{ "Enter your email": "Ievadiet savu e-pastu", "Account": "Konts", "Subscribe": "Abonēt", "Subscribe to {blogtitle}": "Abonēt {blogtitle}", "A collection of posts": "Ziņu kolekcija", "A collection of 1 post": "1 ziņa kolekcija", "A collection of % posts": "% ziņu kolekcija", "Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox": "Saņemiet jaunākās ziņas tieši jūsu iesūtnē", "Go to the front page": "Dodieties uz sākumlapu", "Latest Posts": "Dodieties uz sākumlapu", "Message": "Ziņojums", "No posts": "Nav ziņu", "Ref": "Atsauce", "1 post": "1 ziņa", "% posts": "% ziņas", "1 min read": "1 minūte lasīt", "% min read": "% minūtes lasīts", "Great! Check your inbox and click the link to confirm your subscription.": "Lieliski! Pārbaudiet savu iesūtni un noklikšķiniet uz saites, lai apstiprinātu abonementu.", "Please enter a valid email address!": "Lūdzu, ievadiet derīgu e-pasta adresi!" }