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# KF2-BuildTools
2022-02-20 19:59:39 +00:00
# Features:
- Build, brew, test and upload to Steam Workshop;
- No need to edit KFEditor.ini at all;
- Sources can be stored in any path;
- Easily switch between different projects.
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# Requirements
- [git-bash](https://git-scm.com/download/win)
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# Add to your project
Make sure that the location of folders and files in your project is as follows (Correct it if it's not):
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2022-03-03 17:31:13 +00:00
**There are two ways to add KF2-BuildTools to your project:**
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## 1. As [git submodule](https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Tools-Submodules)
Open git-bash and go to your project: `cd <your_project_path>`
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Add submodule: `git submodule add https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-BuildTools tools`
**updating build tools:**
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Get updates: `pushd tools && git pull && popd`
Commit the changes: `git add tools && git commit -m 'update tools'`
## 2. As standalone script
Just create a `tools` folder and put [builder](builder) there.
Now you can use the script in the same way as in the first case, but you will have to update it yourself.
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# Usage
Available commands can be found here: [USAGE.md](USAGE.md)
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If you have a simple mutator or game mode, then the usage is also simple: just use [the commands](USAGE.md) to compile, test and upload to the steam workshop.
2022-03-03 17:31:13 +00:00
2022-03-03 17:31:13 +00:00
## The result can be found here:
**Compiled packages:**
`C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Unpublished\`
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**Brewed packages:**
`C:\Users\<username>\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Published\`
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**Uploaded packages:**
your steam workshop 🙃
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# Usage (Advanced)
If your project contains several mutators, *.upk files, external dependencies, or you want to customize the whole process in more detail, then this section is for you.
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## Setup
When you run compilation for the first time or do `./tools/builder --init` `builder.cfg` appears in your project folder.
Edit it to set build/test/upload options. The config contains the necessary comments inside.
Edit the files in the PublicationContent folder - they are responsible for the description in the Steam Workshop.
## Project filesystem
If you have *.upk or localization files, they must be in a specific location.
Change the filesystem of the project to such a form that everything works correctly:
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## Examples (Projects that use KF2-BuildTools)
2022-03-03 17:35:08 +00:00
[LightTIM](https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-LightTIM) - simplest case (one mutator)
[ServerExt](https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-Server-Extension) - Two mutators are compiled, there are *.upk files and localization
[UnofficialMod](https://github.com/GenZmeY/UnofficialMod) - Three mutators are compiled (one of them is a dependency), two mutators are uploaded to the steam workshop
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# Other
[TODO List](TODO.md)
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# License