{{!-- This error template is used for all 400/500 errors, except 404, which might occur on your site. It's a good idea to keep this template as minimal as possible in terms of both file size and complexity. You'll notice that we *don't* use any JavsScript, or ghost_head / ghost_foot in this file. --}} <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge" /> <title>{{meta_title}}</title> <meta name="HandheldFriendly" content="True" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{asset "built/screen.css"}}" /> </head> <body class="error-template"> <div class="site-wrapper"> <header class="site-header outer {{#if feature_image}}" style="background-image: url({{feature_image}}){{else}}no-image{{/if}}"> <div class="inner"> <nav class="site-nav-center"> {{#if @site.logo}} <a class="site-nav-logo" href="{{@site.url}}"><img src="{{img_url @site.logo size="xs"}}" alt="{{@site.title}}" /></a> {{else}} <a class="site-nav-logo" href="{{@site.url}}">{{@site.title}}</a> {{/if}} </nav> </div> </header> <main id="site-main" class="site-main outer"> <div class="inner"> <section class="error-message"> <h1 class="error-code">{{code}}</h1> <p class="error-description">{{message}}</p> <a class="error-link" href="{{@site.url}}">Go to the front page →</a> </section> {{#if errorDetails}} <section class="error-stack"> <h3>Theme errors</h3> <ul class="error-stack-list"> {{#each errorDetails}} <li> <em class="error-stack-function">{{{rule}}}</em> {{#each failures}} <p><span class="error-stack-file">Ref: {{ref}}</span></p> <p><span class="error-stack-file">Message: {{message}}</span></p> {{/each}} </li> {{/each}} </ul> </section> {{/if}} </div> </main> </div> </body> </html>