2022-08-14 12:19:07 +03:00
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Small server-side mutator that allows specified players to automatically login as an admin.
No. This mod is not whitelisted and will de-rank your server. Any XP gained will not be saved.
[h1]Usage (server)[/h1]
[b]Note:[/b] [i]If you don't understand what is written here, read the article [url=https://wiki.killingfloor2.com/index.php?title=Dedicated_Server_(Killing_Floor_2)][u]Dedicated Server (KF2 wiki)[/u][/url] before following these instructions.[/i]
[*]Open your [b]PCServer-KFEngine.ini[/b] / [b]LinuxServer-KFEngine.ini[/b];
[*]Find the [b][IpDrv.TcpNetDriver][/b] section and make sure that there is a line (add if not):
❗️ If there are several [b]DownloadManagers=[/b] then the line above should be the first ❗️
[*]Add the following string to the [b][OnlineSubsystemSteamworks.KFWorkshopSteamworks][/b] section (create one if it doesn't exist):
[*]Start the server and wait until the mutator is downloading;
[*]Add mutator to server start parameters: [b]?Mutator=AAL.AALMut[/b] and restart the server.
[h1]Setup (KFAAL.ini)[/h1]
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Config will be created at the first start[b]*[/b].
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[*]Use [b]AdminId[/b] to set the list of admins. You can use UniqueID or SteamID;
[h1]Getting ID[/h1]
You can view the Steam ID and UniqueID in WebAdmin on the PLAYERS tab:
But don't try to use the SteamID from here for EGS players - it won't work. SteamID is for Steam players only.
UniqueID is suitable for all platforms.
SteamID can also be obtained from the player's profile, look at the URL:
If a player uses a nickname in a link to their profile, then add this to the profile url: [b]?xml=1[/b]
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[b](*)[/b] If your config is not created for some reason, create it manually with the following content:
Then start the server and check the file again - config content should be generated.
2022-08-14 12:19:07 +03:00
[url=https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-AdminAutoLogin]https://github.com/GenZmeY/KF2-AdminAutoLogin[/url] [b](GNU GPLv3)[/b]