetTimer(1.0f, false, nameof(Finished)); return; } KFGRI = KFGameReplicationInfo(GRI); if (KFGRI != None) { `Log_Debug("Finished: Trader.static.OverwriteTraderItems"); Trader.static.OverwriteTraderItems(KFGRI, RepArray, LogLevel); `Log_Info("Trader items successfully synchronized!"); } else { `Log_Error("Incompatible Game Replication info:" @ String(GRI)); if (GRI == None) { NotifyNoneGRI(); } else { NotifyIncompatibleGRI(); } } ShowReadyButton(); if (SkinUpdateRequired) { SetTimer(1.0f, true, nameof(UpdateSkinsDLC)); } else { ClientCleanup(); } } private simulated function UpdateSkinsDLC() { local SWeapReplace WeapReplace; `Log_Debug("Wait for spawn"); if (GetKFPRI() != None && KFPRI.bHasSpawnedIn) { foreach Replacements.default.DLC(WeapReplace) { // sometimes "WeapReplace.Weap.default.SkinItemId" can give values greater than zero while actually being zero // this is the same bug that prevents creating the correct default config // so for now let’s shorten the check a little so that the skinId of the WeapReplace is guaranteed to be correct // but if this bug is ever fixed, then it’s worth replacing the check with this one: // if (WeapReplace.WeapParent.default.SkinItemId > 0 && WeapReplace.Weap.default.SkinItemId != WeapReplace.WeapParent.default.SkinItemId) // to reduce the number of meaningless disk writes if (WeapReplace.WeapParent.default.SkinItemId > 0) { `Log_Debug("Update skin for:" @ String(WeapReplace.WeapDef) @ "SkinId:" @ WeapReplace.WeapParent.default.SkinItemId); class'KFWeaponSkinList'.static.SaveWeaponSkin(WeapReplace.WeapDef, WeapReplace.WeapParent.default.SkinItemId); } } ClearTimer(nameof(UpdateSkinsDLC)); ClientCleanup(); } } private simulated function GameReplicationInfo GetGRI(optional bool ForcedSearch = false) { `Log_Trace(); if (GRI == None) { GRI = WorldInfo.GRI; } if (GRI == None && ForcedSearch) { foreach WorldInfo.DynamicActors(class'GameReplicationInfo', GRI) break; } if (WorldInfo.GRI == None && GRI != None) { `Log_Warn("Force initialization of WorldInfo.GRI" @ String(GRI)); WorldInfo.GRI = GRI; } return GRI; } private simulated function KFPlayerController GetKFPC() { `Log_Trace(); if (KFPC != None) return KFPC; KFPC = KFPlayerController(Owner); if (KFPC == None && ROLE < ROLE_Authority) { KFPC = KFPlayerController(GetALocalPlayerController()); } return KFPC; } private simulated function KFPlayerReplicationInfo GetKFPRI() { `Log_Trace(); if (KFPRI != None) return KFPRI; if (GetKFPC() == None) return None; KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(KFPC.PlayerReplicationInfo); return KFPRI; } public reliable client function WriteToChatLocalized( E_CTI_LocalMessageType LMT, optional String HexColor, optional String String1, optional String String2, optional String String3) { `Log_Trace(); WriteToChat(LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, LMT, String1, String2, String3), HexColor); } public reliable client function WriteToChat(String Message, optional String HexColor) { local KFGFxHudWrapper HUD; `Log_Trace(); if (GetKFPC() == None) return; if (KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget != None && KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget != None) { KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget.SetVisible(true); KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget.PartyChatWidget.AddChatMessage(Message, HexColor); } HUD = KFGFxHudWrapper(KFPC.myHUD); if (HUD != None && HUD.HUDMovie != None && HUD.HUDMovie.HudChatBox != None) { HUD.HUDMovie.HudChatBox.AddChatMessage(Message, HexColor); } } private simulated function SetPartyInGameWidget() { `Log_Trace(); if (GetKFPC() == None) return; if (KFPC.MyGFxManager == None) return; if (KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget == None) return; PartyInGameWidget = KFGFxWidget_PartyInGame(KFPC.MyGFxManager.PartyWidget); Notification = PartyInGameWidget.Notification; } private simulated function bool CheckPartyInGameWidget() { `Log_Trace(); if (PartyInGameWidget == None) { SetPartyInGameWidget(); } return (PartyInGameWidget != None); } private simulated function HideReadyButton() { `Log_Trace(); if (CheckPartyInGameWidget()) { PartyInGameWidget.SetReadyButtonVisibility(false); } } private simulated function ShowReadyButton() { `Log_Trace(); ClearTimer(nameof(KeepNotification)); if (CheckPartyInGameWidget()) { Notification.SetVisible(false); PartyInGameWidget.SetReadyButtonVisibility(true); PartyInGameWidget.UpdateReadyButtonText(); PartyInGameWidget.UpdateReadyButtonVisibility(); } } private simulated function UpdateNotification(String Title, String Left, String Right, int Percent) { `Log_Trace(); if (CheckPartyInGameWidget() && Notification != None) { Notification.SetString("itemName", Title); Notification.SetFloat("percent", Percent); Notification.SetInt("queue", 0); Notification.SetString("downLoading", Left); Notification.SetString("remaining", Right); Notification.SetObject("notificationInfo", Notification); Notification.SetVisible(true); } } private simulated function KeepNotification() { HideReadyButton(); UpdateNotification( NotificationHeaderText, NotificationLeftText, NotificationRightText, NotificationPercent); } private simulated function ClientCleanup() { `Log_Debug("Cleanup"); ServerCleanup(); SafeDestroy(); } private reliable server function ServerCleanup() { `Log_Trace(); `Log_Debug("Cleanup" @ GetKFPC() @ GetKFPRI() == None? "" : GetKFPRI().PlayerName); if (!CTI.DestroyRepInfo(GetKFPC())) { `Log_Debug("Cleanup (forced)"); SafeDestroy(); } } private simulated function NotifyWaitingGRI() { if (!IsTimerActive(nameof(KeepNotification))) { SetTimer(0.1f, true, nameof(KeepNotification)); } NotificationHeaderText = LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, CTI_WaitingGRI); NotificationLeftText = String(WaitingGRI) $ LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, CTI_SecondsShort); NotificationRightText = LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, CTI_PleaseWait); NotificationPercent = 0; KeepNotification(); } private simulated function NotifyProgress(int Value, int Size) { if (!IsTimerActive(nameof(KeepNotification))) { SetTimer(0.1f, true, nameof(KeepNotification)); } NotificationHeaderText = LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, CTI_SyncItems); NotificationLeftText = Value @ "/" @ Size; NotificationRightText = LocalMessage.static.GetLocalizedString(LogLevel, CTI_PleaseWait); NotificationPercent = (float(Value) / float(Size)) * 100; KeepNotification(); } private simulated function NotifyIncompatibleGRI() { WriteToChatLocalized( CTI_IncompatibleGRI, class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor, String(GRI.class)); WriteToChatLocalized( CTI_IncompatibleGRIWarning, class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor); } private simulated function NotifyNoneGRI() { WriteToChatLocalized( CTI_NoneGRI, class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor); WriteToChatLocalized( CTI_NoneGRIWarning, class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor); } defaultproperties { bAlwaysRelevant = false bOnlyRelevantToOwner = true bSkipActorPropertyReplication = false PendingSync = false NotificationPercent = 0 WaitingGRI = 0 WaitingGRIThreshold = 15 WaitingGRILimit = 30 }