#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2022-2023 GenZmeY # mailto: genzmey@gmail.com # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # Requirements: git-bash # https://git-scm.com/download/win set -Eeuo pipefail trap cleanup SIGINT SIGTERM ERR EXIT function reg_readkey () # $1: path, $2: key { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" || "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then cygpath -u "$( reg query "$1" //v "$2" | \ grep -F "$2" | \ awk '{ $1=$2=""; print $0 }' | \ sed -r 's|^\s*(.+)\s*|\1|g')" fi } function steamlib_by_steamid () # $1: SteamID { local Path if ! [[ -f "$SteamLibFoldersVdf" ]]; then return fi while read -r Line do if echo "$Line" | grep -Foq '"path"'; then Path="$(echo "$Line" | sed -r 's|^\s*\"path\"\s*||' | sed 's|"||g')" fi if echo "$Line" | grep -Poq "^\s*\"${1}\"\s*\"\d+\"$"; then wrapped_cygpath --unix "$Path" fi done < "$SteamLibFoldersVdf" } function wrapped_cygpath () # $@: Params { if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" || "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then cygpath "$@" fi } # Whoami ScriptFullname="$(readlink -e "$0")" ScriptName="$(basename "$0")" ScriptDir="$(dirname "$ScriptFullname")" # Common SteamPath="$(reg_readkey "HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam" "SteamPath")" DocumentsPath="$(wrapped_cygpath --mydocs)" ThirdPartyBin="$ScriptDir/3rd-party-bin" DummyPreview="$ScriptDir/dummy_preview.png" SteamLibFoldersVdf="$SteamPath/steamapps/libraryfolders.vdf" # Usefull KF2 executables / Paths / Configs KFDoc="$DocumentsPath/My Games/KillingFloor2" KFSteamLibraryFolder="$(steamlib_by_steamid "232090")" KFSDKSteamLibraryFolder="$(steamlib_by_steamid "232150")" KFPath="$KFSteamLibraryFolder/steamapps/common/killingfloor2" KFSDKPath="$KFSDKSteamLibraryFolder/steamapps/common/killingfloor2" KFDev="$KFSDKPath/Development/Src" KFWin64="$KFSDKPath/Binaries/Win64" KFEditor="$KFWin64/KFEditor.exe" KFEditorPatcher="$KFWin64/kfeditor_patcher.exe" KFEditorMergePackages="$KFWin64/KFEditor_mergepackages.exe" KFGame="$KFPath/Binaries/Win64/KFGame.exe" KFWorkshop="$KFPath/Binaries/WorkshopUserTool.exe" KFUnpublish="$KFDoc/KFGame/Unpublished" KFPublish="$KFDoc/KFGame/Published" KFEditorConf="$KFDoc/KFGame/Config/KFEditor.ini" KFLogs="$KFDoc/KFGame/Logs" # Source filesystem MutSource="$(readlink -e "$ScriptDir/..")" MutConfig="$MutSource/Config" MutLocalization="$MutSource/Localization" MutBrewedPCAddon="$MutSource/BrewedPC" MutBuilderConfig="$MutSource/builder.cfg" MutPubContent="$MutSource/PublicationContent" MutPubContentDescription="$MutPubContent/description.txt" MutPubContentTitle="$MutPubContent/title.txt" MutPubContentPreview="$MutPubContent/preview" MutPubContentTags="$MutPubContent/tags.txt" # Steam workshop upload filesystem KFUnpublishBrewedPC="$KFUnpublish/BrewedPC" KFUnpublishPackages="$KFUnpublishBrewedPC/Packages" KFUnpublishScript="$KFUnpublishBrewedPC/Script" KFUnpublishConfig="$KFUnpublish/Config" KFUnpublishLocalization="$KFUnpublish/Localization" KFPublishBrewedPC="$KFPublish/BrewedPC" KFPublishPackages="$KFPublishBrewedPC/Packages" KFPublishScript="$KFPublishBrewedPC/Script" KFPublishConfig="$KFPublish/Config" KFPublishLocalization="$KFPublish/Localization" # Tmp files MutWsInfo="$KFDoc/wsinfo.txt" KFEditorConfBackup="$KFEditorConf.backup" # Args ArgInit="false" ArgCompile="false" ArgBrew="false" ArgUpload="false" ArgTest="false" ArgVersion="false" ArgHelp="false" ArgDebug="false" ArgQuiet="false" ArgHoldEditor="false" ArgNoColors="false" ArgForce="false" # Colors RED='' GRN='' YLW='' BLU='' DEF='' BLD='' # PNG DummyPreviewRaw='\x89\x50\x4e\x47\x0d\x0a\x1a\x0a\x00\x00\x00\x0d\x49\x48\x44\x52\x00\x00\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x20\x01\x03\x00\x00\x00\x49\xb4\xe8\xb7\x00\x00\x00\x01\x73\x52\x47\x42\x00\xae\xce\x1c\xe9\x00\x00\x00\x04\x67\x41\x4d\x41\x00\x00\xb1\x8f\x0b\xfc\x61\x05\x00\x00\x00\x06\x50\x4c\x54\x45\x00\x00\x00\xff\xff\xff\xa5\xd9\x9f\xdd\x00\x00\x00\x09\x70\x48\x59\x73\x00\x00\x0e\xc4\x00\x00\x0e\xc4\x01\x95\x2b\x0e\x1b\x00\x00\x00\x14\x49\x44\x41\x54\x18\xd3\x63\x60\x60\xf8\xff\x9f\x9a\x04\x55\x4d\x63\x60\x00\x00\xed\xbd\x3f\xc1\xbb\x2a\xd9\x62\x00\x00\x00\x00\x49\x45\x4e\x44\xae\x42\x60\x82' function is_true () # $1: Bool arg to check { echo "$1" | grep -Piq '^true$' } function get_latest () # $1: Reponame, $2: filename, $3: output filename { local ApiUrl="https://api.github.com/repos/$1/releases/latest" local LatestTag="" LatestTag="$(curl --silent "$ApiUrl" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")')" local DownloadUrl="https://github.com/$1/releases/download/$LatestTag/$2" msg "download $2 ($LatestTag)" mkdir -p "$(dirname "$3")/" curl -LJs "$DownloadUrl" -o "$3" msg "successfully downloaded" "${GRN}" } function get_latest_multini () # $1: file to save { get_latest "GenZmeY/multini" "multini-windows-amd64.exe" "$1" } function get_latest_kfeditor_patcher () # $1: file to save { get_latest "notpeelz/kfeditor-patcher" "kfeditor_patcher.exe" "$1" } function repo_url () # $1: remote.origin.url { if echo "$1" | grep -qoP '^https?://'; then echo "$1" | sed -r 's|\.git||' else echo "$1" | sed -r 's|^.+:(.+)\.git$|https://github.com/\1|' fi } function setup_colors () { if [[ -t 2 ]] && ! is_true "$ArgNoColors" && [[ "${TERM-}" != "dumb" ]]; then RED='\e[31m' GRN='\e[32m' YLW='\e[33m' BLU='\e[34m' DEF='\e[0m' BLD='\e[1m' fi } function err () # $1: String { if ! is_true "$ArgQuiet"; then echo -e "${RED}${1-}${DEF}" >&2 fi } function msg () # $1: String, $2: Color code (global) { if ! is_true "$ArgQuiet"; then if is_true "$ArgDebug"; then echo -e "${BLU}${2-}${1-}${DEF}" >&1 else echo -e "${DEF}${2-}${1-}${DEF}" >&1 fi fi } function die () # $1: String, $2: Exit code { err "${1-}" exit "${2-3}" } function warn () # $1: String { msg "${1-}" "${YLW}" } function usage () { local HelpMessage="" HelpMessage="$(cat < "$MutBuilderConfig" < "$MutPubContentTitle" msg "$(basename "$MutPubContentTitle") created" "${GRN}" fi if is_true "$ArgForce" || ! [[ -e "$MutPubContentDescription" ]]; then :> "$MutPubContentDescription" if [[ -n "$AviableGamemodes" ]] || [[ -n "$AviableMutators" ]] || [[ -n "$AviableMaps" ]]; then echo "[h1]Description[/h1]" >> "$MutPubContentDescription" if [[ -n "$AviableMaps" ]]; then echo "[b]Maps:[/b][list][*]$(print_list "$AviableMaps" '[*]')[/list]" >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi if [[ -n "$AviableGamemodes" ]]; then echo "[b]Gamemodes:[/b][list][*]$(print_list "$AviableGamemodes" '[*]')[/list]" >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi if [[ -n "$AviableMutators" ]]; then echo "[b]Mutators:[/b][list][*]$(print_list "$AviableMutators" '[*]')[/list]" >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi echo "" >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi GitRemoteUrl="$(repo_url "$(git config --get remote.origin.url)")" if [[ -n "$GitRemoteUrl" ]]; then { echo "[h1]Sources[/h1]" echo "[url=${GitRemoteUrl}]${GitRemoteUrl}[/url]" echo "" } >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi GitUsername="$(git config --get user.name)" if [[ -n "$GitUsername" ]]; then { echo "[h1]Author[/h1]" echo "[url=https://github.com/${GitUsername}]${GitUsername}[/url]" echo "" } >> "$MutPubContentDescription" fi msg "$(basename "$MutPubContentDescription") created" "${GRN}" fi if is_true "$ArgForce" || [[ "$(preview_extension)" == "None" ]]; then if [[ -e "$DummyPreview" ]]; then cp -f "$DummyPreview" "${MutPubContentPreview}.png" else printf '%b' "$DummyPreviewRaw" > "${MutPubContentPreview}.png" fi msg "$(basename "${MutPubContentPreview}.png") created" "${GRN}" fi if is_true "$ArgForce" || ! [[ -e "$MutPubContentTags" ]]; then :> "$MutPubContentTags" if [[ -n "$AviableGamemodes" ]]; then PublicationTags="Gamemodes" fi if [[ -n "$AviableMutators" ]]; then if [[ -n "$PublicationTags" ]]; then PublicationTags="$PublicationTags,Mutators" else PublicationTags="Mutators" fi echo "$PublicationTags" >> "$MutPubContentTags" fi msg "$(basename "$MutPubContentTags") created" "${GRN}" fi } function preview_extension () { for Ext in gif png jpg jpeg do if [[ -e "${MutPubContentPreview}.${Ext}" ]]; then echo "$Ext" return 0 fi done echo "None" } function read_settings () { if ! [[ -f "$MutBuilderConfig" ]]; then init; fi if bash -n "$MutBuilderConfig"; then # shellcheck source=./.shellcheck/builder.cfg source "$MutBuilderConfig" else die "$MutBuilderConfig broken! Check this file before continue or create new one using --force --init" 2 fi } function merge_package () # $1: What, $2: Where { local ModificationTime="" local ModificationTimeNew="" local PID="" msg "merge $1 into $2" if is_true "$ArgHoldEditor"; then pushd "$KFWin64" &> /dev/null CMD //C "$(basename "$KFEditorMergePackages")" make "$1" "$2" popd &> /dev/null else ModificationTime="$(stat -c %y "$KFWin64/$2")" pushd "$KFWin64" &> /dev/null CMD //C "$(basename "$KFEditorMergePackages")" make "$1" "$2" & popd &> /dev/null PID="$!" while ps -p "$PID" &> /dev/null do ModificationTimeNew="$(stat -c %y "$KFWin64/$2")" if [[ "$ModificationTime" != "$ModificationTimeNew" ]]; then # wait for write while ps -p "$PID" &> /dev/null do ModificationTime="$ModificationTimeNew" sleep 1 ModificationTimeNew="$(stat -c %y "$KFWin64/$2")" if [[ "$ModificationTime" == "$ModificationTimeNew" ]]; then # wait for write finish kill "$PID" rm -f "$KFWin64/$1" # cleanup (auto) return 0 fi done fi sleep 1 done fi rm -f "$KFWin64/$1" # cleanup (manual) } function merge_packages () # $1: Mutator name { msg "merge packages for $1.u" cp -f "$KFUnpublishScript/$1.u" "$KFWin64" while read -r Upk do cp -f "$Upk" "$KFWin64" merge_package "$(basename "$Upk")" "$1.u" done < <(find "$MutSource/$1" -type f -iname '*.upk' -not -ipath "*/Weapons/*") } function parse_log () # $1: Logfile { local File='' local FileUnix='' local FileCompact='' local Line='' local Message='' local I=1 if grep -qP ' Error:(.+:)? Error, ' "$1"; then # check to prevent a very strange crash while read -r Error do if [[ -z "$Error" ]]; then break; fi Message="$(echo "$Error" | sed -r 's|^.+Error:.+Error, (.+)$|\1|')" File="$(echo "$Error" | sed -r 's|^.+Error: ((.+)\(([0-9]+)\) : )?Error,(.+)$|\2|')" if [[ -n "$File" ]]; then FileUnix="$(cygpath -u "$File")" FileCompact="$(echo "$FileUnix" | sed -r "s|^$KFDev(.+)$|\1|")" Line="$(echo "$Error" | sed -r 's|^.+Error: ((.+)\(([0-9]+)\) : )?Error,(.+)$|\3|')" err "[$I] $FileCompact($Line): $Message" else err "[$I] $Message" fi ((I+=1)) done < <(grep -P ' Error:(.+:)? Error, ' "$1") fi if grep -qP ' Warning:(.+:)? Warning, ' "$1"; then # and here too while read -r Warning do if [[ -z "$Warning" ]]; then break; fi Message="$(echo "$Warning" | sed -r 's|^.+Warning:.+Warning, (.+)$|\1|')" if echo "$Message" | grep -qF 'Unknown language extension . Defaulting to INT'; then continue; fi File="$(echo "$Warning" | sed -r 's|^.+Warning: ((.+)\(([0-9]+)\) : )?Warning,(.+)$|\2|')" if [[ -n "$File" ]]; then FileUnix="$(cygpath -u "$File")" FileCompact="$(echo "$FileUnix" | sed -r "s|^$KFDev(.+)$|\1|")" Line="$(echo "$Warning" | sed -r 's|^.+Warning: ((.+)\(([0-9]+)\) : )?Warning,(.+)$|\3|')" warn "[$I] $FileCompact($Line): $Message" else warn "[$I] $Message" fi ((I+=1)) done < <(grep -P ' Warning:(.+:)? Warning, ' "$1") fi } function compiled () { for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do if ! test -f "$KFUnpublishScript/$Package.u"; then return 1 fi done } function find_log () { find "$KFLogs" -type f -iname '*.log' -printf '%T+ %p\n' | sort -r | head -n1 | cut -f2- -d" " } function compile () { local StripSourceArg="" local PID="" local Logfile="" read_settings if ! command -v multini &> /dev/null; then get_latest_multini "$ThirdPartyBin/multini.exe" fi if [[ -z "$PackageBuildOrder" ]]; then die "No packages found! Check project filesystem, fix config and try again" fi multini --del "$KFEditorConf" 'ModPackages' 'ModPackages' for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do multini --add "$KFEditorConf" 'ModPackages' 'ModPackages' "$Package" done multini --set "$KFEditorConf" 'ModPackages' 'ModPackagesInPath' "$(cygpath -w "$MutSource")" rm -rf "$KFUnpublish" "$KFPublish" mkdir -p "$KFUnpublishPackages" "$KFUnpublishScript" for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do find "$MutSource/$Package" -type f -iname '*.upk' -not -ipath "*/Weapons/*" -exec cp -f {} "$KFUnpublishPackages" \; find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'WwiseAudio' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFUnpublishBrewedPC" \; find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'Weapons' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFUnpublishPackages" \; done if [[ -d "$MutLocalization" ]]; then mkdir -p "$KFUnpublishLocalization" cp -rf "$MutLocalization"/* "$KFUnpublishLocalization" fi if [[ -d "$MutConfig" ]]; then mkdir -p "$KFUnpublishConfig" cp -rf "$MutConfig"/* "$KFUnpublishConfig" fi if is_true "$StripSource"; then StripSourceArg="-stripsource"; fi msg "compilation" if is_true "$ArgHoldEditor"; then CMD //C "$(cygpath -w "$KFEditor")" make $StripSourceArg -useunpublished parse_log "$(find_log)" if ! compiled; then die "compilation failed" fi msg "successfully compiled" "${GRN}" else CMD //C "$(cygpath -w "$KFEditor")" make $StripSourceArg -useunpublished & PID="$!" while ps -p "$PID" &> /dev/null do sleep 1 Logfile="$(find_log)" if compiled; then msg "successfully compiled" "${GRN}" msg "wait for the log" while ! grep -qF 'Log file closed' "$Logfile" do sleep 1 done kill "$PID" parse_log "$Logfile" break elif grep -qF 'Log file closed' "$Logfile"; then kill "$PID" parse_log "$Logfile" die "compilation failed" fi done fi find "$KFUnpublish" -type d -empty -delete } function publish_common () { if [[ -d "$MutLocalization" ]]; then mkdir -p "$KFPublishLocalization" cp -rf "$MutLocalization"/* "$KFPublishLocalization" fi if [[ -d "$MutConfig" ]]; then mkdir -p "$KFPublishConfig" cp -rf "$MutConfig"/* "$KFPublishConfig" fi if [[ -d "$MutBrewedPCAddon" ]]; then mkdir -p "$KFPublishBrewedPC" cp -rf "$MutBrewedPCAddon"/* "$KFPublishBrewedPC" fi } function brewed () # $1: Wait for packages { for Package in $1 do if ! test -f "$KFPublishBrewedPC/$Package.u"; then return 1 fi done } function brew_cleanup () { for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do if ! echo "$PackageUpload" | grep -Pq "(^|\s+)$Package(\s+|$)"; then find "$KFPublishBrewedPC" -type f -iname "$Package.u" -delete find "$MutSource/$Package" -type f -iname '*.upk' -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I{} find "$KFPublishBrewedPC" -type f -iname {} -delete fi done } function brew () { local PackageBrew="" local PID="" msg "brewing" read_settings if ! compiled; then die "You must compile packages before brewing. Use --compile option for this." 2 fi if [[ -z "$PackagePeelzBrew" ]]; then PackageBrew="$PackageBuildOrder" else for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do if ! echo "$PackagePeelzBrew" | grep -Pq "(^|\s+)$Package(\s+|$)"; then PackageBrew="$Package " fi done fi rm -rf "$KFPublish" mkdir -p "$KFPublishBrewedPC" "$KFPublishPackages" for Package in $PackageBuildOrder do find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'WwiseAudio' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFPublishBrewedPC" \; find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'Weapons' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFPublishPackages" \; done if [[ -n "$PackageBrew" ]]; then if is_true "$ArgHoldEditor"; then pushd "$KFWin64" &> /dev/null CMD //C "$(basename "$KFEditor")" brewcontent -platform=PC "$PackageBrew" -useunpublished popd &> /dev/null else pushd "$KFWin64" &> /dev/null CMD //C "$(basename "$KFEditor")" brewcontent -platform=PC "$PackageBrew" -useunpublished & PID="$!" popd &> /dev/null while ps -p "$PID" &> /dev/null do if brewed "$PackageBrew"; then kill "$PID" break fi sleep 1 done fi if ! brewed "$PackageBrew"; then brew_cleanup die "brewing failed" fi fi if [[ -n "$PackagePeelzBrew" ]]; then msg "peelz brewing" if ! [[ -x "$KFEditorPatcher" ]]; then get_latest_kfeditor_patcher "$KFEditorPatcher" fi msg "patching $(basename "$KFEditor")" pushd "$KFWin64" &> /dev/null CMD //C "$(basename "$KFEditorPatcher")" popd &> /dev/null msg "successfully patched" "${GRN}" for Package in $PackagePeelzBrew do merge_packages "$Package" mv "$KFWin64/$Package.u" "$KFPublishBrewedPC" find "$MutSource/$Package" -type f -iname '*.upk' -not -ipath '*/Weapons/*' -printf "%f\n" | xargs -I{} find "$KFPublishBrewedPC" -type f -iname {} -delete done fi msg "successfully brewed" "${GRN}" rm -f "$KFPublishBrewedPC"/*.tmp find "$KFPublish" -type d -empty -delete } function publish_unpublished () { warn "uploading without brewing${DEF}" mkdir -p "$KFPublishBrewedPC" "$KFPublishScript" "$KFPublishPackages" for Package in $PackageUpload do cp -f "$KFUnpublishScript/$Package.u" "$KFPublishScript" find "$MutSource/$Package" -type f -iname '*.upk' -not -ipath '*/Weapons/*' -exec cp -f {} "$KFPublishPackages" \; find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'WwiseAudio' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFPublishBrewedPC" \; find "$MutSource/$Package" -type d -iname 'Weapons' -exec cp -rf {} "$KFPublishPackages" \; done find "$KFPublish" -type d -empty -delete } function upload () { local PreparedWsDir="" local Preview="" local Success="False" read_settings if ! compiled && ! test -d "$MutBrewedPCAddon"; then die "You must compile packages before uploading. Use --compile option for this." 2 fi if [[ -d "$KFPublish" ]]; then brew_cleanup elif [[ -d "$KFUnpublish" ]]; then publish_unpublished fi publish_common Preview="${MutPubContentPreview}.$(preview_extension)" if ! [[ -e "$Preview" ]]; then die "No preview image in PublicationContent" 2 elif [[ $(stat --printf="%s" "$Preview") -ge 1048576 ]]; then warn "The size of $(basename "$Preview") is greater than 1mb. Steam may prevent you from loading content with this image. if you get an error while loading - try using a smaller preview." fi if grep -Fq '"' "$MutPubContentDescription"; then warn "Double quotes (\") found in $(basename "$MutPubContentDescription"), this may prevent the item from being uploaded to the workshop" warn "Remove double quotes if there are problems uploading to the workshop" fi find "$KFPublish" -type d -empty -delete # it's a bad idea to use the $KFPublish folder for upload # because in that case some files won't get uploaded to the workshop for some reason # so create a temporary folder to get around this PreparedWsDir="$(mktemp -d -u -p "$KFDoc")" cat > "$MutWsInfo" <&1) rm -rf "$PreparedWsDir" rm -f "$MutWsInfo" if is_true "$Success"; then msg "successfully uploaded to steam workshop" "${GRN}" else die "upload to steam workshop failed" 2 fi } function run_test () { local UseUnpublished="" read_settings if brewed "$PackageBuildOrder"; then msg "run test (brewed)" else UseUnpublished="-useunpublished" msg "run test (unpublished)" fi CMD //C "$(cygpath -w "$KFGame")" "$Map?Difficulty=$Difficulty?GameLength=$GameLength?Game=$Game?Mutator=$Mutators?$Args" "$UseUnpublished" -log } function parse_combined_params () # $1: Combined short parameters { local Param="${1}" local Length="${#Param}" local Position=1 while true do if [[ "$Position" -ge "$Length" ]]; then break; fi case "${Param:$Position:2}" in he ) ((Position+=2)); ArgHoldEditor="true" ;; nc ) ((Position+=2)); ArgNoColors="true" ;; esac if [[ "$Position" -ge "$Length" ]]; then break; fi case "${Param:$Position:1}" in h ) ((Position+=1)); ArgHelp="true" ;; v ) ((Position+=1)); ArgVersion="true" ;; i ) ((Position+=1)); ArgInit="true" ;; c ) ((Position+=1)); ArgCompile="true" ;; b ) ((Position+=1)); ArgBrew="true" ;; u ) ((Position+=1)); ArgUpload="true" ;; t ) ((Position+=1)); ArgTest="true" ;; d ) ((Position+=1)); ArgDebug="true" ;; q ) ((Position+=1)); ArgQuiet="true" ;; f ) ((Position+=1)); ArgForce="true" ;; * ) die "Unknown short option: -${Param:$Position:1}" 1 ;; esac done } function parse_params () # $@: Args { while true do case "${1-}" in -h | --help ) ArgHelp="true" ;; -v | --version ) ArgVersion="true" ;; -i | --init ) ArgInit="true" ;; -c | --compile ) ArgCompile="true" ;; -b | --brew ) ArgBrew="true" ;; -u | --upload ) ArgUpload="true" ;; -t | --test ) ArgTest="true" ;; -d | --debug ) ArgDebug="true" ;; -q | --quiet ) ArgQuiet="true" ;; -he | --hold-editor ) ArgHoldEditor="true" ;; -nc | --no-color ) ArgNoColors="true" ;; -f | --force ) ArgForce="true" ;; --* ) die "Unknown option: ${1}" 1 ;; -* ) parse_combined_params "${1}" ;; * ) if [[ -n "${1-}" ]]; then die "Unknown option: ${1-}" 1; fi; break ;; esac shift done } function main () { if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then usage; die "" 0; fi parse_params "$@" setup_colors export PATH="$PATH:$ThirdPartyBin" # Checks if [[ -z "$KFSteamLibraryFolder" ]]; then err "\"Killing Floor 2\" not found" fi if [[ -z "$KFSDKSteamLibraryFolder" ]]; then err "\"Killing Floor 2 - SDK\" not found" fi if [[ -z "$KFSteamLibraryFolder" ]] || [[ -z "$KFSDKSteamLibraryFolder" ]]; then die "" 1 elif [[ "$KFPath" != "$KFSDKPath" ]]; then warn "\"Killing Floor 2\" and \"Killing Floor 2 - SDK\" installed in different steam library folders." warn "If you get errors, install them in the same steam library folder." fi # Modifiers if is_true "$ArgDebug"; then set -o xtrace; fi # Help if is_true "$ArgVersion" && is_true "$ArgHelp"; then version; usage; die "" 0; fi if is_true "$ArgVersion"; then version; die "" 0; fi if is_true "$ArgHelp"; then usage; die "" 0; fi # Backup if is_true "$ArgCompile" || is_true "$ArgBrew"; then backup_kfeditorconf; fi # Actions if is_true "$ArgInit"; then init; fi if is_true "$ArgCompile"; then compile; fi if is_true "$ArgBrew"; then brew; fi if is_true "$ArgUpload"; then upload; fi if is_true "$ArgTest"; then run_test; fi # Restore if is_true "$ArgCompile" || is_true "$ArgBrew"; then restore_kfeditorconf; fi } main "$@"