class CVC_VoteCollector extends KFVoteCollector; const CfgKickProtected = class'KickProtected'; const CfgKickVote = class'KickVote'; const CfgStartWaveKickProtection = class'StartWaveKickProtection'; const CfgSkipTraderVote = class'SkipTraderVote'; const CfgPauseVote = class'PauseVote'; const CfgMapStat = class'MapStat'; const CfgMapStats = class'MapStats'; const CfgMapVote = class'MapVote'; struct S_KickVote { var String Name; var String SteamID; var String UniqueID; var bool VoteYes; var class Perk; var byte Level; }; // KickVotes[0]: Kickee // KickVotes[1]: Kicker // KickVotes[2...]: Voters var private Array KickVotes; var public CVC CVC; var public E_LogLevel LogLevel; var private KFPlayerController KFPC_Kicker; var private KFPlayerController KFPC_Kickee; var private String KickerName; var private String KickeeName; var private String YesVotesPlayers, NoVotesPlayers; var private bool AllowHudNotification; replication { if (bNetInitial && Role == ROLE_Authority) LogLevel; } public function ServerStartVoteKick(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI_Kickee, PlayerReplicationInfo PRI_Kicker) { local Array KFPRIs; local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; local KFGameInfo KFGI; `Log_Trace(); KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); KFPC_Kicker = KFPlayerController(PRI_Kicker.Owner); KFPC_Kickee = KFPlayerController(PRI_Kickee.Owner); KickerName = PRI_Kicker.PlayerName; KickeeName = PRI_Kickee.PlayerName; if (KFGI.bDisableKickVote) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteDisabled); return; } if (PRI_Kicker.bOnlySpectator) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteNoSpectators); return; } if (!CVC.PlayerCanKickVote(KFPC_Kicker, KFPC_Kickee)) { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kicker, CVC_PlayerCantVote, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, String(CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves)); return; } if (CVC.PlayerIsStartWaveKickProtected(KFPC_Kickee)) { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kicker, CVC_PlayerIsStartWaveKickProtected, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, KickeeName, String(CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves)); return; } if (VotingPlayers(PRI_Kickee) < CfgKickVote.default.MinVotingPlayersToStartKickVote) { if (CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves == 0) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteNotEnoughPlayers); } else { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kicker, CVC_KickVoteNotEnoughPlayers, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, String(CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves)); } return; } if (KickedPlayers >= CfgKickVote.default.MaxKicks) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteMaxKicksReached); return; } if (CVC.PlayerIsKickProtected(PRI_Kickee)) { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kicker, CVC_PlayerIsKickProtected, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, KickeeName); if (CfgKickProtected.default.NotifyPlayerAboutKickAttempt) { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kickee, CVC_KickVoteNotStartedForPlayer, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, KickerName); } return; } if (KFGI.AccessControl != None && KFGI.AccessControl.IsAdmin(KFPC_Kickee)) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteAdmin); return; } if (bIsFailedVoteTimerActive) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteRejected); return; } if (bIsSkipTraderVoteInProgress || bIsPauseGameVoteInProgress) { KFPC_Kicker.ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_OtherVoteInProgress); return; } if (!bIsKickVoteInProgress) { PlayersThatHaveVoted.Length = 0; CurrentKickVote.PlayerID = PRI_Kickee.UniqueId; CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI = PRI_Kickee; CurrentKickVote.PlayerIPAddress = KFPC_Kickee.GetPlayerNetworkAddress(); bIsKickVoteInProgress = true; GetKFPRIArray(KFPRIs); foreach KFPRIs(KFPRI) { KFPRI.ShowKickVote(PRI_Kickee, VoteTime, !(KFPRI == PRI_Kicker || KFPRI == PRI_Kickee || !CVC.PlayerCanKickVote(KFPlayerController(KFPRI.Owner)))); } if (CfgKickVote.default.bChatNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastChatLocalized( CVC_KickVoteStarted, CfgKickVote.default.PositiveColorHex, KFPC_Kickee, KickerName, KickeeName); CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kickee, CVC_KickVoteStartedForPlayer, CfgKickVote.default.NegativeColorHex, KickerName, KickeeName); foreach KFPRIs(KFPRI) { if (KFPRI == PRI_Kickee) { continue; } KFPC = KFPlayerController(KFPRI.Owner); if (!CVC.PlayerCanKickVote(KFPC)) { CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC, CVC_PlayerCantVote, CfgKickVote.default.WarningColorHex, String(CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves)); } } } else { KFGI.BroadcastLocalized(KFGI, class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteStarted, CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI); } if (CfgKickVote.default.bLogKickVote) { KickVotes.Length = 0; KickVotes.AddItem(PlayerKickVote(PRI_Kickee, false)); } if (CfgKickVote.default.bHudNotificationsOnlyOnTraderTime) { AllowHudNotification = bTraderIsOpen; } SetTimer(VoteTime, false, nameof(ConcludeVoteKick), Self); RecieveVoteKick(PRI_Kicker, true); } else if (PRI_Kickee == CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI) { RecieveVoteKick(PRI_Kicker, false); // WTF is that?! `Log_Debug("WTF happens:" @ KickeeName); } else { KFPlayerController(PRI_Kicker.Owner).ReceiveLocalizedMessage(class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteInProgress); } } private function int VotingPlayers(optional PlayerReplicationInfo KickeePRI, optional Array KFPRIs) { local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local KFPlayerController KFPC; local int VotingPlayersNum; `Log_Trace(); if (KFPRIs.Length == 0) { GetKFPRIArray(KFPRIs); } if (KFPC_Kickee == None) { if (KickeePRI == None) { KickeePRI = CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI; } if (KickeePRI != None) { KFPC_Kickee = KFPlayerController(KickeePRI.Owner); } } VotingPlayersNum = 0; foreach KFPRIs(KFPRI) { KFPC = KFPlayerController(KFPRI.Owner); if (KFPC != None && CVC.PlayerCanKickVote(KFPC, KFPC_Kickee)) { VotingPlayersNum++; } } return VotingPlayersNum; } private function String DidntVotedPlayers() { local Array KFPRIs; local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local String DidntVoted; `Log_Trace(); GetKFPRIArray(KFPRIs); foreach KFPRIs(KFPRI) { if (PlayersThatHaveVoted.Find(KFPRI) == INDEX_None) { DidntVoted $= (DidntVoted == "" ? KFPRI.PlayerName : ("," @ KFPRI.PlayerName)); } } return DidntVoted; } private function String VotedPlayers() { local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI; local String Voted; `Log_Trace(); foreach PlayersThatHaveVoted(PRI) { Voted $= (Voted == "" ? PRI.PlayerName : ("," @ PRI.PlayerName)); } return Voted; } private function S_KickVote PlayerKickVote(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bKick) { local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local PlayerController PC; local OnlineSubsystem OS; local S_KickVote KV; `Log_Trace(); KV.Name = PRI.PlayerName; KV.UniqueID = class'OnlineSubsystem'.static.UniqueNetIdToString(PRI.UniqueId); PC = PlayerController(PRI.Owner); if (PC != None && !PC.bIsEosPlayer) { OS = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if (OS != None) { KV.SteamID = OS.UniqueNetIdToInt64(PRI.UniqueId); } } KV.VoteYes = bKick; KFPRI = KFPlayerReplicationInfo(PRI); if (KFPRI != None) { KV.Perk = KFPRI.CurrentPerkClass; KV.Level = KFPRI.GetActivePerkLevel(); } return KV; } public reliable server function RecieveVoteKick(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bKick) { `Log_Trace(); // there is a bug somewhere in the TWI code: // sometimes votes for skipping a trader or pausing come to this function // this is an attempt to fix it without affecting other parts of the game // probably this part can be changed when I understand when this bug occurs if (bIsSkipTraderVoteInProgress) { `Log_Debug("Receive kick vote while skip trader vote is active"); RecieveVoteSkipTrader(PRI, bKick); return; } if (bIsPauseGameVoteInProgress) { `Log_Debug("Receive kick vote while skip pause vote is active"); ReceiveVotePauseGame(PRI, bKick); return; } if (!bIsKickVoteInProgress) { `Log_Debug("Receive kick vote while kick vote is not active"); return; } if (PlayersThatHaveVoted.Find(PRI) == INDEX_NONE) { if (bKick) { YesVotesPlayers = (YesVotesPlayers == "") ? PRI.PlayerName : YesVotesPlayers $ "," @ PRI.PlayerName; } else { NoVotesPlayers = (NoVotesPlayers == "") ? PRI.PlayerName : NoVotesPlayers $ "," @ PRI.PlayerName; } if (CfgKickVote.default.bLogKickVote) { KickVotes.AddItem(PlayerKickVote(PRI, bKick)); } if (CfgKickVote.default.bChatNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastChatLocalized( bKick ? CVC_KickVoteYesReceived : CVC_KickVoteNoReceived, bKick ? CfgKickVote.default.PositiveColorHex : CfgKickVote.default.NegativeColorHex, KFPC_Kickee, PRI.PlayerName); CVC.WriteToChatLocalized( KFPC_Kickee, bKick ? CVC_KickVoteYesReceived : CVC_KickVoteNoReceived, bKick ? CfgKickVote.default.NegativeColorHex : CfgKickVote.default.PositiveColorHex, PRI.PlayerName); } if (CfgKickVote.default.bHUDNotifications && AllowHudNotification) { if (NoVotesPlayers == "") { CVC.BroadcastHUDLocalized( CVC_KickVoteStartedHUD, float(VoteTime), KickerName, KickeeName, YesVotesPlayers); } else { CVC.BroadcastHUDLocalized( CVC_KickVoteReceivedHUD, float(VoteTime), YesVotesPlayers, NoVotesPlayers); } } } Super.RecieveVoteKick(PRI, bKick); } public function bool ShouldConcludeKickVote() { local KFGameInfo KFGI; local int NumPRIs; local int KickVotesNeeded; `Log_Trace(); if (CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves == 0) { return Super.ShouldConcludeKickVote(); } KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); NumPRIs = VotingPlayers(); if (YesVotes + NoVotes >= NumPRIs) { return true; } else if (KFGI != None) { KickVotesNeeded = FCeil(float(NumPRIs) * KFGI.KickVotePercentage); KickVotesNeeded = Clamp(KickVotesNeeded, 1, NumPRIs); if (YesVotes >= KickVotesNeeded) { return true; } else if (NoVotes > (NumPRIs - KickVotesNeeded)) { return true; } } return false; } public reliable server function ConcludeVoteKick() { local Array KFPRIs; local KFPlayerReplicationInfo KFPRI; local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI; local int NumPRIs; local KFGameInfo KFGI; local KFPlayerController KickedPC; local int KickVotesNeeded; local int PrevKickedPlayers; `Log_Trace(); `Log_Debug("ConcludeVoteKick()" @ bIsKickVoteInProgress); if (bIsKickVoteInProgress) { YesVotesPlayers = ""; NoVotesPlayers = ""; if (CfgKickVote.default.bHUDNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastClearMessageHUD(CfgKickVote.default.DefferedClearHUD); } } PrevKickedPlayers = KickedPlayers; if (CfgStartWaveKickProtection.default.Waves == 0) { Super.ConcludeVoteKick(); } else if (bIsKickVoteInProgress) { KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); GetKFPRIArray(KFPRIs); foreach KFPRIs(KFPRI) KFPRI.HideKickVote(); NumPRIs = VotingPlayers(CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI, KFPRIs); KickVotesNeeded = FCeil(float(NumPRIs) * KFGI.KickVotePercentage); KickVotesNeeded = Clamp(KickVotesNeeded, 1, NumPRIs); if (YesVotes >= KickVotesNeeded) { if (CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI == None || CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI.bPendingDelete) { foreach WorldInfo.Game.InactivePRIArray(PRI) { if (PRI.UniqueId == CurrentKickVote.PlayerID) { CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI = PRI; break; } } } if (KFGI.AccessControl != None) { KickedPC = ((CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI != None) && (CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI.Owner != None)) ? KFPlayerController(CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI.Owner) : None; KFAccessControl(KFGI.AccessControl).KickSessionBanPlayer(KickedPC, CurrentKickVote.PlayerID, KFGI.AccessControl.KickedMsg); } KFGI.BroadcastLocalized(KFGI, class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteSucceeded, CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI); KickedPlayers++; } else { bIsFailedVoteTimerActive = true; SetTimer(KFGI.TimeBetweenFailedVotes, false, nameof(ClearFailedVoteFlag), Self); KFGI.BroadcastLocalized(KFGI, class'KFLocalMessage', LMT_KickVoteFailed, CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI); } bIsKickVoteInProgress = false; CurrentKickVote.PlayerPRI = None; CurrentKickVote.PlayerID = class'PlayerReplicationInfo'.default.UniqueId; YesVotes = 0; NoVotes = 0; } if (CfgKickVote.default.bLogKickVote && KickedPlayers > PrevKickedPlayers) { LogKickVotes(); } } private function LogKickVotes() { local S_KickVote KV; local S_KickVote Kicker; local S_KickVote Kickee; local Array Yes; local Array No; local int Index; `Log_Trace(); foreach KickVotes(KV, Index) { switch (Index) { case 0: Kickee = KV; break; case 1: Kicker = KV; break; default: if (KV.VoteYes) Yes.AddItem(KV); else No.AddItem(KV); break; } } `Log_Kick("Kicker:" @ LogVotePlayer(Kicker)); `Log_Kick("Kicked:" @ LogVotePlayer(Kickee) @ String(Kickee.Perk) @ String(Kickee.Level)); `Log_Kick("Yes voters:"); foreach Yes(KV) `Log_Kick(LogVotePlayer(KV)); if (No.Length == 0) return; `Log_Kick("No voters:"); foreach No(KV) `Log_Kick(LogVotePlayer(KV)); } private function String LogVotePlayer(S_KickVote KV) { `Log_Trace(); return KV.Name @ "(UniqueID:" @ KV.UniqueID $ (KV.SteamID == "" ? "" : (", SteamID:" @ KV.SteamID $ ", Profile:" @ "" $ KV.SteamID)) $ ")"; } public reliable server function RecieveVoteSkipTrader(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bSkip) { local bool MustNotify; `Log_Trace(); MustNotify = (PlayersThatHaveVoted.Find(PRI) == INDEX_NONE); Super.RecieveVoteSkipTrader(PRI, bSkip); if (MustNotify) { if (CfgSkipTraderVote.default.bChatNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastChatLocalized( bSkip ? CVC_SkipVoteYesReceived : CVC_SkipVoteNoReceived, bSkip ? CfgSkipTraderVote.default.PositiveColorHex : CfgSkipTraderVote.default.NegativeColorHex, None, PRI.PlayerName); } if (CfgSkipTraderVote.default.bHUDNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastHUDLocalized( CVC_VoteProgressHUD, float(VoteTime), VotedPlayers(), DidntVotedPlayers()); } } } public reliable server function ConcludeVoteSkipTrader() { `Log_Trace(); `Log_Debug("ConcludeVoteSkipTrader()" @ bIsSkipTraderVoteInProgress); if (bIsSkipTraderVoteInProgress) { YesVotesPlayers = ""; NoVotesPlayers = ""; if (CfgSkipTraderVote.default.bHUDNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastClearMessageHUD(CfgSkipTraderVote.default.DefferedClearHUD); } } Super.ConcludeVoteSkipTrader(); } public reliable server function ReceiveVotePauseGame(PlayerReplicationInfo PRI, bool bSkip) { local bool MustNotify; `Log_Trace(); MustNotify = (PlayersThatHaveVoted.Find(PRI) == INDEX_NONE); Super.ReceiveVotePauseGame(PRI, bSkip); if (MustNotify) { if (CfgPauseVote.default.bChatNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastChatLocalized( bSkip ? CVC_PauseVoteYesReceived : CVC_PauseVoteNoReceived, bSkip ? CfgPauseVote.default.PositiveColorHex : CfgPauseVote.default.NegativeColorHex, None, PRI.PlayerName); } if (CfgPauseVote.default.bHUDNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastHUDLocalized( CVC_VoteProgressHUD, float(VoteTime), VotedPlayers(), DidntVotedPlayers()); } } } public reliable server function ConcludeVotePauseGame() { `Log_Trace(); `Log_Debug("ConcludeVotePauseGame()" @ bIsPauseGameVoteInProgress); if (bIsPauseGameVoteInProgress) { YesVotesPlayers = ""; NoVotesPlayers = ""; if (CfgPauseVote.default.bHUDNotifications) { CVC.BroadcastClearMessageHUD(CfgPauseVote.default.DefferedClearHUD); } } Super.ConcludeVotePauseGame(); } private function Array ActiveMapCycle() { local KFGameInfo KFGI; `Log_Trace(); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Standalone) { return Maplist; } KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); if (KFGI != None) { return KFGI.GameMapCycles[KFGI.ActiveMapCycle].Maps; } } private function Array GetAviableMaps() { local String LowerDefaultNextMap; local Array MapCycle; local Array Maps; local KFGameInfo KFGI; local String Map; local int Index; `Log_Trace(); KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); if (KFGI == None) return Maps; MapCycle = ActiveMapCycle(); LowerDefaultNextMap = Locs(CfgMapVote.default.DefaultNextMap); `Log_Debug("LowerDefaultNextMap:" @ LowerDefaultNextMap); switch (LowerDefaultNextMap) { case "any": `Log_Debug("any"); foreach MapCycle(Map) { if (KFGI.IsMapAllowedInCycle(Map)) { Maps.AddItem(Map); } } break; case "official": `Log_Debug("official"); foreach MapCycle(Map) { if (KFGI.IsMapAllowedInCycle(Map) && !IsCustomMap(Map)) { Maps.AddItem(Map); } } break; case "custom": `Log_Debug("custom"); foreach MapCycle(Map) { if (KFGI.IsMapAllowedInCycle(Map) && IsCustomMap(Map)) { Maps.AddItem(Map); } } break; default: `Log_Debug("kf-"); if (Left(LowerDefaultNextMap, 3) == "kf-") { Index = MapCycle.Find(LowerDefaultNextMap); if (Index != INDEX_NONE) { Maps.AddItem(MapCycle[Index]); } } break; } `Log_Debug("AviableMaps:"); foreach Maps(Map) `Log_Debug(Map); return Maps; } private function bool IsCustomMap(String MapName) { local KFMapSummary MapData; `Log_Trace(); MapData = class'KFUIDataStore_GameResource'.static.GetMapSummaryFromMapName(MapName); if (MapData == None) { return true; } else { return (MapData.MapAssociation == EAI_Custom); } } private function int DefaultNextMapIndex() { local KFGameInfo KFGI; local Array AviableMaps; local Array MapCycle; local int CurrentMapIndex; `Log_Trace(); KFGI = KFGameInfo(WorldInfo.Game); if (KFGI == None) return INDEX_NONE; MapCycle = ActiveMapCycle(); AviableMaps = GetAviableMaps(); if (MapCycle.Length > 0 && AviableMaps.Length > 0) { if (CfgMapVote.default.bRandomizeNextMap) { return MapCycle.Find(AviableMaps[Rand(AviableMaps.Length)]); } else { // I don't use KFGameInfo.GetNextMap() because // it uses and changes global KFGameInfo.MapCycleIndex variable CurrentMapIndex = MapCycle.Find(WorldInfo.GetMapName(true)); if (CurrentMapIndex != INDEX_NONE) { for (++CurrentMapIndex; CurrentMapIndex < MapCycle.Length; ++CurrentMapIndex) { if (AviableMaps.Find(MapCycle[CurrentMapIndex]) != INDEX_NONE) { return CurrentMapIndex; } } } for (CurrentMapIndex = 0; CurrentMapIndex < MapCycle.Length; ++CurrentMapIndex) { if (AviableMaps.Find(MapCycle[CurrentMapIndex]) != INDEX_NONE) { return CurrentMapIndex; } } } } return INDEX_NONE; } private function String MapNameByIndex(int MapIndex) { local Array MapCycle; `Log_Trace(); if (MapIndex == INDEX_NONE) return ""; MapCycle = ActiveMapCycle(); if (MapIndex >= MapCycle.Length) return ""; return MapCycle[MapIndex]; } public function int GetNextMap() { local int MapIndex; local String MapName; `Log_Trace(); if (CfgMapStat.default.bEnable) { if (WorldInfo.GRI != None) { CfgMapStats.static.IncMapStat( WorldInfo.GetMapName(true), WorldInfo.GRI.ElapsedTime / 60, CfgMapStat.default.SortPolicy, LogLevel); } else { `Log_Warn("WorldInfo.GRI is None, can't write map stats"); } } if (MapVoteList.Length > 0) { MapIndex = MapVoteList[0].MapIndex; MapName = MapNameByIndex(MapIndex); if (MapName != "") { `Log_Info("Next map (vote):" @ MapName); } else { `Log_Warn("Can't find next map (vote)"); } } else { MapIndex = DefaultNextMapIndex(); MapName = MapNameByIndex(MapIndex); if (MapName != "") { `Log_Info("Next map (default):" @ MapName); } else { `Log_Warn("Can't find next map (default)"); } } return MapIndex; } defaultproperties { AllowHudNotification = true; }