<section class="post-full-authors"> <div class="post-full-authors-content"> <p>This post was a collaboration between</p> <p>{{authors}}</p> </div> <ul class="author-list"> {{#foreach authors}} <li class="author-list-item"> <div class="author-card"> <div class="basic-info"> {{#if profile_image}} <img class="author-profile-image" src="{{img_url profile_image size="xs"}}" alt="{{name}}" /> {{else}} <div class="author-profile-image">{{> "icons/avatar"}}</div> {{/if}} <h2>{{name}}</h2> </div> <div class="bio"> {{#if bio}} <p>{{bio}}</p> <p><a href="{{url}}">More posts</a> by {{name}}.</p> {{else}} <p>Read <a href="{{url}}">more posts</a> by this author.</p> {{/if}} </div> </div> {{#if profile_image}} <a href="{{url}}" class="moving-avatar"> <img class="author-profile-image" src="{{img_url profile_image size="xs"}}" alt="{{name}}" /> </a> {{else}} <a href="{{url}}" class="moving-avatar author-profile-image">{{> "icons/avatar"}}</a> {{/if}} </li> {{/foreach}} </ul> </section> {{#contentFor "scripts"}} <script> // Adds delay to author card dropups to disappear. This gives enough // time for the user to interact with the author card while they move // the mouse from the avatar to the card. Also makes space for the // interacted avatar. $(document).ready(function () { var hoverTimeout; $('.author-list-item').hover(function(){ var $this = $(this); clearTimeout(hoverTimeout); $('.author-card').removeClass('hovered'); $(this).children('.author-card').addClass('hovered'); }, function() { var $this = $(this); hoverTimeout = setTimeout(function() { $this.children('.author-card').removeClass('hovered'); }, 800); }); }); </script> {{/contentFor}}