class AAL extends Info config(AAL); const LatestVersion = 2; const ProfileURL = ""; const CfgAdminList = class'AdminList'; var private config int Version; var private config E_LogLevel LogLevel; var private config bool bAutoEnableCheats; var private OnlineSubsystem OS; var private Array AdminUIDList; var private Array AdminUIDListActive; public simulated function bool SafeDestroy() { `Log_Trace(); return (bPendingDelete || bDeleteMe || Destroy()); } public event PreBeginPlay() { `Log_Trace(); if (WorldInfo.NetMode == NM_Client) { `Log_Fatal("Wrong NetMode:" @ WorldInfo.NetMode); SafeDestroy(); return; } Super.PreBeginPlay(); PreInit(); } public event PostBeginPlay() { `Log_Trace(); if (bPendingDelete || bDeleteMe) return; Super.PostBeginPlay(); PostInit(); } private function PreInit() { `Log_Trace(); if (Version == `NO_CONFIG) { LogLevel = LL_Info; SaveConfig(); } CfgAdminList.static.InitConfig(Version, LatestVersion, LogLevel); switch (Version) { case `NO_CONFIG: `Log_Info("Config created"); case 1: bAutoEnableCheats = false; case MaxInt: `Log_Info("Config updated to version" @ LatestVersion); break; case LatestVersion: `Log_Info("Config is up-to-date"); break; default: `Log_Warn("The config version is higher than the current version (are you using an old mutator?)"); `Log_Warn("Config version is" @ Version @ "but current version is" @ LatestVersion); `Log_Warn("The config version will be changed to" @ LatestVersion); break; } if (LatestVersion != Version) { Version = LatestVersion; SaveConfig(); } if (LogLevel == LL_WrongLevel) { LogLevel = LL_Info; `Log_Warn("Wrong 'LogLevel', return to default value"); SaveConfig(); } `Log_Base("LogLevel:" @ LogLevel); OS = class'GameEngine'.static.GetOnlineSubsystem(); if (OS != None) { AdminUIDList = CfgAdminList.static.Load(OS, LogLevel); } else { `Log_Fatal("Can't get online subsystem!"); SafeDestroy(); } } private function PostInit() { `Log_Trace(); } public function NotifyLogin(Controller C) { local PlayerController PC; local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI; local String UniqueID; local String SteamID; `Log_Trace(); if (C == None || C.PlayerReplicationInfo == None) return; PRI = C.PlayerReplicationInfo; if (AdminUIDList.Find('Uid', PRI.UniqueId.Uid) != INDEX_NONE) { PRI.bAdmin = true; } if (PRI.bAdmin) { AdminUIDListActive.AddItem(PRI.UniqueId); UniqueID = OS.UniqueNetIdToString(PRI.UniqueId); PC = PlayerController(C); if (PC != None && bAutoEnableCheats) { PC.AddCheats(true); } if (PC != None && !PC.bIsEosPlayer) { SteamID = OS.UniqueNetIdToInt64(PRI.UniqueId); `Log_Info("Admin login:" @ PRI.PlayerName @ "(" $ UniqueID $ "," @ SteamID $ "," @ ProfileURL $ SteamID $ ")"); } else { `Log_Info("Admin login:" @ PRI.PlayerName @ "(" $ UniqueID $ ")"); } } } public function NotifyLogout(Controller C) { local PlayerReplicationInfo PRI; local String UniqueID; local String SteamID; `Log_Trace(); if (C == None || C.PlayerReplicationInfo == None) return; PRI = C.PlayerReplicationInfo; if (PRI.bAdmin || AdminUIDListActive.Find('Uid', PRI.UniqueId.Uid) != INDEX_NONE) { AdminUIDListActive.RemoveItem(PRI.UniqueId); UniqueID = OS.UniqueNetIdToString(PRI.UniqueId); SteamID = OS.UniqueNetIdToInt64(PRI.UniqueId); `Log_Info("Admin logout:" @ PRI.PlayerName @ "(" $ UniqueID $ "," @ SteamID $ "," @ ProfileURL $ SteamID $ ")"); } } defaultproperties { }