A utility for manipulating ini files with duplicate keys Usage: multini [OPTION]... [ACTION] config_file [section] [param] [value] Actions: -g, --get get values for a given combination of parameters. -s, --set set values for a given combination of parameters. -a, --add add values for a given combination of parameters. -d, --del delete the given combination of parameters. -c, --chk display parsing errors for the specified file. Options: -e, --existing For --set and --del, fail if item is missing. -i, --inplace Lock and write files in place. This is not atomic but has less restrictions than the default replacement method. -o, --output FILE Write output to FILE instead. '-' means stdout -u, --unix Use LF as end of line -w, --windows Use CRLF as end of line -h, --help Write this help to stdout --version Write version to stdout 2020 (c) GenZmeY