2023-05-13 01:48:44 +03:00
class BaseVote extends Object
var public config String PositiveColorHex;
var public config String NegativeColorHex;
var public config bool bChatNotifications;
var public config bool bHudNotifications;
var public config float DefferedClearHUD;
var public config int VoteTime;
public static function InitConfig(int Version, int LatestVersion, E_LogLevel LogLevel)
switch (Version)
case `NO_CONFIG:
case 1:
default.VoteTime = class'KFVoteCollector'.default.VoteTime;
default: break;
if (LatestVersion != Version)
public static function Load(E_LogLevel LogLevel)
if (!IsValidHexColor(default.PositiveColorHex, LogLevel))
`Log_Error("PositiveColorHex" @ "(" $ default.PositiveColorHex $ ")" @ "is not valid hex color");
default.PositiveColorHex = class'KFLocalMessage'.default.EventColor;
if (!IsValidHexColor(default.NegativeColorHex, LogLevel))
`Log_Error("NegativeColorHex" @ "(" $ default.NegativeColorHex $ ")" @ "is not valid hex color");
default.NegativeColorHex = class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor;
if (default.DefferedClearHUD < 0)
`Log_Error("DefferedClearHUD" @ "(" $ default.DefferedClearHUD $ ")" @ "must be greater than 0");
default.DefferedClearHUD = 0.0f;
if (default.VoteTime <= 0 || default.VoteTime > 255)
`Log_Error("VoteTime" @ "(" $ default.VoteTime $ ")" @ "must be in range 1-255");
default.VoteTime = class'KFVoteCollector'.default.VoteTime;
protected static function ApplyDefault(E_LogLevel LogLevel)
default.bChatNotifications = true;
default.bHudNotifications = true;
default.PositiveColorHex = class'KFLocalMessage'.default.EventColor;
default.NegativeColorHex = class'KFLocalMessage'.default.InteractionColor;
default.DefferedClearHUD = 1.0f;
default.VoteTime = class'KFVoteCollector'.default.VoteTime;
protected static function bool IsValidHexColor(String HexColor, E_LogLevel LogLevel)
local byte Index;
if (len(HexColor) != 6) return false;
HexColor = Locs(HexColor);
for (Index = 0; Index < 6; ++Index)
switch (Mid(HexColor, Index, 1))
case "0": break;
case "1": break;
case "2": break;
case "3": break;
case "4": break;
case "5": break;
case "6": break;
case "7": break;
case "8": break;
case "9": break;
case "a": break;
case "b": break;
case "c": break;
case "d": break;
case "e": break;
case "f": break;
default: return false;
return true;